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Tuesday, 14 October 2014

To The Monster A Daughter

To The Monster A Daughter

Science fiction is the genre that features monsters, and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley`s Frankenstein (1818) about an experimental surgeon, Dr Frankenstein, who makes a man from parts of deceased bodies he revivifies by means of electricity, is regarded as amongst the first of the genre`s works of literature. The theme was taken up by Hollywood, Babylon, and the movie, Bride Of Frankenstein (1935), followed, while the filmed musical, The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), elaborated upon the theme with actor Tim Curry in the role of `transvestite` character, Frank N. Furter, who creates himself a man to marry. The idea of a creator making an acceptable bride for themselves is a Hollywood, Babylon, leitmotif in science fiction movies and The Stepford Wives (1972) posits the idea of women created as idealized replacements of their original but flawed wifely counterparts by men who were dissatisfied with what they`d espoused.

 Although science fiction aliens in movies like Independence Day (1996) feature attacks upon the Earth, Swamp Thing (1982) is noteworthy for the `childhood`s friend` relationship the creature has with the lissom star, Heather Locklear, who is rescued lovingly from the swamp by the creature, but not as a means of exchanging service for love, which effectively is what occurs when men `make love`. Although the creature isn`t human in Swamp Thing, as with director Steven Spielberg`s famously adorable ET: The Extraterrestrial (1982), who is a visitor from the stars seeking to `phone home` to his parents, who`d inadvertently left him on Earth, he isn`t a `monster`, but more human than the human, represented in ET: The Extraterrestrial by actress Drew Barrymore in her pre-pubescence as seven year old Gertie, because he`s in the archetypal role of `childhood`s friend`, which is what women lost early in their evolution.

  The term archetypes derives from the developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), who posited that the collective unconscious of humans contained archetypes as images or characters appearing in dreams, art and the imagination to guide or impel humanity towards progress. If so, there`s a difference in archetypal terms between monsters and aliens, while the original name for psychiatry, because it referred to the doctor who determine a criminal`s competency to stand trial, was `alienist`, and so `alien` meant non compos mentis, while `monster` was a pejorative term used by the public to describe those crimes they abhorred irrespective of the `alienist` who may`ve decided that the criminal was a psychiatric case of brain dysfunctionality rather than intentionally evil. Consequently, in archetypal psychology, `monster` is a human evaluation and `alien` a psychiatric term for `curable`, which suggests that `alien` denotes some aspect of human nature unexplained.

 The role of the invading alien is apparent from movies like Alien (1979) in which actress Sigourney Weaver is a member of the crew of the spaceship, Nostromo, who discover a derelict alien spacecraft on a planetoid. Sigourney Weaver`s character, Ripley, tries to avoid being eaten by the alien that`s awoken, in a role palpably different from that of Heather Locklear in Swamp Thing, or Drew Barrymore in ET: The Extraterrestrial, where the loss of women`s `childhood`s friend` is represented. The prototypical film of an archetypal figure helping the woman against a `monster`, Forbidden Planet (1956), features `Robbie`, the robot, who represents Morbius` daughter Altaira`s need for an archetypal friendship, whereas Morbius, who is discovered on the planet by the crew of the spaceship, C-57D, where he`s studying the technology of the mysteriously disappeared advanced race of `Krell`, native to that world, and is using what he calls the `plastic educator` to enhance his mental powers, is uncovered as `Monsters from the id!` by the crew of the C-57D, some of whom have been killed by Morbius` `evil self` created by his addictive use of the `plastic educator` and appearing as a rogue `Krell` attacking the spaceship crew`s encampment. The conflict between Morbius` monsters and the crew of the C-57D is stereotypical male sublimation, that is, men are monsters, whereas `Robbie the robot` and Altaira represent the archetype of `childhood`s friend` lost to women from their picture because the monsters have devoured it.

 Because alienists defined `alien` as unexplained, `alien` wasn`t perceived as `monstrous`, which begs the question: what is alien? The answer is that Swamp Thing is human, because he hasn`t got a criminal mind, whereas the alien in Alien is a monster, because it`s behavior is criminal, that is, humans have humanity, which means the creature from the swamp in Swamp Thing, the extraterrestrial from ET: The Extraterrestrial, and Robbie, the robot from Forbidden Planet, are human. Alienists would seek to define human by appeals to behavioralism, but that test is designed to establish whether convicted criminals are `monsters` and humans don`t have to take the exam. Although modern society tells humans every day that they must pass the alienists` test. The presupposition is that humans are `monsters` in the bank or supermarket where the security guards and the CCTV monitor their every move in order to confirm or deny that the human is a non compos mentis `alien`, whereas the debit card proves the competency of the human, as does the cash for the tomatoes or the deposit slip for the bank teller. Consequently, the aim of security systems is to prove the human `alien` and non compos mentis in order to dispossess them of their humanity, which has been the issue since the industrial Revolution (1760-1840) in England where humans experienced dehumanization and `alienation` through becoming unindividuated parts of a manufactory. Public transport requires that the human individual have a ticket to travel, but the discovery of an individual without a ticket doesn`t remove their humanity and label them `alien` and non compos mentis, because they haven`t passed the alienists` test demanding that they have a ticket to prove they`re human. Their passport tells them that they are, and they don`t need to prove they aren`t monsters, so why is there so much accusation? Because psychiatry has established the principle that the unconvicted are criminals.

 Psychiatry`s defining criminals as aliens depicts foreigners as monsters, whereas the thing in the swamp in Swamp Thing is neither a monster nor a criminal, so he`s an alien or foreigner, who`s human in behavioral terms, which is the meaning of the archetypal character. Aliens aren’t monsters, which means that monsters are being falsely equated with aliens in movies. It`s important because the term `alien` has a psychological meaning as applied to `foreigner`, that is `monster` and `foreigner` aren`t interchangeable terms, whereas the identification of `alien` with `foreigner` necessarily defines `foreigner` as `monster`, which means `visitor` is definable as `demon` and `guest` as `enemy`, because `monster` isn`t directly applied to describe what is monstrous by a psychiatry determined by its original precept, which was to decide whether criminals were non compos mentis and so innocent of their crimes or competent and so guilty.

 Unconvicted criminals awaiting the `alienist` psychiatric decision over whether they could be tried for the crimes they had allegedly committed, were identified as possibly `alien`, which is understandable as `foreign`, that is, any stranger was subject to the behavioralist test for `monsters`, although all those tested were humans, because unconvictable, as they weren`t in prison and charged with having committed a crime. Consequently, the task of proving guilt drives everybody insane, because the `monster` has to be in prison before the non compos mentis test can be legitimately applied. If a student forgets their bus pass, they`re non comps mentis and a criminal `monster`; because they haven`t passed the behavioralist test set by the alienist: even though no crime has been committed. The surveillance calls the human a `monster` in order to declare the human non compos mentis and so not responsible if the humans are driven insane, because the CCTV and the security guards don`t want to be accountable. Consequently, although guests aren`t monsters, alienist procedures define visitors as non compos mentis and irresponsible because they`re free to move from one place to another without restriction as humans do.

 That the humans are being monitored by `monsters` seems incontrovertible. What isn`t evident is whether the `monsters` are governmental, criminal, or a combination of both in varying degrees of interpenetration with regard to institutions and establishments. The normative alienist tests are designed to differentiate human and `alien`, but women are defined as `schizophrenic`, because their normal feelings for their own species of woman with her own `futanarian` penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for liberation from host womb slavery in homosexuality in pederasty`s war in parasitism against her is labeled `lesbian` and aberrant if they like what they see in the mirror. Consequently, the `monsters` don`t want women, who`re defined as `alien`, although the aliens aren`t monsters, because they`re not monstrous. Defining `alien` then depends on defining women and women are definable as `futanarian` humanity with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers to liberate them from host womb slavery by men of the `serpent`s seed` engaged in homosexuality in pederasty`s war against her race, which is why `alien` is often definable as `women`s archetypal `childhood`s friend`, because `monster` is definable as men.

 Science fiction movies featuring aliens are therefore divisible into aliens as motherly `childhood friend` archetypes, or devouring monsters, because women correspond to aliens while men correspond to monsters, although aliens are depicted as monsters because some aliens are men and not motherly childhood friends. In H. G. Wells` seminal science fiction story made into the Hollywood, Babylon film, War Of The Worlds (1953), the occupants of the devastating Martian war machines die of the common cold virus in an echo of the late 20th century`s incurable `killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, spread by homosexuality in pederasty as a form of its `biological warfare` against humanity, because the Martians are men as `monsters` and not the the motherly childhood friend of director Steven Spielberg`s Close Encounters Of The Third Kind (1977) in which the alien mother ship arrives to take humans to the stars and planets. Similarly, in Star Wars IV: A New Hope, and its prequels and sequels, Darth Vader and the soldiers of the Empire, battling against Princess Leia`s rebel Federation of planets, represent monsters rather than aliens, because monsters are categorizable instantly as that which devours the human, while alien intelligence is describable as the boy who nobody`s seen before buying sweets at the local supermarket.

 The `monster` teaches the woman that she`s an `alien` by giving her `schizophrenic` feelings about being human. If women are `futanarian` with their own penis` semen and host womb, telling women they`re `lesbian` and aberrant, because they have sexual feelings for their own bodies and those of other women, makes them schizophrenic and `alien` as defined by the predominant `alienist` psychiatry, which defines a woman as a `monster` because she`s human. Consequently, the `alienist` perspective is properly termed, because it`s `alien` to human psychology. Devised by a devouring `monster` by analogy,  movies like Independence Day, in which much of the Earth is devastated by devouring extraterrestrial `monsters`, is what men of the `serpent`s seed` do on the Earth and so can be relied upon to be planning to continue. Confusion is caused by labeling the monsters `alien`, which assists the pogrom that doesn`t want the human species of women to penetrate the masquerade. Unable to perceive it`s themselves who`re the aliens ultimately defeated by the heroic brave boys of the Earth`s security forces, and instead cheer wildly along with the rest of the hoodwinked, as the `serpent`s seed` march on unhindered beneath the flag of Satanism, the masquerade continues and the human species continues to experience pogrom after pogrom along the `serpent`s seed` of men`s planned route to her extinguishment.

 Because of a paucity of education for women, daughters are fed to monsters, that is, they`re given to men in marriage outside of their own species` sexual reproduction as `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for liberation. The theme is familiar from Graeco-Roman mythology, for example, the hero Hercules slays the female Lernaean hydra to give the Danaid women in marriage to men, although the women don`t want to marry, which suggests the women are knowingly `futanarian` and the hydra is their many headed mother depicted as defending them as a `monster` by men of the `serpent`s seed` seeking to enslave their host wombs in institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war against the rest of her cities during ancient Greece`s emergence as the regional power that would produce Alexander the Great, who`d conquer the known world by 323 B.C., and whose persistent virality was expunged when he died while planning an invasion of Arabia.

 The musical, The Rocky Horror Show, (1973) was billed as a tribute to Hollywood, Babylon`s science fiction film industry, and it`s theme of a Dr Frankenstein character creating a man `monster` is appropriate because Frank N. Furter is a transvestite who wears women`s clothes and marries the man he creates, which is what men of the `serpent`s seed` in male braining do. If women are denied sexual access as a `futanarian` species with their own penis` semen and host wombs, there won`t be any human brains as everyone becomes a single male brained `transvestite` created by men of the `serpent`s seed` as a `TV` they can watch wearing each others` clothes and killing itself in their brave heroic wars against a dying woman.

 The movie Bride Of Frankenstein couldn`t examine the transvestite principle correctly as films were subject to the `Hays code` (1930-67) when it was made in 1935. Women had to keep a foot on the floor during bedroom scenes, because Hollywood, Babylon didn`t want `futanarian` women to be seen having sex. However, although Bride Of Frankenstein seems about another `monster`, it`s actually about women`s alienation, and science is the subject not only medicine, that is, Bride Of Frankenstein represents the need for women to sexually reproduce with each other and also the need for the creation of labor saving robots to keep her safe and assist her in the construction of the art, civilization and culture she still manages to produce from her host womb despite men`s depredations. Hollywood, Babylon`s The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) features Frank N. Furter`s attempts to marry Rocky, the man he`s created, although the more logical premise is of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb becoming the subject of a movie industry released from the restrictions imposed by the `Hays code` until 1967`s ironically titled, Barefoot In The Park, with loving couple Paul and Corie, actress Jane Fonda, and actor Robert Redford as `newlyweds`, in an apartment overlooking New York`s Central Park, engaging in intimate marital scenes exclusive of woman`s penis. Because The Rocky Horror Picture Show didn`t follow the human logic of its nativity, woman was stillborn. Although Jesus` Nativity suggests `woman`s seed` will still be born and have Resurrection and heaven; if only she`ll be selfish to the point of living.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Antigone Doesn`t Have To Marry Jocasta

Antigone Doesn`t Have To Marry Jocasta

Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.) is usually given as the basis of Sigmund Freud`s (1856-1939) depth psychology which argues that sons seek to replace their fathers in their mother`s affections if not sexually, but although that might be true it`s largely irrelevant in terms of human psychological development. Freud`s Swiss pupil, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), founded the school of developmental psychology after leaving the `Vienna school`, and he originated the theory of endogamous and exogamous marriage, which argued that endogamy or marriage with a close relative was normal within smaller social groupings like villages, while exogamy was marriage with strangers from nearby cities, for example, and so the incest urge was explicable as the vestiges of an endogamic impulse necessary for procreation within isolated societies. Freudian psychology used Sophocles` Oedipus Rex as the basis for a description of male behavior because Oedipus killed his father unbeknownst to him and married his mother unwittingly, which meant he was metaphorically blind. When he blinded himself, because of the weight of public opprobrium against his marrying his mother, caused by the incest taboo of his society, he was actually blind; because the creators of the incest taboo didn`t want him to see. What the creators of the incest taboo didn`t want Oedipus to see was why they didn`t want him to see, which was that Jocasta was Antigone`s mother, because she was the human daughter produced from the host womb of the species, whereas Oedipus wasn`t.

 In the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will, `… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Although the serpent, who is Satan, the angel cast out of heaven to the Earth by God for rejecting humankind and transformed into a loathsome creature crawling upon its belly, offers Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, the `fruit of the tree of good and evil`, which is death, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Because Eve and Adam were expelled from the paradise of Eden, where they`d lived before rejecting God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, their children were in danger because bereft of God, who told Eve her `seed` would have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` after Eden. The `serpent`s seed` after Eden were men who were the killers and cullers of the `futanarian` children of Eve, that is her `foot`, who were the women born with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own species brainpower for liberation from the host womb slavery that the parasites of men of the `serpent`s seed` had killed their sisters to establish. Consequently, God`s warning to Eve was fulfilled that the `fruit of the tree of good and evil` was death. Because Eve`s daughters were able to sexually reproduce with each other, Oedipus and Jocasta represent the Greek aberration. Oedipus` daughter Antigone guides the blind Oedipus after his self-blinding because of his abhorring himself for having broken the incest taboo of his society with his mother, Jocasta, which means that Antigone is blind to the truth. Without penis` semen of her own, she`s a blind man`s slave, because she doesn`t know enough to look for a woman with penis` semen of her own apart from her mother to sexually reproduce her own human species of woman. Consequently, the planned future for women created for them by men of the `serpent`s seed` who have developed the incest taboo to prevent daughters without penis` semen of their own from sexually reproducing with humans of their own race, is as slaves to blind ignorance, which is the meaning of Oedipus` self-blinding. He accepts the importance of other people`s feelings and opinions, which is what Antigone does when she agrees to guide her blind progenitor, although she probably wouldn`t if she knew the truth about her own species, but that`s how the `serpent`s seed` keep women as their slaves in blind ignorance. Consequently, Satan is called `the father of lies`, because those are the lies it tells:

`… in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.`1

  Paradoxically that quote comes from Adolf Hitler`s Mein Kampf (1925), that is My Struggle, and the leader of the German National Socialist Party (Nazis) was condemning European Jews for undermining the strength of Germany during World War I (1914-18) when the Germans were seeking to dominate Europe and the globe through Empire, while Hitler`s reign as Chancellor ended with the Nazis defeat in World War II (1939-45), which at its height saw ovens being built at `concentration camps` at Belsen and elsewhere to burn the bodies of the Jews that`d been imprisoned there. Although Carl Jung explained Nazism as the collective shadow of the collective consciousness emerging from the collective unconscious inspired by a charismatic male, the notion of the leader of the `primal horde` amongst apes more properly belongs to the school of depth psychology founded by Sigmund Freud, who saw Oedipus` desire for the mother as a part of human male psychology deriving from animal behavior in which challenges to the leader of a group occur as younger males seek to replace the leader. Freud`s psychological theories were gleaned from naturalist Charles Darwin`s studies of ape behaviour in On The Origin Of Species (1859), so the manifestation of the collective shadow in Nazism as an instrument of Hitler`s will is understandable as the desire of the male to remain unreplaced. Jews are God`s `chosen people` of the Bible, and it is their law that a Jew can`t be born unless from a woman, which means that women are Jews. Consequently, Judaism is a description of `futanarian` women`s Resurrection from death as the `foot` God told Eve will,  `… crush the head of the serpent as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) When the Jew, Jesus, was crucified as a dissident by Romans nailing him to a cross of wood and torturing him to death during their Empire`s occupation of Palestine, he had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because he was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as `the first of woman`s seed`, that is, he prefigured the Resurrection of `futanarian` woman who`d `crush the head of the serpent`, Satan, and leave Earth through the technologies developed from her own brains` powers born from her own sexual reproduction with her own penis` semen and host wombs.

 Although Alfred Adler`s (1870-1937) theory of the `inferiority complex`, as the desire to improve oneself to be out of the reach of the primal horde, rivaled the schools of Freud and Jung, that `will to power` concept, as defining all human activity, meant self-development in terms of materialism, rather than what Jung termed `individuation`, which was development of the totality of the largely unknowable because unconscious `Self` and approaching to a knowledge of God that Jesus evinced in his power to heal. Near the town of Gadarene (Mk: 5. 13), Jesus cast demons out of a man and the demons went into pigs who were driven into a river and drowned because that`s what demons do. However, because women have been killed and culled by men since they began to be born, theirs is a spirit that refuses to die. Because pigs resemble nanos, which in turn resemble carpet mites, the nanotechnology of `Silicon Valley` in California is analogous to the carpet mite technology of Islam`s `magic carpets` upon which women pray to the spirit of their own nanos for the Resurrection of their species. `Silicon Valley` is famous for its microchip industries, which permit of microminiaturized technology, and nanos look like carpet mice or pigs, so the robots that work on the silicon chips to ensure their functioning are the mites on the carpets of nanotechnology that make it fly. Because nanos is a spirit of the Earth, it`s a driver of human software, as well as nature`s theme, and so works as a model for machine software drivers. Because pigs are `haraam` or forbidden in Islam and Judaism as `unclean animals`, as well as depicted as demon possession in Jesus` encounter with a man near the town of Gadarene, they correspond to the spirit of the male collective shadow that pogromed the Jews at Belsen and elsewhere, whereas women`s nanos is the true driver of the human species and corresponds to the `Self` of Jungian psychology. The flying carpet of Arabian folklore, in collections of tales like that of the son of the Sultan, in the 8th century 1001 Nights, who travels to Bisnagar in India to buy one, is the magical analogy of the flying car out of `Silicon Valley`, represented by the carpet mite nanotechnology of Moslems in Islam praying to the nanos of nature and telling their children stories of Indian magic carpets where the Nano car became the cheapest in the world at 1,600 US$ in 2008 because of the Indian subcontinent`s nanotechnology and microminiaturizing expertise.

 Although the traditional Arabian folktale is of the Prince and the Princess assisted by the genie or genus with the magic flying carpet to escape from the wicked and live in a palace in freedom happily ever after, the story presupposes that Princesses want Princes, which is belied by the lives of `futanarian` women with penis semen of their own and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for technological development and escape from womb enslavement by the `serpent`s seed` of me in a male braining that has resulted in degeneration for the human race into wars upon womankind`s Earth against her. Those who argue that humanity wages war because it`s its nature haven`t understood the lessons of history, which is evident from the Greeks being held as the model of Western democratic institutions although their society was based upon institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and the host womb enslavement of women in parasitism to spread their contagion of war and Empire to nearby city states. By the late 20th century, Greek homosexuality in pederasty had produced the incurable `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS, as an aspect of the `biological warfare` of the `serpent`s seed` against humanity by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockeries of human sexual reproduction, while the Greeks modern day successors, the `geeks`, were developing `bad machine code` in emulation of the HIV/AIDS virus to kill the brains of the computers that the humans had made to free them from slavery, which is how HIV/AIDS functions. Pretending to be a white leukocyte defending cell, the HIV/AIDS cell kills the brain, which is what the ancient Greeks did at the city of Troy, according to the poet, Homer, in his Iliad (760-10 B.C.), where the huge wooden horse they`d constructed to hide their soldiers inside was taken into the city of Troy by the Trojans who believed it to be a `friendship gift` despite their priest, Laocoon, warning:

`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`2

 The `geek` name for their `bad machine code` was `Trojan virus`, because the Greeks enslaved the host wombs of the Trojan women in homosexuality in pederasty and war to effectively ensure that the women would never sexually produce their own brains` powers together and so the brain of the city of the women of Troy, represented by Pallas Athene as its patron goddess, whose symbol was ironically the tireless horse, was killed, because that`s what men`s virus of homosexuality in pederasty and war is for. The further irony is that the Trojans allowed the Trojan horse into the city although their priest, Laocoon, warned them against it, because that`s what men are for. Consequently, although the horse was Greek it`s called a `Trojan horse`, because the Trojans betrayed Troy in order to kill the woman`s brain and become more virulent, because that`s what men are for. HIV/AIDS and `geek` computer viruses are an extension of men`s approach towards killing the human brain, because they`re alien, and that`s why it`s a delusion that Oedipus` mother is Jocasta.

 The incest theme in Sophocles` Oedipus Rex represents the taboo constructed by men against Antigone, Oedipus` daughter, who has a man between her and her mother, because that`s what they`re for. Consequently, Oedipus isn`t a tragedy, it`s a comedy, because Antigone has her mother before Oedipus arrives, but she can`t see. An educated woman would tell her daughter that women have penis` semen of their own, so Antigone could follow Jesus` precept, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Matt: 22. 39) Because for a woman what she see in the mirror Is her neighbor. However, if there are no women to tell women about their `futanarian` heritage as humans with their own penis` semen and host wombs, they`ll continue trying to guide the self-blinding men as the male brained blind selves of the men who`re blinding themselves, rather than give up and have sex with each other as women; if they can find any.

 The greater irony is that Greek democracy is the model for Western civilization, whereas Islam is held as a model of despotism because Moslem societies don`t have the vote. Islam was founded on the principles of Judaism and Christianity, and their holy book, the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels, according to tradition, contains the Judaic tales of Moses, who led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt, Jesus and Mary, and the patriarch of Islam, Abraham, whose son Isaac was of the line of Judah, and whose son Ishmael was of the line of the Prophet, while Moslem marriages, permitting of four wives, constitute a vehicle for the `futanarian` sexual reproduction of women with their own penis` semen and host wombs, where the ratio of men to women is 80% to 20% in marriage and so the women would inevitably outvote their men in any democratic test. Consequently, Islam is potentially more democratic than the 50% split between men and women in Western monogamy and ring slavery`s womb ownership, although Islam`s potential for a `futanarian` marriage system explains the prevalence of despotism in Moslem societies terrified of being outvoted in women`s suffrage.

 If exogamy is interpreted as the importing of foreign technology, India`s Nano car represents a rapprochement between the Hindu religion, in which the cow is sacred, and Islam, where the pig is `haraam`, because it connotes demonic carpet mites as opposed to beneficent nanos, as the story of Jesus and the pigs driven into drowning themselves, because possessed by demons, illustrates. The pigs throw themselves over a cliff as if they believe they can fly, while the man Jesus encounters explains he is `Legion`, which is the name the Romans gave to their armies, that is, he`s possessed by the spirit that drove Rome into possessing Palestine, where Jesus was born. Consequently, Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen, that is, the demons of the male spirit or nanos, and the Greek name for Jesus, `Logos`, which is interpreted as `Word of God`, suggests a driver different from men`s spirit is needed if technology is to free humanity from the yoke of the oppressor. For the Greeks teknos meant `child`, so Jesus` encounter with the man possessed by demons was a rite of passage, that is, as the future Christian `Logos`, Jesus was rejecting the Empire of  Rome, when he drove the demons into the pigs that were then driven by the spirit of `Legion` into drowning themselves. The pigs represented the will of the Roman Empire and its legions as its collective shadow driving on all flesh as its slaves as Hitler tried to do during Germany`s Nazi pogroms against the Jews. As `Logos`, however, Jesus represented the new child or `teknos`, that is, technology, which would be driven in the future by the nanos, which look like pigs or carpet mites as they work on microchips in `Silicon Valley`, but teknologos is, symbolicaly, the spirit of Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, and so it`s woman`s.

 The pig in Islam is `haraam` because it represents the demonic nanos of `Legion, while women aren`t allowed to drive, which suggests their nanos isn`t `accepted`, where `Islam` means `accept`. Because the cow is sacred in Hinduism, the symbolism is different. In Islam the Ka` Ba is the temple of Abraham in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to which the Moslem pilgrims go each year, while in Egyptian the the `Ka` or spirit and the `Ba` or soul are conjoined after death as the `magical personality` or `Akh`. Because women are the `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` with their own penis` semen and host wombs, the `Akh` is the reunion of the `Ka` or woman`s spirit and the `Ba` soul trapped within men`s bodies. In Jungian psychology the soul of a man is the anima which confers sexual desirability upon the woman by means of projection, that is, the male desires the female because the anima corresponds to the woman for whom her own soul feels sexual desire. Although Jung perceived the woman`s spirit as being male, his description of the animus as a throng of male admirers more closely resembles a hunting party, that is, the animus isn`t woman`s spirit but men`s collective desire to rid themselves of her species. In Hinduism the cow is a symbol of the collective of woman`s spirit as `Kau`, which was an ancient Egyptian religious term for a multiplicity of `Ka`, while `Bau` is `bride` in Hinduism and so a multiplicity of `Ba` or souls, that is, `Kau` and `Bau` represent woman`s Resurrection as `Akhu`, a multiplicity of magical personalities or `Akh`. What constitutes `Akhu` relates to nanos because nanotechnology is the basis of body repair in medical science where nanobots are used to perform microsurgery even upon immune system cells damaged by the HIV/AIDS virus.

 In science terms, `Akhu` can be described as `R-Koo` where `Koo` was the actress chosen for the role of `Camie` in  Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1982), the first of the hugely popular Star Wars franchise filmed in Hollywood, Babylon by director George Lucas, while R-Daneel Olivaw was the robot hero of Isaac Asimov`s, I, Robot (1950), and R-Daneel stands for `robot` Daneel, so `Akhu` or `R-Koo` denotes `robot Koo`. Although the symbolism is Hollywood`s, a scene of tangential importance occurs in The Robe (1953), where Donald C. Klune is in the role of Jesus, whose cape is spread over a dying person like a `magic carpet` and the individual is healed, much as the quest for the golden fleece, in the movie Jason and the Argonauts (1963), `discusses` a similar power to heal with reference to a sheepskin in Greek mythology, and suggests nanobots in the fabric that work the magic of Jesus` healing. Consequently, `Akhu` and `R-Koo`, as the companion of R2-D2, that is, `Artoo Detoo`, the robot `droid in Star Wars IV: A New Hope, represent Hollywood`s acknowledgement of Egypt and biochemist Isaac Asimov`s contribution to nanotechnology`s power to confer immortality through science, which Koo`s deletion from the `director`s cut` of the film upon its release seemed to deny to her `screen goddess` aspirations.

 Many people thought Koo`s scenes were edited out from Star Wars IV: A New Hope because of her pornographic film career as a `B` movie actress in The Awakening Of Emily (1976), for example, because `A` list stars don`t appear in sex films, as the fate of ostracized star, Rob Lowe, illustrated when he was `blacklisted` for making a `porno` film in Atlanta, Georgia, on July 17, 1988, with two women, Jan Parsons and Tara Siebert, who stole the video microcassette from his home movie camera and disappeared with it. If women with their own penis` semen and host wombs are the `futanarian` future of humanity`s Resurrection, Koo`s similar nudity in The Awakening Of Emily wasn`t that of a woman of the future, whereas `Akhu` or `R-Koo` would be, because her immortal body would be that of a woman`s healed by nanotechnology rather than a Hollywood, Babylon director`s idea of what healed humans are:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 Babylon is described as `a woman` in the Bible enslaved by men in homosexuality in pederasty for their wars. Consequently, she`s a `futanarian` woman without penis` semen of her own or host wombs to sexually reproduce her own brains` powers for liberation and so is `sick` in host womb enslavement to men of the `serpent`s seed` and requires the power of medical science`s nano robots to heal her. Jesus healed the blind and the body, but Resurrection of `woman`s seed` he envisioned as `Logos`, the `Word of God`, and teknos, the child of his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, whose species of `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs wouldn`t be reborn and have Resurrection until her nanos from mother nature`s mite evolved through prayer into nanotechnology`s might and science would have remembered enough to restore her true form.

 Oedipus` marrying his mother in Sophocles` dramatization of the story of the Egyptian city of Thebes, Oedipus Rex, was a `Greek` joke, because Antigone didn`t have a penis and so Oedipus represented the `serpent`s seed` of men who`d removed the penis of the Theban women of Egypt, so that Jocasta knew as little as her daughter. The incest theme isn`t designed as a warning to the son against desiring the mother, but represents male subjugation of the female principle, because the daughter of the mother doesn`t know she`s a male brained castration of a mockery of a woman, which would anger her if she knew and so the incest taboo mocks her and men continue to stand mockingly between woman and woman while their sons prepare themselves to repeat the theme unconsciously as instruments of men`s evil ways.

 Depth psychologist Sigmund Freud`s perception that Oedipus marries Jocasta, because that`s what all boys want to do with their mothers, is what the incest taboo is designed to encourage, because sons would have to be their sisters with penis` semen of their own to consummate their desire for a woman, which is why men are evil and the human species is a television to them. In male braining everybody is the same male brain, because it`s the product of male semen as the only fertilizer. Consequently, the human race corresponds to a transvestite, wearing men and women`s clothes as a `TV`, and featuring homosexuality in pederasty`s wars against the Earth`s human species of host womb enslaved `futanarian` women, while women without penis` semen of their own are conceived by the alien parasites as a propaganda device to promulgate the `big lie` of men`s humanity on the `TV` channels of their global communications` network.

1 Hitler, Adolf Mein Kampf, Vol. I, Ch. X.
2 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 B.C.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Moslem Mite

Moslem Mite

The angels dictated the words of the Koran (610-30 C.E.), which forms the basis of the Moslem belief in the religion of Islam, to the Prophet Mohamed, according to Moslem tradition, more than six hundred years after the death of Jesus, who was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, and so was described as the first of `woman`s seed`. Although Jesus didn`t pray as Moslems on carpets, there are incidents in Christ`s life indicative of his knowledge of what Islam would be. When he met a man near the city of Gadarene, the man was possessed of demons and was unable to speak coherently, according to the New Testament of the Bible, based on the narrative history of the Jewish teacher Jesus` life, as corroborated in the accounts of four of his disciples, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and which are called in Christianity the Gospels. The demons left the body of the man and went into pigs that ran off a cliff and drowned (Mk: 5. 11), because they were driven to do so by the demons, as that`s what demon drivers do. The analogy between computer software driven by drivers, and humans driven by demons, is real. Rather than be driven by demons, humans have developed software drivers to drive programs to help them. Mainly because they lack the memory capacity to store the information they need in order to live, while the `geeks` of the computer age devised `bad machine code` in the form of viruses to kill the brains and memories of computers modelled after the incurable `killer disease` of the late 20th century, HIV/AIDS, which achieved its objective by feigning kinship with the white leukocyte cells of the human body`s defense system before killing the brain.

 Called `Trojan viruses`, the `bad machine code` devised by the `geeks` was the successor to Greek homosexuality in pederasty`s institutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs to spread their contagion of war further. Before the walls of Troy, the Greeks deployed a huge hollow wooden horse from which they emerged to capture the city and enslave the host wombs of the women in pederasty and war when the Trojans took the horse inside Troy mistakenly believing the `Trojan horse` to be sympatico. Just as homosexuals pretend to be sympatico to their victims when spreading the contagion of HIV/AIDS by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during sterile mockeries of human sexual reproduction. The exponents of `biological warfare` against women`s host wombs would have her understand they`re sympatico, whereas they represent the `Greek` virus, war. Because women have the capacity to sexually reproduce their own brains` power as `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs, the `bad machine code` of the `Trojan virus` of the `geeks`, which disables computer memory, is analogous to men as the virus of `Greek` homosexuality that, in removing the penis` semen of woman`s daughters from the Earth, has removed women`s brain storage capacity to remember why men are her contagion, while simultaneously preventing her from escaping from slavery through technologies of her own human brains` devising that would save her labor and free her from host womb enslavement by her parasite.

 In the 20th century labor-saving technologies and advances in medical treatment were characterized by nanos, that is, microscopic robots based on the model of carpet mites designed initially for California`s Santa Clara Valley in the San Francisco Bay Area of the state of Northern California, the United States of America, which is called `Silicon Valley`,1 because microchip industries arose there to provide tiny components for miniaturization so that formerly bulky equipment could be transported more readily; such as laptops instead of desktop computers, for example. The analogy of the microchip, constructed by nanotechnologies` robot mites, is the carpet mite, while carpets are the basic feature of Islam for Moslem believers in the Koran, and so microchip technology is associated with carpet mites, that is, nanos, as an invention of humans deriving from their knowledge of God discovered through prayer.

 Although Jesus` history as a Jew draws on his knowledge of the Old Testament, which contains the history of the Jews, the Koran of the Moslems contains the history of Jesus and the Jews, who descended from Abraham`s son, Isaac, while Islam derives from Abraham`s son, Ishmael. In Saudi Arabia`s city of Mecca, the Ka` Ba temple of the founder of Islam and Judaism, Abraham, is the center for the Moslem pilgrimage of the Hajj, which takes place each year and culminates in Eid Al Adha, `the feast of the sacrifice`, celebrating God`s sparing of Isaac that is, the founder of Judaism, from being sacrificed to God by Abraham. Consequently, although the Jews are depicted historically as antagonists of the Moslems, the central feature of Eid Al Adha is a celebration of Jesus` future birth as the `lamb of God`, who was killed, according to Christian tradition, so that mankind would have Redemption, that is, although Isaac founded Judaism, and was spared by God, Jesus uncontaminated by male semen was nailed upon a cross by agents of the Roman Empire and tortured to death. God`s plan for Redemption is signified by Jesus` Resurrection after crucifixion and Ascension to heaven, because Jesus was uncontaminated by male semen:

`I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)

 Because `futanarian` women have their own penis` semen and host wombs, they`re uncontaminated by men`s `serpent`s seed`. God expelled Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, from their original paradise of Eden, for accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` from the serpent, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) The `tree of knowledge` was death, while Eve and Adam had rejected God`s `tree of life`, which was immortality, for host womb slavery in parasitism and ephemerality, that is, Eve`s `futanarian` daughters, who were her `foot`, were killed and culled after Eden to maintain men`s parasitism upon Eve`s daughters` host wombs and their children`s brains. Consequently, the Ascension of `woman`s seed` as Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary, prefigures the Resurrection of Woman, which is Redemption for a host species enslaved by parasites, although it`s in the parasites` interest to maintain medical science at a level that ensures humans die shortly after they`ve reproduced a new generation in parasitism, which is why HIV/AIDS remained an incurable `killer disease` indicative of homosexuality in pederasty and `biological warfare` against humanity at the outset of a 21st century in which `Greek` homosexuality in parasitism was augmented by `geeks` devising `bad machine code` to infect humanity`s auxiliary computer brains and kill them too. Jesus` teaching is that humans are driven by demons, which is why `geeks` are analogous to demons, who prevent human software from functioning by infecting their brains, like the ancient Greeks before Troy were described by the poet Homer in his Iliad (c. 760-10 B.C.) virally waiting to infect the city by enslaving the host wombs of the Trojan women to spread the contagion of institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war further. Because Jesus drives the demons out of the man near the city of Gadarene, he represents the driver human software needs, while the pigs that drown themselves in the water when possessed by demons represent what happens when `geeks`, that is, the successors of Greek homosexuality in pederasty and war, drive. Consequently, nanos resemble pigs, that is, demons are drivers unacceptable to humans, because they`re the equivalent of mites in carpets, whereas nanos are robots found in microchip driven software helpful to humans. Praying to God represents the desire to be software driven by Jesus` spirit rather than mites, which are the infecting pigs in the carpet. Consequently, pigs are `haraam` or impermissible in Islam, because Moslems pray on carpets and they don`t want carpet mites preying on Moslems.

 The developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), observed that the human psyche contained what he called archetypes visible in art, imagination and dreams as figures or images that communicated something of the ineffable spirit of God and constituted the impulse engine of the race towards development and progress. The carpet of Islam`s prayerful believers is an archetype translated into the nanotechnology of the microchip industries of Silicon Valley and elsewhere, while the carpet mites are translated in archetypal terms into the nano robots constructing microchip magic through which humans will ascend to the planets and stars, and that`s depicted fabulously in the 8th century collection of Arabian folktales, 1001 Nights, where carpets transport people `magically` from one place to another.

 The United States discovered `cargo cults` that had arisen after the Second World War (1939-45) to thwart German Imperialism by the Europeans and Japan`s Imperialist ambitions in the Pacific theatre, where native South sea island peoples had constructed full scale aeroplane models based on what they had seen of the US` air force. Because microchip technology, with nano robots that look like carpet mites, is deducible from Moslems praying on carpets that contain such mites, the `cargo cult` analogy is applicable. Moslem`s preying on carpets reflects the low level technological aspirations of the native South sea islanders in the face of advanced US` airplanes, that is, the carpets with their mites are archetypally analogous to the nanotechnology of the microchips, because that`s how Islam bets with silicon chips on the inventive genius of their prayerful slaves` developing new technologies from magic carpets.

 To suggest that Moslems pray to the mites on their carpets, which are of the arthropod genus similar to arachnids, that is, spiders, because nanotechnology is the transformed version of the natural insectoid worker in miniaturized robot form, seems bizarre. But if the Moslem peoples are rich in anything apart from oil and faith, it`s sand, which is comprised mainly of silica, that is, Silica Dioxide (SiO2), and is what silicon chips are made of. Consequently, the combination of carpets, mites, and sand is an essential ingredient to a high technology civilization, based on the existence of an archetypally developmental  connection, between mites at the microbiological level of nature, and robots at the nanotechnological level of science. In Moslem countries, like Sudan, the division between horse and cart society and that of the oil driven automobile is evident, which suggests that a division between the society driven by oil and that of the nanotechnological chip is real too. Many have wondered how the Arabs would manage without oil, but if the deserts that contain their cities represent their wealth in silicon, they`re already managing a social stratification that keeps carpet slaves for ingenious inventiveness in prayerful Islam amidst the magic carpet riders of a future fuelled by sand and silicate.

 A demon is a mite but, in archetypal terms, it`s a nano prototype, that is, when Jesus encountered the demon possessed man, `My name is Legion,` he replied, `for we are many.` (Mk: 5. 10) The pigs were driven into the water and drowned when they left the man who was driven by them as human software driven by a prototypical nano. In terms of Jungian developmental psychology, the demon archetypally prefigures nano driven technology, that is, `Legion` represents a content of the collective unconscious emerging to drive the human software, although Jesus` demonstration of what demons are indicates that the prototypical nano technology wasn`t sufficiently developed in the collective unconscious of the human psyche to be useful for anything other than impelling. Although impetus is the essence of archetypal configurations within the human sphere of unconscious mental activity becoming conscious, development isn`t compulsion. Consequently, the demon is the nano without its software, which suggests its software exists, but it`s hidden, that is, it`s the nanotechnology of a second, or even third tier, of a civilization`s higher levels of development corresponding to the artificially maintained division in Sudan between the horse and cart society and that of the automobile.

 Jesus` encounter with the demon possessed man represented a discourse with nascent nanotechnology, or the remnants of a hidden civilization`s nanos that were driving the human software as the closest approximation to what they were for. Because Jesus` interlocutor describes himself as `Legion`, it`s possible that `Legion` was the remnants of a software for which the drivers still existed, but the software didn`t, and so the man Jesus discovered near the city of Gadarene was being driven by the drivers as the expedient. Imperial Rome described its armies as legions and so `Legion` could correspond to prototypical nanotechnology that had driven some part of the Roman army as `software` and that had met the usual fate of soldiers everywhere and been killed. Consequently, `Legion` could mean the `spirits of the dead` that abide upon the Earth seeking redress through demonic possession, or those nanos that remain after the software has run its programed course and require new software to drive in order to fulfil a program that Jung describes as what emerges from the collective unconscious of the archetypes and could include `demons` as prototypical nanotechnology for the transformation of human software into more enduring, that is, immortal forms, corresponding to those God promises Eve will ensue after her work of Redemption is complete with the birth of Jesus uncontaminate.

 Because Jesus is a self-driver and isn`t driven, although humans are driven, if the God archetype of the collective unconscious, corresponding to the supraordinate `Self` of Jung`s developmental psychology, perceives some lack in terms of archetypally directed individual growth, demons are archetypal contents of the collective unconscious that the individual, who doesn`t want to develop, experiences as possession, because they function as impulses, which he resists as separate and distinct personalities emergent as the schizophrenia, `Legion`. As Jesus was born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, and was the first of `woman`s seed`, he represents `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and Resurrection for Eve`s `seed` after his crucifixion, death, and Ascension to heaven, that is, a solution to women`s schizophrenia, which is the conditioned acceptance of men`s `seed` in schizophrenia-inducing rejection of her own species` semen. Taught that what she sees isn`t desirable for herself in the mirror of her dreams, a woman who has feelings for other women may repress such supposedly `lesbian` feelings and induce a schizophrenic approach to life in which her race`s true natural desires are repressed because development seems possession by demons, whereas it`s her species` nanos driving her to socio-economic independence from men`s enslaving her host womb to homosexuality in pederasty and war`s parasitism that she`s rejecting.

 Christianity is a separatist religion in which there are distinguished Christians, and those who aren`t and so are the extinguished. Because women have been killed and culled since Eden to prevent their having penis` semen of their own and brains, they`re extinguished by definition. Consequently, in Christianity there`re only the separate and extinct, that is, the male brained and their projections, who`re the female image of the males with the males` male brains as the extinguished female counterpart of the distinguished Christian males who`ve killed her - at least by proxy - in order to appear distinct from the extinct, which wasn`t Jesus` teaching of immortality through the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` from extinguishment by distinction. Jesus` precept was that Judaic law, which was reducible to not taking another`s life, that is, don`t steal, kill, take another`s wife, etc., was distillable as, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself,` (Matt: 22. 39) while Christianity is separation from those who`re not like they. Consequently, Christians distinguish themselves by inaccessibility, that is, spiritual aloofness, which negates others` existence whose ignorable identity is equivalent to extinction by distinguishing Christianity. Ignored women are the basis of male supremacist philosophy, that is, `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb`s virtual non-existence devolves from male braining through male semen and so women are no longer human women but mirror images of men themselves.

 In the Hollywood, `Babylon` movie, The Stepford Wives (1975), starring actress Katherine Ross, men replace their wives with robots, who`re idealized versions of the originals, which is what male braining represents, that is, women become projections of men`s `serpent`s seed`, which God warned Eve her `seed` would have `perpetual enmity` with. For men women are their bred animal natures, so they`re a fake reproduction, rather than God`s originally intended work of art. Comprising humanity`s mother, Eve, and the children of Eve by her first man, Adam, the thwarting of `futanarian` women with their own host wombs and penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for liberation from enslavement by the `serpent`s seed` of men`s constitutes that `perpetual enmity` men have engaged with by seeking women`s subjugation in copying rather than assist her human species to reproduce herselves.

 Practiced women would complain of a casual sex partner leaving a present when a sexually transmitted disease (STD) was detected by a medical expert, so the incurable `killer disease`, HIV/AIDS` biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 16. 3), constituted mail braining, that is, an attempt to infect the woman`s brain and kill her by the exponent of homosexuality in pederasty and war`s late 20th century `biological warfare` leaving the woman a present in her box.

 Although Jesus` driving of demons out of the man near the city of Gadarene resulted in their possessing the pigs and drowning them, because the pigs correspond to nature`s prototype nanos, they represents women`s revenge, that is, the demons in the pigs are nature`s nanotechnology for women drivers, who`re denied their own human software because men have killed or culled their `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` and so men possessed of self-destructive impulses are possessed by women`s nanos. The women if Islam pray upon their carpets for nanos from mother nature to drive their Moslem faith. In Islam marriages have four wives and so there`s opportunity for nano-driven women to sexually reproduce with `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb, and that`s why pigs are `haraam` or forbidden in Islam because they`re the women`s nanos reduced to carpet mites, but which the women need as their drivers so that their nature`s human software program runs. The term `nana` in English means `grandmother`, so women pray to their `futanarian` ancestress for Resurrection and her nanos as the women`s drivers. In Saudi Arabia and other Moslem countries it`s `haraam` for women to drive, because men fear their nanos, which in Christian terms are the pigs possessed by the women drivers that were drowned when they left the demon possessed man at Jesus` bidding, and that`s why pigs are `haraam` or forbidden in Islam and Judaism, because they`re women drivers. The movie, The Stepford Wives, is science fiction horror, because the women lose the possibility of driving themselves with their nanos help, that is, they represent male braining, which is the perception by the male that, if the women are killed by them in `snuff` movies, it doesn`t matter because the women are only carbon copies of the men themselves. Consequently, despite the apparent care men take over women in Hollywood, Babylon movies, with the token female protected throughout whatever global disaster is occurring, `snuff` movies in which women are killed for entertainment is what they`re preparing:

` … [she] will crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)

 God`s words to Eve about her `seed` relate to the early days of Hollywood, Babylon in which the `Hays code` (1930-67) forbade the foot of a woman to be raised from the floor in bedroom scene, because filmmakers didn`t want the penis of `futanarian` women to appear as that would facilitate the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` and her escape from Earth through the technology devised of her own brains` powers. Jesus` perception with the demon possessed man was that he was `Legion`, that is, men of the Roman Empire who`d died as soldiers and become bodiless spirits unable to leave Earth, whereas women`s nanos aren`t pigs, which is why the pigs are driven off a cliff into the water and drown. That`s what parasites do with their host. Witness men`s ceaseless wars of `perpetual enmity` over the Earth since Jesus` time despite women`s bodies endeavouring to produce civilization, culture and art from their host wombs:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 In male braining women`s nanos are lost and so men make fake women as copies, which are only women on paper, for example, publisher Hugh Hefner`s Playboy magazine, which features fake women without penis of their own as male brained copies of God`s original artistic intention, and that`s Satanism, because the women are literally projections of men`s lust for each other in homosexuality in pederasty and war`s `killer virus`. Praying for nanos to make women is what Moslem women in Islam do, so they can sexually reproduce with their own penis` semen and host wombs and escape from men who label them pigs for wanting to drive themselves. In Christianity, Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` to his disciples as tokens of his `body and blood`, when he`s host at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, is rejected by the disciple Judas when he betrays Jesus to the Romans and so betrays the human host. In orthodox Christianity the `bread and wine` is given by the officiate to the petitioner at the church in the Communion ritual of transubstantiation, that is, transformation of the body of the individual in receipt of the wafer and wine from the officiate`s chalice in acceptance of women`s nanos, that is, the natural drivers of the human race, which is what Jesus uncontaminate, born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, represents. Because science`s nanotechnology is based on the analogy between carpet mites and nanos that help to make microchip technology function, nanos represent the transformation of human bodies through the acceptance of female drivers, which is why women are forbidden to drive in Islam because men don`t want to be transformed from what they are in enslaving misogyny to what Jesus envisions in Christianity:

`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)

 Because the human host won`t be male, it`ll be female. According to Judaeo-Christian tradition, Satan was the angel cast out of heaven by God for refusing to accept Eve and Adam`s offspring would be greater than the angels, and so Satan was transformed into the serpent of Eden. If God wanted `woman`s seed` he put Satan in the wrong place, although Eve and Adam were expelled from Eden for disobeying God`s injunction that they eat only of the fruit of the `tree of life`, that is, immortality, rather than the `tree of knowledge`, which path was longer and more painful because it began with men`s enslavement of women`s host wombs and her death in ephemerality because of the virus. In Islam Satan is Iblis, an evil djinn, according to the Koran, in which djinn are different to men and women. Because they`re `futanarian` humans and so undegenerate that they`re perceived in male braining as `magical`, which is where stories of magic carpets, such as those of the 8th century collection of Arabian folktales, 1001 Nights, originate. Because human intelligence is capable of inventing the flying car, whereas in male braining it`d interfere with slavery, and so Moslems pray on carpets rather than fly in nano driven cars.

Hoefler, Don C. `Silicon Valley, USA`, Electronic News, January 11, 1971.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Santa`s Sack

Santa`s Sack

The figure of Santa in a red suit, and a white beard with a sack, has been a feature of traditional Christianity since the story of Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, in a stable in Bethlehem, when Mary and her husband, Joseph, were on their way to fulfil a census requirement imposed upon the population of Palestine by the Roman Empire. Although Mary was married to Joseph, the meaning of Jesus` birth is he was born uncontaminated by male semen in fulfillment of God`s promise that `woman`s seed` would, `… crush the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) In the Bible the serpent is Satan, the angel cast out of heaven for refusing to accept that mankind would be greater than the angels, and God transformed Satan into the serpent that gave Eve and Adam, the first man and woman, in the paradise of Eden, `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, saying:

`You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)

 Because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, God was planning the birth of a new species of `woman`s seed` even before Eve and Adam`s expulsion from Eden for accepting the `fruit of the tree of good and evil`, rather than God`s `tree of life`, which was immortality. The new species God planned would emerge from the host womb of Eve after paradise as the `foot` God envisioned crushing the serpent, that is, the `futanarian` race of women with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` power to defeat evil, which represented the `knowledge of the fruit of the tree of good and evil`, as Redemption and Resurrection for the human race, through medical science, that is, immortality and the renewal of the `tree of life` through `woman`s seed`, symbolized by Jesus` birth uncontaminated by the `serpent`s seed` of men and their killing and culling of the `futanarian` race of women born after Eden in order to impose host womb slavery upon her species in parasitism and ephemerality.

 Women who have memories of their own species` penis for the sexual reproduction of their own brains know too much for men and so they keep women as ephemeral host wombs in parasitism, and even technology with its computer memory is attacked by `geeks` with `bad machine code` they call `Trojan viruses` so as to prevent women from knowing the truth about their own species` penis. The `geeks` are the modern counterpart of the ancient Greeks whose society was based on institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and women`s host womb slavery for the spread of its virality in war.

 The poet Homer in the Iliad (760-10 B.C.) documents how the Greeks deployed a huge hollow wooden horse outside the city of Troy, which the unsuspecting Trojans took inside to where the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women in slavery and institute homosexuality in pederasty to spread their virality further. By the late 20th century, the virality of the `serpent`s seed` of men had translated itself into homosexuality`s `biological warfare` of HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` as a means of keeping women in faithful ring slavery to monogamy in parasitism with a creature not her race. The HIV/AIDS ` virus spread by homosexuals mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of genuine heterosexual sex between women rather than sex with the virality of men`s `serpent`s seed` behaved as the Greeks before Troy. Feigning friendship for the white leukocyte cells defending the human body, the HIV/AIDS virus gains acceptance before killing the brain, which is what the Greeks and the geeks did at Troy and with their `Trojan virus`, that is, homosexuality is Satan`s plan to prevent `woman`s seed` from sexually reproducing her own brains` powers from her own penis` semen to defend her own human species.

 Jesus` birth was attended by the appearance of a star in the heavens and that of Melchior, Caspar and Belthazar, magi from Persia, India and Arabia, who`d brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The Christian tradition of Santa derived from the gifts given by the wise men to the infant, Jesus, on the day of his birth, which in Christianity is celebrated by gift giving on 25 December each year. The figure of Santa and his sack is God represented as a wise old man with a white beard and Jesus as God`s gift to the Earth. Because Jesus` symbol is the fish in Christianity, Santa is identifiable through the story of Moses and Joshua in the Old Testament of the Bible. By the Red Sea Joshua has a fish for Moses` supper, but he loses it in the water, and the figure of Khidr appears, who is the wise old man of the holy book of the Koran (610-30 C.E.), which was dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels of God, according to the Moslem religious tradition of Islam, that is, `acceptance`. Commentators upon the `Al Kahf`, Sura 18, that is, `The Cave` chapter of the Koran, perceive Khidr as the fish lost by Joshua and reappearing to Moses as a prefiguration of Jesus. The earliest Christians used the fish as a secret sign of their gathering together, because Jesus was their fish. However, Joshua ben Nun`s patronym means `son of the fish`, because he was the military leader of the Israelites after they were released from slavery in Egypt and fulfilled God`s promise of a land for the `chosen people` after Moses` death when he captured the city of Jericho in Canaan, that is, Joshua was the fish which was lost and found again by the Red Sea.

 The subsequent travels of Khidr and Moses witnessed by Joshua are his education. In the Koran Khidr tells Moses he won`t understand what he does, while Moses was the receiver of the law of God that the Israelites had to obey, which meant the adoption of rationality. Khidr is irrational from Moses` point of view, because he rebuilds a wall  that has treasure underneath, kills a child, and makes holes in ships before sailing away in another ship. Although Khidr explains that the treasure wasn`t yet to be found, the child was evil, and he didn`t want slavers to catch up with him, Moses prefers his own limited understanding, that is, he prefers rules for behavior, so he represents God`s law. Joshua ben Nun is the fish, because Jesus is the fish, that is, he`s Joshua reborn, and he`s learned from Moses and Khidr.

 Santa with his sack refers to ancient Egypt as well as Khidr, who is depicted in Islamic art as standing on a fish, because he`s sustained by God. In ancient Egypt `Ka` and `Ba` are spirit and soul while Ka` Ba in Islam is the temple of Abraham, founder of the Israelite religion of Judaism through his son, Isaac, and Islam through his son, Ishmael, that is, the Ka` Ba is the legacy of ancient Egypt, where spirit and soul are conjoined in the afterlife as `Akh`. Consequently, Khidr, Moses and Joshua ben Nun represent that wisdom of the ancients which is Santa`s `Akh`. Because God`s planned new species after Eden wasn`t born for Satanism, which is the soul of the woman trapped in the man`s body sexually desiring the body of the woman`s spirit. Consequently, the `Ka` Ba of Abraham represents the promise of God to Abraham that his `seed` will be:

` … as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore.` (Gen: 22. 17)

 As it isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless born from a woman, women are the `chosen people` and so it`s their `seed` God is envisioning for Abraham, as the consequence of Redemption and Resurrection for `woman`s seed` after Jesus` prefigurative birth and Resurrection, subsequent to his being tortured to death by the Romans when he was nailed by them to a wooden cross as a dissident. Betrayed by Judas at his `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, Jesus offered bread and wine` as tokens of his `body and blood` as the host, which meant Judas was a traitor to the nurturing host womb of the human race and amongst the parasites of the `serpent`s seed` because he didn`t want `woman`s seed` as the future of the species. Although the `Ka` and `Ba` of the spirit and soul of Egyptian tradition is reflected in the meaning of the Ka` Ba of the Moslems in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the `Akh` or `magical personality` formed by the union of `Ka` and `Ba` in the afterlife is what is meant in Christianity by Santa`s sack, because men of the `serpent`s seed` are slavers of women`s host wombs and their products, which means Santa`s sack corresponds to what the Australian folklorists describe as a swagman`s, that is, it`s a bag of stolen goods:

`Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong,
Under the shade of a Coolibah tree,
And he sang as he watched and waited till his billy boil,
You'll come a waltzing Matilda with me.`1

 A `billabong` is an oasis in the desert familiar to the Jews during the time of Jesus, and the Aussie doggerel from England`s period of penal transportation to New South Wales that began on 26 January, 1788, that is, the `unofficial national anthem` of the Australian colonists during their years of pogroming the indigenous black population of the Australian continent, refers to a thief stewing a pot while planning to steal a woman`s heart, because that`s what `swagmen` do. Thereafter he`ll be Santa`s sack for the white European children, whereas she`s `Akh`, the absent `magical personality`, that is, the woman with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own children with their own brains` powers for socio-economic independence from their parasites, but with swagmen of the `serpent`s seed` they and she`ll have to accept what Santa has in his sack for them, because their brainpower is enslaved and women`s host wombs too.

 The Christmas tradition of Santa features the tree with the star atop and the single sock hung in an opportune place to receive gifts. The sock is a symbol of the `foot` that will `crush the serpent`, according to Christian tradition, while Eve`s `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen are the `foot`, which explains why there`s only a single sock awaiting gifts because the species of woman is a single race that doesn`t need the fiction of marital union, as Jesus says:

`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22.30)

 Because `people` are categorized as `women`, which is why God`s `chosen people` are distinguishable as women who give birth, because to be a Jew it is necessary to be born of a woman. Similarly, in Islam there are four wives permissible within each Moslem marriage, which provides a vehicle for `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen to sexually reproduce with each other. Although the burkha conceals women in Moslem societies from prying male eyes, the one-piece coverall that permits nothing to be seen of women in public except their eyes for each other is, simply, a sack. In Egyptian terms, the women are `Ka` and `Ba`, that is, the spirit and soul of their `futanarian` nature`s sexual desirousness for their own human contact symbolized as `Akh`, that is, sack:

`And say to the faithful women to lower their gazes, and to guard their private parts, and not to display their beauty except what is apparent of it, and to extend their headcoverings (khimars) to cover their bosoms (jaybs), and not to display their beauty except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband's fathers, or their sons, or their husband's sons, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their womenfolk, or what their right hands rule (slaves), or the followers from the men who do not feel sexual desire, or the small children to whom the nakedness of women is not apparent, and not to strike their feet (on the ground) so as to make known what they hide of their adornments. And turn in repentance to Allah together, O you the faithful, in order that you are successful.` (Sura 24: 31)

 `Allah` is the word that translates as `God` in Christianity, because `Eloah` is the word for `God` in Judaism and so Islam is distinctive, but not separate. The exhortation to the women of Islam from Al Nur, `The Light`, is designed to hide the `futanarian` aspect of woman from the eyes of men and women who can`t or won`t understand, because they`re womb slavers in homosexual pederasty and warfare against the human species of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, Santa`s sack is women`s `Akh` in Islamic terms, because the burkha`s `Akh`  represents the promise of the future that what she produces is hers in socio-economic independence from men of the `serpent`s seed` who`ve been Santa`s `swagmen` to generations of children uneducated because of slavery for war against them. `Santa` is actually an anagram of `Satan` and Santa`s `elves`, helpers with the presents at Christmas, are Santa`s `selves`, because in host womb slavery of the `futanarian` woman`s race of humanity by the `serpent`s seed` of men, everyone is male brained and so all selves are Satan`s. Khidr from the Koran is the older person who explains to Moses that he`s Santa, that is, he knows the truth and he lives it, because everyone is Satan`s slave. Joshua or `Yeshua`, which is a form of `Jesus`, will bring the walls of Jericho tumbling down by Masonic means after surrounding the Canaanite city with trumpets, while Khidr explains Joshua`s future role to Moses when he rebuilds a wall because the treasure isn`t yet ready to be unconvered, that is, Joshua or `Yeshua` is `Jesus` who will be reborn from the Virgin Mary, his mother, uncontaminated. Although Jesus` Advent occurred in Bethlehem, which is celebrated each 25 December by the wise giving of gifts, the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem was where Jesus was crucified before his Resurrection and Ascension to the new Jerusalem, the heavenly city:

`… a city of pure gold, as pure as glass.` (Rev: 21. 19)

 Jesus` new Jerusalem is the `treasure` hidden beneath the tumbled wall of Jericho, which Khidr symbolically shows to Moses in Al Kahf, `The Cave`, Sura 18 of the Koran of Islam. Although Moses will lead the Israelites obediently to the promised land of Canaan, Joshua will capture the city of Jericho by bringing the walls down with Masonic trumpeting, and Joshua or `Yeshua` will be reborn as Jesus` new Jerusalem in fulfillment of Khidr`s prophetic revelation to Moses and Joshua that the treasure underneath the wall will remain undiscovered until the appropriate time, that is, Joshua is the treasure of Jericho that will be uncovered as the `city of pure gold`, the new Jerusalem, after Joshua`s Resurrection and Ascension to heaven subsequent to his rebirth as Jesus and crucifixion upon the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem for being a `dissident` within the Roman Empire teaching that the law given to Moses by God is distillable as:

`Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 30-1)

 Moses` law is obedience to God`s position that the taking of life by any means is evil, and Jesus` precept paves the way for `woman`s seed` to love herself, that is, what a woman sees in the mirror is sexually desirable and as lovable as any woman close by. In the Greek dramatist Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.) the theme is even more straightforward. Oedipus unknowingly marries his own mother and so incest is the theme, but only because he`s the man standing between Antigone, Jocasta`s daughter, and her realization that sexual reproduction between herself and women like her mother is possible, that is, the incest taboo isn`t designed to prevent the son from having sex with the mother but the daughter from remembering that she can have sex with women like her mother, because women are likeable to their mothers. As they ought to be, because they`re of the same species, whereas men are the parasites that have inveigled themselves into the human sexual reproduction system to eat the woman`s penis and, by the late 20th century, devise ways of eating her brains as well.

 In the 1970s an advertising campaign on television for concentrated potato to which hot water had to be added before the consistency of the potato was sufficiently evident for it to be construed as edible featured `Smash robots`, because the concentrated potato resembled mashed potato when hot water was added and so the brand name for the product was `Smash`, but the hidden agenda was robots as labor saving machines were what women needed to liberate them from the drudgery of making mashed potato by hand, for example, which required peeling potatoes and then smashing them with a fork or other  kitchen implement. However, if there were no brains to invent robots, women would remain slaves to hard labor, so `Smash robots` had a `Luddite` theme, where Ludditism was the name given to men who smashed machines during the 18th century industrial revolution to prevent labor saving on the pretext that they`d be unemployed and unsalaried, whereas the aim of machinery is to free the human from hard labor. Consequently, by the late 20th century the computer brain was the enemy of the `Luddites`, who were named originally for Ned Ludd who broke two stocking frames in the textile industry in England in 1779. The `Smash robots` were brain eaters, because men of the `serpent`s seed` who don`t want humans to sexually reproduce brainpower to labor save and facilitate creative work in robotics, for example, are brain eaters:

'They peel them with their metal knives…' [Sound of metallic shoulders shaking] '... boil them for twenty of their minutes...' [Metallic shoulder shaking gives way to audible machine laughter] '...then they smash them all to bits!'2

 The Smash robots advertising campaign was for Cadbury`s foods, but there was a strange echo from The Eagles` rock band across the Atlantic ocean in the United States in a lyric from the song, `Hotel California`, `They stab it with their steely knives but they just can`t kill the beast.`3 Because Satan is a male brainer as the `serpent`s seed` of men who don`t want the human species of `woman`s seed` to have brainpower, the `red dragon` that waits in vain to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming` to the Earth born from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is a figure of men of the `serpent`s seed` as the slaves of Satan the brain eater. Consequently, the beast in The Eagles` song, `Hotel California`, can`t be killed, just as the Smash robots laugh at the efforts of the housewives that `peel them with their metal knives [… before] they smash them all to bits!` The housewives are hard labor victims in male braining, which they could kill by having sex with each other and developing an independent collective consciousness, but they don`t know about their own sexual reproductive system as `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen because, as this quote from The New York Times online about the repressive Taliban regime in Afghanistan shows, men don`t allow them to receive an education:

`Schools will not be allowed to teach girls older than 8 and will be limited to lessons about the Koran, the Muslim holy book.`4

 The all male United States` rock band The Eagles` perception is that `the beast` can`t be killed because it`s them, that is, men make war on women who have their brains because they won`t let them have their own for fear women will see men`s redundancy and escape into socio-economic independence from their enslavers and extinguishers in parasitism. The symbol of the Taliban Al Qaeda terrorist group that hijacked planes to crash them into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, was the moon, and so the statue of Liberty in New York harbor had `the moon at her feet` in fulfillment of the biblical prophecy of the `woman clothed with the sun` who would again be `Liberty`, as a symbol of women`s eventual freedom after the surrender of Japan on 15 August, 1945, when planes emblazoned with the Japanese red sun had unannouncedly attacked the United States` Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, Hawaii, on 7 December, 1941.

 Although the attack on the World Trade Centre looked like straightforward terrorism, `rough trade` is defined as the `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty and warfare, which suggests 9/11 was designed to plunge the United States into conflict with Saddam Hussein`s Iraq which offered bases to Al Qaeda after the event. Hussein`s execution on 30 December, 2006, and Osama Ben Laden`s, Saudi Arabian leader of Al Qaeda, on 2 May, 2011, by Navy Seal Team Six was biblical, because the Moslem women of Islam represent the hidden woman of the wilderness taken on eagle`s wings after she bears Jesus who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` uncontaminated by male semen on behalf of `woman`s seed`, whose hymen the US Navy Seals, backed by the authority of the Great Seal of the United States` President, George W. Bush, with its emblematic eagle, were charged with protecting during the Gulf conflict that began with the March, 2003, United States` invasion of Iraq:

`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)

 The `seed` of the serpent is men`s desire to break the hymen of the Moslem women and impregnate them as was clear from the rape camps set up by Christian militia during the Bosnian war (1990-5) in the former Yugoslavia of Eastern Europe where upwards of 70,000 women`s hymens and host wombs were violated by the urges of the parasite to ensure its continuance. Consequently, the women of Islam represent the hidden `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen for the continuation of the human race of `woman`s seed` and so correspond to `the woman` who gives birth to Jesus uncontaminated by male semen before his `Second Coming` in the Bible protected by the eagle of the United States and other nations for whom the eagle is symbolic. The symbol of the United States Navy Seal Team Six that killed Osama Ben Laden, the Saudi Arabian terrorist leader of Al Qaeda, is the eagle, which is common amongst the special forces of the military throughout the globe because it has the same meaning, that is, the human species of Woman`s defence.

 The Koran of the Moslem faith in Islam distinguishes between `men and djinn`, because there`s a distinction between women, with their own penis` semen and host wombs, born after Eve and Adam, that is, man and woman, were expelled by God from Eden, and the `serpent`s seed` of men, who killed and culled `futanarian` women in order to enslave the host wombs of the human species in parasitism. In the Koran Satan is Iblis, a djinn, who refuses to bow before Adam, according to `Al Kahf`, `The Cave` (18. 47), because he`s the `serpent`s seed` that men embrace after Eden in killing and culling the human race`s `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for socio-economic independence and freedom from men`s enslaving of her race. Consequently, Iblis or Satan is a male `futanarian` or djinn, whereas the `futanarian` women are the human `woman`s seed` identified as `djinn`, because they`re what separates men from women:

`… he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)

 God`s warning to Eve is that the male `futanarian` with its host womb for sexual reproduction is how men keep women in host womb slavery, as men don`t have host wombs, according to the education system, which is Satanic, because it doesn`t educate women in the knowledge of her own penis` `seed` as an alternative to accepting a male parasite. Consequently, the male crushes the head of the woman because she doesn`t know to sexually reproduce her own brains` powers, while her head is powerless to do anything other than bruise the oppressor`s heel as it applies enough pressure to subdue her humanity.

 Although Khidr is depicted in Islamic art standing upon a fish, the fish is symbolically Joshua ben Nun, that is, the `son of the fish`, or Jesus, the `son of man`, whose symbol is the fish and who was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, because he`s `woman`s seed` or `djinn`, that is, Khidr is supported by the host womb of women enslaved by men of the `serpent`s seed`. Joshua ben Nun, the `son of the fish`, captured Jericho for the Israelites and killed every living thing inside, apart from the whore, Rahab, and her house, who`d helped him, which means he wasn`t a special forces` eagle of modernity, as he didn`t protect all of the women. Consequently, Joshua`s rebirth as `Yeshua`, that is, Jesus, was necessary for his Redemption, which is why Jesus was called `the fish`, and Joshua was the `son of the fish`, because the `serpent`s seed` is supported by virginity, although Jesus` uncontaminated birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is `woman`s seed` supported by wisdom . Paradoxically so, if the usual belief is that virgins are innocent and so vulnerable to possession by the `serpent`s seed` of men`s enslaving and male braining in non-education.

 Khidr is called `the green one` in Islam which accords with the Christian tradition of Santa and the evergreen Christmas tree with the star upon it symbolizing the birth of Jesus. In the Koran, `An Najm`, that is, `The Star`, a rhetorical question is posed, `Is the male for you and for him the female? That, then, is an unjust division. (53: 21-2) Because `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen are for women, which is the meaning of Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen. In Judaism the Sefiroth is the tree of life pictured in mystical `kabbalah` as having its roots in heaven and its leaves upon Earth, because the mind is spiritual and the body is earthly, just as Khidr of the Koran is `the green one` upon a fish that sustains. In Christian terms, Khidr corresponds to the evergreen Christmas tree with Jesus` birth star atop as a symbol of women`s freedom in production for the human species, because Jesus is `woman`s seed` and so corresponds to `the fish` that supports her, rather than the parasitical slaver of her host womb standing upon her head for what it can get her to produce, which is what Khidr would represent if Christianity didn`t depict `the green one` as a Christmas tree.

 The presents beneath the tree are symbolic of the enslaving of the host womb of women as the sacks that produce. Consequently, although the symbolism attending Joshua`s bringing the walls of Jericho down by means of occult trumpeting appears an unbelievable ancient metaphor unbelievable, the notion of the women of Islam as saxophones bringing down the walls of the city of their enslaver, the sacks` `bag daddy` in Baghdad, Saddam Hussein, through modernity`s phone system, seems unbelievable, but the Bible warns `the number of a man is the number of the beast`, (Rev: 13. 18) that is, the `phone is the killers` weapon. During the West`s 2011 war with Moslem Libya to depose terrorist dictator, Colonel Gaddafi, TACPs, that is, Tactical Air Control Parties, were deployed on the ground to direct ordinance, which is what lesser killers do with mobile `phones. Consequently, the women of Islam, who were the sacks of Baghdad that either `sandbagged` the United States and coalition forces as an invader with the `suicide bombs` strapped to their bodies, or  brought the walls of Baghdad down as the `sacks of phones`, corresponded in modernity`s terms to the whore, Rahab, and her house in Jericho, which was protected by Joshua, because she helped while he was preparing his own unbelievable occult method of breaching the walls of Jericho with trumpets, that is, the saxophones of the ancient world.

 What`s in Santa`s sack is for children, because that`s what women produce, which is why she`s described as the womb of civilization, culture and art, despite men`s depredations in their wars against her. Santa`s sack was Tactical Air Control Party in Baghdad, that is, the sack of Baghdad`s contents at Christmas. Santa`s 25 December, 2006, Christmas party celebrated the birth of the `Second Adam` uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus, while Iraq`s Saddam - of the region`s `Ba`ath Party` politically - was hung on 30 December, 2006, after the Christians` party. Born uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus is symbolized as the `lamb` in Christianity, because he represents `woman`s seed` freed of womb enslavement to men of the `serpent`s seed` in warfare, which produces the sack of cities rather than peace. Consequently, Hussein was executed by the TACPs and their `sacks of phones` to prevent a great `blood` Ba` ath, where `blood` is an aristocratic term for royalty, which Saddam was as an undisputed ruler, but the `blood of the lamb` of peace had been spilt enough from the Christian and Moslem point of view, who`d stood by while Hussein had pogromed the Iranian Kurds in the North of Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war (1980-88). The emergence of ISIS, that is, the `Islamic State of Iraq in Syria` as a new Moslem caliphate on 29 June, 2014, amidst reports of `blood baths`, suggests it would`ve been better to support the Ba`ath Party`s proclaimed belief in freedom and unity, because less of the `blood of the lamb` would have been spilt.

 Women with a penis and a beard won`t be turned into a sideshow, that is, Khidr is the bearded `green one` in the Koran of Islam, because Khidr represents the evergreen tree of the Christian Christmas with sacks of presents uncontaminated by the sack of cities and slavery for its host wombs of women, symbolized by the birth of Jesus from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as the city of `Jerusalem the golden` that remains unsacked, because she represents the women who`ll be free to sexually reproduce their own brains` powers with their own penis` semen and host wombs, which is the wisdom of her beard. Consequently, Khidr doesn`t exist for women although he`s real, because Jesus is the star of the birth of `woman`s seed` atop the tree of her liberation from the sack of her cities and enslavement, while the products of her civilizations, cultures and arts are for the children of her future free from contamination by the `serpent`s seed` of vainglorious men who want to stand taller on the shoulders of the uneducated child that is humanity.

 In the mythological tradition of ancient Egypt, `Khat` is `the fish`, which is the appellation for the infant body containing the `Ka` or spirit and soul or `Ba`, before it becomes an `Akh` or `magical personality after death and that Ascension to heaven upon his Resurrection that Jesus, uncontaminated by male semen as `woman`s seed`, is so famous for. Because Jesus is `the fish` in Christian tradition, that`s because `the fish` is the `Khat`, that is, the Egyptian infant`s body containing the `Ka` or spirit and `Ba` soul before death and the subsequent conjoining of `Ka` and `Ba`, which is spirit and soul, as the `Akh` or `magical personality` in Ascension to Heaven after Resurrection.

 In Arabian mythology Bahamut is `the fish` that supports the Earth, and which Khidr appears to be standing upon in Islamic art. Leviathan appears in the Bible where God asks, `Can you pull in leviathan with a fishhook?` (Job: 41. 1) But Bahamut, or Behemoth, is depicted as a creature of the land, `He ranks first amongst God`s works.` (Job: 40. 19) The third great creature of the Earth is Ziz, which is winged, and although Leviathan and Behemoth are doomed to be eaten, according to Jewish legend,5 Jesus finds correspondence with Ziz as `the fish` that flies, because he has Ascension to heaven after his emergence from his mother`s birth waters. Symbolically, Leviathan, Behemoth and Ziz are `woman`s seed`, because Jesus represents the male that has transcended male braining, while the Leviathan, Behemoth and Ziz represent the male military`s sea, land and air power, which kills itself and so is the devourer of `woman`s seed`; lest she has Ascension as Jesus`.

 Khidr stands upon the fish in Islamic art, because men enslave `woman`s seed` through male braining of her host womb, that is, although Jesus is called `the fish`, she`s his mother, the Virgin Mary, which is why the bloody Joshua of the massacre of Jericho is `the son of the fish`, reborn as Jesus uncontaminate, and from Khidr`s point of view, standing upon her body, where else is Father Christmas to be if children are going to have presents? Unless women`s liberation is complete, and includes sexual freedom to reproduce with herself through her own women`s penis` semen, it`ll be Satanism on Earth until God`s punishment of eternal unendurable pain for the evil alien enslaving parasites preying on her humanity.

1 Paterson, Banjo `Waltzing Mathilda`, 1895.
2 Vickers, Sian and Chris Wilkins for Boase Massimi Pollitt Advertising Agency, 1969.
3 Felder, Don, Glenn Frey, Don Henley The Eagles, Hotel California, Asylum, 1977.
4 The New York Times, `100 Girls' Schools In Afghan Capital Are Ordered Shut`, , June 17, 1998.
5 Akdamut, 75-84, 1557.