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Thursday, 21 May 2015

Church Fathers

Church Fathers

The Old Testament of the Bible contains the history of the Jews and their law, that is, the Torah and the Talmud, whereas the New Testament of the Bible, which is Christianity, contains the teaching of Jesus, who was the Jewish Messiah during the occupation of Palestine by the Roman Empire, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus said that his teaching was a distillation of the law of Judaism which, according to tradition, was given atop Mt Sinai by God to Moses, the leader of the Jews, on tablets of stone, known as the Ten Commandments,1 after the Jews` escape from slavery in Egypt. Jesus` perception was that the law of God was based on the premise that stealing was the taking of another`s life and so, if people were taught not to steal, they wouldn`t take life either:

1 `Thou shalt not worship anything but God.` (Ex: 20. 2-6)
2 `Thou shalt not labor fruitlessly.` (Ex: 20. 7-11)
3 `Thou shalt have regard for the father and the mother.` (Ex: 20. 12)
4 `Thou shalt not kill.` (Ex: 20. 13)
5 `Thou shalt not commit adultery.` (Ex: 20. 14)
6 `Thou shalt not steal.` (Ex: 20. 15)
7 `Thou shalt not bear false witness.` (Ex: 20. 16)
8 `Thou shalt not desire what isn`t yours.` (Ex: 20. 17-23)
9 `Thou shalt make an altar to God.` (Ex: 20. 24-25)
10 `Thou shalt not sacrifice yourself upon God`s altar.` (Ex: 20. 26)

 The Ten Commandments are prophylactics against the taking of life. Otherwise humans are meat for the abattoir, which the narrative of Cain and Abel illustrates. Upon an altar Cain laid fruits for God, but Abel placed meat amidst fire. Consequently, Abel had invented cooking and so was more able than Cain, who killed Abel, because God was more pleased with Abel`s cooked meat. After Cain killed Abel, Cain`s descendants had stolen the oven patent, and went on to make cooked meat of Abel`s descendants. Although that sounds like a joke, it`s exactly what the Germans did in World War II (1939-45) with the `chosen people` of the Bible, that is, the Jews, who were placed in `death camps` by the 1933 elected National Socialist (Nazi) Party`s Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, where ovens had been built to cook them. The telling movie of the 20th century was Sophie`s Choice (1982) in which actress, Meryl Streep, as Sophie, is told by a Nazi death camp guard that she can keep either her daughter or her son from the death camp. In Judaism women are told they must keep the girl, because Jews can only be born from women, which means that Jews are women. Although this seems impractical, God tells Eve in the paradise of Eden;

`You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)

 The serpent is Satan, the angel leader of the rebel host expelled by God from heaven for refusing to accept that the human host would be greater than the angelic. Satan was turned into a serpent by God and gave Eve, the first woman, the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which was death, saying, `You shall be as gods.` Eve and the first man, Adam, were expelled from Eden for rejecting the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, although God told Adam he`d labor and Eve would experience labor pain, but they`d have Redemption. In Christian iconography Jesus` mother is depicted as crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her foot, because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, that is, he prefigured the Redemption of Eve`s `seed`, which was futanarian human women with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers strong enough to crush the head of the serpent, that is, the head of Eve`s human species of futanarian women would be stronger than Satan`s.

 As the host at the `Last Supper`, Jesus gave to the disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, but he was betrayed by the disciple, Judas, and the Romans nailed him to a cross of wood upon the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem until he died. Jesus, however, experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven as a prefiguration of what would occur if women`s brains were stronger in medical science to give their memories longevity to preserve their labors as developed technology so progress to the stars and planets in starships could recur. The `seed` of woman constitute God`s new angelic host, which is why Judas betrayed Jesus to the male brained Empire of Rome, that is, slavery to death in conquest through war. Although that seems harsh, institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty for the spread of war`s contagion is what Greece, the model for Western democracy, established through host womb slavery of the futanarian human race of women. A `woman`, Babylon, is depicted in the Bible, while the foundations of the city of Babylon were laid in 4000 B.C., according to archaeologists, and the biblical description suggests that Babylon was the Eastern type of the Graeco-Roman Empire, built on the host womb enslavement of the human race of women by the parasite:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 Although war is an abomination, men`s spreading of the HIV/AIDS incurable killer disease as the biological weapon of the serpent`s seed against women`s human futanarian race, through the rejecting of humanity`s host womb in favor of mocking woman`s human sexual reproductive organs, after effectively devouring and banning her penis, by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, is abominable: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) As a devourer of women`s child through the enslaving of a host womb they don`t want for homosexuality in pederasty and wars abominations, although cannibalism isn`t an option for the parasite emerging from the host womb of the human race, to kill the enslaved host womb that produces civilization, culture and art `woman`s seed` is able to despite the parasite`s depredations against her humanity, parasitology predicts its parasitism, that is, men aren`t even a devouring cannibal, but a devouring worm:

`And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered to devour her child as soon as it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4)

 The 23rd Psalm is a reassuring text from the Bible, but the pastoral context belies the danger alluded to in the passages depicting Jesus as the shepherd of the flock, `Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth.` (Matt: 5. 5) Jesus is described as the `lamb of God` in the Bible, which suggests that Christians are sheep. For a parasite that appears as a serpent in Eden, and in Revelation as a full grown dragon and a child devourer, breeding `woman`s seed` as lambs to be slaughtered in its wars celebrating its sterility in homosexuality and pederasty is what it`s for: `Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.` (Ps: 23. 4) As the animal is comforted by the slaughterer on its way to the abattoir, which is what the `serpent`s seed` are breeding humans for. The prod of the prod user is the rod that forces the animal through the abattoir and on to death, while the crook is the hook used to recover the slaughtered carcass of the animal for meat:

`The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. They will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised to life.` (Matt: 17. 22-23)

 The basis of Christian faith is Jesus` sacrifice, while the denial of Jesus` suicide is basic, although Jesus` knowledge of his fate, if he`s the `Son Of Man`, suggests his decision to go to Jerusalem was suicidal. That Jesus was speaking in the third person suggests that, although the Messiah describes the `Self` of Jesus as the `Son of Man`, the phrase, which was a common self-regarding expression during the period of the occupation of Jewish Palestine by the Roman Empire, meant something more than Jesus to Jesus, that is, the `Son Of Man` was being sacrificed, not Jesus` `Self`. Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, but futanarian humanity affords the possibility of the `Son Of Man`, that is, man born of futanarian man, which again affords the possibility of the virgin, man, giving birth.

 Because there are futanarian men with host wombs and penis` semen, the `Son of Man` is biological, rather than spiritual, although Jesus` third person description of the death and Resurrection of the `Son of Man` as someone who isn`t Jesus` `Self` is, in terms of futanarian man, equal to Jesus` role as `woman`s seed`. Born uncontaminated by male semen, the resurrected Jesus prefigures the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of futanarian humanity, and so the child the dragon waits to devour, is the host womb of the human futanarian species with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers. Historically, it seems likely that Eve and Adam`s leaving Eden for death in ephemerality to enslavement by the parasite for the Empire of homosexuality in pederasty and war depicts the early extinction of the human futanarian species by men who, without host wombs of their own, could enslave a human species without host wombs of its own, and so the human race was enslaved by men of the `serpent`s seed` who, in all but exterminating futanarian humans, decapitated mankind by removing its penis` semen and so its capacity for sexually reproducing its own brainpower.

 Although the analytical psychologist, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), believed that women experienced `penis envy`, in fact what they miss is the capacity to father, because fathers is what they were originally, as futanarian humans with their own host wombs and penis` semen, whereas men don`t miss the capacity to father, although some might miss the capacity to bear children, because host womb slavery in parasitism is what men preferred for a simplified humanity. Hollywood assisted the process of simplification considerably, which is why the movie and mass media news and entertainment industry in the city of Los Angeles on the West Coast of the United States of American in the state of California is known as the Babylon of the Western world. The film business began in Hollywood, when director D. W. Griffiths arrived to make the movie `Old California` (1910), although the propaganda against `woman`s seed` of futanarian humanity didn`t begin until Will Hays, the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), established the `Hays code` (1930-67) banning women from raising their foot off the floor in bedroom scenes on `moral grounds` whereas the absence of the penis from mainstream movies is a simplification in which the woman`s penis, as the futanarian `foot` that crushes the head of the serpent, because the brains women produce from their penis` semen are stronger, is removed from the public imagination, and replaced with men`s taunting of her with the knowledge that it`s theirs now and they`ll only reveal it to women who`ll accept host womb slavery to homosexuality in pederasty`s war record of itself as humanity`s extinguisher in the `snuff movie` capital of the world, Hollywood, Babylon, where human extinction is celebrated in its war documentaries posing as `action` movies in which the stars are killed by those who don`t want the human race to reach the planets:

`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`2

 Although Neil Armstrong`s words upon being the first astronaut with the Apollo 11 crew of the North American Space Administration (NASA) to land on Earth`s satellite, the moon, seem optimistic for the future of mankind, Neil wasn`t a futanarian human woman whose race had been enslaved by removing her penis so that she was lame brained and couldn`t make it up there so that God`s `foot` won`t be upon the moon while the US plans `star wars`, that is, President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s March 23, 1983, Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), a `ground and space based missile system` to circle the globe and finish what the Nazi pogromers began. The irony is that Hollywood, Babylon, developed Star Wars (1977), a movie in which the heroine, actress Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, leads a rebellion against the evil Empire of Darth Vader, who`s constructed a `Death Star` that orbits planets in order to kill them, which is what the `serpent`s seed` of men do in Satanism against `woman`s seed` of futanarian humanity that isn`t enslaved to homosexuality in pederasty and war`s home movie entertainment system for the parasites that prey upon the human host.

 In Revelation the church is `the bride`, although it`s difficult to see how Christianity can be a bride if it doesn`t teach about `woman`s seed`, because the `Son Of Man` is comprehensible, if futanarian men with their own host wombs give birth, just as Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is an understandably symbolic description of futanarian women`s capacity to sexually reproduce without men, before God`s promised Redemption for humanity through Resurrection and Ascension to the stars and planets of heaven through their own brains` achieving of technological escape velocity. The Christian church is full of women, who can`t father, but are fathers who`ve been castrated, so the church can feign fatherliness that women have, but can`t express. The sheep herders, with electric prods moving the animals to the hooks on which the carcasses of their flocks are hung as meat, have removed women`s penis in the slaughterhouse. But the Christian church remains `the bride of heaven` as Jesus is `the lamb of God`, because God`s promise is that the futanarian `foot` of God`s human race will have Resurrection and Ascension to heaven.

Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension prefigures that of `woman`s seed`, but Jesus is the figure of Redemption, because he`s uncontaminated by men`s semen through his birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary. Consequently, he`s Christianity`s `Perfect Man`, but God`s punishment for the irredeemable is eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, while those who deserve the bride of heaven will have Resurrection and Ascension. Paradoxically Christianity`s figure of Ascension requires death, although Jesus is the figure of the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, that is, the rebirth of futanarian women from the host womb of the human race. In Islam this paradox is resolved, because `Islam`, that is, `accept`, accepts the Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed` through the sexual reproduction between women that Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, represents.

 In Judaism it is only possible for Jews to be born from women, so women are Jews, because God`s `chosen people` are futanarian. In Islam four wives are permissible in marriage to afford the possibility of sexual reproduction between women. Although the practice derives from the relationship between Abraham and his wife Sara, who bore Isaac as the forebear of Judaism, but became barren and so gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham and Hajer bore Ishmael who was the forebear of Islam. Hajer`s breaking of the taboo against polygamy is celebrated each year in the Moslem Haj pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia and the temple of Abraham built by Ishmael and Hajer. Jesus has Ascension in Islam, but without death, because Moslems accept technological escape velocity through women`s capacity to sexually reproduce through their own brains` powers, that is, memory longevity and immortality through medical science ensuring that they retain operational control over their developed technology which gives them Ascension over the `serpent`s seed` without death in ephemeral host womb slavery to homosexuality in pederasty and war for the mass media entertainment of the Earth`s devouring parasite. Without Ascension the Earth will remain a difficult place for a daughter to have sex with her own species.

 When Jesus told the disciples that the `Son Of Man` was to be killed, but would resurrect in three days, he was the child of his mother, the Virgin Mary, and so the third person reference to the `Son Of Man` either refers to Jesus` own futanarian nature as a futanarian man born from his mother, that is, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, or to the idea of the `Son Of Man` as the futanarian man who has died, but will have Resurrection and Ascension; if he`s perfected as Jesus. The parasite can`t excuse itself by appealing to the fact that it doesn`t have a host, which is why Jesus was the human host at the `Last Supper`, betrayed by Judas to crucifixion as a `dissident` opposer of the male brained Empire of Rome. It`s the viral form without a host womb that`s the devouring parasite in homosexuality and pederasty`s war to enslave humanity in ephemerality and degeneration, not the woman`s, whose host womb and species` penis it was, before the virus inveigled itself into her host womb to steal her semen eons ago. Meanwhile, the 9th and 10th commandments of God go largely ignored by the shepherds of the church, because they relate to the meaning of Jesus` sacrifice, and the altar of God upon which humankind are forbidden by God to place themselves.

 As the `Son Of Man` and `woman`s seed`, Jesus represents futanarian humanity, which doesn`t want to be placed on the sacrificial altar by the Satanists. Although the `serpent`s seed` are parasites, because `woman`s seed` has been devoured in the dragon`s wars against her for so long, she`s unable to distinguish between parasitism and cannibalism, that is, the parasite`s devouring of humanity seems normal to those educated by mass media entertainment propaganda, but it`s what humans would call cannibalism if they were able to recognize parasitism for what it is, which is the human race being consumed by what it thinks of as itself. Moreover, because the `serpent`s seed` are devourers of the human host, sacrificing humans on altars to Satan is a likely Hollywood, Babylon, movie scenario concealing the true purpose of Satanism, which is to butcher humans as meat and eat them for food.

1 Usually the commandments separate 1 and 2 into 1, 2, 3, and 4, where God prohibits the making of idols (1) before prohibiting their worship (2), and asking God to ease labor without belief (3), so as to rest on the seventh day, because God created the world in six (4). However, 9 and 10 are the constructing of an altar from which the officiating priest can give the symbolic bread and wine to the congregation in emulation of Jesus` giving of `bread and wine` as symbols of the human host`s `body and blood` at the `Last Supper` to those who want the human host rather than slavery to the devouring parasite, Satan, which is the meaning of Judas` rejection of the host.

2 Armstrong, Neil July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Satanists Eat Planets

Satanists Eat Planets

Although it`s a question not usually thought of as being germane to human civilization, culture and art, Christianity ought to ask: what is the Satanist manifesto? Put simply, if the starships of Star Trek (1965-) in the United States of America`s long-running series of science fiction television shows and movie franchise about the adventures of humanity in Starfleet as a part of the United Federation of Planets, and in a cosmos in which the people of Earth have expanded outward from their star, Sol, and colonized the solar system and the rest of the universe and beyond, held a planet like an apple and ate it, that`d be what Satanism is. The `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` given to the first woman, Eve, by Satan, who was an angel turned into a serpent by God for refusing to accept that humans would be greater than Satan and the rebel angels who were expelled from heaven by God for their rejection of God`s plan for humanity, was a metaphor for what Satanists do. The key to an understanding of the scene in the paradisal garden of Eden, which was humanity`s first home, is `woman`s seed`. God tells Eve, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Satan`s head will be crushed by Eve`s `seed` when women`s brains are stronger. God tells Eve that she`ll have perpetual `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, and although she and the first man, Adam, are expelled from the paradisal garden of Eden for abandoning the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality through God`s plan for the development of the human race, God promises Redemption but Adam must labor, while Eve would experience labor pain, and God`s promise is fulfilled in the birth of Jesus from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen.

 Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, during the occupation of Jewish Palestine by the Roman Empire, Jesus was nailed upon a cross of wood as a `dissident` rebelling against the Empire of male braining for preaching what he described as the distillation of God`s law, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31)  Hanging upon the cross in a method of torture for rebels that the Roman Empire called `crucifixion`, Jesus died but had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because God`s plan was for the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed`, which Jesus` birth prefigured. After Eden `woman`s seed` was born as the daughters of Eve who were `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen for humanity`s host wombs.  Consequently, because women`s brains are stronger from their own penis` semen, they`re God`s `foot` to crush Satan`s head with, because acceptance of Satan`s offer of power through host womb slavery for the human race to men is the `serpent`s seed`, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)

 Neil Armstrong, the North American Space Administration`s (NASA) astronaut`s words upon being the first man to set foot upon the lunar surface of Earth`s satellite, the moon, seem godlike, `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1 However, beneath the heel of Neil Armstrong of Apollo 11`s mission to the moon, is `woman`s seed`, that is, God`s plan for futanarian humanity to ascend to the planets and stars of heaven by means of sexual reproduction between women, with brains made stronger than the male brained Empires of warfare and so, uncrushed by men of the `serpent`s seed`, will rise and ascend to heaven through the liberating power of their own brains` potential for labor saving technologies and the medical sciences necessary to keep her memory of the `serpent`s seed` and how to defeat it and escape from ephemeral host womb enslavement to death and war in men`s parasitism upon humanity, which is what Satanism is. As the planet Earth and its human inhabitants is devoured and destroyed by Satan`s `serpent`s seed` of men, Satanism is seen to be practiced.

 Christianity is the starship, Enterprise, holding the planet Earth, as it is often depicted doing in Star Trek, but the appearance of a mixed crew of male and female perpetuates the concept of the Imperial Navy, that is, parasitism upon the host wombs of the futanarian species of women, with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for the development of liberating technologies, represented by the starships of the United Federation of Planets, and the practice of Satanism, which is what parasitology predicts as the destruction of the host by the parasite after it has emerged from the host, and so the holding of planets by the United Federation as a prelude to eating the planet and its inhabitants is what Star Trek`s male and female Imperial Navy mix means. The all-female starship Enterprise is what God planned, while the delusion fostered by Hollywood, Babylon, is that God`s will and purpose is served by the men of the United Federation of Planets in the fictional construct devised and constructed as Starfleet. Human women aren`t men and the supposition that Eve`s `seed` would devour a planet like men devour the Earth as Satanists isn`t `logical`, as `pointy-eared alien` Mr Spock, the starship Enterprise`s Vulcan first officer, would be certain to point out to its Earthman captain, James T. Kirk. The likelihood is that women would hold the Earth as a planet rather than a fruit seeded by the serpent, Satan, for devouring by men of the `serpent`s seed` who`d enslaved the host wombs of the native human species of women for the purpose of waging war against her as the parasite she`d perforce nurtured after the creature eons ago had inveigled itself into her womb to emerge and kill her species on the planet Earth in Satanism:

`Babylon, the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 The movie industry of Los Angeles, that is, the city of the rebel angels fallen with Satan, on the West coast of the state of California in the United States of America is where the `Hays Code` (1930-67) was implemented by the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, which forbade women from raising their foot in the bedroom, that is, God`s `foot` wasn`t going to be raised to crush Satan`s head in Hollywood, Babylon, which is why it`s called `Babylon`, because it`s where Satan is worshipped as the devourer of the Earth in the USA`s action movie industry of death and destruction to `woman`s seed` in recorded highlights of men`s exploits in war against humanity and fictional pogroms waged against whatever substitutes for `woman`s seed` in the crazed imaginations of Hollywood Babylon`s producers, directors, filmmakers, and stars. Without genuine alien threats, fictionalized exploits against invading aliens are the staple fare of Hollywood, Babylon, because warfare against humanity is what men are for and so aliens are extrapolations of `woman`s seed`. In effect the alien that`s already enslaved the human species` womb of futanarian women with their own penis` semen now almost extinguished by the propaganda industries of the American mass media and elsewhere amongst the nations of the Earth is defending its Satanical position against Salvation from the heavens for women`s subjugated human race. In the Hollywood, Babylon, movie War Of The Worlds (1953), for example, based on British science fiction writer, H. G. Wells` 1897 novel, the Martians devastate the Earth and die from exposure to the common cold virus, whereas the genuine scenario is that men`s mixing of blood shit and semen in each others` anuses, as homosexuality in pederasty rejected women, waged `biological warfare` against her by the late 20th century as the HIV/AIDS virus emerging as an `incurable killer disease` was spread by men`s mockery of human sexual reproduction to keep women in fearful faithfulness to ring slaving monogamy in marriage to men of the `serpent`s seed` devouring women in Satanism.

  Greek democracy is held as the model for Western civilization, culture and art, but it`s based on institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and the enslavement of the host wombs of women, which the Moslem system in Islam thwarts in affording a four wife marriage in which women can sexually reproduce with each other. Although Moslem nations are undemocratic, Western democracies deny women voting enfranchisement by denying them a basis for sexual reproduction with each other. Consequently, the Martians in War Of The Worlds are men`s extrapolation of what they do, which is invade and infect the human species until she`s extinguished. The ancient Greeks deployed a huge hollow wooden horse against the city of Troy, according to the Greek poet Homer`s Iliad (760-10 B.C.), which the Trojans took inside the gates to where the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women for homosexuality in pederasty and to spread their contagion of war against women further.

 By the early 21st century the geek successors to the Greeks had deployed `Trojan horse` viruses to destroy labor saving machines, that is, computer brains with their capacity to store memory that women could use to remember their enemy and defeat its attempts to extinguish them, which is the genuine War Of The Worlds where men are the Martian war machines, and women are the humans that have found a way of dealing with the virus` common cold, but not its biology`s killer weapon, HIV/AIDS. Men`s preoccupations with alien menaces belies the more logical assumption promulgated by science fiction writers that extraterrestrial intelligence is likely to be just that, if it`s developed space travel, that is, intelligent, rather than virulent, which is what men are towards the human species of `woman`s seed` as her parasite.

 Extrapolating human behavior from men`s so that intelligence is perceived as likely to be hostile is how men hold the Earth and eat it as Satanists, because their mass media is designed not to educate futanarian women in their own human race`s independent sexual reproduction for their own brains` powers for technological liberation so that the species of women can become intelligent enough to escape from men`s enslaving of her humanity for ephemerality in homosexuality and pederasty`s dictatorship of death to humanity in their alien war against it. If Satan didn`t exist, men would invent it, which is what HIV/AIDS and the aliens of movies like Independence Day (1996) represent.

 In Independence Day alien ships come from the stars and destroy many of the Earth`s major cities, and one of the highlights of the movie`s message is the destruction of the Whitehouse, traditional home of the President of the United States in the state of Washington, D.C., whereas the Al Qaeda terrorist civil airliner that was hijacked reportedly to crash into the Whitehouse on September 11, 2001, failed to reach its target after it was `taken down` by passengers and crashed at Shanksville, Pennsylvania, because humans aren`t aliens, although the success of the Al Qaeda terrorist hijacking that crashed into the Pentagon at Arlington, Virginia, and into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre, suggests that Hollywood, Babylon, had succeeded in raising enough aliens, and the film World Trade Centre (2007) is indicative of the film industry`s success, because `world trade` is a euphemism for homosexuality in pederasty. Consequently, the movie World Trade Centre is the prototypical 1950s alien invasion movie aimed at Russia in science fiction films like Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1956) devised to scare Americans over the possibility of the United States being taken over by Soviet Communism, which was based on the theories of German economist, Karl Marx, whose Das Kapital (1867) observed that `workers control of the means of production` was more desirable from the workers point of view than US Capitalism in which wage slavery was the basis for socio-economics.

 Because all of civilization, culture and art emerges from the host wombs of the human species of women, they`re the workers, which US Capitalism wouldn`t want to be disseminated as it would encourage women`s suffrage and liberty, and interfere with what is effectively men`s psychopathology, represented by the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), that is, host womb slavery in homosexuality and pederasty`s warfare against her humanity. 9/11 was a Hollywood, Babylon, `small screen` TV program `live on CNN` and other news networks devised to stimulate the MIC and reestablish war as the basic socio-economic factor in Satanism upon the Earth where Al Qaeda`s terrorist hijackings and attacks were in accordance with Hollywood, Babylon, TV programing.

 In the United States `transsexual` and `transvestite` are terms designed to depict men and women who want to change gender or men and women who wear each others` clothes. These are called TVs which fits the Hollywood, Babylon, program in which women aren`t permitted to raise their `foot` from the floor in the bedroom on `moral grounds`, because men and women constitute a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes as transvestites or TVs, whereas futanarian women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of the human species` furtherance as a tripartite gender requires a mass media program that replaces the transvestism of `small screen` TV with the `bigger picture` of trinitarian thinking, which Christianity represents itself as believing in as `Father, Son, and Holy Spirit`, whereas women`s futanarian humanity is fatherer, child, and educator. Jesus said, before his death, that a tutelary spirit would come after him, while the Roman, Longinus, pierced the Messiah`s side with his spear after he died, saying, `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) The scene is reminiscent of Eve`s emergence from the side of Adam, that is, it might be expected that the `Second Eve` would emerge from the side of Jesus as the `Second Adam`, because humanity needs a futanarian spirit guide as its educator, and that necessarily means that the `big picture` must change, which means the end for `transvestite TV` and a greater level of understanding and compassion for transsexuals, who represent the futanarian spirit of humanity `s struggle with the `serpent`s seed` and its coercive aim that humans not be `woman`s seed`.

 Because Christianity doesn`t educate about `woman`s seed` it`s Satanism and not the teaching of Jesus`, which is eternalized in the moment of his birth as uncontaminated Man, whereas those who practice sexuality are Christians, `Be fruitful and multiply.` Antichristian `moral outrage` against what it often foolishly assesses as `pornography` is against human education. In the United Kingdom the famous `Page 3` of The Sun newspaper featured nude women exposing their breasts while wearing panties after Stephanie Rahn on November 17, 1970, without any sign of their species` penis, and `moral` activists saw the demise of `Page 3` after January 22, 2015, amidst resounding applause and without ever recognizing that it effectively represented the extinction of the women`s penis. Although `porn` is represented as degrading to women, it actually denotes her enslavement to the male penis, while lesbianism, futanarian and `fucking machines` in which women use machines to attain to orgasm represent women`s thwarted ambitions towards socio-economic independence, that is, for many women `porn` is a liberating medium of education without which they`d remain ignorant slaves. Hollywood, Babylon, in repressing the woman`s penis from movies through the morality of the `Hays code` (1930-67), so that she can`t ever be seen to raise her futanarian `foot` from the floor of the bedroom, for example, meant that women`s daughters exist in an uneducated and schizophrenic relation with their own mirror reflections appearing as sexually taboo in the mass media`s declaration of her sexuality as abnormally but tolerated lesbian, although the only thing missing from the gender equation is the woman`s penis in the mirror of her dreams. Able only to see men on the `big screen` of Hollywood, Babylon, women are conditioned to anticipate the appearance of the male penis in an ever elided dance of puerility and suggestiveness, which is how the alien mocks women`s futanarian species, while engaging in the wars it films as a celebration of her humanity`s extinction in Satanism.

 Although most people believe that Christianity`s precept, based on Jesus` death preceding Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, is that humans die and go to heaven, Jesus doesn`t die and go to heaven in Islam, although Isa is born from his mother, the Virgin Maryam, and has Ascension to heaven, because Moslems don`t believe in ephemerality as Christians have taught themselves to. Jesus promised that a spirit would teach after him and the Prophet Mohamed received the Koran (610-30 C.E.), which is the book of Islam, from the angels, according to Islamic tradition, more than six hundred years after Jesus` promise. The basis of Islam is the giving by Sara, barren after the birth of Isaac, who was of the line that founded Judaism, of Hajer, to Abraham. Hajer bore Ishmael, whose descendant, Mohamed,  founded Islam, and the Haj is the annual pilgrimage to the temple of Abraham built by Ishmael and Hajer in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to celebrate Hajer`s breaking of the taboo against polygamy, which gives women the opportunity to sexually reproduce their own brains` powers and escape from ephemerality through medical science, which is why Jesus` Ascension to heaven isn`t preceded by his death, and Christ`s death in Christianity is preceded by pain in torture, because he`s `woman`s seed` and doesn`t accept that he should be ephemeral and not immortal, which is why the Roman Empire killed him as he represented the possibility of longevity for `woman`s seed` through medical science devised by women`s human futanarian brains and so escape for her species from host womb slavery to men in ephemerality and extinction through warfare waged against her human race by men of the `serpent`s seed` in Satanism. As `woman`s seed` Jesus was immortal, whereas Christianity promulgates the belief that people die and go to heaven and so Christians practice euthanasia, which is Satanism, because humans want to go to heaven as immortals, and not spirits:

 `And she was delivered of a son, a man child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and unto his throne.` (Rev: 12. 5)

 Although the description is of Jesus` ruling on behalf of `woman`s seed`, Ascension without death is what humans expect, whereas Christianity promises death, and pain too if the human shows signs of not being an ephemeral slave and therefore resisting the Empire of the male brain as a `dissident` like Jesus, whose disciple, Peter, was the first bishop of Rome signaling the beginning of the collapse of the Roman Empire, while the announcement in 1950 by Pope Pius XI that the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was the doctrine of the church of Rome represented the church`s acceptance that women were assumed by God to belong in heaven as God`s futanarian plan for humanity unfolded and that the Virgin Mary was taken bodily into heaven as Jesus was without reference to death, which again is what humans expect from God and Christianity and not pain and torture in denial of immortality through medicine and escape from slavery through labor saving technologies that ultimately mean starships similar to those of Starfleet`s United Federation of Planets in Star Trek holding planets as mothers of futanarian humanity or as fruit for devourment in the male brained Empire of Satanism.

1 Armstrong, Neil July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

That Deaf, Dumb and Blind Plague, Sure Is A Mean Pig`s Balls

That Deaf, Dumb and Blind Plague, Sure Is A Mean Pig`s Balls

Mythology has never been properly understood by Christianity because it perceives all that came before Jesus, the Messiah, as pagan, whereas history is the sociology of how mankind strives to be human, and humanism is what myth depicts. Tantalus was the Greek king of the Achaeans who served up his son, Pelops, as a dish for the gods and goddesses, who lived atop Mt Olympus, according to the poet Ovid`s Metamorphoses,1 to see if they were telepathic. The Olympians didn`t eat the meat but Demeter, whose daughter Persephone had been kidnapped and taken below by the god of the underworld, Hades, is absent minded enough to eat. Although most classicists interpret Persephone`s abduction as a harvest myth in which the new corn emerges in the spring, it`s a separation of what the Greeks called the mother-daughter Kore that the myth explicates.

 Tantalus has the role of the serpent in the Old Testament, Bible of the Jews, that is, their law and history called the Torah and Talmud, which begins with Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, in the paradise of Eden where she encounters the serpent, who was the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent by God for refusing to accept that humans would be greater than the angels. Satan tempts Eve with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, saying, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) It`s the narrative of how mankind accepted slavery for the host womb of women in exchange for power.

 God tells Eve: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Telling Adam he must labor while Eve will have labor pain, God expels the pair from Eden, and Eve`s labor is fulfilled in the birth of Jesus from his mother, the Virgin Mary, because he`s uncontaminated by male semen and so is `woman`s seed` rather than the enslaver of women`s host wombs, that is, men, who aren`t redeemed unless they accept Jesus` teaching about `woman`s seed`, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Because women have their own penis` semen as futanarian humans for their own host wombs and the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers, the separation of Demeter and Persephone is how men prevent her from sexually reproducing her own brans to produce the labor saving technologies that would allow her to escape from men`s slaving of her, which is why Persephone is buried as a prefiguration of women`s extinction to the parasite that kills the civilization, culture and art she`s able to produce from her host womb despite the parasite`s depredation against her human race in its ceaseless wars against her.

 Emerging each year in the spring, Persephone represents men`s need for a host womb from which to emerge as parasitism, while Demeter`s absent minded eating of Pelops as the meat prepared by the tempter, Tantalus, is what Demeter and Persephone`s host wombs are for. Demeter represents the `Great Mother` of humanity who doesn`t have the brains from her own penis` semen to remember that men are farming her as parasites for meat, while Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after being killed upon the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem by the Roman Empire as a `woman`s seed` dissident antagonistic towards male braining and the spread of its plague through warfare, prefigures the Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed` promised to Eve by God when her brains are stronger than the `serpent` seed`.

 Jesus` `Last Supper` before his crucifixion as a dissident has elements similar to Tantalus` feast for the Olympians. As the human host Jesus gives `bread and wine` to his disciples as symbols of his `body and blood`, but the disciple Judas rejected the human host by betraying Jesus as a dissident to the Empire of Rome`s male braining and enslavement for war. Food is often described as fare and war as warfare because that`s how the devourer eats. Consequently, Demeter`s absent minded eating of Pelops served as meat before the Olympians depicts what humans don`t want, which is why the Olympians are depicted as more advanced humans, that is, they represent God`s humanity better than the angels, whereas Tantalus is the degenerate type of a man, who farms women for table fare to entertain the Olympians and tempt those higher human life agencies into degeneracy also. Seeing warfare as entertainment, the Olympian higher man is tantalized by the promise of the power of the Empire of the male brain and the human race descends to brainlessness in degeneration as `woman`s seed` is removed from the world`s stage through host womb invasion and enslavement to the devouring parasite of war against humanity by an alien creature that has stolen the human race`s penis after inveigling itself into woman`s host womb in order to kill her species.

 As human host at the `Last Supper` Jesus makes the distinction between `bread and wine` and `body and blood` because food and warfare are distinct but not yet separate in the minds of men who wage war to devour `woman`s seed`. The Romans occupying Jewish Palestine at the time of Jesus were animals. The Greek Tantalus served his son, Pelops, to the higher humans Tantalus perceived as Olympians, because he thought he could tempt them to be animals, which is why men treat humans as animals, so they`ll be animals, which is why women are kept as lower animals `husbanded` by men, although God`s promise to Eve that her `seed` will be stronger suggests that women are higher humans degenerated by the Empire of male braining for the devourment of the human race in war by an alien parasite that only seeks to develop its maw until full grown since its days as a serpent in Eden:

` And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4)

 Without eyes the human race can`t see to run itself, and without ears it can`t hear, and without mouths it can`t speak. If the Christian church doesn`t preach `woman`s seed` after Jesus` birth, humanity is deaf, blind and dumb, because the Christian church and the mass media keeps from women the simplest of information that they can sexually reproduce the human race from their own penis` semen without men`s, which is the meaning of Jesus` uncontaminated birth:

`His disciples lead him in
And he just does the rest.
He's got crazy flipper fingers
Never seen him fall ...
That deaf, dumb and blind kid
Sure plays a mean pinball.`2

 The rock group, The Who, depict Jesus in `Pinball Wizard` as amazing, and the band`s lead singer Roger Daltrey`s acting of the part of the deaf, blind, and dumb `pinball wizard` in the movie, Tommy (1969), is expected to be viewed by 21st century `gamers` as Messianic, but degenerate humanity`s `space invader` pyschopathology isn`t a game to the brain dead, the walking dead, and the invade dead, `Your mother left me here to mind you, And I'm doing exactly what I bleedin' well want to, Fiddling about, fiddling about, fiddle about. Down with your bedclothes. Up with your nightshirt ...`3 As the male brained head, the war kinged head, and the invade head, men`s plague game is to spread deafness, blindness and dumbness.

 The ancient Greeks are held as the model for Western democracy although homosexuality in pederasty was institutionalized along with host womb slavery for women in order to spread the contagion of war. At Troy the Greeks left a huge hollow wooden horse from which they emerged when the Trojans took it into the city, according to the Greek poet, Homer, in his Iliad (760-10 B.C.), and captured it for the enslavement of the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion of homosexuality in pederasty and war further. By the late 20th century men`s virality had become a `biological weapon` against the human race of `woman`s seed` as their homosexuality in pederasty led to their mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses and the spreading of the incurable killer disease HIV/AIDS. By the early 21st century the geek successors to the Greeks had conceived viruses they called Trojan horses to infect computer memory and render the machine brains` storage useless, lest `woman`s seed` remember their enemies who made them deaf, blind and dumb.

1 Ovid, Metamorphoses, 8 A.D.
2 Townshend, Pete `Pinball Wizard`, The Who, Tommy, Polydor, 1969.
3 Moon, Keith as Uncle Ernie, Tommy, RSO, 1969.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Achilles Heel

Achilles Heel

The tale of the Greeks before the walls of the city of Troy is related by the Greek poet Homer in his Iliad (760-10 B.C.). Paris, Prince of Troy, had abducted Helen, Menelaus wife, and had taken her to Troy, and Menelaus` brother, Agamemnon, king of Sparta, sent the Greek fleet to bring Helen back. Achilles was the hero that wouldn`t leave his tent during the siege of Troy and was deemed a coward until he finally emerged to kill the Trojan hero, Hector, before the city walls and drag his corpse around the city in his chariot as a mark of his prowess and triumph as a champion. The city was taken after the Greeks left a huge hollow wooden horse outside the walls of the city and pretended to embark in their ships for home. The Greeks inside the horse emerged to capture the city from the Trojans and repatriate Helen.

 Although Achilles is viewed as a pagan by Christianity, he is in fact a type of Christ, that is, a Messiah, because of his purported invulnerability except for his heel by which he was bathed in the river Styx by his mother, the Nereid water spirit, Thetis, who held him by his heel while seeking to bathe him in immortality. The scene is identical to the Christian baptism, which is designed to protect humans from Satan, who was the angel turned into a serpent by God, and left to dwell in the paradise of Eden, before God created Adam, the first man, and Eve, the first woman, who the serpent tempted with the `fruit of the tree of good and evil`, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Eve and Adam were expelled from Eden by God although she was promised, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Achilles is the heel of Eve`s `foot` because Greek society was based on homosexuality in pederasty and the enslaving of women`s host wombs for war, and Achilles` saving of Helen at Troy was the exception that broke the rule. Because women have their own penis as futanarian women, they`re Eve`s `foot` race born after Eden which has almost disappeared from socio-history because of men of the `serpent`s seed` enslaving of her host womb for homosexuality in pederasty and war.

 By the late 20th century the `biological warfare` of the `serpent`s seed` of men had spread through homosexuality in pederasty`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses until the incurable killer disease of HIV/AIDS ensured women`s faithfulness in fear to the ring slavery of monogamy in Western civilization, culture and art, which women were still able to produce from their host wombs despite men`s depredations against `woman`s seed` of humanity. By the early 21st century the geek successors to the Greeks had devised viral machine code in emulation of homosexuality in pederasty`s HIV/AIDS, which the geeks called `Trojan horse` viruses, to infect computer brains and prevent them from functioning as male braining without `woman`s seed` effectively kept women`s and humans` brains from functioning by a form of decapitation equal to the geeks` preventing women from using computers to remember their own species` penis and store that memory to educate their daughters.

 Sexually reproducing their own brains` powers between themselves, women would be socio-economically independent of men and able to devise labor saving technologies to free them so that they could escape from men`s host womb slavery for war in death, which was the power the serpent offered Eve and Adam in Eden. Women`s medical science would give them rejuvenation and continuity of memory over immortal life spans and so the death in ephemeral brainlessness planned for them by the enslaver would be replaced by a human futanarian race of women able to educate their daughters for life rather than death in war. Islam`s four wife marriages provide the social framework for sexual reproduction between women at a ratio of 80% women to 20% men that, translated into democracy, would enfranchise women with a proportionate voting majority in any and all democracies.

 When the United States of America was attacked by Al Qaeda terrorists operating out of Afghanistan who hijacked civil airliners and crashed them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, it was an Achilles` heel for Western civilization, culture and art, because the US` response was to topple the misogynist Taliban regime in Kabul, Afghanistan, before invading Saddam Hussein`s Iraq, where the dictator had offered bases to Al Qaeda after 9/11. The terrorists` aim was to provoke the US into `world trade` where `trade` is a euphemism for that `brutality and violence`1 associated with homosexuality in pederasty, that is, war, whereas Moslem women in Islam represent Jesus` `seed` of fulfilment through futanarian humanity`s women. Though Judaism seems supportive to Christians, Jews can`t be born unless born from women, which means that the `chosen people` of the Bible are women, and the development of Islam from the relationship between Sara, Abraham`s wife, who bore Isaac, founder of Judaism, and Hajer, her maid, who she gave to Abraham, and who bore Ishmael, founder of Islam, is the path of Christianity away from sexual reproduction between men and women and towards `acceptance`, which is what `Islam` means, of sexual reproduction between women in polygamy.

 The Christian Serbs who set up rape camps in which to male brain a generation of Moslems during the Bosnian war (1992-95) in Eastern Europe represented the Achilles` heel of Christianity, which is ignorance of God`s `foot`, that is, Eve`s `seed` of futanarian `woman`s seed`. Lauded as the harbingers of freedom symbolized by the statue of `Liberty` in New York harbor, the US` media blackout on `woman`s seed` prevents her democratic potential and socio-economic independence as a species from being realized through the US` hypnagogic warmongering through its `action` movie and TV Empire in Hollywood, Babylon, which forbade women`s penis from being seen on `moral` grounds as long ago as President Will Hays of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) `Hays code` (1930-67) prevented women from `raising their foot` in bedroom scenes so as to obviate love for the promotion of war. Achilles was a Christian, because he was God`s `foot` rescuing Helen, and didn`t mind the bruising to his heel as he crushed the serpent`s head with it. Hollywood, Babylon, is the `crusher` of God`s `foot` because they don`t want `woman`s seed`, which is why Saddam Hussein`s name means `crusher` and `small handsome man`, because his role was as homosexuality in pederasty`s actor celebrating the male brain`s devourment of `woman`s seed` for the Antichristian West had already had theirs.

1 Violent, often brutal sex acts, .

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Jesus Christ`s Birth Changed The World By His Nature, And Not His Teaching, Which Was His Nature

Jesus Christ`s Birth Changed The World By His Nature, And Not His Teaching, Which Was His Nature

Jesus was born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, which event changed the world, and fulfilled God`s promise to Eve that women`s labor pains would end with Redemption, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Jesus was the Redeemer of `woman`s seed`, that is, the futanarian `foot` race of women with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers through their own host wombs of women. With stronger brains than men, women would crush the head of the serpent, whose brain enslaving male `seed` the story of Eve in Eden depicts inveigling itself into the host wombs of her futanarian species of women with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, power over brainless ephemerals in unmemoried ignorance, rather than God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) The unmaled stronger brain of women born through the futanarian human species of women`s sexual reproduction with each other would be God`s `foot` crushing the Empire of the male brain represented by the Roman Empire in Jesus` time that was occupying Jewish Palestine as a possessing demon. Jesus` death at the hands of the representatives of the Roman Empire in Palestine when he was nailed to a cross of wood upon the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem as a `dissident` against the male brained Empire of Rome, preceded his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because that`s what God planned for `woman`s seed`. Pope Pius XI`s declaration of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary to heaven in 1950 recognized the position of women as the adulterated human race of futanarian women suppressed in male braining, and made subject to host womb slavery to men of the `serpent`s seed`, which Jesus` birth and death promised she`d transcend in Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. The Pope in Rome`s papal decree made it doctrinal that women were assumed to belong in heaven because men practiced the adulteration of her species, which is why Jesus was so lenient with the woman caught in adultery by the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, when she was brought to him to be judged. For Jesus it was laughable that a parasite should accuse a woman of adultery, `Teacher, this woman hath been taken in adultery, in the very act. Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such: what then sayest thou of her?` (John: 8. 4-5) In his life and teaching Jesus was careful not to reveal the truth to men, because that would result in pogroms against `woman`s seed`, `He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.` (John: 8. 7) Pogroms against `woman`s seed`, that is, the `chosen people` of the Jews, are what occurred; for example, during the National Socialist Party of Germany`s attempt to enslave Europe between 1939 and 1945 when 6,000,000 Jews were exterminated in `Nazi` death camps:

 `And they, when they heard it, went out one by one, beginning from the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the midst. And Jesus lifted up himself, and said unto her, `Woman, where are they? Did no man condemn thee?` And she said, `No man, Lord.` And Jesus said, `Neither do I condemn thee: go thy way; from henceforth sin no more.` (John: 8. 9-11)

 Although the scene has pathos, the only thing missing from Jesus` ridiculing of the Pharisees is the `canned laughter` dubbed onto situation comedies made for television when it`s felt that the studio audience need encouragement to laugh when they`re invited to watch the actors perform the comic scenes written for them by the writer(s). The Pharisees are suggesting that the futanarian human race of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own developed and inventive brains` powers for liberation through the technologies she could devise to save her labor is adulterating the enslaving parasite which has stolen her penis as a viral life from to emerge from her host womb and kill her race in its wars upon her Earth that parasitology predicts it will do.

 Although Christianity thinks of itself as conducting a moral crusade against adulterous humanity when it mounts disapproving campaigns against nudity and pornography, it`s an uneducated and ignorant reaction of an occluded and occluding faction within the societal framework that can`t see, or doesn`t want others to see, that the pure futanarian human penis` `seed` of women with their own host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for freedom from host womb slavery to men of the `serpent`s seed` is adulterated by marriage in ring slavery to an owner that seeks the death of her race through adulteration and male braining`s Empire of war to extinction in parasitism. The Advent of the Antichrist was predicted in the Bible that declares Jews the `chosen people`, because Jews are born only from women, and so are women, and Antichristian thinking is what the devil crew`s AIDS is. The serpent in Eden was the angel, Satan, called the devil in Christianity, and turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that humans would be greater than angels. Although Greek democracy is held as the basis for Western civilization, culture and art, the Greeks imposed institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and the enslavement of the host wombs of women to spread their contagion of war, and the HIV/AIDS incurable killer disease virus was spread by homosexual men mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anus as the `biological weapon` ensuring women`s fearful faithfulness to  misogynist  slavery for their futanarian human species with its own penis` semen and host wombs` liberation from the devil crew`s AIDS against her race.

 Although the Moslems of Islam are perceived as the agents of the Antichrist by extremist Christianity, the male braining of a generation of Moslems in the Eastern European `rape camps` set up by the Christian Serb militia during the Bosnian war (1992-95) indicates the problem with such thinking. Socio-historically, the teachings of the Prophet Mohamed, as recorded in the Koran (610-30 C.E.) of Islam, and written more than six hundred years after Christ, who prophesied that a Holy Spirit would teach after him, derive from Abraham`s marriage with Sara, to whom was born Isaac, the founder of Judaism, and the child, Ishmael, who was born to Hajer, Sara`s maid, after Sara was barren and gave Hajer to Abraham to `wive`. Islam devolved from the perception that more than one wife was permissible and Moslems are permitted four, which provides a platform for sexual reproduction between women within a family, and so is more democratic and Christian than the Antichristian thinking of the West, which enslaves women for the devil crew`s AIDS in male braining and ownership as property so that her species can`t breed and enfranchise herself within democratic institutions. Although many Moslem nations are autocratic, that`s due to Islamic extremist thinking in which women are slaves as they are in the West.

 When Al Qaeda terrorists operating from Afghanistan crashed hijacked civil airliners into the World Trade Center in New York city on September 11, 2001, it was an attempt by the `serpent`s seed` to precipitate global `rough trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence` which is associated with homosexuality in pederasty, and the United States of America`s toppling of the Afghan misogynist Taliban regime before invading Iraq, where dictator Saddam Hussein had offered bases to Al Qaeda, was interpretable as a sign only of Western democracy seeking to impose its disenfrachising of `woman`s seed` upon Moslem populations, rather than giving women in Islam the vote that would ensure genuine democracy for the human race there that had achieved sexual reproduction with a family framework between women:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

  Although modern Iraq was the site of the ancient city of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), Babylon is described as a `woman` in the Bible, because adulteration of `woman`s seed` was the fate of women enslaved to homosexuality in pederasty and war as the abomination of the Earth. Consequently, Hollywood in the city of the angels, that is Los Angeles on the West coast of the state of California in the United States of America, was `Babylon` because that was where war in homosexuality and pederasty`s propaganda films were made. When Iraq was invaded in March 2003, the subsequent Gulf war and the deposing of Saddam Hussein in the Babylon of the East, was what men want women for. The Gulf war was Hollywood, Babylon. Saddam Hussein`s name means `crusher` and `small handsome man`, because for Hollywood, Babylon, World Trade Center (2007) was a movie first shown `live on CNN` and other television networks that improved their ratings on the `small screen` of television as the moustachioed Saddam Hussein acted the role of the man seeking to crush the head of the woman in accordance with the script of Hollywood, Babylon.

 The `Hays code` (1930-67) of Will Hays, President of the Movie Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), forbade woman`s `foot` from being raised from the floor in bedroom scenes in Hollywood films as a false moral crusade against nudity and pornography that might reveal `woman`s seed` as the true human species. Genuine `adult` films have women`s penis in them as a given factor within the socio-economic framework of the film`s plot, and post `Hays code` movies like actress Jane Fonda, as Cory, and actor Robert Redford, as Paul, in the romantic comedy, Barefoot In The Park (1967), actually depict woman`s acquiescence in host womb slavery and homosexuality in pederasty`s ring of ownership for `woman`s seed`. Barefoot In The Park suggests nudity and freedom, but the absence of the woman`s penis from any supposedly adult movie means occlusion in ignorance for the children of the Earth doomed by Christianity`s false perception of itself as a hero waging war in `moral crusades` against pornographic depictions of women`s degradation, whereas in fact Christianity`s celebrating and supporting women`s host womb slavery in parasitism and ephemeral death it by keeping the pure futanarian human species of `woman`s seed` adulterated, blind, and a brainless schizophrenic, who can`t even recognize her own species` self in the mirror of her own penis` desire for sexual reproduction with a human, and so is degenerated as a race lacking the brainpower to develop the labor saving technologies and medical science `woman`s seed` needs to ensure longevity of body and memory for her humanity so that men`s redundancy is perceivedly permanent as their handicapping of women, in a three-legged race in which her `foot` is tied to that of a parasite, who is not of her species, will end.

 Christianity has been taught that competition is what life is about, whereas Jesus` birth changed the world, because his mother, the Virgin Mary, naturally birthed `woman`s seed` for future Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. Jesus` teaching, `love your neighbor as you love yourself,` (Mk: 12. 31) was Jesus` explication of the meaning of his nature`s birth for `woman`s seed`. Repressed into schizophrenic subjugation, and taught she`s an abnormal but tolerated `lesbian`, if she loves `the girl next door` as a member of her own species, women`s daughter is actually nature`s winner deprived of the prize for the race by a parasite that doesn`t want humanity to succeed by nature. By preventing human women`s sexually reproducing their brainpower for success, the simian slaves her race. Jesus` success by nature is evinced in his being able to found the Christian church, which became a global religion, by his birth and words alone. At the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Jesus as the human host offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` to his disciples but Judas Iscariot, preferring the male brained Empire of Rome`s enslaving of the host womb of the human species, represented by Jesus as host and `woman`s seed` at the `Last Supper`, betrayed Jesus as a `dissident` for `thirty pieces of silver`, and woman`s Resurrection and Ascension to heaven was delayed. Although the disciple Peter was the first head of the Roman church after Jesus` Ascension, and one of his successors, Pope Pius XI, decreed in 1950 the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, that is, that `woman`s seed` was assumed by Christianity to belong in heaven, it was Jesus` nature that changed the Earth rather than competition, which is the socio-economic meaning for men who, living as slavers of the host womb of the human race, want to see it struggling in its death throes rather than succeed by nature.

 British Prime Minister (1979-90), Margaret Thatcher, was an advocate of  `free market economy`, which argued that demand increased supply, and so producers that produced what humans wanted would succeed. Thatcher`s government in Britain supported the European Economic Community (1957) as a union of producing nations that became the European Union (1993) incorporating nations throughout Europe as partners within a system based on the principle that the inventor of a good product could succeed by nature against competition. However, the fabled purchase by the United States` Chrysler car manufacturer of an engine designed to run on water rather than oil, gave the lie to success by nature. A water fuelled car would deprive the oil producing Arab nations and others of revenue, while car manufacturers other than Chrysler would have to abandon oil driven car manufacture. Consequently, the water fuelled car was consigned to fable, which is what competing industries do with ideas that would make improvements that would save humans labor but would lessen their profits. As a result, humans live at simian levels, because men prefer parasitism to progress. Because men aren`t humans, they`ve developed the water driven car, because it`s water driving, while the human women, particularly in Arabia, where women are forbidden to drive, necessarily take a back seat to the race driver, who looks as if he`s advocating competition, but in fact he`s an alien slave driver preventing the human even from running its own race as the parasite keeps the better woman down.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Christianity`s Merry Go Round

Christianity`s Merry Go Round

Jesus Christ`s Nativity was attended by the appearance of a star above the stable in Bethlehem, where his mother, Mary, was sheltering as she went on a journey to fulfil a census requirement imposed by the occupying Roman Empire in Jewish Palestine. Although Mary is described in Christianity as the Virgin Mary, she was married to Joseph. The story of the Virgin Mary`s birthing of Jesus is that she was a virgin, which means that Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, and that`s why he was a star. The Hollywood, Babylon `star system` of movie actors and actresses follows the pattern of Jesus` birth from humble origins. As the star of Christianity, Jesus`s teaching is the central facet, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus introduced this teaching as the distillation of God`s law. Hollywood stars are taught the law of public humility, because their star is in the ascendant; like Jesus` to begin with. The Jewish Pharisees, that is, the Jewish rabbis, and the Roman Empire, sought to bring the star of Jesus down; much in the way that movie critics attempt to ruin the careers of stars they disapprove of and so stars are taught to feign humility and declare themselves Christians.

 Michael Jackson`s fate was Christ-like. Born to aspire to greatness amongst the Jackson family`s The Jackson Five pop music group of performers, Michael`s huge success brought him a mansion and financial security. Accused of pedophilia and invaded by the police before the criminal lawyers stole everything they could, the medical establishment finally killed Michael with over prescribing of drugs, and his star was brought down, because that`s what Christians really do. The role of the police was as a poisonous spider paralyzing an individual until he was unable to move, while the lawyers had the role of stealing from the paralyzed body of Michael`s success, and the Christian merry-go-round of star to fallen star was responsible through the rumor mill of accusation and persecution for imagined misbehavior.

 Bringing a superstar low is what Judas Iscariot`s story represents. As the human host at the `Last Supper`, Jesus gave `bread and wine` to his disciples as symbolic of his `body and blood`, while Judas betrayed the human host by calling Jesus a `dissident` of the Roman Empire, which resulted in Jesus being nailed to a cross of wood atop the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem where he remained until he died. Afterwards Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because the Pharisees, the Romans, and Judas couldn`t keep Jesus` star from reascending. The game that Christianity plays is to knock down stars and see if they can reascend: like Jesus! Consequently, Christianity isn`t what it is thought to be. In the Bible, Satan is the angel of heaven who was turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that humans would be greater than the angels, and many of them fell with Satan in rebellion against God`s plan that the human host should be angelic. In humanity`s original paradisal home of Eden, Satan, as the serpent, tempted Eve, the first woman, to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which was death, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Giving the first man, Adam, some of the fruit, Eve and Adam were expelled from paradise for rejecting God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, in favor of death, which was the power offered by the serpent, because ephemeral humans who remained ignorant, because untutored, could be enslaved if they died quickly without understanding.

 Jesus said that a Holy Spirit would teach after him, which represented the tutoring that the human species lacked. Expelled from Eden Adam was told by God he must work while Eve would experience labor pains, although women`s labor would result in Redemption, because the Virgin Mary would birth Jesus Christ, the Messiah: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The term for humans uncontaminated by male semen is `futanarian`, because human women have their own penis` semen for the host wombs of their own species and the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for liberation from slavery in death. Consequently, Eve`s `foot` is her futanarian species of women. When Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus at the `Last Supper` he was betraying the future angelic human host of heaven, because Jesus prefigured the Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed`.

 Jesus` story is of God`s `star system`, where the ascended star is humanity`s, rather than the angel, Satan`s. Michael Jackson`s story is of a human star brought low by Christianity, after the police were encouraged to paralyze him as an individual, and the lawyers thieved everything they could. Michael danced and sang `The Way You Make Me Feel` with Britney Spears at his 30th anniversary revue on September 7, 2001, before his death in 2009, and Britney Spears experienced the same attempts by the establishment to paralyze, thieve from her, and make her impoverished. A human star robbed of her children, Sean and Jayden, by a court of law, after her divorce from Kevin Federline in 2007, Britney Spears was hounded by the paparazzi. Snapping a picture of Sean`s cap falling off while she hurried to a car near Central Park by the Ritz hotel she was staying at, the paralyzing police and the criminal lawyers used the snapshot as a fulcrum for labeling her an `unfit mother`, and the courts nominated others to administer her fortune rather than that she had control of the money she earned for herself. Conservator Jason Trawick got his position as an administrator by telling the court he was her fiancée but he never married her, and so effectively the court gave her fortune to someone who said that, to paraphrase a standard Christian term for adultery, he `knew` her. Although the concept of stars being crucified in the media is so common as to be passé, the stories of Michael and Britney are so similar to that of Jesus Christ that it makes nonsense of the claims of Christianity to be representing Western civilization, culture, and art.

 Stars might say that they`re Christians, but it`s the stars that perform, not the Christians that knock them down, and who take their delight in humbling those who emulate the Ascension of Jesus. Obsessed with Resurrection, Christianity wants to humble stars by making them poor so they can reascend and then the Christians can laud the Resurrection. However, Jesus` birth wasn`t a reincarnation and knocking down stars to see them reascend is. Jesus` Resurrection was forced upon him by his murderers, whereas Christianity perceives Resurrection and Ascension as its methodology. Stars aren`t resurrected unless they want to be, which means that Christianity is a torture wheel. Stars aspire and Christians knock them down. The police are their poisonous spider paralyzing their movements, while all the thieves are criminal lawyers plotting to steal with the help of the law, and the Christians look to see who the biggest stars are so they can humble them in the name of God and wait for the stars to aspire to ascendancy again so that the police, the criminals and the Christians can plot their descent again. Jesus` life and teaching is of a star ascendant but brought low by the police, the law, and Judas Iscariot as the treacherous Christian disciple, while Jesus again rose to heaven after Resurrection, because he was `woman`s seed`, although the history of Christianity suggests that they`d have brought Jesus low again if they could, just as they sought to bring down Michael and Britney.

 Judas betrayed Jesus to Rome, because he was a modern Christian. Prefiguring the Resurrection of futanarian `woman`s seed` of women able to sexually reproduce with women, Jesus was a threat to the Empire of male braining, which Judas` treachery supported: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Without women`s sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers as the futanarian human species with their own penis` semen, women are sex slaves, which is why Hollywood is named for `a woman` of the Bible, who is depicted as a harlot and mother of abominations. The ancient Persian city of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) lies in modern Iraq, and Hollywood is centered mainly upon the city of the angels, that is, Los Angeles, on the West Coast of the state of California in the United States of America, and is called `Babylon` by the movie world, because it`s a harlot and a mother of abominations. The `Hays code` of the Movie Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), implemented in 1930 by its President Will Hays, forbade women to raise their foot off the floor in bedroom scenes in films, because the absence of the woman`s penis in movies would contribute to the demise of the human species. In force until 1967 and the release of celebratory movies like the gentle romantic comedy, Barefoot In The Park, which effectively mocked `woman`s seed` of futanarian humanity from the vantage point of the successfully married Christian couple, actress Jane Fonda as Cory, and actor Robert Redford as Paul, the `Hays code` neutralized `woman`s seed` until Hollywood, Babylon, was firmly established as a harlot and a mother of abominations promoting `action` movies celebrating death in war. Jesus` teaching was against the male brained Empire of Rome`s warlike nature, which means that Christianity should be against the male brained Empire of Hollywood, Babylon, that poses as Christianity but is Satanical. Having brought low the futanarian star of Jesus` `woman`s seed`, Christianity Hollywood style seeks to paralyze, steal, and bring down the remnants of the stars of God, because it`s Babylon, and the city of the angels (L.A.) is where the rebel angels of Satan don`t want Jesus` futanarian star of humanity to ascend at all.

 Although Hollywood, Babylon, may be a harlot and the mother of abominations, because the male and female `leading man` and `leading lady`, which is stereotypical to the movie industry, represent the subjugation of women`s futanarian human species independence as a species able to sexually reproduce as a race without men by means of their own suppressed penis` semen for their own host wombs and brains, women aren`t naturally harlots to their own single species independent of ownership through ring slavery to male brained evil Empires. The `star system` of Hollywood, Babylon, tells women that it`s about competing for a man, and for a man it`s about competing for a woman, whereas it`s about women`s daughters being occluded from the knowledge that they`re not in competition for anything other than the love of the `girl next door` after mother`s love, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Women aren`t the whore of Hollywood, Babylon, which is a product of male braining, whereby everyone is a `small screen` TV star, because all are transvestite (TV) characters in male braining, wearing each others` clothes after being coached by the `big screen` of the movie industry to be its television medium of propaganda for `TV war`. As an independent single futanarian human species with her own penis` semen for her own host wombs, Pope Pius XI made the Assumption of the Virgin Mary doctrine in the Christian church in 1950, because women`s host wombs were contaminated in parasitism, and so the Pope could do no other than decree woman`s Ascension to heaven by virtue of being the host womb of the human race, while praying for her Resurrection and men`s Redemption through repentance and conversion from their sin of slaving her for her species` extinction in race war against her humanity as her alien devouring dragon grown since its days as a worm in Eden to make war men, that is, worm men, and nihilism out of women: `And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child.` (Rev: 12. 3) Because that`s what the unrepentant alien male brain has so far done with the human `woman`s seed` of the Earth.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Hollywood Limited

Hollywood Limited

The movie, The Vikings (1958), starred Kirk Douglas, father of Michael, who was the leading man in the movie, The Game (1997), about a man, Nicholas Van Orton, kept in the dark while dispossessed. Although The Vikings seems different, the plot is very similar, and represents the old problem of the formulaic movie. In The Vikings Kirk is Einar, half-brother of Erik, that is, actor Tony Curtis, whose character is the child of the queen of Northumbria, who was raped by the viking Ragnar during a raid in which the king was killed. Because the new king is jealous of Erik, the deceased king`s son and heir, the old queen puts Erik aboard a ship bound for Italy, which is captured by vikings and, although Erik is the child of Ragnar, Einar`s father, Erik becomes a viking slave. The narrative is Oedipal in the sense that the Greek dramatist Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B. C.) is about a man, Oedipus, who marries his own mother and then blinds himself because of the incest taboo, which says that the son isn`t the father:

`I and my father are one.` (John: 10. 30)

 Oedipus unwittingly kills his father before marrying his mother, Jocasta, which means that he didn`t know his father. Erik doesn`t know his father is Ragnar, so he can`t know Einar is his brother, because his mother was married to the king of Northumbria, who was raped by Ragnar. Erik wouldn`t want to know his rapist fatherer, which is why Oedipus` killing of his father unknowingly is just a plot device meant to call attention to the significance of Oedipus` marriage with his mother, Jocasta, and Oedipus` blinding, because of the incest taboo. Jesus` teaching is that he is one with God, because God is `woman`s seed`, that is, his mother`s, and so Jesus wants the eyes of his mother, so that he can see God`s heaven, which means that women must sexually reproduce with each other and that men`s incest taboo is designed to prevent women from seeing each other as a single species or `family`.

 In the movie, The Vikings, Erik has his falcon tear at Einar`s eyes and he loses one, while Michael Douglas can`t see how to escape from The Game so that he can possess himself of what was his before he was occluded. The plot of The Vikings revolves around Janet Leigh, a Christian Princess, Morgana, captured by Ragnar, and desired by Erik and Einar, who rapes her. Consequently, the story is about blind rape and possession. If a man can`t see the truth, he`s possessed. In the Bible Eve can`t see the truth and loses the paradise of Eden to the serpent, who gives her the evil fruit of death, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)  Eve gives the evil fruit to Adam, and God dispossesses Eve and Adam of paradise for rejecting the `tree of life`, which is immortality. Explaining to Eve that Adam must labor, while she`ll experience labor pain before Redemption, God explains how they`ll rid themselves of being possessed by the serpent:

`You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)

 Eve`s `foot` is the `futanarian` human `seed` of women with their own penis` semen and host wombs born after Eden and suppressed by men`s desire that women`s host wombs be slaves to men`s parasitism, which is why the serpent is depicted as grown in size to a dragon waiting in vain to devour the newborn Jesus, who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` on behalf of `woman`s seed` as he was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, who is depicted in Christian iconography as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because the sexually reproduced brains of the species of women through her own penis` `seed` and host wombs will be stronger. Men are blind if they can`t see with the eyes of women, which is why Oedipus` name means `lame`, that is, men`s blinding of Oedipus, because he`s close to seeing the truth about his relationship with the species of woman through his marriage with his mother, Jocasta, as her penis grown from her body, is a `lame excuse` for a criminal seeking to exterminate her race:

 `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Matt: 22. 39)

 As `woman`s seed` Jesus` teaching is that women are the neighbors of men, and women can sexually reproduce with each other, but they`re prevented from seeing that their humanity is a single species by men who`re the parasite that has inveigled itself into her host womb over the eons and has stolen her penis in order to enslave her brain for parasitism`s wars of possession, which in The Vikings is represented by Ragnar`s rape of the queen of Northumbria, and the rape of the Christian Princess, Morgana, by Einar, who is blind. Erik`s role is that of the dispossessed and occluded Oedipal man, because that`s Hollywood`s formula. Without women`s appearance upon the movie set, humans will never see that men`s fictions simply describe how a criminal is celebrating its extermination of `woman`s seed`. In Hollywood `boy gets girl`, but there isn`t a `boy doesn`t get girl, because the girl shouldn`t want him to` formula, which is the untold story of the Christian Princess, Morgana, where she`s a `futanarian` woman with her own penis. The Hollywood picture was painted for a child, but now the child isn`t painting an adult picture, because it was conceived as a monster by a monster, and that`s why it`s labeled Hollywood, Babylon:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 In the Bible Babylon is described as `a woman`, whereas the city of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) was the capital city of the Persian Empire in modern Iraq. As the terrorist attack by Al Qaeda, who hijacked civil airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of New York city`s World Trade Centre was made into the movie, World Trade Centre (2004), Hollywood, Babylon, and Babylon, Iraq, could be seen working together. Saddam Hussein, whose name means `crusher` and `small handsome man`, gave his support to Al Qaeda, `the base`, and was toppled as the dictator of Iraq after the United States of America sent an invasion force in March, 2003, that resulted in a further spate of movies from Hollywood, Babylon, for example, Jarhead (2005), which is about a US marine dispossessed of his girlfriend in `the game`, that is, he can`t see her while he`s away at war in the Gulf, and he may die there and so be occluded from her sight forever, because they`re friends and unwed.

 Western Empires followed the Greek model of institutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs in homosexuality in pederasty and war, which men haven`t had the vision to correct, because they don`t see with the eyes of women. Consequently, the human race male brained in pederasty to kill itself can`t escape because it`s blindly exterminated `woman`s seed`, which Jesus` Resurrection after being nailed upon a wooden cross on the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem as a `dissident` by the Roman Empire illustrates. Without `woman`s seed` there can`t be any Resurrection and Ascension to heaven.  Although the Moslem dictator, Saddam Hussein, was vilified, his Hollywood, Babylon role as the `small handsome man`, who is the `crusher` of `the head of the serpent`, is evident. In Islam four wives are permitted in marriage which means that it`s possible for women to sexually reproduce privately. Hussein`s role was to get Hollywood, Babylon, to understand the role of women in Islam so that the movies could educate the human race.

 Though Christianity and Islam seem unrelated, the Chancellor of Germany`s National Socialist Party, Adolf Hitler, sought to exterminate `woman`s seed` during the Second World War (1939-45) to restore German Empire and enslavement for Europe, because the Jews are the `chosen people` of the Bible as `futanarian` humanity. Israel descended from Isaac, son of Abraham and wife, Sara, and Sara gave Abraham her maid, Hajer, who bore Abraham a son, Ishmael, from whom Islam descended, because the Moslems believe in polygamy, rather than monogamy, so women can sexually reproduce with each other. To celebrate, the `Haj`, named for Hajer, takes place each year as a pilgrimage to the temple of Abraham, which was built by Ishmael and Hajer in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Consequently, Judeo-Christianity and Islam constitute a unified path to God and heaven, which the Empires of men would blind humanity to. In rejecting the eyes of women for men, Hollywood, Babylon, has promoted a formula of dispossession through war and occlusion, which ultimately prevents the human race from being seen. Without women in the movies with their own penis, humanity is extinct, because it doesn`t have eyes to look.

 In The Vikings Kirk Douglas` character, Einar, is blind to the reason why he shouldn`t have raped the Christian Princess, Morgana, because she`s her own species` Princess, while Kirk Douglas` own son, Michael Douglas, receives everything as Van Orton, which was lost in The Game, although Nicholas remains occluded from the truth and an occluder of the truth, because he`s keeping the audience in the dark about the true nature of the `futanarian` humans species` `seed` of women as an actor who wants to possess through the audience`s innocent financial support at the box office for women`s subjugation as a species by men`s blinding of the cinema goer to `woman`s seed` as necessary to the development of humanity.

 Morgana was Tony Curtis` real life wife, Janet Leigh, while Kirk Douglas as Einar raped her in the film, which means that Einar was depicted as raping Erik`s wife, because Erik was Tony, and Morgana is his wife at movie`s close. The film climaxes in a climactic struggle between Einar and Erik and, because it`s a tradition amongst vikings that they`ll have Valhalla, the abode of heroes, Erik puts a sword in Einar`s hand as he dies. According to viking mythology, the Edda, heroes fight every day and die in Valhalla, which is heaven for vikings but perdition to Christians, that is, the eternal unendurable pain, which is God`s punishment for the evil, and that`s why Morgana is a Christian Princess and Erik marries her, while Einar has Valhalla but not actor Kirk, who is an illustrator of Christian truth.

 The desire for Valhalla is what male braining produces, and male braining is what the Christian Serbs practiced upon the Moslem women in the rape camps they set up during the Bosnian war (1992-95) as Christian and Moslem nations were being constructed by the European Union political alliance. The aim of Christianity is to restore to women what they have lost, which is why the male braining of a generation of Moslem women`s children by Christian Serbs was anti-Christian in reality and not simply immoral. If the penis of Christian Princesses appeared in Hollywood, Babylon, films would have formulas different to rape, dispossession and blinding, but men aren`t brave enough to want humans to see.