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Wednesday 17 February 2016



Jesus` celibacy is a much discussed aspect of his life, because he died unmarried on the cross upon which he was nailed by agents of the Roman Empire after betrayal by his disciple, Judas, who gave him over to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, for `thirty pieces of silver` as a `dissident` working against the Rome of the caesars: `Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Upon his death the Roman guard Longinus speared Jesus` side with a spear in an effort to perform a caesarean birth to release from the rib of the `Second Adam` the `Holy Spirit` that Jesus said would teach after him: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Before his crucifixion Jesus` feet were anointed by a woman and Judas, the disciple, who was known for stealing from the collection plate, suggested that the perfume be sold to raise money. Jesus replied: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) As Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, he was `woman`s seed`. Judas killed Jesus because he didn`t want `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce and be a threat to the male brained Empire of Rome, which is why Jesus died celibate. In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the `serpent` with her foot, because God told the first woman, Eve: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The meaning isn’t that celibacy is the crusher of the `serpent`, but that human futanarian `woman`s seed` from her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brainpower for the development of labor saving technologies and medical science conferring the immortality needed for the permanent wisdom to maintain and operate technology will defeat men`s host womb parasitism upon the race of women.

 As the human host at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion Jesus gave his disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` because his death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured the journey of `woman`s seed` to the planets and stars above Earth through colonization in starships of women`s own technological devising. In Judaism the `spirit of God` dwelt in the temple and was female, the Shekinah, while Eve emerged from the rib of Adam in the garden of Eden which was humankind`s original home where God placed the first woman and man, who were tempted by the serpent that was the angel, Satan, transformed into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. When Judas betrayed the human host, Jesus, at the `Last Supper`, he was as treacherous as Satan who gave Eve and Adam `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which was death, although God had given the pair `the fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, and Eve and Adam were expelled from paradise by God with the exhortation that Adam must labor, while Eve would experience labor pain before Redemption would occur. Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, depicted as crushing the head of Satan with her foot was Redemption for futanarian humanity, because it symbolized the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of human brainpower through `woman`s seed` which doesn`t want to be celibate. Consequently, the Christian focus on Jesus` spirituality as deriving from his celibacy is a perversion based on his asexual relations with the woman anointing his feet with expensive perfume, whereas in fact Jesus was killed by Judas to prevent `woman`s seed` from producing humans.

 Jesus` miraculous powers as a healer derived from his human nature, which is why he declared himself the `son of man`, rather than accept the Romans` labelling him the `son of God`, because men of the Roman Empire were humanity subverted by the `serpent`s seed` of power in host womb parasitism upon the human futanarian race. Humanity`s slavery in ephemerality in exchange for power is what Satan offered Eve and Adam in Eden: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) For Jesus, his mother, the Virgin Mary, was `man`, because he was `woman`s seed`. When Abraham was offered by God descendants as numberless as the grains of sand and the stars in heaven in the Old Testament of the Bible`s history and law of the Jews, which is the Talmud and Torah, he was married to Sara who was barren after the birth of Isaac who founded Judaism. Sara gave her maid Hajer to Abraham and she bore Ishmael who was the founder of Islam through his descendant Mohamed who received the book of the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God as the basis of a belief in four wife marriages in the Moslem religion of Islam that represents acceptance of Jesus` teaching of `woman`s seed`, that is, the sexual reproduction of women within the family that has more than one wife, because in this way Abraham`s `seed` will exponentially produce the brainpower humanity needs to escape its ephemerality in host womb slavery to a brain parasite. The angels of God gave the Koran to Mohamed because God`s plan was for `woman`s seed` to crush the head of Satanism. Consequently, Islam is a continuation of the Judeo-Christian human futanarian tradition, because a Jew can only be born from a woman, so Jews are women. Called the `chosen people` of the Bible, which for Christians includes the New Testament of Jesus` teaching as a Jewish rabbi born from his Jewess mother, the Virgin Mary, as `woman`s seed`, the `spirit of God`, the Shekinah, is the `spirit of Eve` from the side of the first Adam`s rib in Eden, while the `Second Adam` Jesus` rib was pierced by the Roman guard Longinus to effect a caesarean birth of the Holy Spirit of the `Second Eve` as the wiser Shekinah, who is the `spirit of God` because God`s plan was for women`s sexual reproduction of human brainpower so that women`s escape from slavery to the brain parasitism of Satanism could be effected.

 Although German National Socialism (Nazism) was depicted as the enemy of the Jewish `chosen people` at the commencement of the Second World War (1939-45), Italian fascism, based on the Imperial Rome model, with its symbol of a bundle of wood and an ax called fasces, precursed the rise of Chancellor Adolf Hitler in the person of Benito Mussolini, who was elected and became dictator in Rome in 1922. Admired by Hitler, who was elected in 1933 and became dictator of Germany, the fasces of Mussolini was adopted by the `Nazis` as their symbol when constructing `concentration camps` behind which fences the Jewish `chosen people` were systematically exterminated in their millions in an effective beheading of the human futanarian potential for producing brainpower to escape the psychopathology of male braining through `woman`s seed`. When fascist Italy invaded Ethiopia on December 5, 1934, it was an attack on Judeo-Christianity. Ethiopia was the Christian Empire of Haile-Selassie,1 who was known as `the lion of Judah`,2 because his ancestor was Israel`s king Solomon, `the wise`, and his emblem was that of the Jewish tribe of Judah. The fascist powers were called `axis` because they sought to enslave the Earth and Japan in the Pacific theatre of war was counted amongst them. When the Japanese sneakily attacked the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, the United States of America (USA) joined against the fascist powers in Europe, but the presence of the fasces symbol in the House of Representatives on Capitol Hill at the centre of American democracy in Washington, D.C., suggests that the US itself was fascist,3 whereas Japan`s ambitions were of Empire only. There`d been a First World War (1914-18) in Europe, which had ended with the defeat of German Imperial ambitions, but the rise of the Italian mafia gangster families in the US, during the period known as the `Roaring Twenties` that ended with the collapse of the financing economy in what was known as the `Wall Street Crash` of 1929, when investors lost untold billions of dollars, meant that Italian fascism was endemic in the US as Benito Mussolini`s Roman dictatorship began its 1934 war against `woman`s seed` in Ethiopia, and the Judeo-Christian rule of `the lion of Judah`, Haile Selassie, which the US mafia tacitly supported as a secret fascist power looking to rule the Earth from Congress on Capitol Hill and the official residence of the US President, the Whitehouse, after stealthily removing fascism`s more gauche activists.

 Between 1924 and 1972 J. Edgar Hoover was head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) largely responsible for legally controlling the Italian mafia,4 and by 1930 President Will H. Hays of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) had established the `Hays code`5 forbidding women to be seen engaged in sex scenes in movies: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`6  The ban effectively killed women`s futanarian human species` sex education in a fascist propaganda move designed to ensure the extinction of human brainpower by making supposed heterosexual sex the norm in exchange for the power to make of the human race a `snuff film`, that is, genuine killing for entertainment. Consequently, a mafia inspired `moral crusade` against `pornography` was the means by which the Italian gangster families waged a war of vendetta against Hoover, who was allegedly a `TV` transvestite himself. When John Logie Baird invented television in 1926, it was immediately perceived by the mafia as a medium for the single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism usable by Hollywood Babylon as a `small screen` for a fascist perversion of the Talmud and Torah of the history and law of the Jews, where humanity`s wars would be shown acted out as fictions by actors, and it wouldn`t be until the events of 9/11, 2001, brought it home to the American people, `live on CNN`, that repressing women`s sexuality promoted violence against `woman`s seed` and was evil.

 Apollo 11`s astronaut, Neil Armstrong, of the North American Space Administration (NASA) had become the first man to place his foot on the surface of the moon for the Apollo Space Program on July 21, 1969, `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`7 But Armstrong`s `foot` wasn`t human futanarian `woman`s seed`, and US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s March 23, 1983, Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) of a `ground and space based missile system` was designed to deter `woman`s seed` from attempting to escape from the fascist Earth`s `concentration camp`. In 1971, two years after Apollo 11`s manned landing on the lunar surface of Earth`s already sterilized satellite, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre were completed. When transvestite J. Edgar Hoover`s tenure as FBI director ended in 1972, the stage was set for the mafia`s revenge. When the rich head of the Saudi Arabian Ben Laden `family`, Osama,8 arranged for the Al Qaeda terrorist group operating out of Afghanistan to hijack civil airliners and crash them into the Twin Towers of New York city`s `Big Apple` on September 11, 2001, `live on TV`, it was a mafia coup d'état designed to ensure that women`s futanarian `foot` would always remain on the cutting room floor in Los Angeles` Hollywood, rather than that Eve`s `seed` be seen to raise her futanarian species `live on CNN` as a part of mass media coverage of the human race`s progress to its colonization of the planets and stars of heaven.

 The Twin Towers were chosen because `rough trade` is a euphemism for that `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty for war,9 which was institutionalized in ancient Greece along with host womb slavery of women`s wombs in order to spread men`s plague further in warfare against `woman`s seed`: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Although `a woman` in the Bible, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) was the ancient capital city of the Persian Empire and Hollywood Babylon is so called because it espouses host womb parasitism for the parasitoid devourment of the human race in reality `snuff` entertainment occasionally recorded `live` as on 9/11, but mainly featuring Hollywood `action` movie actors for `big screen` theatre and `TV` audiences, which is what WWI and II were for. The US army deposed the misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan in December 2001, and Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, whose summer palace at Hillah overlooked the ancient capital of the Persian Empire, Babylon, was executed in December 2006 after the US army invasion of March 2003, because Saddam Hussein had offered bases to Al Qaeda, `the base`, in Iraq. Saddam Hussein`s name means `small handsome man` and `crusher`, that is, he was a Hollywood Babylon `leading man` crushing the head of Satan by virtue of his role as a man with a family containing four wives affording the possibility of sexual reproduction between women as an antidote to male braining. In promoting male braining and war through its movie and `TV` industry, Hollywood Babylon created Saddam Hussein and so the US army`s removal of the Iraqi army from Kuwait in a first Gulf war (1990-1) was a reality `snuff movie` resulting in the Hollywood Babylon movie, Jarhead (2005), while Saddam Hussein`s televised support for Al Qaeda`s terrorist attack upon the WTC in New York led to the US invasion of Iraq, and the release of the Hollywood Babylon film of the `tragic events of 9/11`, World Trade Centre (2006), as an `action` movie based on the reality `snuff film` ethos, which America`s media Empire in fact had promoted.

 Although Islam is criticized for religious and secular dictatorship, the 80% to 20% split in favour of women in the Moslem family represented the possibility of democracy founded upon women`s sexual reproduction with each other, whereas the supposed Western democracies founded upon the Greek model were in fact dictatorships of the male brain, which by the late 20th century had rejected women to the extent that mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses had resulted in the spread of the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, which arose from `the base` of the spine to the brain where it killed the human host to prevent it from escaping ephemerality in slavery to brain devourment by its alien parasitoid enemy: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) HIV/AIDS functioned as men`s `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to their ring slavery, while 9/11 activated their `beast`: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. (Rev: 13. 15) The United States` war economy, based on its Military Industrial Complex (MIC), prepared to spend 1 billion US$ on each B1 or B2 `spirit bomber`, ensured the maintenance of its parasitoid devouring nature, insofar as there wouldn`t be money for the development of labor saving devices and medical science to cure HIV/AIDS and confer immortality on the race to escape ring slavery to warfare against `woman`s seed`: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. (Rev: 13. 15) As a parasitoid devourer men made themselves in its image and worshipped it as a war idol. The `first beast` is the eyes and the face of a man, and the `second beast` is the eyes and the face of a man: `Let he that has wisdom understand, the number of the beast is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred three score and six.` Futanarian `woman`s seed` is 100% human, whereas the heterosexuality that produces the single male brained creature wearing each others clothes in transvestite `TV` wars is 66 . 6%, that is, the `beast` of Revelation, 666 which reacts violently if it`s looked upon by another man, because men are the `first` and `second beast`.

 Onan was the character in the Bible who refused to impregnate his brother`s wife, Tamar, when ordered to by God. Spilling his `seed` on the ground, Onan was labelled a `masturbator` by modern interpreters, and masturbation is given as the reason for God`s killing Onan, whereas the reason is his refusal to fertilize a woman, whose species could have fertilized itself; as Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, illustrated. If men hadn`t preferred host womb slavery for the human race in brain parasitism, `woman`s seed` could have produced brainpower enough to escape her parasite. Because women have penis` semen of their own masturbation is the `camera angle` to have in order for the women`s penis to be remembered, which is why masturbation is associated with blinding, that is, God`s punishment upon the masturbator is perceived to be blindness, which blinders seek to perform upon those who want to see. Consequently, the censorship of the MPPDA `Hays code`10 preventing women`s futanarian species from being seen in intercourse on screen is a racist`s blinding of the human race based on the perverse ideological perspective that `woman`s seed` shouldn`t learn about camera angles, because the man has the woman`s penis, which means that he has her part. Judas killed Jesus, because he was teaching others how he`d escaped from the camera angle of the `snuff film`. In refusing to explain `woman`s seed` Christianity has constructed what the Italian poet Alighieri Dante described in his Inferno (1320) as a `circle of hell`11 where Jesus` miraculous Redemption isn`t explained, but the weighty tome of the Old Testament is used as a dense textual presaging of Jesus` Advent in a circular exposition of his miraculous but inexplicable Redemption:

`A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him - the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord - and he will delight in the fear of the Lord. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist. The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. The infant will play near the cobra's den, and the young child will put its hand into the viper's nest. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. In that day the root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his resting place will be glorious. (Isaiah: 11. 1-10)

 By the 21st century a nano technology of the infinitudinously small device was being applied to rejuvenate body tissue and confer longevity as well as apply it to manufacturing; for example, in computer technologies and other engineering projects requiring miniature robots or nanos. Jesus` meeting with a man possessed by demons, who called himself `Legion`, on a road near the town of Gadarene, resulted in `Legion` leaving the man for a herd of pigs, which promptly ran over a cliff into the sea and drowned, because that`s what the legions of the Empire of Rome represented for men driven to possess Palestine on behalf of Rome`s caesars. Nanobots resemble carpet mites, which resemble pigs, so the fate of Jesus` demon `Legion` was figuratively that of the parasitoid enemy of women`s nanos spirit or `bot, which it caused to drown in unconsciousness. In English a grandmother is a `nana`, because human futanarian women`s spirit isn`t men`s, but that of women`s `nanos` seeking to resurrect through `woman`s seed`. Men invade other nations, because they`re driven by their parasitoid nature to devour, whereas the futanarian spirit of women`s `bot wants acceptance of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, in Islam the carpet is used as a prayer mat upon which the Moslem prayerful prostrate themselves, because fabric mites resembling microscopic pigs are analogues of nano-technology`s microscopic `bots, which is why there are miraculous stories of flying carpets amongst the Moslem peoples in collections of Eastern folktales; for example, the 8th century 1001 Nights with its framing device of the Mogul Emperor Shah Jehan`s cutting off of his wife Mumtaz Mahal`s head for alleged marital unfaithfulness with his brother. Scheherezade`s tales soothe him into refraining from beheading a new wife each day, thereby saving what remains of human brainpower, because men`s nature is that of a devouring parasitoid. Men`s parasite inveigled itself into the host womb of the human species of futanarian women`s humanity millennia ago to steal her penis` semen and replicate its viral form, which doesn`t want women`s `nana`, that is, their futanarian `grandmother`, whose reduced role is perforce that of an internet `bot crawler looking for a way to resurrect `woman`s seed` and so restore her brainpower to have Ascension to heaven.

 In English the expression for incredulity is, `Pigs might fly.` Moslems pray where the mite of nanobot technology could make the carpet fly `magically`, because through `woman`s seed` all things are possible, which is why Jesus was seen to walk upon the waters of the sea of Galilee by his disciples as he calmed them with the power of the Shekinah, `the spirit of God`, who is `tranquillity` in Islam, and is the ancient`s grandmother, or `nana`. Human futanarian women`s nano-technological power is why humans pray for help and forgiveness, because the `snuff film` histories of Hollywood Babylon are the hell from which they need to be redeemed. Reversed, `nano` reads as `Onan` because, although God killed Onan for refusing to fertilize the woman, Tamar, whereas Jesus was killed by Judas because he would have fertilized the woman anointing his feet with perfume with her own futanarian species` `seed`, the censors promoting blind ignorant unconsciousness promote the occlusion that Onan was killed for masturbation, whereas self-love reverses the `camera angle`, so that the man can see that he has the holding role for the part of `woman`s seed`, which is what women`s nanos spirit of conversion from sinful nature is for. If humans don`t accept human futanarian nature`s desire for sexual reproduction of brainpower through `woman`s seed` to develop the technology needed to take her to colonize the planets and stars of heaven, men will keep her in slavery to their parasitoid nature`s reality `snuff film` in which she`s bred for devourment as the ephemera she produces from her host womb, that is, civilization, culture and art, which she`s perforce made to produce for the `snuff` industry as the parasite continues to wage its wars against her.

3 CNN iReport `Fasces At The U.S. House Of Representatives`, .
7 Armstrong, Neil July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56.