Animosity Towards Women
The animus is the spirit of a woman,
according to the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), whereas the anima is
a man`s soul and his contrasexual component, as the woman’s animus is
hers. While a man’s is male, the soul is female, and it’s that which attracts
the man’s ego to the woman who, in terms of the corresponding image represents
what is sexually desirable. For Jung women were opinionated, that is,
their spirit/animus is. A woman`s direction is the result of men`s
opinions, rather than her own, as she’s directable. Jung describes her animus as
being at the center of a group of men, that is, she’s surrounded by opinions, which
force her acceptance.
Surrounded by men, her choices are those that support
her spirit, that is, the animus, which corresponds to the image of men,
who then constitute the opinions she’s able to have. However, as the spirit of
God, according to the Old Testament of the Christian Bible,
which is the Torah and Talmud, that is, the history and law of the Jews, the
Shekinah (Ex: 40.35), which the New Testament of the
Christian Bible, after the teaching of Jesus, ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, calls
the Paraclete (1 John: 2.1), that is, the ‘Holy Spirit’, is the creator,
‘God`s love` (Luke: 10. 27). In corresponding to the anima or
soul that attracts a man to a woman sexually, the Shekinah corresponds to the
feminine spirit of God, which is women’s.
Irrespective of what
men are, women are the spirit of God, for example, in the paradise of Eden,
according to Jewish Mishnah, Adam, the first man, was a hermaphrodite, that is,
the woman, Eve, created from the rib or side of Adam, was a euphemism for
hermaphroditic self-fertilization and birth. When the women, Eve, was given the
‘fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to
taste, by the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God’s
plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, God’s expulsion of Eve
and Adam from Eden for rejecting the ‘fruit of the tree of life’, that is,
immortality, was qualified by the promise to Eve that her ‘seed’ would prevail,
‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise
your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) In other words, that which is against women,
for example, misogyny, is bruising to a woman’s heel, which is what demonic
spirits are for, that is, men’s possessing women through their animus. In
short, as the hermaphroditic futanarian species of women’s seed is sexually
attracted to their own race, Jung’s understanding that the collective of men,
defined as women’s animus, is actually men’s demonic influence upon the
seed of God, which the serpent’s seed have castrated to ensure its slavery as a
host womb to their parasitism.
Born uncontaminated
by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was Eve’s seed. When a
woman was allegedly accused of having been caught in adultery, Jesus’ response
was, ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7) The
species of women’s seed is adulterated by men of the serpent’s seed, that is,
as a separate independent futanarian race, women can’t be adulterous. What the
story in Genesis means is that women were castrated by something able to
breed with them, but it’s a local phenomenon, that is, women are star seed,
whereas Earth’s a small planet in an infinite universe. Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted as
crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, as Jesus was executed by the
Romans then occupying Jewish Palestine in the name of the Emperor, Tiberius
Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), after Jesus’ disciple, Judas, told the Jewish
religious police, the Pharisees, Jesus had been with a woman, ‘Leave her
alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of
Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood where he died, but experienced
Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed, that
is, the serpent can only bruise the heel of a woman, as colonization of the
planets amongst the stars are her immortal destiny. Those who accept the
Paraclete as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`, that is, the feminine
spirit of God, which is women’s seed, are redeemable, whereas misogynists
For ‘the father of psychoanalysis’, Sigmund Freud
(1856-1939), civilization was ‘nothing but’ penis repression, which misses the
simpler argument that the ‘id’ that Freud argued was the human unconscious mind
containing everything that the conscious mind repressed, represents disease,
that is, the rocket ships of US’ science fiction, for example, in Robert A.
Heinlein’s novel for juveniles, Rocketship Galileo (1947), and which
Freudians associate with penis repression, because of the phallic shape, symbolize
the need to cure AIDS, for example, and/or escape from death.
God’s pupils have our
eyes, taught by the spirit of God, through the lens, corresponding to that of a
camera, although the recorded memory of the brain isn’t so easily recognizable
to the human mind as the photography of film, which awareness contains the
barely perceived suggestion that the pupils of our eyes are not ours, but
rather that which is ‘other’. In Egyptian mythology, the `throne of the eye`
belongs to Osiris, the reincarnation upon Earth of Ra, god of the sun, whose
wife, the sun goddess, Isis, collects his bodily parts to remember him, after
his evil brother, Set, has dismembered him. As the name of the Egyptian deity,
Iris, the `messenger`, is `rider of rainbows between heaven and Earth`, so `the
Iris’ is the colored part surrounding the pupils of the eyes, where the signs
of the effortfulness of our learning, as we grow older, are like the wrinkles
of skin about our eyes, though as the slaves of the alien that’s entertained as
our pupils, that’s the significance of our death, while the film, which is the Egyptian
myth of Ra, Osiris, Isis, and Iris, etc., continues with each succeeding
generation of humans.
As Isis is the
desirable wife of Osiris, Iris, ‘the rider of rainbows’, connects, as a bridge
between heaven and Earth, which is imagery used by English writer, D. H.
Lawrence, in his novel, The Rainbow, as an indicator of the importance
of human relationships. When Osiris` body is remembered by Isis, after his evil
brother, Set, dismembers him, he’s Horus, ‘the sky god’, that is, as human eyes
are the pupils of ‘TV’ Set, Horus is the watcher who’s remembered, not the
human. However, whereas Iris corresponds to Christianity’s tutelary spirit,
Jesus’ teaching suggests women’s seed won’t have pupils, as they aren’t the
lens of an alien camera, at the resurrection people will neither marry nor be
given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.’ (Matt: 22.
30) They won’t have pupils, as they won’t be relationships watched by aliens,
whose only recollection will be of themselves as TV Set, watching bombs being
guided to their targets on Earth from the sky, God, by satellite.
Osiris’ dismemberment is the result of premeditated
violence, which corresponds to an individual’s being disremembered by a group,
for example, Pharaoh Akhenaten (c. 1353-1336), who established a form of monotheism in ancient Egypt, was disremembered by subsequent
Pharaohs reestablishment of pantheism, who had stone masons efface signs of his
reign from city buildings. Although the crucifixion of Jesus was meant to be a
similar disremembering, that Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension is celebrated
annually in the spring, like Osiris’ rememberment, during the growing season by
the river Nile in Egypt, suggests that group minds are collectives that have a
tendency towards human sacrifice, which always serves the sacrificers in war,
for example, where the sacrificed are assured of always being remembered by the
sacrificers, as sacrifices presumably, as there aren’t any resurrectee
celebrations reported in the media, or else it’s a secret society of
sacrificers and sacrificed, corresponding to the illegal snuff movie
entertainment industry, where the cameras film killings, as cigarette smoke
signals between the wealthy and those injuns, like William Blake, who in 1804 wrote
the poem that became the hymn ‘Jerusalem’ (1916), with music by Sir Hubert
Parry, amongst the writers of imaginative fiction who can still be read:
‘And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon England’s mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On England’s pleasant pastures seen!
And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?’1
London is called the
big smoke, as it’s a snuff mill for pagan pigs, who sacrifice their people in
wars to line their pockets, which helps them to recover themselves, while
building tremendous monuments to their sacrificing of their victims, called
cenotaphs, in every place where the English have cultural antecedents. Christianity
preaches forgiveness, after Jesus’ teaching, ‘Love your neighbor as you love
yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) Animosity is the basis of vendetta, that is,
mafia camorra, which is a homonym for Gomorrah in the Old Testament
of the Bible, a ‘city of the plains’, along with Sodom, known for
homosexuality in pederasty, which is why God’s described as having destroyed
them, because sterility made of homosexuality an enemy of women’s seed, who
became pederasty’s host womb slaves for war against women’s futanarian path of
civilizing animal nature so that the ‘foot’ of God might live as a species.
In the latter part of
the 20th century homosexuals were discovered by Africa’s DR Congo to
have sexually transmitted a mutant variant of the simian immune deficiency
virus (SIV) by mixing blood, shit and semen in each other’s anuses, resulting
in the human immune deficiency virus (HIV) becoming an ‘incurable killer
disease’, described by Jesus’ disciple, John, in his apocalyptic New
Testament vision of the future, as ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6),
collapsing the organs of the body and killing the brain, as homosexuality in pederasty’s
undeclared ‘biological weapon’, launched against the Earth’s futanarian remains,
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), ‘The dragon was wroth with the
woman and went to wage war against the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12.
17) Corresponding to men’s collective opinion about women, the animus is
the source of their animosity, which as a castrated species is difficult for
women’s seed to rid their race of psychologically, for example, although Jung
perceives the anima as the image of a woman existing in men to attract
them sexually, in fact it belongs in the psyche of women, as their attraction
for each other, which means women are surrounded by their predators, ‘The
dragon stood before the woman about to give birth so that it might devour her
child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) For Jung, the human
unconscious was full of developmental archetypes, for example, the anima
and animus, but a more careful analysis of dreams, art and the
imagination, suggests it’s the corruption of women’s development as a species, represented
by what Jung described as the archetypes of what is in fact women’s collective
unconscious. What AIDS meant was that the pupils of human eyes became monitors,
like closed circuit television cameras (CCTV), monitoring the possibility of
contamination, representing a further dismembering of the ‘remnant’ of women’s
seed, replacing healthy social awareness with suspicion and fear of betrayal,
as Judas’ treacherous kiss, full upon the lips of Jesus, signaled Judas’ decision
to separate Jesus from the woman he was with, by having Jesus killed, and by
doing so sterilize the future, preventing the seed of Eve from bearing
Redemption’s fruit, preferring slavery for the host womb of the castrated
species of futanarian women, as homosexuality in pederasty for war against
women’s seed.
In the absence of the feminine spirit of God, through adulteration, dismemberment of the human species of futanarian women’s seed results, as the mind of the race fragments, and the heavenly connection is lost, while gender issues threatening to human development and progress dominate. As the pupils of the eyes are no longer human, Iris, that is, the colored part that exhibits change as the brain endures, represents the rainbow ridden, as in the lyric to Deep Purple’s ‘Stormbringer’ (1974), because knowledge is absorbed through ego-consciousness, despite male braining, where the developmental archetypes of the collective unconscious of women’s castrated seed are displaced by the predatory evil of that which seeks to prey upon them:
'Ride the rainbow,
crack the sky
Stormbringer coming
Time to die.'2
TV Set and the sky
god, that is, warfare, represent the ascendancy of evil in the host womb
slaving of women for homosexuality in pederasty, which the ancient Greeks, for
example, institutionalized along with the host womb slavery of women to produce
soldiers to engage in war (499 B.C. - 449 B.C.) with the Achaemenid dynasty of
the Persian Empire of Darius I. As a symbol of God’s Covenant with the Jews on
the way to the land God promised them in Palestine, during their exodus from
slavery in Egypt to Pharaoh Thutmose III (1485-30 B.C.), the rainbow symbolizes
Redemption, through the feminine spirit of God, dwelling in the tabernacle by
the Ark of the Covenant, containing the tablets of the law, given to their
leader, Moses, atop Mt Sinai by God, according to the Old Testament, and
symbolically released from the side of ‘the Second Adam’, Jesus, by the spear
of the Roman guard, Longinus, upon Jesus’ death at his crucifixion, as the Holy
Spirit, that is, ‘the Second Eve’ of the New Testament, which would
teach the ‘remnant’ of women’s seed, after Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension to
heaven, ‘Surely, this was the son of God.’ (Matt: 27. 54) Longinus’
spear, thereafter known as destiny’s, represents the futanarian human race of
women’s penis’ semen, that is, God, the creator’s future producers of civilization,
in spite of men’s, as the seed of the serpent, Satan, constant engagement in attempts
to enslave and/or destroy.
Though used to believing that the Holy Spirit of God`s
love is male, like God and Jesus, it’s a homosexual delusion, as she’s the
archetype of women`s seed, in Jungian terms, corresponding to the Assumption of
the Virgin Mary, as it’s called in the Catholic church of Christianity, that
is, women’s seed is assumed to belong in heaven, as Pope Pius XII, made clear
with the church’s dogmatic acceptance in 1950 of the doctrine of the Assumption
of Mary into heaven bodily after Jesus’ Ascension. Just as Isis recollects
Osiris` cut up body parts to remember, but she has to `fashion anew` Osiris’
penis, Eve has ‘seed’ of her own, which indicates women’s problem is much more
ancient than Abraham’s son, Isaac, envisaged, when he founded Judaism. In Revelation Jesus
is `the marriage of the lamb` (Rev: 19. 7-9), as Isaac was the child God
told Abraham to sacrifice, but Isac was saved by an angel of God. That God
tells Abraham to kill Isaac, presumably as a human sacrifice, whereas animal
sacrifice, for example, ‘the lamb’, is an established aspect of the worship of
God in Judaism, is glossed over by biblical commentators as a test of Abraham’s
obedience, but its similarity with TV Set’s dismembering of Osiris, is enough
to suggest that the marriage of Jesus, as ‘the lamb of God’, with the church,
represents the triumph of women’s seed over misogyny.
Whereas Isaac was the
son of Sara, wife of Abraham, Ishmael was the second son of Abraham, by Hajer,
‘the Egyptian woman’, who with Ishmael dedicated the shrine of Abraham, the Ka’
Ba, which in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, became the center of the Moslem belief
in the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels of God, to the
descendant of Ishmael, the Prophet Mohamed. Islam, the religion founded by
Abraham’s son, Ishmael, through Hajer and Mohamed, bears the signs of his
Egyptian ancestry in that ‘Ka’ is the term for spirit in the ancient religion
of Egypt, while ‘Ba’ is the term for soul, that is, Ka represents women’s seed
and Ba their host womb. Although Judeo-Christianity accuses Islam of
retroactively attempting to legitimize Ishmael’s birth, and therefore Islam, by
permitting four wives to the Moslem marriage, as Hajer was an unwed concubine
slave of Abraham, the Moslem marriage affords the possibility of women’s seed
reproducing within the family, which is the marriage of Christ, the lamb, with
his bride, the church, in Christianity.
Redemption is the man who can accept that he is the
woman; prefigured in the fact that Adam was a hermaphrodite. Jung’s studies of
alchemy indicate that the alchemists’ complexio oppositorum of sun
and moon is associated with the goal of their alchemical opus, which is
immortality, as ‘the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet’,
who gives birth to Jesus, in his ‘Second Coming’ to the Earth, that is, as ‘he
who will rule the nations with an iron scepter’ (Rev: 12. 4), represent
the defender of women’s seed, who weren’t the craterers of the moon, whereas
men probably were, if the futanarian foot of God had been there first, before
medical science was hijacked by homosexuality in pederasty’s host womb slaving
of the human host womb to prevent their being immortal, through chemistry,
which was precursed by alchemy, as men, with a base on the formerly inhabited,
sterilized moon, kept humans as slaves in their captured Earth’s dark cages, whilst
preparing to reap again what the perforce ephemeral rememberers of the past
could sow of their once deathless future.
Although Jung
associated the sun with the male ego-anima, and the moon with the female
ego-animus, as the archetypes properly belong to women, what the sun and
moon represent is the loss of immortality through women’s seed, after the moon
was devastated by thermonuclear weapons that cratered it, that is, as atomic
energy was usually described as the harnessing of the power of the sun, the
moon, which was destroyed by A-bombs, represents the reason for Jesus’ Advent, while
Jesus’ prophesied ‘Second Coming’ prefigures a possible future for the foot
race amongst the stars, as US’ astronaut, Neil Armstrong, first onto the lunar
surface from Apollo 11’s spacecraft, on 21st July, 1969, UTC: 2. 56,
said, ‘That’s one great leap for mankind.’ However, as women’s looks are
diluted by being adulterated by men’s seed, their looks are no longer their
own, that is, men and women constitute the manufacturing of a single, male
brained, creature, wearing each other’s clothes in TV transvestism. According
to Buddhism, as derived by Gautama Buddha (5-6th century) from the
earlier Hindu (c. 1500-500 B.C.) Sanskrit Veda religion of the
subcontinent of India, where Veda is linguistically rooted to video, looks can
kill,3 which is important for cowards, psychopaths, and an understanding of English
science fiction writer George Orwell’s 1984 (1948), with its basic
political premise that ‘Big Brother’, who is a TV, is ‘watching you’, as it
gives an excuse for killing anyone based on the intentionalist phallacy, that
is, the understanding that a look was intended to kill. For the intentionalist,
the false logic evokes their legitimate use of the interpretationalist
phallacy, which is that a person can be killed for looking, as the person
looked at knows what they meant; or, to conclude the sorites, those with eyes
are to be killed, because they have eyes that see.
Controversially to
some commentators, Zen Buddhist, Linji Yixuan (d. 866 C.E.), said ‘If
you meet the Buddha, kill him.’4 The meaning is that’s what people do, as
others have eyes to see them with. Of course, such an approach towards
others results in animosity, which is why Jesus said to Satan, `Avoid me` (Matt:
16. 23) Amongst Moslems it`s haram, that is, `forbidden`, to
gaze upon a woman, and they wear a veil, publicly, so that only the killers
they’re married to can see them, which is why there’re always lots of burka
bags at MacDonald’s, as it’s meet for them to be there. In Christianity, the
meaning of the name of the knight Perceval, in the Arthurian legends, is of ‘the
veil piercer’, after Longinus’ piercing of Jesus’ side with his spear to
release the feminine spirit of God, the Paraclete, from behind Jesus’ eyes, to
become the teacher after him, rather than the butchered. Jesus` name means
`God rescues`, so the Holy Spirit was Jesus’ `rescue vehicle`, while Ka,
meaning spirit in the ancient religion of Egypt, translates as ‘car’, for
example, US’ Ford Motors had a Ka range of `vehicles`.
As Jesus’ death
corresponded to a car break-in, that is, `grand theft auto` in US’ legal terms,
Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension to heaven was in accordance with God’s law,
although he was executed by order of the Roman judge, Pontius Pilate, under
pressure from the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, after a member of the
public accused him of working on the Sabbath, that is, the Jewish holy day,
Saturday, citing Numbers, ‘While the Israelites were in the wilderness,
a man was found gathering wood on the Sabbath day.’ (Num: 15. 32) Found
guilty, ‘… the Lord said … “The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him
outside the camp.”’ (Num: 15. 35) As in many cases, the terms ‘Lord’ and
God are confused in the Old Testament, that is, a local headman isn’t
God, although the Jews used the confusion as a means to kill Jesus. Acceptance
of God`s love is Redemption, as the feminine spirit is heaven’s assistant,
corresponding in Egyptian terms outwardly to Isis, as any anima-figure, and
inwardly to Iris, as the tutelary spirit. Osiris’ name means `throne of
the eye`, while he returns to heaven as the `sky god` Horus. However, there
isn’t any surety that he’s the person dismembered by Set, that is, Ra is a god,
who incarnated is Osiris, and corresponding to the pupils behind the eyes of
the people, doesn’t necessarily represent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven
in the same way as Jesus’, guided by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus` breaking upon the arms of the cross is
prefigured in Osiris` parts being hidden in the four corners of the Earth by
dogs, after his dismemberment by Set. It`s an analogy of the way `the dogs of
war`,5 as they’re called by the character of the Roman general, Mark Anthony, in
English dramatist William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar (1601), tear apart
their foes, before their bones are buried. The UK has army units called `death
or glory`, that is, DOGs, with the pirates’ skull and crossbones as their
emblem, representing the belief in burying treasure to be recovered later.
Unfortunately, for the people that means burying them as well, which is where
the term ‘sleeper’ comes from, as anyone who’s experienced the déjà vu
phenomenon, this has happened before, or given thought to the meaning of pop
singer Britney Spears’ ‘Oops! … I Did It Again’ (2000) video, knows:
`To lose all of my senses.
That`s so typically me.`6
For Jung the four corners of the Earth are associated
with the functions of consciousness, in undifferentiated/unconscious form, that
is, `Sensation` (eyes), `Thinking` (ears), `Feeling` (mouth), and `Intuition`
(nose, or sense of smell). Any unpleasing media event is an attack on ‘the eyes
of the world’, for example, as the mouth is associated with `Feeling` and ‘freedom
of speech’, the `Big Apple`, representing the ‘Adam’s apple’, which is the name
given in human biology to the epiglottis, covering the pharynx, that is, the voice
box, the events of September 11th, 2001, when Al Qaeda terrorists,
operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist extremist Islamic Taliban
regime of Afghanistan, hijacked civil airliners to crash into the Twin Towers
of New York city’s World Trade Centre, Lower Manhattan island, weren’t only an attack on speaking, but seeing, and
hearing, as an aspect of competence. The Big Apple was chosen by Al Qaeda
leader, Osama Ben Laden, as Eve’s seed was coming to fruition, that is, Saddam’s
dog attacks Adam’s God was as prominent as a cartoon in Japanese Hentai; a
country where the crippling ‘foot binding’ of women was traditional, and futanarian
women’s seed was gaining acceptance. As gender assignment surgery (GAS) was the
surgical norm for the US’ medical establishment, while TV Set saw service as
the species’ poison gas chamber, where the boy sons of the serpent’s seed waged
war on the race of women, such incompetence was what Al Qaeda aimed at maintaining
in the West.
9/11 was a `sneak
attack`, that is, there wasn’t a smell of it before it occurred, which US’
defense analysts assumed meant that the nation’s ‘Intuition’ needed improving, for
example, radar, as the US’ veil of secrecy, but the actuality was equivalent to
killing the Buddha if you met him, that is, any intelligent person was a threat
to the US, as the world watched nervously, while intellectuals, targeted again,
remembered their cousins throughout the Earth, exterminated in concentration
camps, by the Japanese, during World War Two (1939-45), after the US was
brought into the war against the Axis powers, including Germany, Italy, and
Iraq, in a sneak attack on the US’ Sixth Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on
December 7th, 1941. The facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was only
one of a number of ‘black sites’ used by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
of the US to detain suspected terrorists, for example, Saudi news journalist, Jamal
Khashoggi, after he began contributing columns critical of Crown Prince Mohamed
Bin Salman, killed on October 2nd, 2018, at Turkey’s Saudi Consulate
in Istanbul, was intelligent.
Although ‘touch’ is
missing from Jung’s analysis, Khashoggi represents ‘being in touch’, while the
Pentagon, Defense Department building, Arlington, Virginia, which had a wall
breached by a further crashed terrorist hijacked airliner, representing ‘the five
senses`, suggests ‘out of touch’, that is, another war on women’s seed wasn’t sanctionable.
The `sixth sense` was absent from 9/11, in the same sense that the Japanese
planned for the Sixth Fleet to be absent, after 12/7, 1941, that is, the
quintessentials. Whereas there was animosity towards women aplenty, as the US dropped
A-bombs on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, from the B-29 superfortress
aircraft, Enola Gay and Bocksca, respectively on August 6th and 9th,
1945, to conclude the war in the Pacific theater, the quintessence was that a
lot of Japanese women were slaughtered in a country that insisted on crippling
them with foot binding, as a metaphor for the fact that their species was
crippled anyway by castration in misogyny and homosexuality in pederasty for
producing soldiers to enforce host womb slavery for the production of more
expensive weapons to attack women.
In Jungian psychology
the spear is associated with `Intuition`, that is, the differentiated function,
associated with the nose, or sense of smell in undifferentiated form, as the
spear of Longinus is understood to be the spear of destiny, without any clear understanding
of what it points towards, for example, in the Ukraine, when the ‘Red Army’ of
President Vladimir Putin of Russia deployed the TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower
system, after invading on February 24th, 2022, during the flatulence
caused by coronavirus, that is, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS),
which eventually killed upwards of eight million people globally, before vaccines
made the disease endemic, rather than epidemic, the first stage missile
launched a flammable vapor, followed fierily by a second, resulting in an
explosion like that of a circus clown, using a slapstick with gunpowder inside,
to hit ostensibly farting buttocks, which apparently was the destiny for the
side of the Paraclete from Jesus’, as intuited for women’s seed by Putin, that
is, the T-72 tank mounted TOS tin, representing communist atheism.
The paradigm of 9/11 is Sodom and Gomorrah, ‘the
cities of the plains’ (Gen: 18, 19), destroyed by God for practicing homosexuality
in pederasty, labeled thereafter ‘sodomy’, while camorra is the mafia
term for vendetta, amongst the sodomites presumably, whereas New York`s
Saddam`s apple was putatively the `city of the planes`, that is, God’s as
Adam’s, the capital city, Baghdad, of President Saddam Hussein of Iraq, was
subsequently captured by the US’ army, from 3rd-9th
April, subsequent to a March 2003 invasion, after Saddam offered bases to Al Qaeda
there. The terror was `Saddamy`, that is, ‘In the name of -’, which is the paradigm
of ‘the cult of the personality’ in the Middle East, for example, although
Putin and Gaddafi of Libya, North Africa, allegedly linked to terrorists and killed
on October 20th, 2011, by rebels, were further examples of a global
problem; replacing the feminine spirit of God with that of ‘brothers’. The
US saw Saddam as a ‘brown nose’, that is, his sense of smell, or ‘Intuition’
function, inferior in that he’d betray a brother, for example, the Emir
of Kuwait, also Moslem, when the Iraqi army, ‘poisoning their own well’,7
invaded in 1990, was the destructive anality of an ingrate, who US’ meritocrats,
formerly accepting him as a progressive, had to admit disillusionment when his acts
were preventative.
In Jungian archetypal terms, Saddam corresponded to the
`beast` of Jesus’ disciple John’s Revelation, reactivating homosexuality,
that is, war, as the dragon looking to devour the Big Apple of the Second Eve, that
is, Jesus’ Second Coming, as the ruler for women’s seed, taught by God’s Holy
Spirit. The Al Qaeda terrorists used US’ inculcated values of political
correctness, that is, demands for politeness, as a substitute for protocols. Eluding
security, which otherwise might have discovered their technical orientation, Homeland
Defense (HD) accepted the hackers’ system-crashing virus of homosexual ‘pc’. With
the city of Troy upstate, the metaphor was that of the ‘Greek horse`, used by
the Greeks, like computer geeks by the gate of the besieged city of Troy in
Asia Minor, as described by the poet, Homer, in his Iliad (760-10 B.C.),
designing ‘bad machine code’ (BMC) to gain access ‘backdoor’ to personal
computers (PCs), Al Qaeda’s terrorist subterfuge made them 21st
century grease. Inside a hollow wooden horse at the Trojan gate, taken in, the
Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women to further wars of homosexuality
in pederasty against women’s seed, while Al Qaeda at the Twin Towers were plain
saw at the legs of the US’ sawhorse, punishing US’ TV for its whores, as Haw
Haw’s radio broadcasts had been fasces propaganda for the German Axis in
WWII,8 whilst Moslems, with the permission of the Koran to have four
wives in their families, knew about women’s seed. The nations of Islam didn’t
want the cross that US’ TV and its mass media were making for them to bear with
an implicitly invasive picture of ‘gay’ sex as normative.
It's characteristic
of the state of homosexuality to demonstrate preoccupation, that is, it’s a fait
accompli, whereas sterility isn’t, ‘That boy really likes me.’ He mightn’t.
Just as 9/11 didn’t have to happen, and/or Russia didn’t have to invade the Ukraine,
the human species of futanarian women’s seed might not have to be tolerant of
homosexuals, whose weltanschauung is that crack’ll let ‘em in, as it’s
fated to be and a foregone conclusion. Such an approach to events is fatal, as
the ass-fucked are occupied, as a foreign power, invaded by the backdoor, to
make a set of brothers, who don’t look at women like that, but rather inject
themselves into the human host, as the ass-as-sins of the futanarian future of
women’s seed that`ll `cuckoo`,9 and occupy in the name of ‘population control’,
which was a term used to indicate the need for reducing the number of births,
but in ‘Big Brother’ terms it simply means being watched by the TV, or personal
computer monitor screen, as Britney Spears’ lyric to ‘If U Seek Amy’ from her 2008
album, Circus, suggests, to impose social control: ‘All of the boys and
all of the girls are begging to if you seek Amy [F*U*C*K me].’10
As war is a means of the
aliens keeping the human numbers down, the indifference of homosexuals towards
society is a means of their controlling it through slavery, for example, login
for the faggots means just that, as if useek*my can’t be remembered log doubt
ensues, and exclusion from social media with the virus of hell, unless some
change can be gotten out of ifuseek*my and she’s replaced with f*uckmy ass and get
the log in, ‘Let he that has wisdom have understanding; the number of the beast
is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.’ (Rev:
13. 8) 666 of a thousand is 66%, corresponding to the numbers of men and women
that make up the TV set, while the 33% missing are the castrated ‘remnant’ of
women’s seed, who’re then heterosexuality’s host womb slaves, in normative ‘gay’
TV, which is the ‘beast’, as it wants more would for the virus.
1 Blake, William ‘And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time’ c.
1808, Preface to Milton: A Poem In Two Books, 1804.
2 Blackmore, Ritchie, and David Coverdale ‘Stormbringer’,
Deep Purple, Stormbringer, Purple, 1976.
3 Bhikkhu, Thanissaro, Buddhist Monastic Code, 2007-9,
Bk I, p. 56.
4 O’Brien, Barabara, February 2nd, 2019, Learn
5 Shakespeare, William Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene
i, 1601, l. 299.
6 Martin, Max, and Rami Yacoub ‘Oops! … I Did It Again’,
Britney Spears, Oops! … I Did It Again, Jive, 2000.
7 Rahul, Mahjan ‘Poisoning The Well’,
, October 27th, 2001.
8 Joyce, William Germany Calling, Reichssender
Hamburg, Osterloog transmitting station, Norddeich Radio, East Frisian
Waterfront, September 18th, 1939 – April 30th, 1945.
9 Cuckoos remove other birds eggs from their nest, and then lay
their eggs to have their young nurtured instead, which is what homosexuality is.
10 Kotecha, Savan, Alexander Kronlund, Max Martin, and Shellback,
‘If U Seek Amy’, Britney Spears, Circus, Jive, 2008.