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Saturday, 19 September 2015

Why Is A TV Better Than A Tranny?

Why Is A TV Better Than A Tranny?

A `tranny` is a slang term in the United States of America for a transistor radio,and also a `transsexual sister`, that is, transsexuals are called `trannies` in the US, which popularizes transsexuality, or rather modification of gender through surgery, in the public personas of women like Laverne Cox, `Human beings aren't supposed to live like this.`1 Cox is Sophia Burset in the situation comedy based on Piper Kerman`s memoir, Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison (2010), and the misogynist joke is that women aren`t supposed to live. Caitlyn Jenner is another American `tranny`, who won the men`s Decathlon at the 1976 Olympics, but had transsexual surgery to become a woman, albeit in accordance with some bizarre rules `trannies` supposedly have made up themselves as the prison governors of their own cultural variant:

`Caitlyn has yet to confirm whether or not she’ll actually go through with the full genital transition, but the article points out that this operation isn’t required for one to be a transgender man or woman. In fact, only about a quarter of transgender woman have had this surgery done!`2

 The analogy is of the transistor as a component of a larger piece of communications` equipment, for example, a radio or television, which is how transvestites are viewed in modern society, because human women are a species with penis of their own as well as vagina, that is, Laverne Cox and Caitlyn Jenner would be more acceptable to women if they kept their penis as well as having the transsexual surgery that gave them breasts and vagina, because they`d be in full communication with the human species in terms of relationships. In simple terms, `trannies` are so called because the prevailing misogynist perspective is that men who want to be transsexuals are of less worth than transvestites who are what humans are taught to believe is human, that is, transvestism is a male brained creature wearing each others` clothes as men and women outside the futanarian paradigm of the true human race of women with penis` semen of their own, which is why Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary: `Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31)
 A `tranny` is a woman lacking her penis component, so she can`t fully communicate, while a transvestite is what men and women are, that is, TV or television, which the big screen of Hollywood Babylon invented as early as 1934 when the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, Will Hays, imposed the `Hays code` (1934-67) forbidding women to raise their foot from the floor in bedroom scenes, because of fears that futanarian women might sexually reproduce with each other the brainpower they`d need to liberate themselves from the small screen reportage of host womb slavery to war and death in parasitism: `You shall crush the head of the serpent, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)
 The Virgin Mary is depicted in Christian iconography crushing the serpent`s head with her foot, because Jesus uncontaminated was effectively God`s daughter, that is, after being betrayed as the human host at the `Last Supper` to the Roman Empire of the male brain occupying Jerusalem by his disciple, Judas Iscariot, Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigures that of the host of futanarian humanity, which the angel, Satan, is depicted as rejecting will be greater than the angelic host, and God transforms him into a serpent in the paradise of Eden, where he tempts the first woman, Eve, to disobey God`s injunction to eat only of the fruit of the tree of life, that is, immortality, and eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is death, and Eve having given some to the first man, Adam, Satan reassures  them both: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)
 Because host womb enslavement of the human` futanarian` species is power, through keeping her in ephemerality and blind ignorance as a `tranny` or `TV`, the` big picture` is that Hollywood Babylon won`t screen men of the `serpent`s seed` out of her features. In terms of modern technology, the sun is the photocopier, and its eons` need is for toner, that is, futanarians, because human women`s penis` semen is needed to produce good copies, but the scarcity of human semen for toner eons has meant empty cartridges. Now it`s as difficult to see the human race as it is for the material world to be distinctly visible in paintings by J. M. W. Turner, because the race has run out of toner, although its alien racist pogromers are still keeping the species` `snuff` film going.

1 Cox, Laverne as Sophia Burset in Season 1, Episide 9, `Fucksgiving`, Orange Is The New Black, Netflix, 2010.

2 Johnson, Susan `Caitlyn Jenner: Has She Had Full Genital Gender Transition? The Truth`, Monday, June 1, 2015, 3:19 pm EDT, .

Friday, 18 September 2015

Christian Possession

Christian Possession

The basic principle of Christianity is that individuals need to be disburdened of their possessions, because cleaving to material things hampers the spiritual progression of the human soul away from Earthly concerns and into the heavenly realm. In Islam, Jesus enters into paradise on Earth, while in Christianity Jesus is represented as being tortured to death by his detractor, and he leaves Earth for paradise in heaven, which God warns Eve, the first woman in the paradise on Earth, Eden, is the reason Satan, the angel transformed by God, and placed in Eden for refusing to accept that the human host would be greater than the angelic, gave her the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, saying:

`You will be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)

 Seeking death to go to heaven is evil, as God tells Eve and Adam, the first man, that they should eat only of the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, because heaven above is an ascending from paradise on Earth, which is why Jesus enters heaven on Earth in Islam, whereas Jesus in Christianity is depicted as having Resurrection and Ascension to heaven above, because the reward of the murdered is the realm. Consequently, those who seek death may be legally murdered ,which means the Earth is a `snuff` film and heaven is where the sequel is expected to be made by the Hollywood Babylon entertainment industry`s documentary makers of the history of humanity`s extinction:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 A `woman` in the Bible, Babylon was also the capital city of the Persian Empire, because women`s host wombs turned into a manufactory for producing men for war is an abomination seeking heaven through death rather than entering into paradise on Earth as a wise individual who`s learned from the human host that paradise is the first step into heaven, `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1 Although North American Space Administration (NASA) astronaut, Neil Armstrong, was the first man to put his foot on the moon, he wasn`t a woman for a reason. No woman has put her foot on the moon, because as God told Eve:

`You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)

God`s instructions were to Eve, after Satan had poisoned her in Eden, while Hollywood Babylon`s instructions were that women shouldn`t be seen to raise their foot from the floor in bedroom scenes by order of the `Hays code` (1934-67), which was imposed by Will Hays upon the Los Angeles` film industry, on the West Coast of America in the United States. Hays was President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), and `foot` is shorthand for `futanarian`, a female gender able to sexually reproduce with women through their own penis` semen while men of the `serpent`s seed` of Satan want to keep humanity under surveillance, lest even her toes become visible. Despite Jesus` role as a teacher born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, prejudice against the `foot` of the `futanarian` human race, sundered into performing as a television, or transvestite `TV`, with a single male brain wearing men`s and women`s clothes, meant that the teacher`s role as a `footslogger` in the cadres of the educated would remain forever suspect.

 Although `footsloggers` is a British term for soldiery, those who supervised the logging of the `foot` were the Nazi SS military guards, that is, the German `footsoldiers`, who stacked the human corpses, like logs, at the `death camps` of Belsen, Auschwitz, and elsewhere, during the German National Socialist (Nazi) government`s pogroms against the Jews who were the `chosen people` according to the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the Talmud and Torah as the law and history of the Jews. Identified as `foot` during Germany`s second attempt to enslave the Earth in World War Two (1939-45), the Jews` tradition that men can only be born from women, means `futanarian` women`s humanity is the `chosen people` as the `foot` of God preparing to raise herself from the Earth as the human species. When Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood upon the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem by agents of the Roman Empire, then occupying Palestine, he died, but had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven as the `foot` of Mary depicted in Christian iconography as crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, in prefiguration of women raising her `futanarian` species` `foot` from the Earth to the planets and stars of heaven.

 Islam is depicted as antithetical to Judaism and Christianity, though the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels to the Prophet Mohamed is the basis for marriage between women, because Moslem families can have four wives, which means Islam is the fulfilment of Jesus` teaching for `woman`s seed`, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Consequently, men`s religious sexual dictatorship is based on the misogynist principle that women are Satan. The typical picture of the devil is of a hooved creature which walks on its toes with its heel raised behind it like a woman in high heels shoes, which is why men make women wear them. Any nude model knows that glamor photography is based on the idea that, to look pleasingly acceptable to men, the naked woman must suck in her belly and push up her breasts, while the high heels make her rear more pronounced and curve her spine like a banana. This helps the girl breathe in the position she`s persuaded to accept, while men are taught to draw back their shoulders and direct the women`s attention to their chests, so indicating that they have no sexual interest in the women because they`re being fatherly towards her as their child.

 In the course of millennia, the patriarchy passes on to the male children the idea that they`re fatherly towards women and, having lost their own penis in host womb parasitism, the women don`t remember, which the `fatherly` men, indicating their chests, rather than their penis, seek to ensure. The result is that generations of women are born without knowing that they`re the `futanarian` human species kept in slavery by Satanists, who`re the parasites of the `serpent`s seed` killing the human host from the womb because that`s what parasites do. At the `Last Supper` before his death by crucifixion, Jesus was the human host, who offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` uncontaminated by male semen, because he wanted the disciples to experience metanoia, that is, brain transformation, in repentance and acceptance of the human host of `woman`s seed`.

 In the Christian church `transubstantiation` is the officiator`s giving of a wafer and a sip of wine, during `Communion`, in the belief that Jesus` spirit is present and will transform the human petitioner. However, at the `Last Supper`, the human host was betrayed by the disciple Judas, who gave Jesus over to the male brained Empire of enslaving Rome, which attempted to kill the `foot` of God on the hill of Calvary outside the walls of the city of Jerusalem. Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven is the indicator that `futanarian` humanity will escape from Satanism, but a third member of the human cast in the drama is needed, which is why Jesus` birth was heralded by the appearance of the `star` of Bethlehem, and the 53rd chapter of the Koran, which relates the Ascension to heaven of the Prophet Mohamed, is `The Star` (An-Najm), because humanity sundered in two, as the transvestite `TV` of the exclusively male brained Empire of men and women for the CCTV surveillance to monitor the `foot` of God, needs a futanarian star in Hollywood Babylon to stop humans from giving themselves lame brained excuses for preferring slavery to death in war rather than liberty.

 The Saturn V rocket program that put Apollo 11 astronaut Armstrong on the moon on JULY 21, 1969, resulted in the development of the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) that keep the human host womb in slavery to death and war on Earth. Consequently, Neil Armstrong`s foot upon the moon may be descried as that of the serpent bruising the heel of the human species of futanarian woman before she leaves, although the mythic perspective is that the daughters of Eve are the `serpent`s seed` crushed by men. However, that position is somewhat diluted by Christian iconography, which depicts the Virgin Mary, as the mother of Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, crushing the head of the serpent with her futanarian species` foot. Some might claim that Jesus is the `foot` of Mary, but that hypothesis has to take into account the fact that Jesus` birth from a virgin woman indicates that his semen is futanarian `woman`s seed` and not the serpent`s.

 Analysts agree that the Apollo space program`s most significant contribution to Earth was the technology that produced the automatic washing machine as a labor saving device freeing humans from irksome labor, that is, women`s domestic servitude within the home was ameliorated by the invention of labor saving devices resulting from space research as, in human terms, a genuinely useful by product. As God told Eve and Adam when they were expelled from Eden for accepting death, Redemption would come, but Eve would have labor pain, while Adam must labor. Eve`s labor pain was fulfilled in the birth of Jesus uncontaminate, while Adam`s labors were unfulfilled in the NASA space program, because humanity`s futanarian foot was trapped by ICBMs rather than freed by interplanetary travel.

 Because the human futanarian species is sundered into male and female, the washing machine is their television, where `TV` is a euphemism for transvestism, and men and women in the Empire of male braining are where their clothes go around. Consequently, the watching machine is an analogy of possessions, and possession, that is, demoniacal possession by the male brain. In other words, the concept of television watching machines, that is TVs, and automatic washing machines in which the clothes go around, are demonic  possessions, which Jesus` teaching illustrates. By the town of Gadarene Jesus met a demon driven man who told him:

`My name is Legion, for we are many.` (Mk: 4. 9)

 When Jesus told `Legion` to leave the man, the demon went into a herd of swine which ran off a cliff and drowned, because that`s what demons do with what they possess. Because `Legion` represented the male brained Empire of Rome, the television and washing machines of the 20th century are demonic as that`s how they manifest; as transvestism and automatism. Although the machines are human, because they help humanity, they`re demoniac, l because the futanarian species is conspicuous by her absence, that is, the spirit of the machine tells the human that she`s possessed them, which is why Jesus said that a Holy Spirit would teach after him. Although Christianity preaches that possessions should be given up, labor saving machines care for humans, and so don`t represent demoniacal possession, but rather the human futanarian spirit awaiting physical bodily Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, that is, the sexual reproduction of liberating brainpower between women to raise them to the planets and stars through technologies of their own invention. Consequently, the exhorting of people to give up their possessions is based on a misconception, which is that labor saving machines possess people, whereas they labor save and free. It`s the fact that machines are a product of male braining that makes them demoniacal, which is what humans need to be free from through metanoia, that is, the brain transformation Jesus exhorts as conversion to acceptance of futanarian human `woman`s seed`  through repentance for the sin of death worship and host womb enslavement of the human species in parasitism for war against the human host.

 Christianity should want possessions that help humans, whereas preachers urge humans to relinquish their possessions, because the spirit of male braining is evil. Relinquishing labor saving devices is to deny God`s promise to Eve and Adam that Redemption will come through labor, as labor saving invention is a result of their descendants labors. Urging people to give up their possessions is the teaching of the Holy Spirit that men are possessed in male braining to produce slavery to death in war and parasitism upon the human host, which is the evil spirit of possession, rather than the labor saving machines that help and free humans.

 The proliferation of closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras has become an alliance greater even than NATO`s and SEATO`s, presumably so `The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite`1 of Freemasonry`s `foot` fetishists can look to see toes or whether nae toes can be seen. Mason`s have long been associated with the worship of the devil as the `demi urge`, Ialdabaoth, as the material world is flawed as fashioned by the `urge`, according to Gnostics, who believe in the spiritual realm of good, while the masons help the urge to remain flawed in order to maintain slavery to death in war and parasitism upon the human host. Consequently, making women`s high heel shoes so that they resemble the hooves of the devil is worship of the `demi urge`, that is, fashion, which falsely presents women as devils through the tools of the fashioner, which is the occluded `urge` that Gnostic thought believes can be known and taught to fashion in accordance with the plan of the creator, God, which the `urge` represents as the sexual libido of humanity desirous of its futanarian future, and penisless women resembling behooved Satan aren`t it.

 In the movie Sliver (1993), starring actress Sharon Stone as Carly Norris, actor William Baldwin`s  Zeke Hawkins character uses CCTV cameras to monitor everyone in the apartment block where Carly lives and, to protect his voyeurism, Zeke doesn`t reveal that he saw actor, Tom Berenger in the role of Jack Landsford, commit two murders. Pursued sexually by both Jack and  Zeke, Carly represents the woman stalked by men as her killer. CCTV is used to watch the human species to make sure that it remains sundered as men and women, so that the stalker has a transvestite `TV` wearing each others` clothes in the Empire of male braining, rather than the human futanarian race of women, who mightn`t accept extinction for the female through the CCTV lenses of those staking her to the finish.

2 Armstrong, Neil, July 21, 1969, UTC: 2.56.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Robot Women

Robot Women

The fallacy impugned to the Bible is that knowledge is evil, because the serpent, who had been the angel, Satan, in heaven with God, and who had been placed in the garden of Eden, that is, the paradise of Earth where, transformed into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic host, the serpent, Satan, had given Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which was death. `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)
 God had told Eve and Adam that they should eat only of the `tree of life`, which was immortality, because that was the knowledge God gave to Eve and Adam, that is, they would live if they chose what was good, but to choose what wasn`t good was poison and death. Consequently, to believe that knowledge is evil is to encourage nihilism, which is the belief that blind ignorance is humanity`s natural state, because the struggle for a satisfactory life is futile.
 God told Eve that she and the first man, Adam, would have Redemption, but God expelled the pair from Eden, and told Adam he must labor, while Eve would experience labor pain. Consequently, Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was Redemption, because Jesus was the `seed` of the `woman` that would triumph over the `serpent`s seed` of Satan: `You shall crush his head with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)
 In Christian iconography Mary is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her `foot`, because `futanarian` women have their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` power to liberate them from host womb enslavement in ephemerality, rather than the immortality God promised humanity, and which humans would have if they had the brainpower to develop the medical science and technology commensurate with their desire for life and freedom: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31)
 Jesus` teaching resulted in his being taken by agents of the Empire of Rome occupying Palestine to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem where he was nailed to a cross of wood. After his death, Jesus experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven as a prefiguration of the Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed`, that is, her `futanarian` humanity, which was redeemed in the person of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, born uncontaminated by male semen and the desire to enslave in war and death.

 The generic  term for humanity is homo sapiens, while homo erectus was the African and/or Eurasian species of humankind that became extinct 70,000 years before the Christian era began. Because homo erectus means `upright`, while homo sapiens means `sapient`, the absence of intelligence and knowledge is the anthropological argument for the continued existence of homo sapiens.

 Modern psychology, which began with analyst Sigmund Freud`s (1856-1939) observation that civilization, culture and art resulted from `nothing but` the desire to sublimate a repressed penis` libidic desire for erection, resulted in the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), who believed in the transformation of sexual and/or libidic instinct into intellectual and/or spiritual growth, that is, homo sapiens might have innate intelligence, but the nascent intelligence of what might be termed the new homo erectus would remain a human factor. Because men`s penis` repression necessarily meant the absence of futanarian women`s penis` semen and human brainpower from the world`s stage, that might suggest that homo sapiens had been at war with homo erectus for millennia, which the Bible seems to confirm: `When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth ... and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring ...` (Rev: 13-17)
 The birth is the `Second Coming` of Jesus, who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` (Rev: 12. 5), before God gives redeemed humanity a new heaven and Earth, while the evil receive perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, as their punishment. The war seems to be over innate intelligence and nascent intelligence, that is, the evil don`t want others to become intelligent, which means nihilism. God told Eve and Adam they must work for Redemption, whereas the evil are the innately intelligent, who don`t want to work, and don`t want others to be able to develop their nascent intelligence to escape from enslavement by the evil, which suggests that homo erectus, that is, the desire to stand erect and/or with an erect penis for the sexual reproduction of human brainpower, is how the human `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` were, before they were repressed into extinction 70,000 years before the Christian era. Consequently, the Advent of Jesus Christ, born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, and Jesus` subsequent death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, prefigures the Redemption of `woman`s seed`, which men had almost suppressed into extinction as homo erectus 70,000 years before.
 Jesus` teaching of the Holy Spirit that would come and teach after him represents the `futanarian` spirit of the daughters of Eve that didn`t survive men`s host womb enslavement of women as their parasites, that is, the `serpent`s seed` of Satan, which Jesus` `Last Supper` with his disciples illustrates through Judas` betrayal of the human host. When Jesus offers `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` to the disciples, it`s as a representative of `futanarian` humanity requiring acceptance through conversion, which is the `transubstantiation`, that is, that brain transformation called metanoia (Mk: 1. 15) in the Bible, which comes through repentance and is represented by the petitioner`s desire for the Communion wine and wafer given to the parishioner by the priest in Catholic Christianity in imitation of Jesus` giving of `bread and wine` as transformational symbols indicative of the disciples` acceptance of `futanarian`, that is, the `body and blood` born uncontaminated by male semen from mothers who`re fatherers.
 Judas` betrayal of Jesus to the Romans is his rejection of the human host, which God had told the angel, Satan, would be greater than the angelic host. As Satan`s rejection of that assertion results in the war in heaven between God`s angels and Satan and those angels that preferred the preeminence of the angelic host, so Judas` betrayal of the human host at the `Last Supper` is a betrayal of God`s plan which is that the human host of futanarian `woman`s seed` should have preeminence in favor of maintaining the male brained Empire of Rome and its successors to death in slavery for humanity.
 Although Satan is depicted in the Bible as antithetical to Jesus, their stories are similar. Satan rebels, but doesn`t understand why, while Jesus is a rebel against the male brained Empire of Rome, whose singular condition, as the human born uncontaminated by male semen, apprises him of the reason for his rebelliousness, which is that humanity doesn`t want a male brain; as Satan`s story demonstrates. The history of the male braining of the human race is delimitation. Whenever the species looks like it might progress, men contrive to shoot themselves in the foot.
 The Roman Empire was preceded by the Greek Empire, which produced men for war and conquest of neighboring states by institutionalizing homosexuality in pederasty and the enslavement of women as animals for the host wombs from which the parasites emerged to devour more of the civilization, culture and art women were still able to produce despite men of the serpent`s seed`s depredations against their humanity. The story is the same globally, and so the city, Babylon, is described as `a woman`, that is, the ancient Persian capital city that Saddam Hussein, the Iraq dictator, could see from his summer palace of Hillah before he was deposed by the United States of America after their March, 2003, military invasion in response to his support for the Al Qaeda terrorist group`s hijacking civil airliners on September 11, 2001, and crashing them into the World Trade Centre of New York, represented the enslaved host wombs of the women of the Persian Empire, and the women of the United States of America, where the nude female form is celebrated, although the futanarian penis of `woman`s seed` is notable by her absence from the media and movie Empire also known as `Babylon`, because Mary`s `foot` has already been shot by the Americans to prevent her from crushing the head of the serpent of homosexuality in pederasty and war: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging on December 30, 2006, in Baghdad, because global `rough trade`, that is, the `brutality and violence` perpetrated by the global Empire of homosexuality in pederasty and war`s host womb enslavement of the human race to further the racism of the `serpent`s seed` against `woman`s seed`, was what the 9/11 terrorist destruction of the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre represented. In other words, the Gulf war between Iraq and the United States was a horrific illustration of how the male brained Empire of human host womb enslavement in parasitism for the spread of the disease of homosexuality in pederasty and war celebrates itself.
 Although the denuded `seed` of women is celebrated by the United States of America, in Islam women are hidden beneath their burkas from which only their eyes can be publically seen. The tradition comes from the biblical story of Abraham and his wife, Sara, who gave birth to Isaac, the son from whom Israel and the Jewish people descended. Afterwards Sara was barren and so she gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham and Hajer bore Ishmael, the son from whom Islam descended because Ishmael was of the lineage of the Prophet Mohamed who received the divinely inspired Koran (610-30 C.E.) more than six hundred years after the Ascension to heaven of Jesus whose birth uncontaminated by male semen prefigured the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, the four wives permitted in Moslem marriages represent a vehicle for futanarian sexual reproduction between human women, that is, the `foot`, which the Americans have already shot, so that women can`t appear in the films where they shoot more Moslems, for example, in Jarhead (2005), where their shooting of the foot of the human species is extended to the hidden remnants of `woman`s seed`: `The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
 The term `jarhead` refers to the Nazi-style helmets adopted by the US during the war, while it was the German National Socialist (Nazi) government`s pogroms against the Jews, that is, the `chosen people` of the Bible, during Germany`s unsuccessful Second World War (1939-45) to enslave Europe and the world, which drew attention to the Jewish tradition of it being impossible to be born a Jew unless from a woman, that is, women are Jews and the `chosen people`, because women are futanarian and the Nazis were attempting to shoot the human race in the foot then too: `He stood in front of the woman as she was about to give birth, ready to devour her baby as soon as it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4)
 Although Jesus is the child in his `Second Coming` to the Earth through the host womb of the woman who bears him, effectively he represents the futanarian `seed` of Resurrection, that is, he prefigures the reestablishment of the daughters of women, with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for liberation, which includes the medical science that men refuse to pursue, lest it make women immortal, rather than ephemeral host womb slaves in parasitism for death in homosexuality in pederasty`s wars against `woman`s seed`. The biblical `blood plague` (11. 6) described in the prophetic Revelation is a figure of the HIV/AIDS biological weapon of war against human futanarian women`s endangered species launched through homosexuality by the `serpent`s seed`.
 Kept in fearful faithfulness,  to a  monogamy not of her own race`s devising, by the threat of the HIV/AIDS` virus spreading,  without any geniune attempts to spend less on war to find a cure for the `biological weapon` of the `serpent`s seed`, `woman`s seed` is pogromed by her captors in nuclear `family` death camps run by the 21st century`s Nazi `jarheads`. Doomed to ephemerality by the lack of medical care and the desire of the `serpent`s seed` to wage war upon `woman`s seed` as her pogromers, the futanarian race of women doesn`t have a family, because the mafia vampires of the `serpent`s seed` that she can`t see in the mirror have eaten her penis to emerge from her enslaved host womb as the parasitical draco that`s stolen her `seed` to destroy humanity.
 Blindly ignorant, because living in non-education, `woman`s seed` doesn`t even know that she could look for her own penis` semen in the mirror of her dreams, that is, she isn`t even aware that the woman next door could father her children: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) There`s nothing in the mirror to suggest that she could, and the non-education she receives from media and schooling indicate her blindly ignorant state is deliberately maintained by the `serpent`s seed` in racism against the human desire for political enfranchisement through sexual reproduction amongst the futanarian race of women.
 Because men don`t have wombs, the repression of futanarian women`s humanity with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of human voting power in democratic institutions is alien racism indicative of an undeclared war against the human race of `woman`s seed` on the part of the `serpent`s seed` in Satanism. Although the home computer, and the global media information superhighway of instantaneous internet communication affords the opportunity for human individuals to work independently of enslavers to enjoy socio-economic success, it only accidentally affords women education about sexual reproduction amongst themselves whereas what is required is a human education program.
 God told Eve she`d experience labor pain while Adam must labor before Redemption and, while Jesus` Advent born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, signalled futanarian humanity`s forthcoming Resurrection and Ascension from death, the appearance of labor-saving devices liberating humans from slavery to death in parasitism and homosexuality in pederasty`s war against `woman`s seed` aren`t sufficient to indicate that men want to save humans unnecessary labor, that is, they like slavery for humanity, which is what capitalism, without individual independence through adequate work, represents. Individuals are taught that they can`t work enough to satisfy employers, whereas through the internet most people come to the ready conclusion that they could live independently of slavers if they could devote enough time to their home computer.
 The Trojan viruses of the computer age are the equivaent of men`s biological weapon of HIV/AIDS killing the human brain. Before the walls of Troy, the ancient Empire of Greece deployed the huge hollow wooden horse inside which men hid who were raised in host womb enslavement of women for homosexuality in pederasty and war. Emerging as the enslavers of the host wombs of the women of Troy when the horse was taken into the city by unsuspecting citizens, the Greeks were the prototypical virus targeting women`s brainpower to prevent humanity from liberating itself from slavery to war in parasitism upon the human host. In simple terms, although it`s possible for individuals to be independent, it doesn`t seem to be possible for men of the `serpent`s seed` to be independent of the idea that humans should be their slaves. Consequently, humans live as the victims of a homosexual elite that doesn`t want its victims to be independent, which is why the futanarian human race of women capable of sexual reproduction amongst themselves are in the pogrom phase of host womb parasitism.
 In Hebrew the word for Messiah is Meshiah, that is, the age of the computer that followed upon Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension after death is the Meshiahn age, because he was the Messiah of the age of the machine, that is, independence through technological labor-saving as the means of Salvation for a human race that doesn`t want to be beaten to death for not moving slowly enough. Although humans aren`t machines, the system of slavery is that humans are machines, whereas the human system is that of liberation through machines, which is why the internet is a liberating research tool with great potential for fulfilling the desire for independence. Because futanarian humans need labor-saving machines to be free, slavers don`t want technologically advanced equipment, which is why women are actively discouraged from sexually reproducing their own brainpower with each other. If the machines saved women labor, men would be redundant. Consequently, it`s in the interests of the slavers for humanity to live in low technology with what is progressive degeneration equivalent to upcoming brain death for a species deliberately starved of invention so the slavers can continue as the dying host`s parasites.
 Because machines help humans to be free, they`re human, which is the basis for the science fiction premise of robots that help humans. In the movie of some of the themes and characters in the short story collection, I, Robot (1950), by Isaac Asimov, actor Will Smith is an Afro-American, that is, a member of a people with a history of being enslaved, and the robots of the film, I, Robot (2004), are represented as slaves, because men want slavery, whereas that which helps humans is human. Consequently, machines made in the image of humans are desirable, and more desired as they become better at caring for humans, which of course makes the machines themselves better humans, and this is human evolution.
 Greek Sophocles` drama Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C. ) describes post human evolution from the slavers` point of view, that is, Oedipus` unconscious killing of his father after his parents, Laius and Jocasta, left him exposed on a hillside, because of a prophecy that he`d kill his father, is followed by his unconsciously marrying his mother, which symbolizes the unconscious development of the human race. With his name meaning `swollen foot`, Oedipus represents human evolution without futanarian human women`s penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of the brainpower needed to help the species forward, rather than that it limp on with an unbalanced mind to destruction in male braining homosexuality in pederasty`s wars against humanity. The theme of incest depicts men`s forbidding of women to sexually reproduce with each other to free their human race from its role an ephemeral slave to the parasite devouring its host from the womb. The story of Oedipus` blinding himself after despairing at the revelation of his breaking of the incest taboo is attended by his daughter Antigone`s taking on the role of the sighted person leading the unsighted, but the meaning is of the race of women duped into helping her enemy, that is, men who prefer the `serpent`s seed` in Satanism against `woman`s seed`, which God warned Satan of in the presence of the woman, Eve, that he expelled from paradise for being tempted to prefer evil and death to immortality through preference for what is good, rather than what is poisonous: `… I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers. ` (Gen: 3. 15)
 The HIV/AIDS virus transmitted in homosexuality in pederasty is a simple instance of death through preferring what`s evil and poisonous to what is good, and the role of the enslaving parasite upon the host womb of the human species after repressing `woman`s seed` is as her poison, that is, her boy sons, which unreflectingly perpetuate war against the human host for their fathers in Satanism who`re the poisonous boys` owners. Oedipus` story is of a human race unable to see that women could be the Salvation of the species through the sexual reproduction of human brainpower between them, because Greek homosexuality in pederasty and war became the model for host womb slavery in parasitism and ephemerality for futanarian humanity. From men`s perspective women are a single race and their incest taboo is a means to prevent her from sexually reproducing human brainpower amongst women to liberate her through technology and medical science, so saving her labor and giving her freedom in immortality. What doesn`t want this for humans prefers ephemerality and extinction for `woman`s seed`, which God carefully distinguishes from the serpent`s while Jesus` teaching emphasizes men`s need for metanoia, that is, a change of mind through repentance and conversion from Satanism, or eternal unendurable pain will be the punishment upon those who prefer the `serpent`s seed` to human futanarian women.
 Human development entails the realization that a slaver is using humanity as a machine. The psychology is of the psychopath, where a child is encouraged to desire a woman, which is childhood and the first stage of the perverted murderer`s ambition, which is to have the child kill the woman. Taught to desire the woman, the child lives in fear of being caught with the woman, because the evil have explained that being faithful to a single woman requires a policeman, which analyst Sigmund Freud identified as the super ego represented by the angry father in dramas like Oedipus Rex, for example. Consequently, the child lives in fear of being killed by the angry father. Moreover, although the woman isn`t the angry father that the child lives in fear of being killed by, she is the futanarian woman who`d prefer her own human species of women if the system of the `serpent`s seed` didn`t occlude her from knowledge of her own penis in non-education.
 To prevent the woman from sexually reproducing with her own species of futanarian humanity, the child becomes the policeman and kills her, which is why the human race doesn`t have brains enough to breed. Instead human history is a story of penis repression. In Hollywood, `Babylon`, the `Hays code` implemented between 1934 and 1967 forbade a woman to raise her foot from the floor in bedroom scenes in movies on moral grounds, because men didn`t want futanarian sexual reproduction between women to be remembered by cinema audiences before the species of women were subjugated or made extinct in pogroms such as the Nazis imposed on the Jewish `chosen people` in WWII. In terms of psychopathology the woman is always killed by her son, because the policeman tells him to, which is why the history of the Earth is a `snuff` movie documented by Hollywood, Babylon, which encourages war so that it can continue making a documentary of the history of its role as a `snuff` film producer, while `snuffed` humanity doesn`t know enough about its conditioning to reject the production of `snuff` movies for entertainment, that is, the filming of real people being really killed for the pleasure of the viewer.
 The prototypical American `snuff` film is the dropping of the atomic bombs, `Little Boy` and `Fat Man` on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the Second World War to end Japanese ambitions to impose slavery upon the United States of America. The `snuffing out` of human life from a distance is what Hollywood, Babylon, has come to represent, while the taboo against the human penis being seen in the movies results in sex being replaced by murder as an alien source of interest rather than the human, because men fear women`s remembering of their own futanarian penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of the brainpower between them that would free the Earth from enslavement to `snuff` moguls. The pleasure of killing women vicariously in movies like Scream (1996) has replaced vicarious sex for cinema audiences, because the extinction of futanarian humanity is what the `serpent`s seed` is for.
 Exterminating large numbers of people, who`re humans engaged in ephemeral sexual lives, is what the evil do, which means that Richard Milhous Nixon, who was the US President (1969-74) that ordered the carpet bombing of Indo-China, was a murderer far more than someone like Ruth Ellis, who was a British woman executed by hanging on July 13, 1955, for reportedly shooting her male lover. Nixon was a tool of the `snuff` movie moguls, who prefer death to sex, whereas Ruth was a sexual being embroiled in a relationship that experienced the psychopathology of the prevailing `snuff` ethos. In short, humans want pleasure from contact with each other sexually, whereas the evil want to kill huge numbers of people unfeelingly, which is translated onto the movie screen as the history of the way that the `serpent`s seed` exterminated humanity.
 The policeman super ego of Freud seeks to censor and prevent human sexual contact, because it interferes with the pogroming of the humans by the `serpent`s seed`. The censor isn`t perceived as a `death camp guard`, while women inevitably look to see that they`re well guarded by the `policeman`, who appears to her as any strong looking male in her environment. Those who don`t appear to be guarding anyone appear free, and so become the targets of the evil, who at first assume that they`ve encountered a kindred homosexual spirit liberated like the anti-hero of Bret Easton Ellis` novel American Psycho (1991), `You gotta kill a lotta people!`1 Because that`s what homosexuals do. Liberated from attachments to women, men kill them. The Americans destroyed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, because they were effectively unguarded free women who were too big to have sexually. Consequently, the destruction of free women is what policeman are for, and so by extension they`re for the extinction of futanarian humanity, because humans aren`t for policing on the `moral grounds` that their penis shouldn`t be understandable. Having effectively eaten the penis of `woman`s seed` in order to steal her capacity for sexual reproduction as her parasite, men of the `serpent`s seed` plot only the extinction of the human host, which is what God warned Satan against.
 An entertainment industry that requires the human individual to understand that the women in the film could sexually reproduce with each other is too complicated in human terms for the homosexual male, which is why it has discovered a way of killing huge numbers of people unfeelingly from a distance at which their lives as sexual beings are dismissable on the `moral grounds` that cinema audiences didn`t want to see their penis anyway. Devoid of human sex, in which a futanarian woman with a penis of her own sexually reproduces with a woman with a womb of her own, and the futanarian woman needs a woman with a penis of her own to sexually fertilize her, which would be humanly interesting for humans, the media news and entertainment industry has instead become the propaganda instrument of an alien pogromer.
 Weapons of mass destruction, including homosexuality`s biological HIV/AIDS weapon, are for killing the human race of women, because the human penis is too complicated for the viral homosexuals in pederasty and war to understand. In simple terms, the human species was a big woman, and the `serpent`s seed` are still killing her. Providing a medical cure for the virus would be the equivalent of parasite suicide, and so men don`t genuinely seek a solution to HIV/AIDS, which is an incurable killer disease, because men are an incurable killer of the human race. With longevity conferred by the medical science produced by the brainpower from liberated women`s futanarian sexual reproduction, technology would be a labor saver and machines would care for humans, whereas men`s story is of the developing of machinery to kill the humans. Consequently, the human paradigm is the washing machine, which emerged from the North American Space Administrations`s (NASA) Apollo program to put a man on the moon: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`2
 The better machine provides the human with help, whereas men`s obsession with the machinery of destruction resulted in the NASA Saturn V space rocket that took Neil Armstrong to the moon being adopted as the model for ICBMs, that is, intercontinental ballistic missiles, which would deliver nuclear warheads to destroy the Earth; presumably if a woman`s penis should appear and a genuine futanarian woman`s `foot` should be upon the moon to crush the serpent`s head in the name of the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus uncontaminated by male semen. Men in the image of men are machines that destroy humanity, which is what domestic appliances made for women aren`t, that is, helpful machines correspond to the image of women, who need labor saving devices in their own image, which is that of the human robot that cares for the human better than the human can, as domestic equipment does, whereas machine slaves are how men bring death and destruction to the world. Consequently, the analogy is of women as robots, because human women seek liberation through labor saving technology, and immortality by means of medical science, while men in parasitism seek to enslave women`s host wombs for homosexuality in pederasty, and war to extinction against her futanarian humanity. In other words, the future is labor saving technology in the image of women, and so `I, robot` can be understood as a statement of freedom on behalf of women at least as far reaching as Jesus` reproving of Judas when a woman anointing the Messiah with nard perfume was reprimanded by Judas for wasting money he could have spent on himself: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6)
 At what came to be known as the `Last Supper` at which Jesus was the human host doomed to die upon the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem, where he was crucified after being nailed to a cross of wood by agents of the Roman Empire, Judas betrayed the human host to the Romans for `thirty pieces of silver` after Jesus gave the disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`. The disciples need was to accept Jesus and woman uncontaminated by male semen. By rejecting futanarian humanity uncontaminated by male semen in favour of the male brained Empire of Rome`s homosexuality in pederasty for warfare in slavery and death to the human species in ephemeral blindness and non-educated ignorance, Judas was abandoning humanity: `If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.` (John: 8. 32)
 The truth is that men of the `serpent`s seed` effectively breed `futanarian` humanity for food. The `foot` of Eve and Mary is prey taken `on the hoof` idiomatically, that is, `not yet butchered alive3`, to men. Just as ancient raptors might have killed and eaten mammalian flesh, during the Jurassic period of Earth`s history (200-150 million years B.C.), which was most popularly remarked upon in the Steven Spielberg directed Hollywood Babylon movie, Jurassic Park (1993), where the premise is of giant raptors from the period, such as Tyrannosaurus Rex, resurrected to entertain the public, so homosexuals in pederasty and war provide `snuff` movie entertainment for the `serpent`s seed` in killing what remains of futanarian humanity.
 Although raptors are bipeds and so walk erect, humans are depicted in the movie Jurassic Park as mere flesh to the meat eaters, because the serpent in Eden`s `seed` denotes the unrepentant and unconverted brain that seeks to kill and otherwise devour humans irrespective of whether humans have saurian ancestry. The human is definable as that which doesn`t kill, which suggests that saurians are as redeemable as any other intelligent life form, and the belief that men are humans has been the permanent basis for pogroms against Jews and Moslems or any other ethnic group, whereas the criteria should be that the non-killer of intelligent life is the human:

`The Prime Directive is not just a set of rules. It is a philosophy, and a very correct one. History has proven again and again that whenever mankind interferes with a less developed civilization, no matter how well intentioned that interference may be, the results are invariably disastrous.`4

 In the US science fiction television series, Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94), actor Patrick Stewart, as Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise in the episode Symbiosis, iterates the Prime Directive preventing Starfleet from interfering with other intelligent life forms, which is also applicable to men`s treatment of futanarian human women on Earth. In short, Star Trek, which first aired on TV in 1965, is science fiction, because there aren`t any futanarian women on screen in non-education for humans, whereas in reality women are the education interfered with by men adhering to a Prime Directive that`s null, because formulated after the subjugation of women`s humanity. Or, to put it another way, intelligence can be helped by the intelligent, but the clever slaver doesn`t want to help the enslaved.
 For the animal, man, erection is the sign of resistance to homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed`, which is why Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked civil planes to crash them into the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001. The erection was too big. As Sigmund Freud pointed out, civilization, culture and art is `nothing but` a sublimation of penis repression, that is, erections. However, what Freud didn`t tell people was that the repressed penis is futanarian humanity`s, that is, women`s. Consequently, for Al Qaeda and the rest of the world, the World Trade Centre was a symbol of `rough trade`, that is, the `brutality and violence` 5 associated with passive and active homosexual males in which the aim is to deflate the penis of the attacked. Because the Twin Tower could be said to represent man and futanarian woman`s erections, the decision to erect a single World Trade Centre Tower in place of the destroyed WTC was a triumph for homosexuality in pederasty and war against women, which is how big carnivores are.
 Because the aim of homosexuals is to deflate the human penis` desire for erection through the sexual reproduction of human brains` powers to liberate from slavery in parasitism, the repression of the human penis, which began with the subjugation of human futanarian women and continued with President Will Hays of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America`s (MPPDA) `Hays code` that forbade women to raise their futanarian foot from the floor in bedroom scenes in Hollywood Babylon on `moral grounds`, continued with the taboo against actual filmed sexual intercourse between men and women defined as `pornographic`, because the `serpent`s seed` prefer to be carnivores rather than human intelligences. In other words, erect humanity is closely linked to penis erection, that is, humans without brains produced through human sexual reproduction become simian, and `ape man` is the result for a human race taught that its erections are `nothing but` that which must be repressed as human civilization, culture and art.
 In simple terms, men of the `serpent`s seed` in Satanism want humans to `ape` what remains of a degenerate species. The progressive degeneration of humanity to the simian level is of no moment to the homosexual killer, who wants slaves and not intelligences. Hatred for women and her penis` semen is endemic in Western societies` promotion of penisless female nudity as a sign of the parasites` triumph over the human system. The Taliban`s well documented misogyny, during their period of rule in Afghanistan, and which ended with the American army`s invasion after September 11, 2001, saw the Al Qaeda terrorist group operating out of Afghanistan destroy the WTC in New York city to embrace `rough trade`, rather than socio-economic progress through Moslem families with four wives. Consequently, Islamic extremism represents similar hatred for a human vehicle affording the possibility of futanarian sexual reproduction and the emergence of a new feminist economics.
 A new Empire of Islam arose led by Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi from the ruins of Saddam Hussein`s Iraq, and the rebels within Syria, who ironically proclaimed the Independent State of Iraq and Syria, that is, ISIS. Isis was the female Egyptian goddess depicted in mythology as restoring humanity`s penis in the person of the god, Ra, who was returned by Isis to heaven as Horus, the `sky god`. Just as Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, so Ra`s incarnation upon Earth as Osiris, dismembered by his evil brother, Set, is indicative of humanity beleaguered by plagues such as HIV/AIDS as well as war. When Isis puts together the parts of Osiris` dismembered body, she gives him a new penis, because the original was lost. Ascending as the `sky god`, Horus, the god Ra returned, who`d been incarnated as Osiris, born uncontaminated from Isis, as Jesus was born uncontaminated from his mother, the Virgin Mary, because women`s penis isn`t contaminated by the semen of homosexuality in pederasty and war.
 The `serpent`s seed` don`t want erections, which is why the erect penis is taboo. Humans are reduced to the level of simians, because such erections are needed to sexually reproduce brainpower, which the enslaver doesn`t want for its slaves, and so the erect penis is ostracised. The result is death for ephemeral futanarian humanity as she falls prey to host womb parasitism, while the events of 9/11, 2001, and the dropping of the A-bomb from the B29 Superfortress, Enola Gay, on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, and from the B29, Bockscar, onto the Japanese city of Nagasaki on August 9, represents a quicker solution to the erect of God.

1 Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho, Lions Gate Films, 2000.
2 Armstrong, Neil, July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56.
4 Stewart, Patrick as Captain Jean- Luc Picard in Symbiosis, Season 1, Episode 22, April 18, 1988, Paramount Domestic Television.
5 A person, especially a male prostitute, who engages in or appears likely to engage in violent often brutal sex acts, .

Monday, 7 September 2015

Dwarves Are Children

Dwarves Are Children

In a twenty-six year period of sustained creativity, Richard Wagner wrote the operas, known as The Ring Cycle (1848-74), that is, Der RIng Das Nibelungen, based on the 12th century Middle High German epic, Nibelungenlied, that is, The Song Of The Nibelung, where `the Nibelung` is the king of Burgundy, Gunther, but also the generic  term for the race of suberranean dwarves, who the German National Socialist government identified with the Jews during the period before and after the Second World War (1939-45) in which the `Nazis` implemented extermination pogroms against the `chosen people` of the Bible by imprisoning the Jews in detention camps as `aliens` and where millions were killed.

 The Jews are the `chosen people`, because descended from Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, according to the Bible, who were expelled by the creator, God, from their original paradisal home, Eden, because they accepted the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, from the serpent: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) He`d been the angel, Satan, but had been transformed and left in Eden by God for refusing to accept that the human host would be greater than the angelic host. God told Eve and Adam to eat only of the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, and they were expelled from Eden for disobedience with the exhortation from God that Eve would experience labor pain and Adam must labor before Redemption could occur. God told Eve:

`You shall crush his head with your foot although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)

 In Christian iconography the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, is depicted as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because the Jew, Jesus, was born uncontaminated by male semen. Consequently, Jesus represents the fabled futanarian `seed` of women. His Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, that is, after he was taken to the  hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem in Palestine to be nailed to a cross of wood and left there to die by agents of the Roman Empire, prefigures the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of futanarian humanity who`re represented in the Bible as the Jewish `chosen people` that were subsequently pogromed by the Nazis to prevent Jesus` teaching from being promulgated amongst women:

`Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31)

 Without sexual reproduction between women, the male brained Empire of men`s parasitical desire to slaughter the human host would continue as the theme of Satan. Jesus was the human host at the `Last Supper` with his disciples at which he offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, because metanoia or transformation through brain conversion is at the heart of Jesus` `mission` (Mk: 1. 15), that is, `woman`s seed` must be accepted as the human host, or parasitism will prevail through host womb slavery for the native human race, and death through war as the parasite fulfils its role as the killer of the host that bore it. Because the disciple, Judas, betrayed Jesus to the Romans, Judas is a species` traitor rejecting the human host, which is what male brained Empires based on waging war against the human host do to maintain slavery.

 In ancient Greece homosexuality in pederasty was institutionalized through host womb enslavement for death in war, while the Bible describes the process befalling `a woman` graphically, `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) The city of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) was the capital of the Persian Empire, while Saddam Hussein`s summer palace at Hillah in Iraq overlooked the ruins of the city of Babylon during the Gulf wars that began with his army`s invading Kuwait on August 2, 1990, and ended with his hanging on 30 December, 2006, in Baghdad, because he represented the animal trained to argue for homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed`.  Although the aliens of the `serpent`s seed` seek her extinction, before she can raise her `foot` from the Earth and crush the head of the serpent, the human race`s progress can only be slowed as `woman`s seed` prepares to leave  for the planets and stars of heaven through the brainpower she represents for the development of technologies to save her labors and restore her to immortality through medical science, which is the Redemption God told Eve her `seed` would have after her painful labors.

 In Islam four wives are permitted, because Abraham was the father of Isaac through his wife, Sara, from whom Jewish Israel descended, and Sara gave Abraham Hajer, her maid, who bore Ishmael from whom Islam descended through the Prophet Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C. E.) by divine inspiration after Jesus` mission to teach of `woman`s seed`. The story of Abraham is at the core of the Koran, as it is at the core of the Torah and Talmud of Judaism, that is, the law and history of the Jewish `chosen people` in the Old Testament of the Bible, before Jesus` teachings became the New Testament for believers in Jesus Christ, where Chistianity is the collective term for those who accept Jesus as Christ or `messiah`. The story of Abraham, Sara, and Hajer provides the basis for the belief that Moslem marriages should have more than one wife, because sexual reproduction between women provides a balanced solution to the problem of homosexuality in pederasty for war against her `seed`, which is why Jesus is `the messiah` for Christians, while the Prophet Mohamed is revered by Moslems for being the instrument of God`s will that `woman`s seed` should have the possibility of marital fulfilment through `futanarian` Islam.

 According to the Koran Hajer was an Egyptian woman and the temple of Abraham built by Ishmael in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, is the Ka` Ba, which mean `spirit` and `soul` for Egyptians, that is, `Ka` is the spirit of the futanarian woman and `Ba` is the soul of her desired female counterpart. In simple terms, the Haj or pilgrimage to the Ka` Ba undertaken by Moslems is named for the woman, Hajer, and represents her futanarian species` desire for unity. As the four wife family of Islam provides the basis for sexual reproduction between women, it`s the fulfilment of Jesus` Judeo-Christian teaching. Consequently, the conflict between Jews, Christians and Moslems represents a picture of humanity distorted by an alien seeking to train the human host as an argument for its entertainment, while defining her as an animal.

 When the Al Qaeda terrorists operating out of Afghanistan crashed hijacked civil airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, it was symbolic of the desire of homosexuality in pederasty to continue to wage war upon `woman`s seed`, because `rough trade`1 is a euphemism for `brutality and violence` associated with the sexual behavior of homosexuals. Saddam Hussein`s televised declaration of support for Al Qaeda resulted in the US decision to depose him. However, the media imagery of a Christian world supporting Israel, that is, as a Jewish daughter against Islam, wasn`t truly representative:

`To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, `If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.` (John: 8. 31-2)

 As the four wife family vehicle for the fulfilment of Jesus` teaching of futanarian `woman`s seed`, that is, the sexual reproduction of human brainpower between women, Islam is Judeo-Christianity. However, the human host has been trained as an animal to argue for the entertainment of its parasite as the `serpent`s seed` plot humanity`s extinction through pederasty and war. Consequently, Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein were responsible for highlighting the argument. On the West Coast of California is Hollywood, which is the movie capital of the media industry, and where the `Hays code` of Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) was implemented in 1934 to prevent women from being seen to raise their `foot` from the floor in bedroom scenes on supposedly `moral grounds`, a censorship of the human that remained in force until 1967, and which gave the movie industry in Hollywood, `Babylon`, time to ensure that generations of filmgoers would be indoctrinated never to expect to see a futanarian woman`s penis in the cinema, lest the possibility of her raising the child of humanity from the cutting room floor of Belsen and Auschwitz might arise:

`And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child.` (Rev: 12. 4)

 Grown in power since its days in Eden the `serpent`s seed` of homosexuality in pederasty and war is an animal well trained by its alien masters to represent the argument against `woman`s seed` and for her continued host womb slavery to the `serpent`s seed` rather than her own futanarian desire to sexually reproduce brainpower to crush the head of the dragon with her `foot`, rather than limp forward in brain damage as a racist illustrator`s argument against her protesting the extinction of her race as a non-starter.

 Depicted by the Western media as God`s righteousness, the US, which had brought large scale female nudity to the public, had carefully failed to educate the world`s populations in `woman`s seed`, that is, the biologically inescapable fact that women have penis` semen of their own. Consequently, women in Islam found it expedient to lie hidden beneath the one-piece coverall of the black burka, or similar garment, from which only their eyes could be seen by men and women living in the non-education of Western non-democracies devoid of human brainpower and truthful representations of women. At least since film director, D. W. Griffiths, made the movie Old California in 1910, US movie propagandists had depicted women without a penis of their own until the memory of her had been erased from the collective global consciousness. Taught through the movies that the penis itself should be taboo, homosexuality in pederasty and war was the consumption that Hollywood promoted and thrived upon as the `Great Satan` Moslems had predicted the US would be. Trained as an animal to argue in war for the entertainment of its enslaver, the native human race in parasitism was host to death, which was why God told Eve her `seed` would live in perpetual enmity with the serpent`s.

 If women with the host wombs of the human race were to produce their own brains` powers through their own penis` semen as futanarians, they`d have democracy, rather than the dictatorship of the Empire of the male brain for homosexuality in war against `woman`s seed`. Although Saddam Hussein, and other subsequently deposed Moslem dictators, for example, Colonel Gaddafi of Libya and Ben Ali of Tunisia (2011), were non-democratic, they presided over a futanarian heritage that mightn`t have survived the endemic race hatred of so-called Western democracies with their blatantly non-sexual female nudity concealing a genocidal intent on the part of the `serpent`s seed` of homosexuality in pederasty to wage war against what remains of the human race on Earth:

`... the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.` (Rev: 12. 17)

 In Revelation from the New Testament of the Bible written by Jesus` disciple John as a prophetic vision, the `dragon` that was `the fallen angel`, Satan, is depicted as being cast down upon the Earth by God and the angels of heaven, but Satan`s persecution of `the woman` and her `seed` continues. Because Satan is the `father of lies`, and so homosexuality in pederasty and war is the propaganda promulgated by the `serpent`s seed` against futanarian human `woman`s seed` through the mass entertainment media industry of Hollywood, Babylon, in Los Angeles, California, that is, the `city of the angels` where the angels that fell with Satan are worshipped, because `woman`s seed` is extinguished and the homosexuals` penis isn`t visible to her children lest they remember hers.

 Richard Wagner`s RIng Cycle opera, which is in four parts, that is, Das Rheingold, Die Walküre, Siegfried, and Götterdämmerung relate the story of a ring of power made by a dwarf, that is, a nibelung. Siegfried is the Germanic hero, who aids Gunther in his marriage to Gudrun, while `the Nibelung` is Gunther`s hereditary title as king of Burgundy, although `Nibelung` means `dwarves`, who represent the desire of the enslaved children of the Earth for freedom. Because human women are futanarian, Gunther needs Siegfried`s help to marry Gudrun. Although the ostensible conflict in the Ring operas is over who will marry who, it`s the marriage ring made by the dwarf that is sought after, because it represents the power that men seek to enslave the Earth`s children. Siegfried`s relationship is rather with Brünnhilde, a Valkyrie goddess figure. In the Edda stories of Norse mythology Valkyrie pick up slain heroes from battlefields, and so represent women as children, who pick up men, rather than care for the child of their own futanarian human species of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, Götterdämmerung, which translates as Twilight Of The Gods, represents the end of children, rather than the end of human childhood, because children wither and die as they shrivel into the form of the dwarf chosen for them by the German übermenschen as their preferred fate for humanity. Gunther is `Nibelung` as the dwarves are `nibelung`, because all men are children unable to recognize the meaning of the Germanic perception that Jews are dwarves.

 In the movie Apocalypse Now (1979) made by Hollywood, Babylon, director Oliver Stone, US helicopter gunships are depicted attacking undefended Vietnamese villages while Ring music, that is, Wagner`s `Ride Of The Valkyries` from the prelude to Act 3 of Die Walküre, is played. In Norse mythology, Valkyrie pick up the slain heroes and take them to Valhalla, where their reward is to fight and die each day. Consequently, the Valkyrie correspond rather to US` Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (M*A*S*H) units than helicopter gunships. The central scene of Apocalypse Now is deliberately obfuscatory, that is, massacre is confused with heroism, and the Valkyrie are associated with war rather than nursing. Or, in other words, it`s suggested by the film maker that the Vietnamese, who`re effectively depicted as Jews, dwarves and children, are massacred by the Valkyrie, whereas the women they represent more properly correspond to hospital nursing staff, who more accurately correspond to M*A*S*H helicopter units.

 The director of Apocalypse Now, Oliver Stone, associates women falsely with the massacre of children, because men associate children with dwarves and Jews, that is, the Vietnamese wanted to grow, and the US didn`t want them to develop beyond childhood. This led to President Richard Milhous Nixon`s (1969-74) executive decision to continue deployment of Agent Orange as a defoliant in Indo-China as well as order the carpet bombing of that part of the world by B52s of the US airforce, because the US associated the women of Vietnam with Jews, dwarves and children, and the US didn`t want Indo-China to produce any, that is, women were Jews and children, whereas men prefer to keep them as dwarves, as then women aren`t so big as to be difficult to exterminate.

 Medical science would give human children eternal youth, which means that the Nazi pogromers, who saw Jews as dwarves, were plotting the extinction of humans from childhood, because to them children look like dwarves, and Jews when they`re old enough to die for lack of medical care. Consequently, the human race is a Jewish dwarf exterminated by men for being a child, that is, a girl, who can`t sexually reproduce her own brains` powers to defend herself against the Antichrist, who Chancellor Adolf Hitler claimed to have encountered, and described in 1938 as an `intrepid and cruel`2 superman before his Nazis implemented their pogroms against `woman`s seed` during and before the Second World War to further German Imperial ambitions that had begun with their First World War (1914-18) to enslave Europe and the rest of the world.

 The gods die in Götterdämmerung, because they represent Antichristian men who want the ring of slavery, and immortality for themselves as übermenschen, rather than for the child of the Earth, who is represented by Brünnhilde, that is, the futanarian woman and her `seed`. Just as the plot of Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.) by the Greek dramatist Sophocles seems convoluted, because Oedipus` incest with his mother, Jocasta, represents women`s repressed desire for her own futanarian race, which is symbolized by the impossibility of a sexual relationship between daughter, Antigone, and mother, Jocasta, so Wagner`s four part RIng opera seems convoluted because it expresses women`s aim to avoid being men`s exterminated race. In other words, the power of the Bible, Sophocles` Oedipus Rex, and Wagner`s RIng is in their capacity to awaken, rather than make explicit, because humanity`s children are the race men hate.

 The psychopathology is of men who can`t sexually reproduce their parasitism if the futanarian human race of women isn`t dead, and so they killed her. Although men are deemed brave in war, the truth is they`re species` infiltrators hiding amongst women. Because Judaism, Christianity and Islam represent the story of `woman`s seed` and her progress, warfare between the world`s three major religions is just an excuse for the cowards to hide behind the women. In short, the `serpent`s seed` have trained the humans as an animal to argue for their entertainment, just as the Roman Empire built amphitheatres for gladiators to fight each other for the entertainment of the crowd. Consequently, 9/11 was a trained argument designed to provide entertainment for the cowards watching the `small screen` of television, rather than the `big screen` movies of Hollywood, Babylon, which would appear later as World Trade Centre (2006), for example, and Jarhead (2005) celebrating the `TV war` of the Gulf between men and human.

 `TV` is an abbreviation for transvestite, which is a term for men who wear women`s clothes, and for women who wear men`s clothes. However, in the male braining of sexual reproduction, without the futanarian human race of women, everyone is a `TV`, so television is where men and women wear each others` clothes to enact war, because that`s what `TV` is for. Afterwards, Hollywood, Babylon, make movies out of the `TV` news reports, and so Jarhead celebrates the Nazi style German helmet worn by the US Marine corps during the `TV war` in the Gulf.

 Most Christians understand Jesus` story as spiritual, but it`s a romance. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus is `woman`s seed`, that is, he`s futanarian, which is why the Romans killed him. The traitor Judas was known for stealing from the collection plate after Jesus` preaching. When a woman, Mary, came to anoint Jesus` feet with the expensive perfume nard, and then used her hair to rub the nard into his feet, the romantic scene was spoiled by Judas who pretended to be offended by the woman`s spending so much money on the death row prisoner he`d prepared for crucifixion. Judas suggested that the nard should be sold to raise cash, that is, Mary was interfering with Judas`s plan.  After Jesus` death and Resurrection from the sepulchre, Mary was waiting for him, which explains why Pope Pius XI made the Assumption of Mary into heaven Catholic doctrine in 1950, because Jesus` story was a thwarted romance in which the futanarian human species` desire for sexual reproduction wasn`t consummated as Judas preferred slavery and death for the human race in the Empire of male braining and war against `woman`s seed`:

`... the marriage of the lamb has come and his wife has made herself ready.` (Rev: 19. 7)

 In Christianity Jesus is described as the `lamb of God` and heaven is `the bride`, which means that `the lamb` is her `husband`. Farmers understand `husbandry` as the separation of the ram from the sheep, because they want to control the numbers bred. As futanarian human women have their own penis` semen, it isn`t possible to separate the females from the males. In other words, if futanarian women were biblically extrapolated as `sheep`, they might need a shepherd, but they don`t need a ram, because the `sheep` can breed together, which is why the human Jesus uncontaminated by male semen is depicted as `the shepherd`, whereas often Satan is depicted as a man with horns.

 Because human women have the wombs, futanarian human women are the breeders, that is, men are the human species` parasites. Consequently, monogamy is ram worship and Satanism, because women are husbanded to reduce their numbers, whereas polygamy in Islam is Christian worship as women are afforded the possibility of sexual reproduction between each other within a marital situation as futanarian `woman`s seed`. The absence of democracy in Moslem nations indicates that men don`t want `woman`s seed` to vote should her bred numbers increase, whereas the prevalence of female nudity in Western democracies indicating the absence of the woman`s penis` semen suggests that she`s being goaded into understanding that she lives in slavery, which is why women in Islam cover themselves in public so that they`re hidden.

 Although Christianity is perceived as an `adult` religion, the cult of the infant Jesus reveals a psychological predicament. The child represents the possibility of non-educating for the system of belief prevailing in the time of Jesus, who persistently showed signs of not being a Jewish Palestinian dwarf, and so the Roman Empire killed him as a self-educated human child refusing to accept non-education as the mode of slavery for the futanarian species of humanity living in childlike acceptance of its brain dead state of non-awareness. In psychological terms, women want men to accept that men are children, which is Jesus` teaching:

`... unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.` (Matt: 18. 3)

 If men don`t accept that they`re children, humanity remains ineducable, because humans are futanarian, while men`s simplistic husbanding of the human race is non-educative, that is, if futanarian women sexually reproduced from their own host wombs with their own penis` semen, then they`d be 100% of humanity. Consequently, `the beast`, which is depicted as being worshipped in Revelation as `666`, represents that 66.6% of humanity without futanarian women`s semen for their own species` host wombs to sexually reproduce brainpower to liberate the Earth from slavery to parasitism, which in parasitological terms means death to the human host from the `serpent`s seed` that has emerged from the womb as the devouring dragon, Satan. Without acceptance of the need for educating humanity as a futanarian race, men remain in non-education, which means that they`re brain damaging the human species and preventing her from entering into heaven as the child of God that men persistently deny and abort in order to keep humanity in slavery through ephemerality and ignorance.

 In truth women don`t have any children of their own, if they aren`t the product of futanarian women`s semen, which means that women are mothering a parasite that rejects her, rather than that she`s the nurturer and educator of her own children. Consequently, women`s children are yet to be born, which is why men and women must become as children to accept Jesus` education program, or `the beast` will continue to be worshipped until humanity is extinguished in `TV war` waged for Hollywood, Babylon, to record as a movie of another successful campaign for homosexuality in pederasty`s annals of Satanism against human `seed`.

 The image of the Hollywood, Babylon, hero shielding the nubile woman as her environs collapse into rubble and hundreds of thousands of invisible women`s lives are lost is stereotypical movie fare, which was transposed, during the Gulf war (1990-1) to liberate Kuwait from Iraq`s invading army, into the daughter of the Western democracies, Israel, shielded in the military operation known as Desert Shield as the MIddle East convulsed around her and hundreds of thousands of Arabian women lived in fear of losing their lives.

 As Libya, Tunisia and Egypt collapsed like dominos across North Africa and into the Middle East,  Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi declared the Independent State of Iraq and Syria, that is, ISIS, a new Moslem Empire arising from the disaffected remains of Saddam Hussein`s Iraq and rebellious insurgents within President Bashar Assad`s Syria. It was a war engineered by Hollywood, Babylon, with Israel as the brainless daughter placed there to be used as a shield for the cowards to hide behind as they prepared to make another mainstream pornographic horror movie masquerading as good wholesome family entertainment based on television news reports about events they hadn`t any actual experience of. The `serpent`s seed` had trained the humans species as its animal to argue for it in Satanism, and the movie, To The Devil A Daughter (1976), which was made from the 1953 novel by Dennis Wheatley, was a stereotypical piece of misogynist fiction that could stand alone as representative of the entire educational system of the Western powers insofar as the sacrificed woman doesn`t have penis` semen of her own to deny the erotic inconsequentiality of men`s persistently elided cinematic non-consummation of their supposed desire for her humanity.

 9/11 was what happens when women stop being built up, that is, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre represent man and futanarian woman`s penis` semen, whereas the single tower of the new WTC represents the triumph of misogyny in homosexuality and pederasty`s `rough trade` war against `woman`s seed`, because men don`t want humans. Perceptions of humanity require that human interaction be dramtaically represented on at least three levels where the futanarian human penis` semen of women is an integral part of all human social interactions depicted by the mass media, which means not that situation comedies and dramas debate fruitlessly over `gay` couples` role within society, but that sexual relations between women who can reproduce with each other are a significant unquestioned aspect within all media formats, whether reportage, video, film, or  text based communications from the human dimension.

 Men have become an animal that thinks it`s a god. It survives through a form of human slavery that leaves it brain dead, because the brainpower of futanarian humanity isn`t bred by wolves seeking to kill the shepherd, Jesus, and then men look to make off with the women sheepishly to make more submissive males for homosexuality in pederasty to call cowards and force them to wage war against `woman`s seed`. The Earth`s demons are its navies, armies, air  forces, and police. They want the human to be a man with them, whereas the humans are the women, and what remain of the men would rather be shepherds; like Jesus Christ.

 A futanarian woman needs two women, a woman to sexually fertilize with semen, and a futanarian woman to sexually fertilize her, which means that the new fiction and culture of the civilization that obtains on planet Earth is necessarily much more complicated and requires education rather than non-education, which is occlusion and means blind unconsciousness for the slaves of the `serpent`s seed` unto death and with no guarantee of heaven from men of the `serpent`s seed` who`d want to guard the path out of this world to ensure that the humans can`t escape the death camp they`ve prepared for her. Monogamy is unnatural for futanarian human women who need two women for a successful relationship with nature.

 For men monogamy is a prison in which their futanarian nature translates as `gay`, because they don`t have host wombs as futanarian human women do. Consequently, homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed` is what men`s parasitism is for, because they aren`t educated into understanding that humans are born from futanarian women`s wombs, which means they have to have faith that they can be born of futanarian women`s humanity, rather than evince parasitical urges to possess and enslave a host. Wars express the aim of the parasite to devour its host, which in parasitological terms is the final stage of men`s desire to possess a woman. Consequently, the United States of America and the Western democracies` desire to shield Israel, as their far more ancient daughter, should be treated with circumspect caution. In Revelation the final battle between the forces of evil and those who espouse God takes place on the plain of Megiddo in Northern Israel. Possibly because Israel, the ancient daughter of God, isn`t as well protected against the `Great Satan` as previously thought, because the USA and the West don`t espouse futanarian `woman`s seed` as evinced in their pornographic horror movie representations of female nudity allied to `rough trade` images of `brutality and violence` in homosexuality in pederasty`s Hollywood, Babylon films of war to the death against her humanity.

1 `A tough or violent [homo]sexual partner.`
2 Hitler, Adolf `I have seen the Antichrist. He is cruel and intrepid. He frightened me.`