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Sunday, 19 April 2015

Never Mind The Bollocks, Here`s The Sex Pistols

Never Mind The Bollocks, Here`s The Sex Pistols

Although many Christians perceive the Bible as the literal truth and the direct word of God, the early Christians believed in gnosis, that is, knowledge through explication, which produced Gnosticism, but the Gnostic Christians were simply those who read the Bible to understand its meaning because the Bible isn`t a stand alone text that is comprehendable without exegesis. It begins with Eve and Adam in the paradise of Eden, humanity`s original home, where the creator, God, has placed the devil, Satan, who was an angel in heaven but, having denied that humans would be greater than the angels, Satan was turned into a serpent, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Satan gives Eve and Adam `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is death, and the first man and woman disobey God`s injunction to `eat only of the fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, which results in God`s expelling Eve and Adam from Eden with the exhortation from God that they`ll have Redemption from their sin but Adam must labor and Eve will experience labor pain:

`You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)

 Because Eve`s `futanarian` human race of women born after Eden have their own penis` semen and host wombs, they`re Eve`s `foot` that crushes Satan`s head because her race of women can escape racism and extinction through host womb slavery in parasitism and war against her by sexually reproducing her own brains` powers for liberation from men of the `serpent`s seed` who`ll seek to exterminate her species as Chancellor Adolf Hitler of the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party sought to do during that nation`s attempt to enslave the Earth in World War Two (1939-45) and built concentration camps throughout Europe in order to exterminate the `chosen people` of the Bible, the Jews. Although it isn`t clear to most people why the Jews are `chosen`, their tradition is that  it isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless born from a woman, which means that Jews are women and so women are the `chosen people` the Nazis were endeavoring to exterminate so that slavery could be implemented more easily.

 In the movie Sophie`s Choice (1982) Jewish director, Alan J. Pakula, has Meryl Streep choose between her son and daughter when the exterminator gives her the option of sending her son, Jan, to a children`s camp and her daughter, Eva, to a death camp, `So you believe in Christ the Redeemer?` Sophie chooses her daughter, Eva, for death, and that emphasizes the mistake Eve made in giving the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` to Adam that the serpent gave to her, which it was death to taste, because it meant slavery in ephemerality for the race of women. Although Meryl claims Jewish ancestry, her character, Sophie, is a Pole and not a Jew, which is why she gives her daughter instead of her son. A Jewess isn`t depicted as choosing because she`d choose her son and the movie producer, Steven Spielberg, would be able to explain, because he was a Jew.

 The Bible of the Judeo-Christian tradition merits explication, because Sophie`s giving her daughter requires Spielberg`s explanation as a Jew. Sophie`s Choice is a piece of romantic `gay` sadism, like the crucifixion of Jesus, the Christian Messiah, because Sophie`s daughter is clearly her, which is why Hollywood is called `the Babylon of the West`, because it`s an education for sadists and not a genuine education for humans. During the European wars between Moslems and Christians, `rape camps` were set up in the Bosnian war (1992-95), to male brain a generation of Moslem women whose marital tradition of four wives permits of the possibility of sexual reproduction between `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs. The enslavement of women`s host wombs and the extermination of her penis` `seed` is an ancient evil that reappears within the span of a few generations because that`s how she`s kept by her enslaver:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

  Described as `a woman` in the Bible, Babylon is the figure of woman`s enslavement. The Greeks institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and the enslavement of women`s host wombs to spread their contagion of war, which is how their virus spread. In his Iliad (760-10 B.C.) the Greek poet Homer describes how the Greeks constructed a huge hollow wooden horse which the Trojans took into their city of Troy and the Greeks emerged from within the horse to enslave the host wombs of the women in homosexuality and pederasty and spread their disease further. By the late 20th century the incurable `killer disease` HIV/AIDS had emerged as the `biological weapon` devised by homosexuality in pederasty`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in men`s mockery of human sexual reproduction and preference for each other rather than women.`

`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

 Human sexual reproduction is women`s sexual reproduction between each other and men have endeavored to exterminate her in order to wage war upon her Earth to extinction of the human race as the alien that hates us. The basis of men`s hatred is the story of Abraham and Sara in the Bible. Sara gives birth to Isaac, whose descendants are the Jews, and Sara gives her maid, Hajer, to Abraham because Sara is barren after the birth of Isaac. From Ishmael, Hajer`s son, Islam and the Moslems are descended. Judeo-Christianity favors monogamy, because it`s slavery in homosexuality in pederasty and war for women`s host wombs, whereas the four wives in polygamous Islamic marriages permit of sexual reproduction between women. In Islam the annual pilgrimage of the Haj to the temple of Abraham in Mecca celebrates Hajer`s breaking of the taboo against polygamy and the founding of a religion in accordance with Jesus` teaching:

`These things I have spoken to you while abiding with you. But the helper, the Holy Spirit ... will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.` (John: 14. 25-26)

 Jesus` teaching was that the whole of God`s law was, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Because men stand between women and their daughters` education and sexual freedom. In the Greek dramatist Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.), Oedipus marries his mother, Jocasta, and then blinds himself because of men`s incest taboo. Oedipus` name means `swollen foot`, because Eve`s `foot` will `crush the head of the serpent` (Gen: 3. 15), but not if the serpent`s brains are strong, and men are, in the American vernacular, `lame brains`, that is, unable to progress, because `woman`s seed` is dead. Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood on a hill, Calvary, outside Jerusalem, but had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death. Because he was born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, he was `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen, and so prefigured the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed` through her brains` power to progress. Jesus was betrayed as a `dissident` by Judas Iscariot, because he was `woman`s seed` and not an advocate of male braining. As the human host at what came to be known as the `Last Supper` for his disciples, Jesus offered `bread and wine` as symbols of the human host`s `body and blood`, that is, but Judas rejected Jesus` offer because he wanted the host womb of women in slavery to homosexuality in pederasty and war, rather than that `woman`s seed` should sexually reproduce and escape male braining.

 The SS guard at the death camp in the movie Sophie`s Choice is an explication of the pogrom of the `serpent`s seed`, because Sophie is her daughter and dead women won`t remember. Advanced medical science developed through human brainpower will result in rejuvenation and longevity of body and memory equivalent to immortality, which is what God promises Eve`s `seed`, and so her `foot` will crush the head of the serpent, Satan, that wants to keep her species in ephemeral slavery to homosexuality in pederasty`s wars against her race in racism perpetrated upon humanity by an alien. If women had memories, they`d have remembered their own penis. The 21st century successors to the ancient Greeks, who imposed homosexuality in pederasty, and the institutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs to spread their contagion of war, are the `geeks` who infect computers with viruses based on the `Trojan horse` method deployed by the Greeks before the walls of Troy. The city accepted the virus despite the Trojan priest Laocoon`s warning:

 `Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`1

 The city fell to become a male brained Greek `rape camp` like the Moslem women fell to the Christian Serbs during the Bosnian war. The 21st century geeks` deployment of viruses called `Trojan horses` infected computers as the `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS terrorized women to keep them in faithful monogamous relations with their enslaver, while the incest taboo kept women from having sex with each other as a single human race rebelling against `ownership of the means of production`2 in the hands of an alien race`s enslaving of her. The analogy is of women`s brains being infected by the virus so that they can`t remember. Because the woman`s penis is the brain of women, memory is the key to her Salvation. The `geek` infection of computer brains is analogous to the HIV/AIDS virus as a Greek `Trojan horse`, because it represents a stage in the enslavement and death of women in homosexuality in pederasty`s wars against her civilization, culture and art, which her `seed` is still able to produce from her host womb despite men`s depredations. If women don`t know of their own sexual capacity to reproduce with each other, they won`t, which is why `geeks` are the successors of the Greeks, because they don`t want women to remember and escape. In the Bible the serpent is depicted as the dragon grown in size and waiting in vain to devour the newborn Jesus, who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, because although the `serpent`s seed` has inveigled itself into the host womb of the human species, and so has stolen and eaten the woman`s penis, her brains, and her memory, God`s promise of Redemption is that the `seed` of the woman, Eve, will crush the head of the serpent, that is, her human `futanarian` species of women with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for liberation will run the race and escape from the alien`s racism.

 Although democracy is held to be the great virtue of Western civilization, the model is Greek, because there aren`t any women in the male brained vote. In Islam women are accorded 80% to 20% nominal position within the Moslem marriage, though most Islamic nations are autocratic. However, the 4 to 1 ratio of women to men is what might be expected within societies where women`s penis` semen exists. Consequently, Western democracy is a sham, because the humans would outvote the aliens if women`s sexual reproduction wasn`t suppressed. The solution to the alien invader is to outvote it by rule of female semen.

 Former BBC TV news reporter, David Icke, achieved notoriety with his claims that reptiles rule the Earth and that England`s Queen Lizard Birth,3 for example, was amongst the alien elite. Johnny Rotten of the English pop group, The Sex Pistols, made the same outrageous claim, when he agreed to sing the lyrics to the group`s single, `God Save The Queen`, from the album Never Mind The Bollocks, Here`s The Sex Pistols (1977), which suggested a direct attack upon England`s Queen Elizabeth II and women`s capacity to sexually reproduce, `God save the queen. She ain't no human being.`4 Any woman with a penis of her own would be an alien from men`s perspective, that is, alien rule theory presupposes that the aliens aren`t men, whereas Jesus` birth and Resurrection, which prefigures the rebirth, Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed`, suggests men would need to be very special indeed and exemplify repentance and conversion from their sin of human species` host womb slavery to war and death if they`re to have the `new heaven and Earth` God promises to the redeemed in the Bible after God consigns the evil to eternal unendurable pain as their punishment for exterminating the humans` `seed` with their `sex pistols`.

1 Virgil, The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 B.C.
2 Mark, Karl Das Kapital, Verlag von Otto Meisner, 1867.
3 `The Reptilian Elite`, Time, July 21, 2015.,28804,1860871_1860876_1861029,00.html .
4 Cook, Paul, Steve Jones, Glen Mattock, Johnny Rotten, The Sex Pistols, `God Save The Queen`, Never Mind The Bollocks, Here`s The Sex Pistols, Virgin, 1977.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Terror Aids

Terror Aids

In the Bible Jesus is depicted in conversation with the devil, Satan. Jesus replies to Satan`s offer to give him the Earth, `Away from me, Satan!` (Matt: 4. 10) Because Satan is male and Jesus is `woman`s seed`. An angel in heaven, according to tradition, Satan was transformed into a serpent by God for refusing to accept that humankind would be greater than the angels. In the book of Genesis, which is the first book of the Bible describing the origins of humanity, Adam and Eve are the first man and woman, and Satan is the serpent in the paradise of Eden who tempts Eve to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is death, in rejection of the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God`s warning to Eve, after expelling her and Adam for disobedience from the garden of paradise, which is `heaven on Earth`, is `You shall crush his head with your foot and he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because Eve`s `futanarian` foot is the species of women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for liberation from host womb enslavement, men are Satan:

 `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

 The descendants of Adam and Eve have the `serpent`s seed`, because Eve`s `futanarian` foot has been enslaved in parasitism, which is why the `red dragon` of Revelation is depicted as the serpent full grown waiting in vain to devour the infant Jesus, `And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child. And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron.` (Rev: 12. 5) Although `rod` is interpreted as `gun` by murderers, and so anti-Christians of the `serpent`s seed` of men, `Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations.` (Rev: 19. 15) Jesus doesn`t need anything except truth`s scepter to rule.

 In the late 20th century the `serpent`s seed` is HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` spread by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockery of human sexual reproduction. Symbolic of the rejection of women, homosexuality in pederasty is against `woman`s seed`, that is, `futanarian` sexual reproduction between women with their own penis` semen and host wombs, which Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, prefigures. Jesus` teaching was, `love your neighbor as you love yourself,` (Mk: 12. 31) because it`s advice to women who`re enslaved by a parasite that has taken over her host womb and penis` semen during the eons since humanity`s original Edenic home was lost. If Eve`s `seed` is going to produce her own brains` powers, and so crush the head of the serpent, Satan, with the power of woman`s human intellect, she`ll need Resurrection, which is what Jesus` Resurrection as `woman`s seed` born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, prefigures. Betrayed by his disciple, as host at the `Last Supper`, for `dissidency` when Jesus was offering `bread and wine` as symbols of the `body and blood` of the human host, he was taken to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem and nailed to a cross of wood, where he died but had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. Jesus was a `dissident` because he wasn`t for male braining, which is homosexuality in pederasty and war:

 `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 In the Bible Babylon is described as `a woman`, because male braining is what men perpetrate on the host wombs of the human race of women in parasitism and slavery to ephemeral death. In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved by men in homosexuality in pederasty to spread war, because a woman with a penis and a memory is a threat to men`s slaving of the human species. Consequently, the socio-history of the Earth is of `woman`s seed` being subjugated through conquest in homosexuality in pederasty and war, and HIV/AIDS is men`s latest `biological weapon` to keep women in fear and prevent them from understanding. The `geek` successors to the ancient Greeks developed computer viruses to infect machine memory as a symptom of men`s aim of preventing women from having memories. Women`s ephemeral death is men`s way of preventing them from remembering their own penis` `seed` and producing their own brains` powers for scientific technological advances that would prolong her life in rejuvenative therapies and treatments to give her a longer memory so that her species wouldn`t be forgotten by men`s exterminating of her in the wars they wage on the money they deprive her of.  Men are Satan to women in slavery to parasitism and ephemeral death, which is why Adam and Eve`s accepting of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, rather than the `fruit of the tree of life`, is death. Jesus` Ascension to heaven prefigures the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, rather than the `boy sons`, that is, the `poisons` of men of the `serpent`s seed` who, in homosexuality in pederasty and war, promote HIV/AIDS` incurable `killer disease` in terrorism against the human race of women. In Satanism the `boy sons`, who`re the `poisons` of the `serpent`s seed`, are heaven to the ignorant, because they don`t know Jesus` `woman`s seed` as the education and information disseminated to the people of the Earth denies women`s penis. Consequently, heaven is promoted as the abode of men by right after they die, whereas Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, and subsequent Resurrection, as `woman`s seed` prefiguring woman`s Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, suggests that heaven isn`t men`s right but a privilege:

`And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven of God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.` (Rev: 21. 2)

 Although the standard interpretation is that heaven on Earth is for men, Jesus` role as `woman`s seed` suggests that the `husband` of the `bride` has to be very special, because women have their own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers, and so women are the `holy city`, which doesn`t need men but can admit them if they`re worthy of women`s elevated state. Islam`s Moslem women wear the burka as a one piece coverall that conceals everything but their eyes in public, which paradoxically means that Western civilization, culture and art is Islamic, because a woman whose face is visibly looked upon can cause men to be killed, or persecuted for a lifetime, by her family, who want to maintain women`s slavery in monogamy. HIV/AIDS` `biological weapon` is a terror weapon designed to keep women in fearful faithfulness to monogamy, because men don`t want a cure. They`d rather wage war on Islamic nations in the Middle East and elsewhere, where the four wives of Moslem marriages affords the possibility of sexual reproduction between women and the development of women`s freedom through their own brains` powers for scientific advances that can cure HIV/AIDS, for example.

 Although Islam is perceived as the opposite of Judeo-Christianity, it isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless born from a woman, which means women are Jews and, because the Jews are the `chosen people` of God in the Talmud and Torah, that is, the books of the history and the law of the Jews, which are what the Old Testament consists of for Christians, the `chosen people` are `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs. Consequently, the German National Socialist Party`s effort during World War Two (1939-45) to exterminate the `chosen people` was an attempt by a Christian country to kill the human race of `woman`s seed`. The background to misogyny, monogamy, and homosexuality in pederasty and war is Abraham`s, whose temple built by his son, Ishmael, born to his wife`s maid, Hajer, is in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and the annual Moslem pilgrimage, the Haj, celebrates Hajer`s achievement in breaking the taboo against polygamy so that the race of women can sexually reproduce with each other within marriage.

 Abraham`s wife, Sara, gave birth to Isaac, who founded Israel, while Ishmael`s lineage is that of Islam. Because women are the `chosen people` in Judaism, and sexual reproduction between women is possible in Islam, the New Testament of the Bible detailing Jesus` teaching and birth prefiguring the Resurrection of  `woman`s seed` means that Islam and Judeo-Christianity represent aspects of women`s desire for emancipation from her enslaved state. Freedom from monogamy`s slave ring is a sine qua non of emancipation, and polygamy isn`t illegal in Christianity, although the term `adultery` means relations that are sexual but not polygamous, because `adultery` isn`t perceived as adulteration of `woman`s seed`, but sex without monogamy`s ring of slavery. All conflicts, wars, and battles have as their aim the enslavement of women. In the Bosnian war (1992-95) in Eastern Europe the Christian Serbs built rape camps in which to male brain a generation of Moslem women and so adulterate the `woman`s seed` of `futanarian` women who could sexually reproduce with each other pure humans.

 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) comprising the United States of America and her Western European allies were the military presence that facilitated that successful partition of nations comprising Moslem and Christian peoples within the European Union. Although the British Isles are perceived as Western, its mores are Islamic, because the sight of a woman`s face in public can cause murder. Women`s faces are covered in Islam to prevent speculation about extra-marital relations and ownership within monogamous ring slavery that could cause conflict between families. British society, with its emphasis upon monogamy with uncovered women, is a `battle zone` for ring slavers in which women would be better off their rings and with each other in sexual relationships that result in human reproduction. Paradoxically British society is more Islamic than Islam, because conflict is based on women`s being seen to be owned, whereas in Islam women aren`t seen and have the privacy that is necessary between themselves to found human society.

 British society isn`t Christian but Islamic, because only Islam cares about its women being looked at so that they`re covered in public, that is, if the basis of conflict within society is men`s seeing women, British society is Islamic because true Britons wouldn`t care. Consequently, British society exists in a state of terror, although not Islamic extremist terrorism. The British have simply adopted the perspective that adult males and boys should be attacked for looking at women. British newsagents provide pubescent males with the opportunity to ogle black and white photos of women showing their breasts in newspapers such as The Sun, and magazines like Playboy are available for young adult males 18 + to see what women look like in color with their knickers off, but an erect woman`s penis is so taboo that the idea of it is beyond imagination for British society, and that males are attacked for looking at women suggests the erect male penis is even more taboo, because it might become visible to women, who`d then remember their own penis, that is, British society is Islamic, because it doesn`t want women to know that they had a penis, and so perversely represses the penis per se, whereas Moslems don`t want barbaric cultures to know about their women`s penis and so are truly `Islam`, which means `accept`, rather than anti-Christians who reject human `woman`s seed`. 

Monday, 13 April 2015

Jesus Still Defending With His Lollipop Stick After Six Thousand Years

Jesus Still Defending With His Lollipop Stick After Six Thousand Years

The Persian Empire invariably included the ancient city of Babylon, and the dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, was still able to see what there was of the city from his summer palace in Al Hillah before the United States of America and her allies invaded the Middle East in March 2003 to remove him from power for evincing support for the Al Qaeda terrorist group operating out of Afghanistan that had hijacked civil passenger aircraft to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre of New York city on September 11, 2001. Osama Ben Laden, the terrorist leader wasn`t killed until discovered in Moslem Pakistan on May 2, 2011, although Afghanistan`s misogynist Taliban regime was toppled immediately after 9/11.

 In the Bible Babylon is described as a `woman` rather than as a city, although it seems likely that the description of Babylon as a city derives from a socio-economic perspective relating to misogyny and host womb enslavement of women to spread men`s contagion of conquest through warfare: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) The Nile, the Euphrates, the Tigris, and the Ganges rivers are described as the four rivers of Eden and two of them, the Euphrates and the Tigris, flowed either round or through Babylon, which suggests that Eden, or paradise, was somewhere close by. According to the Bible, Eve and Adam were the first human pair tempted by the serpent to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste, in rejection of the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, while God had commanded Eve and Adam to eat only thereof. Consequently, Eve and Adam were expelled from Eden and admonished. He must labor and she`d have labor pain before Redemption. When the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus, who was uncontaminated by male semen, Eve`s `seed` was redeemed. After Eden women were born with penis` semen of their own as `futanarian` humans, which was why God warned Eve about the serpent`s enmity towards her `seed`:

 `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)

 Eve`s `futanarian` women are her `foot` because sexual reproduction of women`s brains` powers for her human species` liberation from slavery to war and ephemeral death is the solution to the brain damage incurred by the human race in thrall to the `serpent`s seed` of enslaving male brains, which don`t want the human species of women to have brains of their own and escape their racists by being able to run their own race rather than limp to their deaths as racism`s brain damned victims. Jesus` teaching was, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Matt: 22. 39) Because women`s `seed` had been prevented from loving herself. His birth was prophesied in the Talmud and the Torah, which comprise the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, as the books of the history and the law of the Jews. Consequently, Jesus was effectively defending the human race of women; even before the founding of the city of Babylon around 4000 B. C.:

 ‘In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him.’ (Dan: 7. 13-14)

 Jesus` birth was prophesied because he was the enemy of the damning male brain in host womb slavery of the `futanarian` human race of women for war. Although the Old Testament law of the Jews seems difficult, it`s simple. Theft and the taking of life aren`t permitted, and adultery relates to the human species` adulteration by the suppressing of `woman`s seed` by men`s in male braining for war. Jesus said that his teaching was the distillation of God`s law, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` And he specifically rejects punishing women for supposed adultery, because it`s her species that men adulterate. In the Bible the Jews are called the `chosen people` because it isn`t possible for Jews to be born unless born from women, which means that Jews are women. Adolf Hitler`s Christian German National Socialist Party`s elected attempt to exterminate the `chosen people` and enslave Europe during World War Two (1939-45) was a war he fought against Jesus` `seed`. Although Western civilization thinks of itself as triumphantly against racism, its democratic institutions derive from the ancient Greek model which institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and the enslavement of the host wombs of Greek women to spread its contagion of war. During the Trojan war, according to the poet Homer`s Iliad (760-10 B.C.), the Greeks entered into the city by the device of a huge hollow wooden horse inside which they hid until the Trojans took the horse in and the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women and institutionalize homosexuality in pederasty to spread their contagion of war further. By the late 20th century men`s war against the human race had extended to the `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS spread after mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses. The `geek` successors to the Greeks developed viruses based on HIV/AIDS to infect computers and prevent human women from maintaining the memory storage capacity to remember men`s sin, which ephemeral women need without medical science to give them longevity, and male brain damning denies them the use of their own `futanarian` mode of sexually produced brainpower to develop rejuvenative sciences to escape from slavery to death in war.

 During the period of Jesus` teaching the Roman Empire occupied Jewish Palestine and Jesus` disciple Judas Iscariot accused Jesus of dissidency against Rome`s male brain damning, which resulted in the Romans nailing him to a cross of wood upon the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem and torturing him to death. Afterwards Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed` of `futanarian` humanity, which is what his birth meant for the world.  Jesus was betrayed by Judas at the `Last Supper` before the host Jesus` crucifixion at which he offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, that is, symbols of the human host, rather than the `serpent`s seed` of the male brained Empire of war. Although the Roman Empire fell and was succeeded by the Roman Catholic church, the `futanarian` teaching of Jesus wasn`t disseminated, and the Protestant church, particularly in England during the reign of king Henry VIII, became independent of Rome, where Jesus` disciple Peter had been the first of successive bishops or Popes. The legendary legitimacy of the British Empire lay with the Trojan Prince Aeneas that fled from Troy to Britain as narrated by the Roman poet, Virgil, in his Aeneid (19 B. C.). The British Empire wasn`t based on democracy any more than the Greek, which had its foundations in the host womb enslavement of women for warfare and the institutionalization of homosexuality in pederasty.

 The methodology of pederasty imposed upon each succeeding generation of boys is to suggest that they aren`t brave unless they`re prepared to throw themselves on bayonets, which is what homosexuality preaches. British society is `gay`, because boys are taught that suicidal bravery is preferable to human knowledge. Although boys are legally permitted to see pictures of naked women in adult magazines for those aged 18+, nude women in daily newspapers during boys` adolescence are confined to displaying breasts and briefs with no sign of a woman`s erect penis, and so British society maintains a continuous supply of men who`re suicidal because they live in fear of homosexuality in pederasty and war wanting them to commit suicide as a sign of their bravery to please their homosexual elite. If women are seen to have penis of their own, there`s nothing for the homosexuals to do except persuade boys to fight and die as `rough trade`, that is, the `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty and warfare, which is why women aren`t depicted as having penis of their own.

 Although the United States of America seems more liberal, the Gulf wars against mainly Moslem peoples are indicative of Jesus` difficulty in defending the human species armed only with a lollipop stick. The Koran (610-30 C.E.) of Islam was dictated, according to tradition, by angels to the Prophet Mohamed, who was the direct descendant of Ishmael, son of Hajer, who was the maid of Sara, wife of Abraham, who gave Hajer to Abraham when Sara was barren after birthing Isaac, her son, who founded Israel. The Moslem Haj or pilgrimage occurs annually as a celebration of Hajer`s transcending the enslaving system of monogamy, because in Islam four wives are permitted, which affords the opportunity for `futanarian` women to sexually reproduce their own brains` powers for liberty. The wars in the Gulf and Europe, where `rape camps` for Moslem women were set up by Serbs to male brain a generation during the Bosnian war (1992-95), are against Jesus` `seed`. The history of the Empires of the West isn`t that of freedom, but of the species of `futanarian` woman`s host wombs` enslavement to warfare as a means of spreading the male contagion of homosexuality in pederasty`s brain damning, while Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven is Redemption through `woman`s seed`.

Greco-Roman Britannia and the Western Empire of the United States of America versus the plaintiff, Jesus

Greco-Roman Britannia and the Western Empire of the United States of America versus the plaintiff, Jesus

The Roman Empire was but loosely connected to the British and succeeded the Greek.  Although Greece isn`t usually thought of as having an Empire, the appearance of dictators within Greek democracy during the period of Greece`s domination by the city state of Athens as it incorporated other nation states into its Empire (454-404 B.C.), meant that Greece qualified as an Empire by virtue of its acceptance of the figure of the dictator as effective Emperor. The Empire of Alexander the Macedonian (336-323 B.C.), who conquered the then known world, placed Greece as the predecessor of Rome in terms of Empire. Because the Greek Empire was built on institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war women were enslaved host wombs. The story of the Trojan war, in which the Greeks at the behest of Agamemnon, king of Sparta, sent a fleet of ships to Troy, is contained in the Greek poet Homer`s Iliad (760-10 B.C.) , which narrates how the brother of the king, Menelaus, had his wife, Helen, abducted by the Trojan Prince Paris, and the Greeks outside the walls of the city constructed a huge hollow wooden horse inside which they hid and then captured Troy when the unwitting Trojans took the horse inside the walls and the Greeks enslaved the host wombs of the women in homosexuality and pederasty`s contagion of war to spread their Empire of death further.

 An Empire of death isn`t a misnomer, because `Trojan` is a brand name in the United States of America for condoms, while `Trojan` is the name given by the `geek` successors to the Greeks to the virus they infect computers with in order to prevent humans from accessing stored memory. Because humans are ephemeral, their memory is short-term and so computer memory is essential. The Greek Empire was based on homosexuality in pederasty and the spread of warfare as its contagion. `Greek` is a euphemism for homosexuality, which means that the spreading of HIV/AIDS by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockingly sterile acts of non-human intercourse is the new Greek Empire of death in `biological warfare` against the human species, and the `geek` virus infecting computer memories is a symptom of `Greek` men`s unwillingness to have the human race remember. The Roman Empire (27 B. C. - 1453 A. D.) was most noticeable for the figure of Jesus in Jewish Palestine, which was occupied by the legions of Rome as a slave state. Jesus` teaching was his birth, which was from the Virgin Mary, his mother, and so he was `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen, that is, homosexuality in pederasty and war`s contagion. When he was accused of dissidency against Rome by his disciple, Judas Iscariot, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood upon the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem and tortured to death by the Romans. His subsequent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured the Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed`, that is, `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for liberation from slavery, which the Romans, like the Greeks before them, didn`t want.

 The Empire of Rome gave way to the spread of Christianity, through the Catholic church, and its spiritual figurehead, the Pope, who was Jesus` disciple, Peter, after his death, while succeeding Popes established the permanent importance of the role. Because  women`s `futanarian` human `seed` was suppressed, Jesus` teaching wasn`t ever really understandable to that portion of the population it was directed at, that is, women who wanted to be with each other but had been taught the schizophrenia of lesbian taboo, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Matt: 22. 39) Consequently, the British Empire (1497-), which ostensibly espoused Christianity, was a modified version of the Graeco-Roman. According to the Roman poet, Virgil, in his Aeneid (19 B. C.), the remnants of the Trojans, after the fall of Troy to the Greeks, fled with Prince Aeneas to Britain, so forming the classical basis for the British Empire`s legitimacy:

`They don't like it up them, the fuzzy wuzzies.`1

 Although actor Derek Guyler`s caricature, Corporal Jones, in the British Broadcasting Corporation`s television situation comedy, Dad`s Army (1968-77), which depicts retired veterans of the British Empire`s wars against native populations as volunteer Home Guard during the Second World War (1939-45), is talking about his bayonet, the double entendre allied to Jones the butcher`s suggestive gesture more ably explains the system of Empire through enslavement of the womb in pederasty for war than any history book. After Jesus` death the Roman centurion, Longinus, speared the side of the Christian Messiah declaiming sonorously, `Surely this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) That `fuzzy wuzzy` didn`t like it up him either. Jesus was the `Second Adam`, according to Christian iconography, where Eve was the woman born from Adam`s side, according to the Bible, and so Jesus` Holy Spirit, which he said would teach after him, would be the `Second Eve` Longinus was attempting to discover when he pierced Jesus` side with his spear:

 `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)

 Eve is told her `seed` will defeat the enemy, and the Virgin Mary, Jesus` mother, is depicted in Catholic iconography as crushing the serpent`s head with her `foot`. The serpent tempted Eve and Adam in the paradise of Eden, according to the Bible, to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, rather than the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, because Eve`s `foot` is her `futanarian` women, who`ll have Resurrection and Ascension to heaven without men`s enslaving of the `fuzzy wuzzy` women, so that the men can practice homosexuality in pederasty for war, whether the men and/or the women `like it up `em` or not, as the money the women recoup to spend on medical science will give them time to live with the labor saving devices their rejuvenated and renewable brainpower can produce for women`s more human species.

 The Greek dramatist, Sophocles, described what Western Empire would be in his play, Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B. C.), in which Oedipus is metaphorically blind, because he can`t understand, which is why his name means` swollen foot`, that is, his supposedly healthy male mind is `lame`. Unbeknownst he kills his father and marries his mother, Jocasta, and then blinds himself when his society`s incest taboo is imposed and he experiences self-loathing. His daughter Antigone agrees to guide his footsteps afterwards, which is a neat exposition of what it means to ignore Jesus` teaching, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` Antigone is now a slave to Oedipus` blindness, which is what women are in the British and subsequent Empire of the West, the United States of America.

 Although the First World War (1914-18) and the Second World War are attributable to German Imperialism, the main feature was Adolf Hitler`s National Socialist Party`s aim of exterminating the `chosen people` of the Bible, that is, Jesus` people, the Jews, whose tradition is that Jews can only be born from women, which effectively means that women are Jews. When the Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked planes and crashed them into the World Trade Centre of New York on September 11, 2001, it was an extension of the war against Jesus` teaching. According to the Christian Messiah, a Holy Spirit would teach after him. Although the Jews are the descendants of Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sara, the Moslems in Islam are the descendants of Abraham and Sara`s maid, Hajer, through their son, Ishmael. Consequently, the Koran (610-30 C. E.), dictated by the angels, according to tradition, to the Prophet Mohamed, accords with Jesus` promise that the Holy Spirit would teach further after his death. Because `world trade` is a euphemism for homosexuality in pederasty, Al Qaeda`s choice of the World Trade Centre is explicable as an attempt by men to strengthen the enslavement of women through warfare. Because Abraham`s wife, Sara, gave Hajer to him, traditionally Moslem marriages have more than one wife, and in fact four are accounted appropriate, which affords the basis for `futanarian` sexual reproduction between women.  Consequently, the war in the Gulf between Christians and Moslems is a war against Jesus` teaching `woman`s seed` as the basis for healing the lame brain of the human race so that it can see to run and escape from enslavement and death in homosexuality in pederasty`s wars against it.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

James Joyce`s Ulysees Is About Memory

James Joyce`s Ulysees Is About Memory

James Joyce`s novel Ulysees (1922) about Ireland`s city of Dublin at the beginning of the 20th century, with its narrative of a day in the life of Mrs Bloom, was vilified by critics of English literature for profane language and vulgarity. Though much of the linguistic pyrotechnics, for which the work was justly famed, derived from Joyce`s own more complete knowledge of the English language and his ability to wield a dictionary to greater effect than any other of his peers amongst the literati of the period. The main objection to the novel was the tired old warhorse of Christian morality, which frowns on the word `fuck` so heavily that it`s given the human race so much brain damage it`s a miracle that it can walk after it`s learned to crawl:

 `It lay there now. Now it could bear no more. Dead: an old woman's: the grey sunken cunt of the world.`1

 Apart from dialogue, `fuck` only appears once in James Joyce`s Ulysees, in comparison to its ubiquity within a similarly vilified text, D. H. Lawrence`s Lady Chatterley`s Lover (1928), `My soul softly naps in the little Pentecost flame with you, like the peace of fucking.`2 Lawrence is primarily concerned with the sexual adventures of Constance with her gardener, Mellors, which Christianity labels `adultery` as the basis of a literary criticism that ultimately reveals the contradiction inherent in the moralists` world view. Pentecost celebrates the law of God, which Jesus distills as, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Matt: 22. 39) Mellors and Constance are loving each other as neighbors. Joyce`s vocabulary was immense and much of the language he used in his works was that of an intensely learned individual with a thorough grasp of modernity and the issues facing humans at the outset of a 20th century that was experiencing the upheavals of the First World War (1914-18) and would suffer the convulsions of a Second World War (1939-45) in which the main theme was the extermination of the people of the Christian Bible, the Jews and their successors by the elected German National Socialist Party waging war to enslave Europe and the world. Remembrance Sunday is the traditional day set aside for those who live to recollect those who died during those wars to preserve liberty, and Christian belief in Resurrection is the basis for the importance accorded the Remembrance Service of the Christian church on that day. What Christians haven`t understood is that James Joyce`s learning represents stored memory derived from the will to remember. Without the will to remember allied with the memory storage capacity, `fuck` and `cunt` is all that people can remember. Joyce`s description of Dublin as a `grey sunken cunt` is challenging but not immoral:

 `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)

 In Eden the serpent persuades Eve to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` that is death rather than the `fruit of the tree of life` which is immortality, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God expels Eve and Adam with the exhortation that he must labor and she will experience labor pain if they`re to have Redemption from their sin. When Mary gave birth to Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus was `woman`s seed` and prefigured the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` after he was tortured to death as a `dissident` by the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine and he had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. Eve`s `foot` is often attributed to the Virgin Mary in Catholic iconography in which she`s depicted standing with her foot upon the head of the serpent, because Eve`s `futanarian` human race of woman with her own penis` semen for her own host wombs was suppressed by men after Eden in order to enslave the host womb of the human race in parasitism for death in war. Consequently, Mary`s foot upon the serpent`s head represents woman`s crushing of war beneath her heel. God`s warning to Eve that the serpent will bruise her heel relates to sexual reproduction between women who`re `futanarian` and so have the capacity to produce human brains that aren`t damaged and so her species is able to run her race rather than limp as a brain damaged victim of the `serpent`s seed` into extinction:

` ... my blouse open for his last day transparent kind of shirt he had I could see his chest pink he wanted to touch mine with his for a moment but I wouldn`t lee him he was awfully put out first for fear you never know consumption or leave me with a child embarazada that old servant Ines told me that one drop even if it got into you at all after I tried with the banana but I was afraid it might break and get lost up in me somewhere ... `3

 The words that are difficult for an English literature student are `lee`, which derives from Olde English `hlēo` meaning `warm`, and `embrazada`, a Spanish word which doesn`t mean `embarrassed` but `pregnant`. Joyce is describing a woman of his milieu`s difficulty with sexuality. In the late 20th century women lived in fear of contracting HIV/AIDS from men who spread the incurable `killer disease` through mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses. Mrs Bloom`s concern is with consumption, which is a term for cancer, because she`s learned to associate sexual intercourse with men`s diseases.  The embarrassing child would be the infant born brainless because she`d accepted men`s semen rather than her own species of women`s. But the absence of depictions of women having sexual intercourse in novels, or virtually any other form of men`s propagandist mass media, indicates why men are embarrassed brainless warmongers.

 Embarrassed to be pregnant with a brainless infant, Mrs Bloom is Everywoman who prefers a banana because it`s more Christian. The absence of the memory of `woman`s seed` from the novelistic medium is an indication that men don`t want humans to have enough memory capacity to reject war`s brainlessness, which Remembrance Sunday effectively memorializes. Joyce`s knowledge of English language is indicative of a man with a brain capable of storing memory, and the description of Mrs Bloom is that of a woman struggling to understand, as she has no education, and can`t educate the reader, because of the novelistic conventional morality imposed by Christianity upon the intelligent writer. If women don`t sexually reproduce from their own `woman`s seed` as Christians adhering to the teaching of Jesus, `love your neighbor`, the race will continue to limp to extinction in brain damaged preference for war to health. Human brainpower is capable of developing science and technology to  save labor and increase longevity so that women can remember how to deal with their enemy and so liberate the human race from slavery to death in warfare.

 Criticizing writers for using the word `fuck` as encouraging `adultery` ignores the fact that `woman`s seed` is adulterated. Joyce`s depiction of Dublin as a `grey sunken cunt` is a description of the absence of `woman`s seed` and human brains in the aftermath of the First World War and before the Second World War in which the `chosen people` of the Bible, the Jews, whose tradition is that women bear Jews and Jews can`t be born without women, which effectively means that women are Jews, were exterminated by the Nazis in pogroms equal to the pogroms mounted against the Jews of Islam. Jesus` teaching was that the Holy Spirit would teach after him and, according to Islamic tradition, angels dictated the Koran (610-30 C. E.) to the Prophet Mohamed, which forms the basis for the Moslem marital framework of four wives. The historical antecedent is Abraham`s wife, Sara, from whose son, Isaac, descended Israel, and whose maid, Hajer, bore to Abraham, Ishmael, the son from whom descended Islam. Because Jesus was `woman`s seed` the Moslem marriage that provides the basis for `futanarian` sexual reproduction between women within the family is in the Judeo-Christian tradition of peoples` taught by the Holy Spirit. Men`s history is that of a brain damaged criminal that doesn`t want the human race to get off the floor and women are the `chosen people`.

 Saudi Arabia`s Mecca is the center of the annual `Haj` or pilgrimage by millions of Moslems who revere the memory of Hajer, the second wife of Abraham denied by the Judeo-Christian tradition as a `concubine` and antipathetical towards monogamy. Even though Mormonism, which explicitly advocates polygamy, is accepted in the United States of America as a traditional Christian belief system, Hajer`s Moslems are disapproved of by mainstream Christianity for a polygamous arrangement which fulfils Jesus` mission. Sara`s giving of Hajer to Abraham, as Sara was barren after birthing Isaac, was polygamous, which slavery frowns upon, because polygamy offers an opportunity for women to sexually reproduce with each other their own human brainpower to escape from host womb enslavement to the parasite of war. Consequently, Christian preoccupations with the morality of adultery handicap an already adulterated human species trying to develop enough brainpower for the race to run away from the racists rather than allow itself to be led blindly over the cliff by the brain damaged legions of the damned:

` ... the unclean spirits entered the swine; and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea.` (Mk: 5. 13)

1 Joyce, James Ulysses, The Little Review, Chapter 4, Calypso, March 1918 - December 1920.
2 Lawrence, D. H. Lady Chatterley`s Lover, VII, Chapter 19, Tipografia Giuntina, 1928.

3 Joyce, James Ulysees, Chapter 18, Penelope, p. 533, Sylvia Beach, 1922.

Everybody`s Friend Is Oedipus

Everybody`s Friend Is Oedipus

Oedipus was a character in a Greek drama by the dramatist Sophocles who wrote Oedipus Rex around 429 B.C. during a period of history in which the civilization that became Greece centered mainly upon the city state of Athens where institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty was the norm and women were slave host wombs for men`s wars against nearby city states to further enslave women`s host womb and spread what essentially became the contagion of Western Imperialism further.  Oedipus Rex was written in the fifth century before the birth of Christ whose mother, the Virgin Mary, was uncontaminated by male semen, and so Jesus` `seed` was woman`s, which is why he`s known as the redeemer. When the Roman Empire discovered that Jesus` teaching was `love your neighbor` he was executed as a `dissident` but the Christian Messiah had Resurrection after his demise which meant that `woman`s seed` would be resurrected. The history of Greek civilization and homosexuality in pederasty as the basis for spreading the contagion of war is understandable if women are remembered as having their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for liberation from slavery to men`s war production, which is what Hollywood, Babylon, produced in the 20th century and beyond. The `Hays code` (1930-67) made it a rule that women couldn`t raise their `foot` from the floor in bedroom scenes, because God told Eve, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel. ` (Gen: 3. 15) Eve`s `futanarian` foot is her species of woman with her own penis` semen awaiting Resurrection since the `serpent`s seed` subjugated her race. If women with a penis can`t be seen in movies, no one will miss their extinguishment:

 `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 In Oedipus Rex Sophocles dramatizes men`s blindness. Unable to metaphorically see at the beginning of the play, an Oedipus estranged from his family unwittingly kills his father and marries his mother, Jocasta. Reminded of his society`s incest taboo against having sex with a near relative, Oedipus blinds himself. Men aren`t women`s near relatives. They`re what stands between the daughters of women`s species and sexual reproduction with each other, which is what men`s incest taboo is for. Oedipus` name means `swollen foot` because he`s `lame` and the reason is that the development of human brains without women`s `seed` is brain damaging so that the race can`t run. Oedipus isn`t able to see that his daughter, Antigone, can`t love her neighbor, because men`s `seed` has brain damaged him so that he can`t walk beside her and her mother, Jocasta, without wanting to be the owner. Consequently, Oedipus is `Everyman`, beloved of all men, because he`s lame to begin with and blind so he won`t be able to see the truth about them. Oedipus is `Everyman` as the village idiot familiar to TV viewers everywhere as Benny from the British television series, Crossroads (1964-88), or Britney Spears as Lucy Wagner in the Hollywood, Babylon, movie Crossroads, (2002), where traditionally the devil gives fame at a price. The cost is brain damage, because it`s not possible to see by the light of any star on Earth other than the sun, or Jesus` star:

`...  lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.` (Matt: 2. 9)

 The stars look down is a Hollywood, Babylon, tradition; but the stars are so far away from ordinary lives that it necessarily takes a great many to shed enough light for people to see by. Will Hays was President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), but the human race hobbles on lamely towards extinction, because Jesus` `seed` is forbidden to set foot on the stage on moral grounds. What price a bikini line if the girls are erect because they prefer each other to the leading men. Britney Spears looks good in her bikini in Crossroads, but how would the cinema audience react if her co-star in her bikini had an erection? The cinema audience will never know normality, because they`ll never see women together by the swimming pool. The filmmakers have been taught a false Christian morality in which the woman`s penis is the `serpent`, and so humanity`s enemy to be crushed beneath the heel of the virgin. In Eden the serpent tempted Eve and Adam to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` that was death rather than `the fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, and God expelled the pair from paradise. Without the serpent no one would ever have seen Eve, and no man would see Britney Spears with Eve unless he were by the pool to judge, which of the contestants would win his `apple`.

 In Greek mythology, Paris chose Aphrodite, the goddess of love, although his fate is described in the Greek poet Homer`s Iliad (760-10 B.C.), which details Paris` kidnap of Menelaus` wife Helen. Prince Paris took her to Troy and Menelaus` brother, Agamemnon, king of Sparta, ordered the Greek ships to Troy, where they captured the city by the ruse of hiding inside a huge hollow wooden horse, and emerging when the Trojans took the horse inside the city walls to enslave the host wombs of the women and spread their contagion of war further. Britney Spears` friendship with Paris Hilton is the modern day equivalent. Friendship between women is even more necessary in a world where the incurable `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS is the logical concomitant of men`s desire to enslave the host wombs of women by keeping them in fearful monogamy to her enslaver for pederasty and war.  HIV/AIDS` spread by men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses is Greek `biological warfare`, while the 21st century `geek` computer programing successor to the ancient Greeks even calls the virus which they use to infect memory, `Trojan`, because they don`t want women to remember their penis. Between Paris Hilton and Britney Spears the apple is defunct symbol. Who`s to judge? Only the leading men who won`t leave the stage to the victors:

`Even though the gods are crazy;
Even though the stars are blind;
If you show me real love baby,
I'll show you mine.1

 Women`s `real love baby` is their own, which is what Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, had. Because Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed`, that is, Paris` apple`s for Britney, who`s always told the paparazzi she`s bisexual, because that`s wisest in the face of global terrorist activity.  Although the Islamic extremist Afghan group Al Qaeda`s terrorist hijacking of civil passenger planes to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York city on September 11, 2001, is held to have precipitated global terror, the aim of homosexuality in pederasty, that is, `world trade`, where `trade` is a euphemism for `Greek` pederasty, is to prevent women from remembering. Jesus preached that a Holy Spirit would teach after him, and the Koran (610-30 C.E.), which was dictated by the angels to the Prophet Mohamed, according to Moslem tradition, provides the religious sanction for four wife marriages that afford opportunity for women to sexually reproduce with each other. In public the eyes of the Moslem women wearing the one-piece coverall of the burkha can be seen, because they aren`t Oedipal.

 The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, argued that women suffer from `penis envy`, whereas in fact it`s men. Oedipus` milieu had effectively extinguished the woman`s penis` `seed` so that men were brain damaged fools. The pattern was set in the Bible story of Abel and his brother Cain, where Abel was able to cook, and so Cain killed him because Cain couldn`t cook. The descendants of Cain learned to kill people who could cook, that is, produce, which meant humanity remained prey to degeneracy, and limped onward rather than that the race should run:

 `Don`t run before you can walk.`

 The English proverb is outdone by the Russian, `Don`t walk before you can crawl.`  Because men don`t want the human race to run, `woman`s seed` won`t be able to repair the damage. Benny from the British ITV series Crossroads was a `village idiot` character created by actor, Paul Henry, and much beloved of the general public, because he appeared brain damaged and so represented many people`s idea of the infant Jesus. Aged thirty-three Jesus was crucified by the Roman Empire, after what was known as the `Last Supper` at which he, as the host, offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`. Although the offer was accepted by Jesus` disciples, the `bread and wine` was rejected by Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus and the human host of `woman`s seed`, symbolized by the `body and blood` of Jesus uncontaminate,  forever after. Judas told the Romans that Jesus was a `dissident`. Jesus` subsequent helplessness upon the cross of his crucifixion on the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem made of him an infantilist symbol for pedophiles` worship of the brain damaged. Blind to the truth about pedophilia, which is that for them Jesus wouldn`t accept that he was a child of Rome in need of a Roman teacher, pedophiles worship brain damage in infantilism, because infants can`t understand:

`Miss Diane's a country girl.
Money has she none...
Gaffer, 'e gave I five pounds.
And so I give 'er one ...`2

 The cult of the father is that of infantilism. Benny Hawkins is a Christ-like figure because he represents the brain damaged infant who never grew up but evinces the part of the fool sufficient to arouse pity and bonhomie between men, which is what Christianity is. Pity and charitable alms for the fool, who`s no threat to those who`re secure in their extinguishing of the more able, who themselves are serious about trying to live independently of paternalist enslavement to homosexuality in pederasty and war against the human race`s running itself; rather than limping brainlessly over the cliff to its doom. The illustration in the life of Jesus is the man on the road near the town of Gadarene who told Jesus, `My name is legion.` (Mk: 5. 9) At the time the legions of Rome were occupying Palestine. Leaving the man, `legion` entered into a herd of pigs that ran off a cliff and drowned, because that`s the fate Rome planned for humans:

 `What a friend we have in Jesus,
  All our sins and griefs to bear!`3

 The notion that Jesus` crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension to heaven after death, has removed sin, is dependent on the application of Jesus` teaching to life. Jesus` teaching was that food was important, whereas Cain killed his brother for being a good cook. Consequently, the history of men is killing the able because they`re better.  Jesus` teaching isn`t that he`s a superman, `I am ... the son of man.` (Mk: 14. 62) Although Christianity seems to hold the view that Jesus was a superman who redeemed the world from its sinful nature through his involuntary torture upon the cross of Rome, ordinary people don`t seek to repent and convert from sin to become supermen, but that`s how Christianity attracts converts. Without a basis for repentance, Christians are simply advocating the übermensch philosophy of the German National Socialist Party of Chancellor Adolf Hitler who incarcerated Jesus` people, the Jews, in death camps during the Nazis efforts in World War Two (1939-45) to enslave Europe for German Empire. The basis for repentance and conversion is Jesus` birth uncontaminate and his Resurrection prefiguring that of `woman`s seed`, which teaching is embraceable by Everyman who isn`t a `village idiot` accepting of Christian supermen who`re keen to explain that, if you`re not a superman after accepting Jesus` teaching, then you obviously aren`t a Christian, so you can`t live, because you don`t have superman`s special super powers as you`re not a true believer.

 If Christianity doesn`t accept Jesus` teaching, it just wants supermen. Jesus was tortured to death in order to have Resurrection and Ascension to heaven as a superman, and that`s not Christianity. In such periods as the Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834) conversion to Christianity was forced through torture, and was a `Christian` attitude visible throughout the 20th century, for example, the Christian Serbs` rape camps set up to male brain a generation of Moslem children during the Bosnian war (1992-5) in Eastern Europe. Jesus` healing of the blind isn`t meant to celebrate his role as a superman, or to advocate the reign of the supermen, but to reveal that humans are metaphorically at least as blind as Oedipus and that Jesus revealed the truth, `I washed, and I see.` (John: 9. 15) He was criticized for healing the man blind from birth:

 `This man is not from God.` (John: 9. 16)

 Jesus isn`t from God, according to his critic, because Jesus is a superman, and when he doesn`t have super powers he won`t be from God again, which is what ordinary Christians are in danger of becoming to Christians who believe in supermen rather than Jesus` teaching. Christianity is in danger of believing that Christians are God when they`ve got super powers, but not God if they haven`t, which is the Nazi philosophy of the übermenschen. Of course the supermen have many friends amongst the village idiots, who`re blind to the truth because they don`t know `woman`s seed`, and so are prepared to limp slowly over the cliff and drown in naval battles; veterans of the supermen`s wars against the human race`s desire to run and escape from the übermenschen through labor saving technologies and life rejuvenating medical science originating in human brains bred from women`s `seed` so that they`ll remember where the old sea dogs were left behind after the women went to the planets and stars of God`s heaven in starships.

1 Garibay, Fernando, Ralph McCarthy, Sheppard Solomon `Stars Are Blind`, Paris Hilton, Paris, Warner Bros., 2006.

2 Henry, Paul as Benny Hawkins, `Benny`s Theme`, Pye Records, 1978.

3 Scriven, Joseph M. `What A Friend We Have In Jesus` 1855 to a tune by Charles Crozat Converse, 1868.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Deja Vu, or Why We Have Seen It Before

Deja Vu, or Why We Have Seen It Before

Recent decisions to overhaul the United States of America`s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) after the appointment of John Brennan as director on March 8, 2013,1 begs the question: where are the security agencies failing? Brennan`s approach is to put operator and analyst together rather than have the operator feed the analyst who then makes recommendations based on the field operative`s information. Brennan`s perspective is that operator and analyst should debate and discuss the meaning of the information together before recommendations are made.2 The most famous instance of the CIA`s failure in recent years seem unrelated but in fact are closely connected. When Monica Lewinski stated that she`d given President Bill Clinton oral sex from underneath the table in the Oval Office at the President`s suggestion,3 the CIA seemed powerless to prevent the President office from being tarnished and moves were made in the Senate to impeach Bill on `moral grounds`. Closer inspection reveals that women have penis` semen of their own as `futanarian` women, which means that women are capable of sexual reproduction without men. Consequently, Monica is a member of a species independent of men, which means that her species was being persecuted when Bill Clinton was threatened with impeachment.

 The analogous framework is the Greek dramatist Sophocles` Oedipus Rex in which Oedipus marries his mother and then blinds himself because of the incest taboo (l. 791-3),4 which exists in fact to prevent the women from having sex with each other as the human species denied sexual reproduction within its own race because that would deny men`s access to a host womb. Oedipus is metaphorically blind from the start of the drama, because he kills his own unrecognized father after a chance meeting in which they quarrel. Having already eaten the woman`s penis, which is no longer mentioned in art or literature, men are effectively brainless copies of each other, and so are the women, because the human penis` semen of women is in danger of becoming extinct through disuse. Men can`t see, that is, they`re blind like Oedipus, that without women`s penis` semen the human race will remain brainless.

 Bill Clinton wasn`t threatened with impeachment on moral grounds, because there aren`t any, that is, human bodies are physically capable of only two things; obtaining food and sex. Consequently, sex is what they`re for. Only an alien would make sex taboo, which Sophocles points out in Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.), that is, the incest taboo represents men`s making sex between mother and daughter taboo so that men have a host womb. In fact there`s no such thing as incest between humans, because women are the humans, and sex between mother and daughter is unlikely given the reality of the whole of the human race for the daughter to choose from if the human species is definable as the women. The attempt to impeach Clinton occurred because Monica was too close to Hilary. Just as the incest taboo would prevent Oedipus` daughter, Antigone, from having sex with her mother, Jocasta, and in fact Oedipus` self-blinding results in Antigone being pressed into serving as his eyes, which means that Antigone can`t see her own species` path to sexual reproduction with a woman who isn`t her mother, so Monica and Hilary were kept apart on `moral grounds` despite Bill having `oral sex` with Monica, which might have been a prelude to the two women meeting in a `normal` society where it`s recognized that there are three components to Earth`s sexual fabric. The attempt to impeach Bill wasn`t `moral` because it was a continuation of the Oedipus drama in which men and women are kept in brainless ignorance. A CIA operator and analyst could present that as information requiring a recommendation other than impeachment on `moral grounds`.

 Moreover, when the Al Qaeda terrorist organization operating out of Afghanistan hijacked civil airliners at Boston, Logan airport, Massachusetts on September 11, 2001, and crashed them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city, the CIA was blamed for not having operators who could warn of the imminence of the terrorist action, whereas analysts working independently of operators could have warned the US government based on information available. In the Middle East Islam is the religion that permits marriages with four wives, that is, a framework for `futanarian` sexual reproduction between women. An analyst could explain that the World Trade Center was chosen because `rough trade` is that `brutality and violence` sought between homosexuals during anal, that is, Al Qaeda represent misogyny, which prefers the brainlessness of warfare in which women`s species is exterminated.

 Boston`s Logan airport was chosen because of the Hollywood movie Logan`s Run (1976) in which `runners` are killed by `sandmen` before they reach 21 years of age,5 which is why the terrorists chose September 11, 2001, as the first year of the 21st century, and emphasized the attack of the `sandmen` upon the `runners` of the race, that is, the `futanarian` humans, by bombing the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013, a month after John Brennan`s appointment. Logan`s Run was a fictionalization of the forbidden `snuff` movie genre in which people are genuinely killed for the entertainment of cowardly perverts,6 which is what homosexuality and misogyny are for.

 An analyst could predict from Bill`s threatened impeachment for receiving `oral sex` from Monica Lewinski that homosexuality and misogyny was attempting to destabilize American security. The problem is that US security isn`t designed to work. Otherwise no one would care that Bill Clinton received `oral sex` from Monica Lewinski. The US` security system was built to fail, because sexual morality is based on the fiction that adultery is between married men and women they haven`t married, whereas `adultery` is definable as sex between men and women, because women aren`t men`s species:

`Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.` (John: 8. 7)

 Adultery means `adulterate`, that is, `impure`, because species` dilution is contamination and logically precedes `liquidation`, which is what CIA assassins practice as `sanctioned` killers of political opponents of the United States of America. Because `adulteration` is species contamination, `adultery` is a fiction to keep humans ignorant of the fact that their species of woman has been contaminated. Because humans are kept in ignorance, their intelligence is diluted, which suggests species` liquidation is planned by the ancient enemy of the human race. Jesus, born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was uncontaminated by male semen, because humans aren`t. When agents of the Roman Empire occupying Palestine crucified Jesus as a `dissident` teacher, he had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, according to the Bible, because he was `woman`s seed`, which is awaiting Resurrection, and that`s why Jesus is called `Redeemer`. In a society that didn`t perceive Monica Lewinski`s giving Bill Clinton `oral sex` as remarkable it would be difficult for homosexuality and misogyny to destabilize US security.

 The 21st century paradigm is the virus, which attacks computers as `bad machine code` created by `geeks`, while the paradigm itself is derived from the late 20th century incurable `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS spread by homosexuals mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockery of the human act of sexual reproduction between women. The 21st century `geeks` were the successors to Sophocles` ancient Greeks who institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and the enslavement of the host wombs of women to spread the contagion of warfare to neighboring states. The term `geek` derives from sideshow freaks who ate the heads of chickens,7 because computer brains infected with viruses don`t function, and a human species that`s entirely `Greek`, that is, male brained, can`t function either.

 Because Monika Lewinski gave him `oral sex` under the table, Bill Clinton was supposed to be impeached, that is, US security was intended to fail. When the planes crashed into the Twin Towers, because the onboard computer systems weren`t installed that would abort a flight path that would take them into the World Trade Centre, it was because they were the equivalent of a `Trojan horse` virus in `geek` terms. New Yorkers `running around like headless chickens` is what 9/11 was designed to achieve,8 because that`s what terrorist `geeks` are for. According to the poet Homer`s Iliad (760-10 B.C.) the original `Trojan horse` was deployed by the ancient Greeks before the walls of the city of Troy as a huge hollow wooden structure taken in by the Trojans to where the Greeks emerged from within its hollow inside to capture the city of Troy and enslave the host wombs of the women in institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and spread the contagion of devouring warfare further:

`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`9

 The Al Qaeda terrorists were the equivalent of homosexuality in pederasty`s `biological warfare` agent, that is, the HIV/AIDS virus, and `geek` misogyny`s `bad machine code`, which infect the brain to kill the human. The analogy is of the condom as the prophylactic anti-viral agent. If homosexuality in pederasty and misogyny didn`t prevent women from sexually reproducing with each other human brains, condoms wouldn`t be necessary, that is, that `brutality and violence` associated with `rough trade`,10 and symbolized by the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, wouldn`t occur. Consequently, Monica Lewinski was the US condom that wasn`t used, because she represented a failed opportunity for the US to discard infantilism, which translates into a failure in security for which the CIA is blamed.

 Having effectively eaten the woman`s penis, women and the human race are degraded by men, and so it isn`t the security of the human species that is their concern. In Christianity the main difference is between Resurrection and reincarnation, that is, the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, represented by Jesus born uncontaminated by male semen form his mother, the Virgin Mary, who therefore represents `futanarian` women capable of sexually reproducing their own brains` power for liberation from men with each other,11 whereas reincarnation is the belief in rebirth, and so re-enslavement.

 In Hebrew, Jesus is `Meshiah` (Sam: 10. 1), so the Meshiahn or `Machine Age` is the future that the Messiah, who is Logos in Greek, that is, the `Word of God`,12 predicates as technology, whereas reincarnation represents the enslaving of the human as the machine that will reproduce what it has produced before. In terms of human slavery, having invented the wheel, the reincarnated will invent it again for their enslavers, who`ve killed their children so they`ll be reincarnated to invent the wheel again in ignorance of their parents` despite. Consequently, the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center was designed to reestablish homosexuality in pederasty and misogyny`s devouring warfare against the human species of woman and so slow the wheel of progress in order to maintain humans as machines, rather than liberate humans through machines, which is what Jesus as `Meshiah` predicates as the future for humankind:

`Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.`13

 The phenomenon of deja vu translates from the French as, `Hasn`t this happened before?` Because it`s post machine age jargon for reincarnation, where rebirth is followed by the individual reproducing what has gone before, that is, what`s already been developed by adults who`ve been murdered, so that their reborn souls can be farmed as machines to reinvent the wheel again for their children`s children to pedal as slaves while their fathers journey to the stars in heaven. Any CIA analyst could explain that the interminable instructions masquerading as training programs are an excuse for enslaving humans as machines rather than making hardware and software user friendly. The successful pedlars are the retailers who pin the tail back on the donkey,14 because the reincarnated experiencing deja vu rebuy the goods and services they`d perforce bought in their previous incarnation, which is why their fathers killed them. To line their pockets with the same gold they`d spent that they`d killed their inventive genius entrepeneurial children before for.

 Meanwhile, the less fortunate children go off to die and win some more pedals fighting in the wars their fathers have arranged for them to be disposed of in. 9/11`s terrorist act of crashing planes hijacked at Boston, Logan airport into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city, on Manhattan island in the state of New York in the United States of America, was based on the movie Logan`s Run in which all the children die when they reach 21 years of age, because that`s what their fathers want. If they can`t time travel, the children`s fathers arrange for the past to be brought to the future by killing the present, which is what 9/11, 2001, achieved, so their enslaved progeny can build planes as a present for their brainless fathers to kill them again.

4 Sophocles Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B. C.), Franklyn, Thomas (transl.), 1759.

5 Johnson, George Clayton and William F. Nolan, Logan`s Run, Dial Press, 1967, pp 133.

6 Merriam-Webster `Snuff (transitive verb), b. To make extinct; put an end to.` .

7 Merriam-Webster `Geek, 1.  A carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken or snake.` .

8  Posner, Richard A., An Affair of State The Investigation, Impeachment, and Trial of President Clinton, Harvard University Press, 1999.

9 Virgil, The Aeneid, Laocoon, Trojan priest, Bk II, 19 B.C.

12 Santayana, George The Life of Reason, Vol. I, Reason in Common Sense, 1905-1906.