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Sunday, 27 September 2015

Transformation Symbolism In The Catholic Mass

Transformation Symbolism In The Catholic Mass

Jesus preached metanoia, that is, brain transformation, because he believed that God`s injunction to the first woman, Eve, that she would experience labor pain before humankind would have Redemption, applied to his teaching, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) God told Eve, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography the Virgin Mary, Jesus` mother, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, which means that Jesus was her `foot`. Eve was given the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` by the serpent, which was death, and God had told her and the first man, Adam, they should eat of the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, but the serpent had said, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, he was `woman`s seed`, which is `futanarian`, that is, a child of a woman who can reproduce without a man. Consequently, Jesus was Mary`s `foot`, and so his subsequent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after death prefigures the rise of women`s futanarian humanity on Earth after a period of repression in which women`s futanarian penis` semen was subjugated so that men of the `serpent`s seed` could practice host womb slavery on the human race.

 Jesus was betrayed by his disciple Judas when Jesus was the human host at the `Last Supper` before his death. Giving `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, Jesus` symbolism was adopted by Christianity and officiating priests give a wafer and a sip of wine to petitioners seeking the metanoia or brain transformation in the ceremonial ritual of transubstantiation representing Jesus` offer to the disciples that he would teach them about the human host. Like Satan, who rejected God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, which resulted in God`s transforming the angel, Satan, into a serpent and placing him in Eden, where he precipitated the `fall` by giving Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, Judas betrayed the human host at the `Last Supper` by labelling Jesus a `dissident` and, giving him over to agents of the Roman Empire then occupying Jewish Palestine, who took him out of Jerusalem and up onto the hill of Calvary, Jesus was nailed upon a cross of wood and left there until he died.

 Jesus` Resurrection from the sepulchre and subsequent  Ascension to heaven as `woman`s seed` indicated the metanoia men need to have in order to accept humans, that is, because futanarian human women can sexually reproduce from their own penis` semen, whereas the mass media edutainment system says men can`t, women are humans, while men correspond to her parasite, which is why Satan is depicted as a `dragon` (Rev: 12. 4) waiting to devour Jesus as a child: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.` (Rev: 12. 17) In short, men`s enslaving of the host womb of the human species makes of them Satanists and `serpent`s seed` because they seek to prevent women`s liberation, which is severely limited by Christianity`s prejudice in favour of monogamy and marriages between men and women, rather than between women and women.

 Though Christianity accepts `gay` marriages in principle between men, because there can`t be any sexual reproduction, and between women for the same reason, transsexual and transgender marriages based on surgical procedures are the only form of marriage outside of traditional male and female marriages that could conceivably result in children, whereas normal human futanarian sexual reproduction between women is precluded by a  global mass edutainment system that presupposes the absence of `woman`s seed` from the human picture. Although polygamy is accepted in Mormonism, which is a type of Christian belief, only in Islam, which is partially to be found in the Old Testament of the Jews` history and law, that is, the Talmud and Torah that comprise the Bible before Jesus` New Testament, is a form of polygamy to be found consistent with the need for a vehicle for `woman`s seed`. In the story of Abraham, his wife Sara bore Isaac who founded Israel, but Sara became barren and gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who founded Islam through his descendant, the Prophet Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels, according to Moslem tradition, which permits of four wives as a vehicle for women`s liberation.

 Although the transubstantiation symbolism of Christianity is based on the idea that a person can be transubstantial with another, that is, Jesus is transubstantial with his mother, the Virgin Mary, because he`s born uncontaminated by male semen, while Jesus` transubstantiality with the petitioners for the wafer and wine in the transubstantiation rite is presupposed. In the Christian marriage ceremony the principle of transubstantiation is implicit in the vow:  `With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow.`1 If futanarian humanity is to have Resurrection and Ascension to heaven as `woman`s seed`, the parasitism of the men of the `serpent`s seed` must be converted through metanoia so that the host wombs of the human race are accepted, which requires a leap of faith from men, because subsequent generations would be what misogyny has derided as women, who`re futanarian humanity, with or without their own penis` semen:

`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

 In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved by men for homosexuality in pederasty and war. By the late 20th century the incurable killer disease of HIV/AIDS had arisen as a form of `biological warfare ` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to monogamy, so that the genuine socio-sexual and economic revolution predicated by futanarian `woman`s seed` was thwarted. Continuing in human host womb enslavement in parasitism for war against `woman`s seed`, rather than accept human democracy, men of the `serpent`s seed` remained unconverted: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Babylon, `a woman` in the Bible, is depicted as a host womb enslaved by men for homosexuality in pederasty and war, which is why she`s a `mother` of `abominations`, and the city of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) was the capital of the Persian Empire.

  President Will Hays of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) imposition of the `Hays code` (1934-67) in Hollywood Babylon made it a rule that women shouldn`t be seen to raise their foot in bedroom scenes in movies on `moral grounds`, because the Los Angeles` film industry in the United States of America, where movie making had begun in 1910 with D. W. Griffiths Old California, had decided to support the `serpent`s seed` rather than the `seed` of human women`s futanarian `foot`, which is why Hollywood , L.A., California, chose Babylon as its namesake. Jesus` teaching was that a Holy Spirit would teach after him, and that the Trinity of God, the father, God, the son, and God, the Holy Spirit, were consubstantial, was a basic tenet of Christianity. Although Jesus described himself as `son of man`, that was a common epithet in the Palestine of his youth amongst his contemporaries, which means that the devouring dragon, Satan, and its child prey are symbolically father and progeny, who aren`t consubstantial with God, that is, identical.

 Jesus` teaching is that the Holy Spirit is consubstantial with God and transubstantial with humans, that is, through the Holy Spirit in the rite of transubstantiation, humans can be consubstantial with God. Human futanarian women represent the third aspect of the Christian Trinity, which men have to become transubstantial with, that is, the Holy Spirit, in order to be consubstantial with God, or men can`t be transubstantial with men or women, and so men can`t be consubstantial with God. In the Christian marriage ceremony the man and woman ask that they be transubstantial with each other and their progeny and consubstantial with God, through the power and teaching of the Holy Spirit, which requires acceptance of `woman`s seed` . Because mass media edutainment promotes a Hollywood Babylon `snuff` movie history of the attempts of humanity to enjoy civilization, culture and art that the women produce form their host wombs despite the depredations through war of the men of the `serpent`s seed`, positive images of futanarian humanity are scarce, which means that Satanism wars against `woman`s seed` and the humans are slaves to their parasitical devourer.

 In Islam sexual reproduction between the four wife vehicle of the Moslem family makes transubstantiation and consubstantiation possible, because the teaching of the Holy Spirit is that `woman`s seed` is God`s futanarian humanity, that is, Jesus` precept is directed socio-economically at men, and socio-sexually at `lesbian` women unaware of their own human futanarian nature , `Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Women are transubstantial with their children, but if men aren`t converted by the power of the Holy Spirit to acceptance of `woman`s seed`, they`re devouring dragons in parasitism, which is why humans devoid of adequate medical science are ephemeral and bereft of technologies that would save their labor and bestow liberty upon them.  Men prefer Satanism to adulthood for their offspring, so transubstantiality with their progeny and consubstantiality with God is for `woman`s seed`, rather than unredeemed mankind`s.

 Mary`s relationship with Jesus represents human futanarian women`s relationship with their daughters; if they`re able to sexually reproduce from their own penis` semen, that is, Jesus is the prefiguration of `woman`s seed` resurrected and ascended. Jesus is the symbol of redeemed mankind accepting of women`s futanarian humanity as the `seed` of God, which is why he represents Redemption as the redeemer of fallen mankind. Although he`s symbolically Mary`s futanarian daughter with her own penis` semen, Jesus is a man uncontaminated by male semen, born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, which means his `seed` is human futanarian women`s. Consequently, by birth he represents acceptance of `woman`s seed`, which is why his teaching is of repentance and conversion, that is, the metanoia of brain transformation necessary to recognize that the institutionalized host womb enslavement of the human by men of the `serpent`s seed` in the sin of homosexuality in pederasty for war is evil. God`s punishment is unendurable eternal pain, that is, perdition, although Christianity persists in teaching that adults are children, and so they`re forgiveable because unknowing: `Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.`(Luke: 23. 34) However, if men and women don`t provide edutainment for their daughters` futanarian heritage, they`re deliberately handicapping the human race, which is the sin of host womb slavery for humanity  in exchange for power to kill her in Satanism`s war against her race.

1 `The Form Of Solemnization Of Matrimony`, The Book Of Common Prayer, 1559.

Friday, 25 September 2015

The Evil Economy

The Evil Economy

Jesus` distillation of the meaning of God`s law was, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Terrorism is the opposite, which suggests humanity isn`t accepting Jesus` precept. Born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus represents the man who men hate, because he`s `woman`s seed`. In the Bible God tells Eve, the first woman, that her `seed` will have `enmity` with the serpent`s, who gave her the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which was death, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)
 The serpent in Eve`s paradisal original home of Eden was there because it had been the angel, Satan, who`d been transformed by God and left there for refusing to accept that the human host would be greater than the angelic. God told Eve to eat only of the fruit of the tree of immortality, that is, life, because slavery to the `serpent`s seed` was death, which means not that knowledge is evil, but that God`s knowledge is simply good. Before expelling Eve and the first man, Adam, from the Earthly heaven of Eden, and telling Eve she`ll experience labor pain, while Adam must labor, before Redemption will occur, God tells Eve: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)
 In Christian iconography Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because the women born after Eden were futanarian with their own penis` semen or `woman`s seed`, so Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen of the `serpent`s seed`, represents the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`. When Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem by agents of the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine, and nailed to a cross of wood to die, he had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because he represented  futanarian `woman`s seed`, whose capacity to sexually reproduce human brainpower would be stronger than the `serpent`s seed`, which is why the Virgin Mary, Jesus` mother, is depicted as crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her foot.
 The earlier Greek drama, Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.), is similar. Oedipus` name means `swollen foot`, that is, he`s lame, because his parents, Laius and Jocasta, exposed him on a hillside at birth because of a prophecy that he`d kill his father. Surviving exposure, which was a revived practice in 20th century China for fathers who wanted sons to inherit property, rather than daughters, Oedipus met his father on the roadway and killed him without knowing who he was in a more than symbolic `rite of passage` dispute that ultimately led to Oedipus unknowingly marrying his mother, Jocasta, to become king of the Egyptian city of Thebes. Consequently, the Theban `sin` was incest, and Oedipus was depicted as blinding himself after discovering his breaking of the taboo. However, the prohibition against incest is designed to prevent women from sexually reproducing with each other as a threat to the hegemony of the single male brain Empire, which is represented by Rome in Jesus` story, that is, he was killed to prevent him from sexually reproducing as `woman`s seed` because he prefigured the Resurrection and Ascension of women`s futanarian humanity through their own penis` semen`s capacity for sexual reproduction and socio-economic independence from men`s enslaving of their host wombs in order to progress through technologies` labor saving liberations and immortality conferring advancements in scientific medicine.
 Oedipus` daughter Antigone`s agreeing to guide Oedipus after his self-blinding is a Christ-like act, because Jesus was effectively the prefiguration of woman`s daughter, who`d rather accept the male brained Empire of Rome as a `sugar daddy` than grow into adulthood and be socio-economically independent of the parasite that had enslaved her host womb. Antigone is like Jesus, who was known as Christ, the Messiah, because she`s been taught to prefer her father to her mother by Greek society, which established host womb enslavement of women as the human species by men of the `serpent`s seed` so that war could be pursued against women`s `seed` in institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty.
 At the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, Jesus was the human host offering `bread and wine`, as symbols of his `body and blood`, to the disciples in need of metanoia or brain transformation so that they could accept women and `woman`s seed` as human, that is, Jesus was a futanarian human asking for acceptance for the sexual reproduction of women and `woman`s seed`, which is why the male brained Empire of Rome killed him. Although Jesus` decision to go to Jerusalem raised doubts in the minds of theologians as to whether that was a suicidal act of volition, the psychological meaning is that Jesus represents Mary`s future futanarian daughter after the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, that is, as the prefiguration of Mary`s resurrected futanarian daughter with her own penis` semen for Ascension to heaven through her own species` brainpower, Jesus is the human race`s `little girl`, who prefers `daddy`, because `mommy` can`t give her things.
 Jesus` story is that of men`s inability to accept the maturity of human women, and the daughter`s enforced immaturity in being unable to develop in non-education and taboo. Jesus` decision to accept fate was his perception that women`s daughters needed an example of what the Empire of the male brain of coercion does to women who don`t want independence, because host womb slavery to the pogromers of homosexuality in pederasty`s preference for death in war for humanity is the path of least resistance for a species so socio-economically impoverished as to prefer `daddy` to God.
 Before Oedipus married Jocasta to become king of Thebes he has to answer the riddle, `What goes on all fours in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening.`1 The riddle is overly optimistic because Oedipus is lame as he`s lame brained, that is, the human race doesn`t have a third futanarian `foot` to sexually reproduce brainpower so that the species can progress, and it`s a lame excuse to prevent the women from sexually reproducing with each other on the grounds that it`s incestuous when the male brained Empire of men of the `serpent`s seed` is a single brain devoted to war against humanity, that is, blind incest, because men and women can`t see without education that a single male `seed` is incest with itself. Moreover, because women are the host wombs of humanity, their futanarian `woman`s seed` is the human semen, that is, men of the `serpent`s seed` are a blinding incest, which prevents humanity from realizing that it`s at war with Satan.
 Sophocles` riddle of the three legged man is that of the ancient reptile, which is the meat eater with a saurian tail that humans don`t have, because their spine has grown shorter, so that their brain can be larger. Some dinosaurs of the Jurassic period of Earth`s history (201 – 145 Ma.), which preceded the rise of those mammals that included hominids (Miocene 22 Ma.), were thought by archaeologists to have a second brain in their tails, because they were so large that the brain at the head couldn`t control the tail at the rear. Humans had better forebrains, because they hadn`t a tail to control. The meat eating dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus Rex, had a tail to balance upon, which made it seem as if it had three legs. Consequently, Oedipus` drama is of the lame man whose saurian instincts are reptilian, that is, he`s blind incest, which means that he`s a man of the `serpent`s seed` for whom the other `foot` of women represents food to be `taken on the hoof`, that is, butchered alive in men`s wars against `woman`s seed`, because futanarian human women`s brainpower is perceived by men of the `serpent`s seed` as a threat to the Empire of the male brains` hegemony.
 Because Earth`s history is that of evolution, women represent the back brain and the forebrain of the dinosaur, before and after homo sapiens, that is, womb evolution. The three legged blind man with a cane might represent men`s evolution but he isn`t Jocasta and Antigone, who`re the back brain and the forebrain of the futanarian human race of women`s evolvement upon their own two feet, while Jesus` role as the fulfilment of God`s plan for Redemption is dependent on unredeemed mankind`s acceptance of `woman`s seed` and then Oedipus` three legged man becomes understandable as a prefiguration of a triune human race that no longer limps forward but progresses in a balanced way.
 The first murderer was Cain, who murdered Abel, his brother, because he didn`t understand that the brains of the able man were his own, and so when God praised Abel for being able to cook, Cain killed him, because Cain had only learned to be a fruit picker. Consequently, Oedipus` three legged man, who walks with the cane of a blind man, is Cain, the murderer, who betrayed the futanarian human race, after Eden, by killing the better brain, that is, Abel was another victim of blinding incest. Judas` betrayal of the human host at the `Last Supper` was, like Satan`s, in preference for the male brained Empire of Rome, because Judas didn`t want `woman`s seed`, that is, the host womb of the new human host that would be greater than the angelic for futanarian humanity. Consequently, when Judas betrayed the human host, Jesus, at the `Last Supper`, for `thirty pieces of silver`, he was a traitor to the future of `woman`s seed`, and so a species` host womb traitor, which is what Cain was, because he also killed the able brain.
 As a travelling teacher during the period of Roman occupied Jewish Palestine`s rebelliousness, Jesus was a dissident, which is why he was crucified. The Roman Empire was terrorist, whereas Barabbas, who was the freedom fighter released by Jesus` judge, Pontius Pilate, because he was approved by the people, employed terrorism also as a means to rid Palestine of the Romans. Consequently, Jesus` teaching `love` as a means of liberation requires some analysis, because he was killed for dissidence, that is, his teaching was that men looked at each other in institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed`, and men looked at women, whereas women were designed sexually for looking upon each other with desire as futanarian humans seeking sexual reproduction from their own penis` semen. Consequently, humans lived in terror of being looked upon by men, that is, women`s looking upon each other is a solution to terrorism, `Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Because women`s socio-economy is different to men`s parasitism upon the host womb of a humanity that they devour as its `parasitoid`:

`A parasitoid is an organism that spends a significant portion of its life history attached  to or within a single host organism in a relationship that is in essence parasitic; unlike a true parasite, however, it ultimately sterilises or kills, and sometimes consumes, the host. Thus parasitoids are similar to typical parasites except in the more dire prognosis for the host.`2

 Men are evil because they don`t want women to be sexual, and Eve`s decision to eat of the `fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil`, that is, poison, is stupid, because God`s already given her the knowledge she needs to live. Because women are  taught that they can`t sexually reproduce with each other, they`re brainless and see evilly, as  they have the brains of the `serpent`s seed` of men who want to terrorize the human.
 Although Germany`s National Socialist (Nazi) government began pogroming the Jews in the 1930s, 150 Jews were killed in Yorkshire, England, in 1190 while sheltering from a pogrom inside York castle`s keep, a fortified structure built on the orders of William I of England. Because the Jewish tradition is that it`s only possible for a Jew to be born of a woman, Judaism is a part of futanarian tradition, that is, women are Jews, which is why they`re the `chosen people` of God. During the pogroms by the Christians against the Moslems as states became independent within  Eastern Europe`s Yugoslavia in the 1990s, rape camps were set up, because Islam affords the opportunity for futanarian sexual reproduction with in the family by the simple expedient of making it possible for there to be four wives in a marriage. Based on the Koran (610-30 C.E.) received by the Prophet Mohamed from the angels, according to Islamic tradition, Moslem marriages derive from the Old Testament of the Bible`s Jewish Talmud and Torah in which Abraham is described as having a wife, Sara, who bore Isaac, the founder of Judaism, and Sara gave to Abraham her maid, Hajer, an Egyptian woman, after Sara became barren, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who founded Islam through his descendant Mohamed. The Ka` Ba is the temple of Abraham in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and the Haj, named for Hajer, is the pilgrimage Moslems make as a celebration of futanarian humanity, because `Ka` means `spirit` and `Ba` means soul in Egyptian, that is, the spirit and soul of women who seek reunification.
 Men`s spirit is terror, which is why Al Qaeda`s terrorist group operating out of misogynist Taliban controlled Afghanistan on September 11, 2001, hijacked `civil` airliners and crashed them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York city, because `rough trade`3 is a euphemism for the `brutality and violence` associated with institutionalized host womb slavery for homosexuality in pederasty and war against futanarian humanity`s `woman`s seed`. As a consequence Al Qaeda`s supporter Saddam Hussein was deposed after the United States` army invaded in March, 2003, which saw scenes of Moslem women, in the traditional burka concealing everything from public view but their eyes, strapping bombs to their bodies and suiciding at US installations as acts of resistance to the perceived invader. Although Iraq`s Moslem women were criticized for terrorism, the women represented a genuine futanarian human family of mankind, and their protests were ultimately those of humanity against a male brained Empire that perceived Saddam Hussein`s summer palace at Hillah, overlooking Babylon, as an adjunct to Hollywood Babylon`s mass media entertainment industry that promotes the human `snuff` film as the raison d`ĂȘtre for the existence of the species: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
 While the Nazis were pogroming the Jews, Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), was introducing the `Hays code` (1934-67) on `moral grounds` to prevent women from raising their foot from the floor in bedroom scenes in Hollywood Babylon movies, that is, Mary`s futanarian human species of `foot` wasn`t to rise high enough through sexual reproduction of women`s own brainpower to crush the snake with her heel, because men of the `serpent`s seed` of homosexuality in pederasty and war against the human race don`t want it to escape  from prying eyes.
 Uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus was the human on the planet Earth, and men don`t want them, because mass media edutainment with three aspects to the human race requiring at least some allusive references to the reason why these things are being said in conversation between these sexually active adults is too revealing for institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war`s host womb enslavement of the species to keep the humans in blinding incest with their `sugar daddy`:

`While tearing off a game of golf
I may make a play for the caddy.
But when I do, I don't follow through
'Cause my heart belongs to daddy.`4

 The vampire hunter, who wants a stake in the woman`s heart, is the unspoken theme of the US television series, Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003), with Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers, who is a vampire slayer, but the high earning actress represents human product from the perspective of the producer with a stake in her body and heart, that is, if human futanarian women are the future of edutainment, Hollywood Babylon is the transposition of the woman`s penis into the stake in her heart that men have in keeping her as an ephemeral adjunct to their `snuff` movie documentary on species` extinction. In simple terms, a human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` with an independent mode of sexually reproduced brainpower for advancing medical science to give immortality, and technology to develop liberating labor saving devices, doesn`t need a producer with a stake in her heart, that is, futanarian women should be the producers, whereas men are the vampires.
 The history of the vampire began with Prince Vlad III (1436-76/7) of Wallachia, who was infamous for impaling his victims on stakes, and  whose character formed some of the basis for the figure of Count Dracula in the Bram Stoker novel, Dracula (1897), that became the prototypical vehicle for actors such as Christopher Lee, who enacted the role for the movies. Christopher Lee`s vampire in Horror Of Dracula (1958) is an ugly character who achieves immortality by drinking the blood of his victims, which is what Hollywood producers are figuratively described as doing with the young starlets that appeal to them for film parts. As more vampire movies were made; for example, The Naked Vampire (1970), and the comedy, Lesbian Vampire Killers (2009), it became de rigeur for the young nubile starlets to become the vampire stars in the horror universe, and so a plethora of erotic vampire films were produced featuring the immortal female nude; so making it less logical to view the vampire as ugly.
 The nubile starlet vampire slayer, Sarah Michelle Gellar, as Buffy Summers in Buffy The Vampire Slayer, represents the woman seeking to put a stake in the heart of the vampire, because women`s human futanarian sexual reproduction gives her more brains and enfranchisement within those democratic societies where men`s edutainment system says that men can`t sexually reproduce with each other. In terms of human democracy and socio-economics, women are the humans and men are the alien vampires. Although men still want to have a stake in women`s hearts, women would rather have a stake in men`s, because it`s more democratic.
 Although Russia was criticized for adopting the 19th century socio-economic philosophy of Karl Marx in Das Kapital (1856), Marx`s ideological belief in `workers control the means of production` was an opinion formulated by the time period into which he was born, lived, and had his own work disseminated. In 21st century terms, producers control the means of production, that is, women, whereas the socio-history of the period, before Marx and after, is that of an edutainment system producing civilization, culture, and art, without reference to women`s futanarian humanity`s capacity for producing from women`s own host wombs. The flaw in Marxism was to perceive the workers as producers, whereas the women are. The flaw in capitalism is to perceive that the workers are slaves, whereas the women are. The flaw in Judeo-Christianity and Islam is that, although the four wife Moslem marriage constitutes a vehicle for production, women aren`t allowed to drive; so the human race`s engine`s running: but that`s all.
 In Russia teachers are called `cameras` because, in the Empire of men, everyone has a male brain. Although women`s futanarian humanity`s capacity for sexual reproduction with women means that female brains are natural for humans, the single male brained collective is a `TV`, that is, a transvestite wearing men`s and women`s clothes, which is why Russian teachers are camera monitors ensuring that the `TV` remains functioning. Consequently, in the Russian sense of `camera`, Jesus was a terrorized director, because he wasn`t a `TV` camera. Similarly, the vampire of the male brained Empire, which became the `snuff` movie industry of the 20th century, doesn`t want the teacher to teach humanity. The traditional name for a vampire is draco, which means `dragon`, while Satan is depicted in the New Testament of the Bible that contains the life history of Jesus as a dragon waiting to devour the redeemer as he`s born from a woman a second time before God`s judgement of eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, for the evil, and a new heaven and Earth for the good. The `dragon` is mass media edutainment that swallows the child as soon as it`s born, because it`s born into blinding incest and the war against humanity waged by men of the `serpent`s seed` against what remains of futanarian `woman`s seed`: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.` (Rev: 12. 17)
 The edutainment system produces the occasional rebel who is able to make a socio-political statement; for example, pop star Katy Perry, who sang the lyric, `I kissed a girl just to try it. I hope my boyfriend don't mind it. It felt so wrong. It felt so right. Don't mean I'm in love tonight. I kissed a girl and I liked it. I liked it.`5 Having made a protest the pop star is satiated politically, which precludes their being able to make genuinely world changing product. The world`s literature is of men`s wars against women without reference to the third `foot` of the human race, which is the socio-history of futanarian human `woman`s seed` denied by the devouring dragon of the mass media edutainment system devised by the United States of America as Hollywood Babylon. In simple terms, female nudity or `gay` and lesbian statements about freedom are deemed outrĂ© enough to satiate the artist`s desire for notoriety but the Earth will only be shaken awake from its acceptance of species` extinction for humanity when female pop stars and movie actresses can be seen to have sexual reproductive relations with women of their own race and writers and the mass media edutainment industry put humans into the pages of their novels, and their television sitcoms and dramas, to make it more complicated for the meat eater to monopolize the camera.

4 Porter, Cole `My Heart Belongs To Daddy`, Leave It To Me!, 1938.

5 Dennis, Cathy, Max Martin, Lukasz Gottwald, and Katy Perry, `I Kissed A Girl`, One of the Boys,  Capital Records, 2008.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Love Is Dead, Because It Was A Queer Technique

Love Is Dead, Because It Was A Queer Technique

The history of love is brief. The ancient Greeks` institutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs, by homosexuality in pederasty, for the conquest of nearby states through warfare, is what homosexuality is for. In the Bible `a woman`, Babylon, is described as `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5 ) Babylon was the capital city of the Persian Empire which spread by means of the same principle as the Greek, and all other Empires, that is, host womb enslavement for war, which is why Babylon is described as the woman of the Bible who gave birth to abominations. All women are slaves perforce to the parasite that has enslaved her womb. The occupying Roman Empire, in Palestine, encountered Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, whose maxim was:

`Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12.31)

 As the human host at the `Last Supper`, Jesus gave to his disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, which was different, because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, from his mother, the Virgin Mary, that is, he represented a prophylactic against the `incurable` HIV/AIDS `killer disease` HIV/AIDS virus of the late twentieth century that corresponds to the `biological weapon` deployed against the human race by the homosexual Empire. God destroyed Sodom in the Bible for homosexuality, because it`s anathema to human existence. When Judas betrayed Jesus to the Roman Empire at the `Last Supper`, and the Romans took him to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem, where he was nailed to a cross of wood and left there until he died, Judas was betraying the human host, just as Satan, the angel, refused to accept that the human host would be greater than the angelic host, and so God had transformed Satan into a serpent, which God placed in the paradise of Eden, where Satan betrayed the first woman, Eve, and the first man, Adam by exhorting the woman to disobey God`s injunction that the humans should eat only of the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, rather than the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death. God expelled Eve and Adam from Eden with the exhortation that Eve would experience labor pain, while Adam must work before Redemption:

`You shall crush his head with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)

 God explains to Eve that her `seed` will have enmity with the serpent`s, which suggests that both she and the serpent will have `seed`, and some of the descendants of Eve were futanarian human women with penis` semen of their own, while Jesus` uncontaminate`s mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted in Christian iconography crushing the head of the serpent with her `foot`, that is, she and Jesus represent the uncontaminated human futanarian `foot` of the race, which is why Jesus uncontaminate represents a prophylactic against homosexuality in pederasty and war`s `biological weapon`, HIV/AIDS, because the human species doesn’t have it.  Satan`s exhortation to Eve that she should eat the poisoned fruit that brought death was because ephemeral human host wombs are easier to enslave: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Humans have less time to develop brainpower from unconsciousness and so the daughters of Eve aren`t educated, and the global mass media encourages them to live in blind ignorance of their enslavers by occluding her from knowledge of their own species` capacity for sexual reproduction and censoring women`s penis by making taboo the penis that the parasite has stolen from her human host womb preparatory to the devouring of the host and, consequently, humanity`s daughters, in accordance with the basic principles of parasitical behaviour as propounded by parasitologists:

`Parasites reduce host biological fitness by general or specialized pathology, such as parasitic castration and impairment of secondary sex characteristics, to the modification of host behavior.`1

 Although there`s a distinction between `parasite` symbiosis with a host, which impairs or subdues the host`s capacity to live freely, and `parasitoid`, which is a form of parasitism that kills the host, men`s behavior from the womb on Earth demonstrates a desire to impair, subdue and kill the human species to the extent that the terms are interchangeable with regard to men. Consequently, Adamic man, who was ostensibly redeemed by Jesus uncontaminate, is in danger of succumbing to Satanism as perpetrated by men of the `serpent`s seed` upon Earth who practice homsexuality in pederasty for war against the human race.

 In the United States of America `political correctness` focuses on lesbians being accepted as homosexuals, because  equality is deemed the basis of freedom and democracy, which is lauded as the principle of human liberty, whereas homosexuality is the basis for war through pederasty and the spread of the viral contagion. Because futanarian human women can sexually reproduce their own brainpower theirs is democracy, that is, men`s mass media and communications say that men can`t, which means that they`re lying, and they`re not human, because they don`t want enfranchisement for humanity. In simple terms, feminism is encouraged to believe that lesbianism is acceptable but an aberration, whereas in species` terms lesbianism is an aspect of Mary`s `foot` raised to crush the serpent, which Hollywood Babylon`s `Hays code` (1934-6), devised by Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), banned from being raised from the cutting room floor in movies, when actresses were told they had to be more demure in bedroom scenes lest the cinema goers remember women`s penis.

 By the 21st century the human penis had been effectively eaten, that is, in accordance with the principles of parasitism, castrated and/or impaired on `moral grounds`, as dictated through the mass media by Satanism. As a consequence the United States` adherance  to `political correctness` in defining women`s sexuality per se as `gay` is undemocratic, because  women`s sexual reproduction is the only ballot form. Or, in other words, the United States` early movie industry, which began with the making of Old California (1910) in Los Angeles, Hollywood, by director D. W. Griffiths, was a precursor to the invention of TV, which is a term for `transvestite`, where  transvestism is men and women wearing each others` clothes and is what the male brained Empire of the `serpent`s seed` produces because  there are no uncontaminated human brains produced from women`s penis` semen and so it`s a single male brain wearing men and women`s clothes for the entertainment of homosexuality in pederasty`s hatred for the human race in TV wars translated to the big screen as the `snuff` movie history of the alien pogromers of the human species. Although Hollywood Babylon is the pogromer`s propagandist tool, the city of Babylon is visible from the winter palace of the Iraq dictator, Saddam Hussein, at Hillah, so the Gulf wars waged by the United States to liberate Kuwait (1990-1) from invasion by Iraq and to depose Saddam Hussein for giving `TV` support to the Afghan based Al Qaeda terrorist group`s crashing of hijacked civil airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York city, was because the Americans had made `a rod for their own back`, which is idiom for punishing self-flagellation and accords with the psychopathology of homosexuality in pederasty`s desire for `brutality and violence` known euphemistically as `rough trade`2 and explains the choice of `world trade` as the focus for the haranguing:

`And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all the Gentiles with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up unto God and to his throne.` (Rev: 12. 5)

 Jesus is the `man child` in his `Second Coming` to the Earth, according to the Christian church, which was constructed by the disciples, after Jesus` betrayal by Judas, on the principle of the Messiah`s teaching that `love` was the `law` of God transcending all others. As Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death, it prefigures the Resurrection and Ascension of the human futanarian host as the `foot` of Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, crushing the serpent`s head, that is, Jesus is effectively the representative of humanity`s daughter, which means that the God`s `law` of `love` is for her, and that`s why the United States` war against an Islamic nation was inadvisable, because Moslems are the people of Abraham, who was the father of Isaac, the founder of the Jewish nation, and Ishmael, who was of the line of the Prophet Mohamed who received the Koran (610-30 C. E.) from God`s angels, according to tradition, more than six hundred years after Jesus. In Islam four wives are permitted, because the human futanarian species of women sexually reproduce with each other within the family, that is, they fulfil God`s will.

 Christian intolerance arises from the notion that Abraham didn`t have two wives, although Isaac was born of Sara, who gave her maid, the Egyptian woman, Hajer, to Abraham, who gave birth to Ishmael. The pilgrimage to the temple of Abraham, the Ka` Ba, in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, is called `Haj`, because Hajer represents the principle of more than one married woman in the family as the basis for futanarian human sexual reproduction between women. From women`s point of view an attack upon an Islamic state is against humanity. Although most Islamic nations are effectively dictatorships, so is the United States, because it`s an Empire of male braining, which doesn`t afford true democracy to the human futanarian species of women, who`re the host wombs in undemocratic parasitism unless fertilized by their own `woman`s seed`. Men can`t sexually reproduce at all, according to their mass media communications` penchant for innuendo and censorship, rather than afford genuine education other than their self-explanatory `snuff` movie pogrom against the humans` love for each other, which is definable as women`s sexual desire for what they see in a mirror of reality that doesn`t acknowledge her penis` existence because it threatens men`s dictatorship and enslavement of the human host. Jesus` teaching is then understandable as, if a woman can`t see in the mirror what she wants, seek out a neighbour, because your parents are evil:

`Love your neighbour as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31)

 In the United States of America, where the transvestite `TV` or Empire of the male brain of Hollywood Babylon may be said to have been invented, the `tranny` is a term given to transsexuals, because `tranny` is a term for transistor radio, which doesn`t have pictures. US `TV` means that a single male brain wears men and women`s clothes for the `snuff` movie and reportage documentary style film making the transvestite audience and `stars` are subject to, whereas `trannies` don`t have pictures, that is, they`re not in men`s mainstream mass media, film and video edutainment, which is based on the denial of the existence of futanarian human `woman`s seed` who was excluded from the `big picture` by Hollywood`s implementation of the `Hays code` in 1934, just five years before the second war with German ambitions to impose slavery on the world resulted in pogroms against the `chosen people` of the Jews, whose tradition is that Jews are born only from women, that is, women are the `chosen people`, because the human species is God`s futanarian `foot` yet to be raised away from alien racism so that its race for the stars can be won:

`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`3

 Although the North American Space Administration`s (NASA) `Apollo` program was to put a man on the moon, which bore fruit with Neil Armstrong on July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56, it wasn`t woman`s `foot`, so her `futanarian` human species is imprisoned, beneath the protective intercontinental nuclear ballistic missile (ICBM) umbrella of men`s desire for her extinction. That strategy was reinforced by US President Ronald Reagan`s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) of March 23, 1983, which sought to implement a `ground and space based missile system` to protect the Earth from `rogue` nations` desire for nuclear warfare, which effectively designated those European countries controlled by Russian `liberators` after World War II (1939-45) and other nations containing futanarian Moslem populations in Islam.

 It isn`t possible to get a picture with a `tranny`, that is, a transistor radio, as a euphemism for the absence of futanarian humanity from the edutainment media, although the USA makes transsexual `trannies` like Caitlyn Jenner, who was Bruce Jenner, winner of the 1976 Olympic Decathlon, or Laverne Cox, that is, Sophia Burset in the TV situation comedy series, Orange Is The New Black, `Human beings aren't supposed to live like this.`4 The American promotion of `gay` and transsexual as an international paradigm for freedom and `political correctness` based on universal acceptance for transgender individuality doesn`t bear scrutiny:

`Caitlyn has yet to confirm whether or not she’ll actually go through with the full genital transition, but the article points out that this operation isn’t required for one to be a transgender man or woman. In fact, only about a quarter of transgender woman have had this surgery done!`5

 Caitlyn Jenner is depicted as a man who seeks the surgical removal of his penis to become a woman transsexual, whereas the  futanarian human species of women have penis` semen of their own. Moreover, women whose penis has effectively been eaten by the parasitical males of the `serpent`s seed` are  taught that they`re men in women`s bodies and that their desire for women is the desire of the men within them for sexual  gratification, whereas their desire for sexual intercourse with women is normal for their race, but the absence of the woman`s penis from men`s edutainment system preempts their being able to develop a sexual orientation appropriate to their physical form, which is normal for their species` human biology, although generations of breeding with the racist alien parasite has resulted in `woman`s seed` being labelled `homosexual` in pederasty`s pogroms against her race.

 The United States` vision of the future of the Earth is of Americans, and then women and men without a penis, that is, a `tranny` that wants to be a TV, just as the transvestite  is lame brained, because it doesn`t have the foot appropriate for its race, and so needs to be a futanarian human rather than a TV. In short, the USA`s propagandist vision of homosexuality for pederasty and war is one of a premeditated retardation of the human race from a TV to a tranny, and from thence to an US, whereas the Sony Corporation`s invention of music with headphones, the `Walkman` in 1978,6 and their manga `cartoons` featuring `futanari` women, represent a desire that the futanarian human race regain at least some of  its parasite impaired ambulatory ability, in Japanese contrition for its ancient racist practice of `foot binding`, which so deformed women that they couldn`t walk, and was a symbol of the misogyny of Japan`s homosexuality in pederasty`s host womb enslavement of the human futanarian race  for war and death to humanity as allies of the German pogromers of the Jews in WWII.

 After futanarian humans, love was a `queer` technique, that is, homosexuality in pederasty used as a means of establishing its edutainment system, which was the Earth as a pogrom. The humans are `snuff`, that is, a term for the making of scenes filmed as entertainment for those who want to see real killings, which is what war and violent death is. Consequently, God told Eve there wouldn`t be Redemption for the `serpent`s seed`, because it promoted `enmity` against her `seed`, although men`s taboo against the penis` semen of Eve`s daughters, so ensuring the absence of the human penis from the edutainment picture, suggests that it`s the snuffing out of human futanarian love that the American obsession with equality for lesbian `gays`, TVs and transsexuals actually means:

`They crawled out of the woodwork,
And they whispered into your brain.
They set you on the treadmill
And they made you change your name.

And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind …`7

 The song, `Candle In The Wind`, from the album, One Night Only (1992), with lyrics and music by Bernie Taupin and Elton John, was written about Hollywood Babylon movie sex symbol, Marilyn Monroe, who was found dead in her apartment from a drug overdose on August 5, 1962, when her affair with US President, John F. Kennedy, had ended. Elton John`s lyricist was Bernie Taupin, and the idea of a woman`s life being snuffed out, `like a candle in the wind`, was the lyric theme because Hollywood Babylon promote `snuff` entertainment, and as Marilyn was reportedly seeing Robert Kennedy, who`d likely have been the US President after John`s assassination on 22 November, 1962, if he hadn`t been assassinated on June 6, 1968, the lyrics impugn the US system for its `snuff` ethos, which is what female sexuality symbolizes for Americans enamoured of Hollywood Babylon`s propagandist vision of a `gay` world of TVs and trannies engaged in war by homosexuality in pederasty for possession of the host womb for parasitism. The futanarian human host is potentially independent biologically and socio-economically, so the USA promotes gays, TVs, and `tranny` transsexual surgery to remove the penis in order for a man to be a woman, whereas women`s species has a penis, and so the removal of the man`s penis is but a further retarded step backward in an edutainment system that seeks to make the human race occluded, taboo and censored in unconscious blindness and ignorance of its fate as the slave host of an alien pogromer.

 The socio-economics of the United States of America and the other nations of the Earth is, due to global acceptance of Hollywood Babylon`s mass media propaganda, based on periodic boosts for the Military Industrial Complex (MIC)  through defense contracts or war preparations, and the worldwide edutainment industry, which promotes war as a `snuff` history of the alien`s pogrom, whereas human futanarian socio-economics is based on the principle that they`re the human vote, because men can`t sexually reproduce with each other, according to themselves, so  women are democratically enfranchised humanity with a socio-economy independent of the MIC and men`s edutainment `snuff` program.

 Football, of course, is a `game`, which celebrates the human futanarian `foot` of `woman`s seed`, that is, her brain, being kicked: `A kick in the grass.`8  Attempts to introduce football to the United States have met with success, despite the Americans avowed preference for American football, which affords them an opportunity to dress up like spacemen, while the largely TV audience listen to commentators declaring `touchdown` (TD) for a ball in the opponent`s defended zone, just as the Apollo 11 lunar module was described as achieving `touchdown`, before Neil Armstrong became `the first man to set foot on the moon` in 1969 to begin women`s indefinite imprisonment within the `concentration camp` of her `snuff` stardom. Men`s sports are a derivative of the basic principle that women`s brains are balls; for example, baseball in which the idea is to hit the ball with the bat out of the stadiums in which the game is professionally played for the entertainment of spectators.

 Before modern circus `geeks` devoured chickens` heads, as a preamble to the clowning and acrobatic entertainment afforded by what went on inside the amphitheatres enclosed within a tent, ancient Greco-Roman `circus` were where people were killed for entertainment, which suggests that modern games such as American football are `geeky`, that is, they represent the symbolic devourment of women`s brains as an institutionalized form of homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` superseding the amphitheatres of Greece and Rome spreading like cancerous growths across the known Earth during the early period of the male brained Empire`s expansionist philosophy. Although tradition and culture are ostensibly separate, American culture has traditions associated with balls, and if the proponent of the `game` believes that women aren`t human, it`s a pogroming alien, which is why ball games are too popular for the Salvation and Redemption of futanarian humanity. Most cultures and traditions can be reduced to an obfuscation of the human condition, which is that the body is designed to eat and drink, and ejaculate, because men want to hide their crime against the human species of futanarian women.

 Analyst Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) argued that civilization, culture and art was `nothing but` the sublimated expression of the repressed human penis` desire for erection, which is true, because women`s penis has been subjugated. Although Freud`s perception could be reduced to the simpler observation that he thought nothing of the human penis because it was a woman`s, his pupil, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), believed that the transformation of human sexual libido from instinctual to spiritual and intellectual energy levels was human nature. Consequently, the officiating priest of the Christian church service,  giving `bread and wine`, as symbols of Jesus` `body and blood`, in answer to the petitioner`s desire to have a brain transformation, in order to be as Jesus was, is called `transubstantiation`. The Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed` through men`s accepting of her penis` semen was Jung`s answer to Freud`s perception that everything was `nothing but` penis repression, which isn`t true for humans, who value civilization, culture and art, despite the depredations of the parasite as it emerges from the host wombs of its successive  generations as humanity`s destroyer.

 Jung`s July, 1950, lecture to the Guild of Psychology, `Transformation Symbol In The Catholic Mass`, established transformation as the problem within human societies, where men refuse to accept the need for repentance and conversion from the evils of a system that they`ve constructed to trap and imprison victims, `It is not I who create myself, rather I happen to myself.`9 Those employed abroad in other nations invariably discover that, without bank accounts, they can`t escape, because they don`t have debit cards, as permissions are required from banking institutions based on employers` satisfaction. Consequently, prepaid debit cards that can be topped up by cash at phone shops are logical necessities for travellers, but their availability is limited. In other words, the transformation symbolism goes in the wrong direction, where the debit card requires a salary paid into a bank account; cash to top up a prepaid card to pay for goods and services is transformation symbolism in the right direction:

`In Lebanon, it's so common and easy, that you can buy it from any mobile phone shop! [You …] can buy one from regular small mobile phone shop at the corner!`10

 In Eden, God told Eve not to accept death as a means of transformation, that is, paradise was the first step to heaven, which in Islam doesn`t require the individual to die; for example, Jesus enters into paradise on Earth without death by crucifixion, which is transformation in the right direction because humans shouldn`t seek death in order to have heaven. As the serpent, Satan, wanted to imprison and enslave the host womb of the futanarian human species in parasitism so the elite of the `serpent`s seed` could be `as gods`, national governments seek to imprison the `worker` who, in terms of German economist, Karl Marx`s expounded philosophy in Das Kapital (1858), is the `means of production` for employers. In simple terms, the `worker` in Marxism is the representative of the human host womb, so the transformation symbolism in capitalist societies is wrong, that is, working to leave - rather than live - is an extension of the logic of the `death camp` proposed for the Jews by Chancellor Adolf Hitler`s National Socialist (Nazi) pogromers, before and during WWII`s attempt by Germany to enslave the Earth for more homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed`. Women workers can`t leave if they don`t have travel money, which means that governments are assisting international Satanism`s pogrom against humanity if the transference of monies to bank accounts, so that debit cards can be issued and used locally, is dependent on permission, because freedom to travel should be dependent on wherewithal. However, parasitism is the queer technique that kills love dead, because host womb enslavement for homosexuality in pederasty and war doesn`t want humans to be able to move, and although humans might still want the `Earth to move,`11 whether they`re on top or underneath, the parasites in Satanism want humanity to accept that, if not dead and buried, God`s `one foot in the grave` with Jesus and Mary`s:

``Where is God?' he cried; 'I will tell you. We have killed him—you and I. All of us are his murderers...``12

 The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche`s The Gay Science (1882) takes the death of God as its subject, although it`s difficult to understand how everyone can be held responsible for the projection of the collective unconscious shadow of the German people onto those twenty million Jews that were killed in extermination camps during WWII. According to Jung the shadow is the inferior aspect of the individual personality that would rather see the other person as inferior and so projects their own inferiority onto the other as the shadow, When this happens collectively pogroms occur. If the world is understood as a male brained `TV` Empire, the transvestite, wearing men`s and women`s clothes, as a single male brain, can`t relax. The American solution is `tranny`, that is, men should lose their penis in the spiritualization and/or intellectualization of their sexual libido for human progress through labor saving technologies and immortality conferring medical advances. If the `tranny` develops, rather than the human, it`ll be Walkman, that is, walking the human race from behind, while Satan forges a head and the devil can be kept at a distance from the bum in the rear view mirror as the bodiless snake`s head surges after another:

`Jesus said to him, `Away from me, Satan! For it is written: `Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.`` (Matt: 4. 10)

 Spiritualization of libido produces intellectual endeavour as an aspect of host womb slavery in parasitism, where men and women are definable in Satanism as their transvestite `TV` with a single male brain in the Empire of homosexuality for pederasty and war against the futanarian human race of `woman`s seed` for the sexual reproduction of humanity`s own brainpower, rather than that of the alien parasitical enslaver, and ultimately parasitoid killer of the species` host womb. The United States of America`s support for transgender surgery and `gay` equality means that the absence of the woman`s penis from the picture is to be followed by the man`s, because human progress has been retarded by men of the `serpent`s seed` so that technological and medical advancements are almost unnoticeable.

 A US B1 `Spirit` bomber capable of delivering a nuclear payload several times the kill capacity of the bomb dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, to end that nation`s involvement in WWII, costs above a billion US$, while United Airlines in the US are still flying passenger airliners built in the 1960s at a cost of 50,000 US$, and the HIV/AIDS` incurable killer disease  virus discovered in `gay` communities in the US in the 1980s remained incurable well into the beginning of the 21st century. Although the Ford model T motor car was the first mass produced in Detroit, Michigan, 1908, the basic steering and pedal controls hadn`t changed after 100 years and more, because pedals are for disabling adults so they can be treated as infants by men of the `serpent`s seed`, who want the slaves to pedal the treadmill in pederasty rather than that the human race progress beyond retardation.

 In terms of the human spirit, intellect is redundant because progress is denied, which means that humans are on a treadmill designed to waste their time in futile transformations of instinctual sexual libido so that humanity becomes penisless in an enforced transsexual surgical procedure designed to produce a `bum` from the perspective of the host womb enslavers for homosexuality in pederasty`s parasitoid war in Satanism, that is, a retarded pedestrian Walkman from behind. What that means is that the human race will die, because the homosexuals want to attack the able, who`re perceived as slow because they seek progress, whereas the evil are parasites and only want a willing host. Consequently, from the parasites` point of view the able must be disabled, so that they`ll be gullible, and humanity`s extinction will occur if the humans are fortunate enough to escape enslavement in transgender zombification:

`I know where I came from - but where did all you zombies come from?`12

 The premise of US science fiction writer, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), in his short story, ` - All You Zombies - ` (1959), is futanarian and transgender, that is, the central protagonist is born with attributes of both sexes, but a doctor performs transsexual surgery after she gives birth and develops a gynaecological problem. The doctor makes her male, so that she becomes a component of the single male brained Empire of `TV` transvestism in which men wear women`s clothes, because they are the women. In the convoluted time travel story it`s revealed that the man who made her pregnant is her, which means that the premise of the tale is that men`s journey through time and space has the objective of male braining the human race in parasitism which, if it doesn`t kill the species, retards its progress by refusing to afford the human species of futanarian women the opportunity to sexually reproduce their own brains` powers unobserved and undisturbed, which is what God offered Eve in Eden:

`After he had expelled the man, God placed winged angels at the eastern end of the garden of Eden, along with a fiery, turning sword, to prevent access to the tree of life.` (Gen: 3. 24)

 In accepting death and slavery for the human host she`ll be the forerunner of, when she takes the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` from the serpent, Satan, Eve and her subsequent daughters then have a stalker watching her as its human prey, whereas God offered her and Adam nakedness unobserved. In species` terms human futanarian women`s independent sexual reproduction doesn`t require a man, which means that men are humanity`s stalkers, just as a hunter stalks `big game`, which is what the human race is to the alien host womb enslaver. Consequently, men are women`s virus, that is, their incurable killer disease, because they`re not needed in the picture, that is, homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed` isn`t human, because it`s against humanity, and if humans are understood to be futanarian women prevented from sexually reproducing purely human brainpower by men of the `serpent`s seed`, the race has been nakedly at war with the alien invader for generations unremarked.

3 Armstrong, Neil July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56.

4 Cox, Laverne as Sophia Burset in Orange Is The New Black, Episode 1, Season 9, `Fucksgiving`, 2013.

5 Johnson, Susan `Caitlyn Jenner: Has She Had Full Genital Gender Transition? The Truth`, Monday, June 1, 2015, 3:19 pm EDT, .

6 The prototype was built in 1978 by audio-division engineer Nobutoshi Kihara for Sony co-founder Masaru Ibuka.

7 John, Elton and Bernie Taupin `Candle In The Wind`, Elton John One Night Only, 1992.

8 Soccer Is A Kick In The Grass, Mondays at 6.30 p.m. ET on 92.1 FM,  10.40 a.m. WYSL in the Rochester, NY area, and at

9 Jung, C.G. Jung, `Transformation Symbolism in the Mass` (1940), Collected Works, Vol. 11, p. 259, para. 391.

10 Mawaheb, Lebanon, August 12, 2013, 11. 08 p.m., Istanbul Forum, .

12 Nietzsche, Friedrich The Gay Science, 1882.