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Tuesday, 25 October 2022

The Lesbian Iron

The Lesbian Iron


People have wondered why it is that homosexuals are defined as lesbians while the ‘incurable killer disease’ of the 20th century and beyond was the human immune deficiency virus (HIV) causing acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) spread by men impaling each other’s anuses on their penises. That AIDS could be considered as a biological weapon devised by those devoted to the Marquis de Sade’s philosophical torment of others as the basis of physical pleasure, as outlined in de Sade’s 120 Days of Sodom (1785), makes the description of homosexuals as irons comprehensible, that is, they’re irons in the fire of the torturer waiting to torment the body of the victim with blindness, etc., but it doesn’t explain why it is that homosexuals are lesbians, according to feminist ideological thinking. The first step to comprehension is too recall that the AIDS virus began as a mutant strain of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), which spread from apes to humans through homosexuals.

 The Marquis de Sade’s AIDS is ‘the mark of the beast’, as described by John, the disciple of Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, in his apocalyptic vision of the future, ‘Let he that has wisdom have understanding; the number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.’ (Rev: 13. 8) The beast’s ‘number’ is often associated with the Great Fire of London, England, which began in 1666 at 23 pudding Lane, now ‘in the roadway’ of Monument Street, where commemorative monument, designed by architect Christopher Wren, stands by the north end of London Bridge, 1 after the Great Plague, which originated in Central Asia, that is, amongst the former Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, colloquially known as ‘The -Stans’, beginning in Drury Lane in December 1664, at the corner of Freemasons Hall, where two Frenchmen succumbed, and in burning much of the Medieval city within the Roman walls from Sunday, September 2nd to Thursday, September 6th, cleansed it of the bubonic plague spread by rats amongst the poverty stricken oppressed of capitalist enslavement.

 The beast is bestiality, which has poverty as a manifestation; for example, ‘the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet’ is represented as being faced with the ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 3) and its ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6), ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) The ‘woman with a crown of twelve stars’ corresponds to the European Union with its blue flag of twelve stars, while the invasion of the Ukraine by Russia on February 24th, 2022, with its main field weapon, the heavy flamethrower system, TOS 1 and 2, as the Ukraine applied for membership of the EU, was a fire breathing dragon of the appropriate colored flag. However, although brutality is bestial, it isn’t bestiality, which is humans having sex with animals in order to produce animal children.

 Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, and was executed by the Jews in his native Palestine, with the help of the Romans then occupying that nation in the reign of the then Emperor of Rome, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), ostensibly for teaching, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) However, as women are the hermaphroditic human futanarian species, men and women are a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes as a transvestite TV manufactured in bestiality, which is the reason for Jesus’ execution, because he represented the knowledge of women’s seed that doesn’t need men to reproduce. However, taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem where he was nailed to a cross of wood, Jesus died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women.

 That AIDS was a mutant strain of an ape virus is a sign of bestiality. Moreover, as scientists agree that AIDS weakened the human system to the extent that the beast’s SARS virus was able to emerge at the home of the dragon legend, China, in a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, December 2019, to kill 6, 000, 000 people globally, suggests that, with symptoms of flatulence and brain damage, this was the ‘Second Coming’ of ‘the beast’, homosexuality, and that is lesbianism.

 Although it’s Jesus, who is expected by Christianity to come again, in accordance with John’s prophecy, ‘he who will rule the Earth with an iron scepter’ is the child threatened by the ‘red dragon’, which is the Red Army of President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, former lieutenant colonel of the Committee for State Security (KGB), whose remit was to research into biological and biochemical weapons during the period of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), known as the Soviet Empire, among those nations and countries living as satellite slave states after the Second World War (1939-45) to defeat German Imperial ambitions in Europe, which first attempt to enslave the Earth had been called the First World War (1914-18) and had also ended in defeat for Germany and Russian triumph.

 DR Congo, where AIDS was discovered in 1983, was communist, like Russia, which had embraced the economic philosophy of the German, Karl Marx, from his work, Das Kapital (1868), overthrowing the oligarchy of Tsar Nicholas II in October 1917, to implement the communist reforms of leader Vladimir ‘Lenin’ Ilyich, and allow the Russian Red Army of its commander, Leon Trotsky, to defeat Germany. That China had also been a communist nation since 1949 argues for a KGB inspired weapons’ program that ultimately resulted in the invasion of the Ukraine by the Red Army after the Soviet Union’s transformation in 1991 into the Federation with its then policy of allowing independence to former slave states in Europe, for example, those of the Warsaw Pact (1955-91) military alliance, that is, Albania (until the Sino-Albanian alliance of 1968), Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, and Bulgaria, to receive independence, overturned by Russian Imperialism subsequent to Putin’s election in 1999. The fact that the TOS 1 and 2 flamethrower mirrors the activity of the beast’s SARS virus is a sign and a symptom of bestiality. Laying a vapor like flatulence, the missile launching TOS weapon then ignites the gas causing expiration, which is how the beast’s SARS virus kills for homosexuals, known variously as the Noise Abatement Society, for example, which wants the symptom of heavy farting punished as a sign of Jesus’ ‘Second Coming’.

 That Jesus is described as an iron is interpreted by homosexuality as a sign that his birth was from the Virgin Mary’s anus, that is, as homosexuals are euphemistically described as irons, ostensibly because women iron, and submissive men’s assholes are women to homosexuals,  the ‘iron scepter’ of Jesus in John’s apocalypse is a symbol of their ruling. However, as lesbians like it smooth, the homosexual iron is a metaphor for the ironing board in the sense that castration, as variously alluded to by actress Elliot Page, as Hayley Stark with victim, actor Patrick Wilson, as Jeff Kohlver, in the horror movie, Hard Candy (2005),2 is the tool of the slaver of the human host womb of women’s seed, ‘I think I can pull it off. If you know what I mean.’3 In short, the ironing board game is that homosexuals and lesbians don’t want humans, that is, they’re bestial, because they prefer it flat, or non-existent, which is why Vlad Putin is a ‘gay’ icon. It’s flat when put in. Moreover, as his namesake, Vlad ‘the impaler’ Dracul III of 15th century Wallachia, now modern Romania, and a neighbor of the Ukraine, impaled his enemies on stakes of wood, that is, sharp faggots, homosexuality’s impaling of their victims on their penises to produce SARS flatulence, and the fire-breathing dragon’s brain damaged invasion of the Ukraine, is a sign and symptom of Russian irons.

 The phrases, ‘clapped in irons’ and ‘clapped eyes on’, aren’t usually thought of as having affinity, but the idea of being tortured for having seem is a typical ‘Cold War’ concept. The Cold War is the name given to the period of détente existing between the victors in the western alliance after World War II, and the Russians, who occupied Eastern Europe amidst fears of a thermonuclear hot war between the capitalist west and the communist east, with its ostensible Marxist ideology of, ‘from each according to his abilities; to each according to his need’ used by the war dictator, Joseph Stalin, to initiate gulag slave labor camps, after the model of the German ‘concentration camps’ for dissenters, because those who haven’t any abilities are only needy. The policy of the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party elected in 1933 was to incarcerate minorities as ‘spies’, who were eventually burned in ‘ovens’, like those constructed at Belsen, Lower Saxony, northern Germany, southwest of the town, Bergen, which effectively blinded that aspect of the human race. Consequently, those who’re clapped by those who eye-on are irons, that is, homosexual torturers, who want to blind as spies the human species to the ironing board game of host womb slavery of the race.

 The rationale is that humans are animals because they aren’t women’s seed; even though it’s evident from the mass media blackout on portrayals of human futanarian sexuality and social activity that extinction of the species of women’s seed is the alien political agenda requiring blinding by the irons in the virus of homosexuals and those of the lesbians’ fires of hell, which is what Vlad ‘flat’ Putin represents. Subsequent to WWI, the 1920 Treaty signed at the Grand Trianon château, in the great park of the palace of Louis XIV from 1682, Versailles, Paris, France, Transylvania became a part of the new Romania, as war reparations imposed on the Empire of Austro-Hungary for siding with Germany. Romania was then largely comprised of the former Moldavia, Transylvania, which had been a province of Hungary, and Wallachia, where Prince Vlad Dracul III’s (1428/31-1476/77) bloodthirsty exploits had been a model for Irish writer Bram Stoker’s novel of the legend of the draco vampire, Dracula (1897), depicted as living in Transylvania. That the Romanov family of Tsar Nicholas II, deposed by communist leader, Lenin, in October 1917, were hemophiliac, suggests that Russia’s research into blood disease was centered upon the vampire myth surrounding Romania after WWII. Moreover, the Russian Federation’s invasion of the Ukraine in 2022 suggests that flattening the human interest story is what Vlad ‘flat TV’ Putin was for. Although the Marquis de Sade’s SARS virus was a communist Chinese ‘red dragon’, Putin’s was also a draco voivode, the name given to a warlord in Central, East, and Southeastern Europe, to those considered dragons, who’re slavery.

 Although the legend is that the vampire can only be killed by decapitation or a stake through its heart, that’s a euphemism for women’s seed, who effectively replace the brain of the vampire by breeding, which also effectively decapitates it, that is, human sexual love is the stake in the heart of the vampire, which hasn’t any stake in the heart of human sexual love, as it’s an alien draco manifesting in Eastern Europe and Asia as an enemy of humanity since time immemorial. Consequently, the question raised by ‘Flat’ Putin’s invasion of a former Warsaw Pact nation was: where is Russia’s draco support? If the draco have been lying in readiness since Trianon, they’ve had a long time to prepare to resume slavery, which necessarily presupposed the creation of a generation of homosexuals and lesbians to implement the parasites’ New Iron Age consumed by their virus of hell.


1 ‘Where the Great Fire of London began’, Country Life, February 12th, 2016, .

2 All Horror, ‘Lesbian Castration of Men’, , retrieved October 26th, 2022, 7. 40 AM CET.

3 Page, Elliot as Hayley Stark in Hard Candy, Vulcan Productions, Launchpad Productions, 2005.

Wednesday, 19 October 2022




Supermen, playing with animals, isn't what the human race understands it's for. Although super people are thought of as being elite, it doesn't necessarily entail superiority, for example, although pornography is deemed evil by some, as it represents the degradation and enslavement of women, it's actually a description of the enslaving of the human host womb for meat, which is perceived as an impossibility by humanitarian organizations. To explain supermen it'd be more apposite to refer to the humane treatment looked for by pet owners for their animals. The discovery by Africa's communist DR Congo in 1983 of the transmission by homosexuals, impaling each other's anuses on their penises, of an 'incurable killer disease', that is, the human version of the mutant simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), HIV, resulting in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapse of the organs of the body, and brain death, is a particular instance of their bestiality, which seeks to degrade the human system, so that the supermen remain elite. As the AIDS virus weakened the human system through the homosexuals’ impaling of its anus on their penis, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), emerging at a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, communist China, in December 2019, killing upwards of 6, 000, 000 globally, with indicative symptoms of flatulence and brain damage, and in a country where dragons are revered, represented another aspect of the homosexual supermen; 'dragon breath' as the virus of hell.

 Prince Vlad, 'the impaler', Dracul III of 15th century Wallachia, now modern Romania, communist neighbor of the Ukraine, was the model for Irish writer Bram Stoker's novel of the legendary creature, Dracula (1897), who remained immortal by drinking human blood, and could only be killed by a stake through the heart; or decapitation. Dracul would impale his enemies on stakes of wood, while homosexuals' similar impaling of their anuses on their penises infected the human system with the AIDS virus, so it became weak enough to contract SARS, which is what the faggots were for. When the impaler's namesake, President Vladimir Putin of the communist Russian Federation since 1999, ordered its army to invade the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, with its main field weapon, the heavy flamethrower system, TOC (TOS), evidently the 'Red Army' was the 'red dragon' (Rev: 12. 3) and Putin was 'the fires of hell'.

 Applying for membership of the European Union, with its 'twelve stars' on its blue flag, the former communist Ukraine corresponded to 'the woman' described by John, the disciple of Jesus 'Christ', 'the chosen', in his apocalyptic vision of the future, 'The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.' (Rev: 12. 4) That the main field weapon of the Red Army in the Ukraine, the TOS 1 and 2 missile launched heavy flamethrower system, first flatulently laid an inflammable vapor, before fierily creating a vacuum causing expiration, revealed it as a SARS weapon, launched virally by a former head of Russia's Committee for State Security (KGB), lieutenant colonel Vladimir Putin, whose withdrawal in 1991 from satellite slave states, occupied since World War Two's (1939-45) defeat of Germany's ambitions of a similar slave Empire, seems to have been conditional on the release of the virus left behind, as the product of the KGB's biological and/or biochemical weapons' research, if nuke craniums wasn't feasible in the new cranial regions of those after ‘91 twenty-somethings born to be demoniacally possessed by the socio-economic virus of homosexuality: `... no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.` (Rev: 13. 17) The ‘mark of the beast’ is that of the human castrated. As Imperial Germany’s Karl ‘the beast’ Marx wrote in Das Kapital (1868), which socio-economic philosophy was the basis of the Vladimir Ilyich ‘Lenin’ led October 1917 revolution to replace the hereditary oligarchy of Tsar Nicholas II with communism, ‘from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs’, as those with lesser abilities and needs would contribute nothing and receive nothing, which are the beast Marx, whose ‘workers control the means of production’, where the producers, women’s seed, are the enslaved human castrates of those with his name, ‘Let he that has wisdom have understanding; the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.’ (Rev: 13. 8) As Das Kapital was published in 1868, 2534 would be 666 years later: the number it’d take to restore humanity by the production of brainpower through freeing the sexual reproduction of women’s seed, and the alien mass media news entertainment system globally blocking its progress through falsely conditioning humans to accept their being censored, as children who won’t ever be intelligent enough to understand.

 The woman of the apocalypse is important, as she is believed by Christians, who accept the New Testament teaching of Jesus, which they believe supersedes the Old Testament of their Bible, that is, the Torah and Talmud, which is the history and law of Judaism, to be birthing Jesus in his 'Second Coming' to the Earth, after his first sojourn, born to his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself.' (Mk: 12. 31) In John's vision, Jesus is. 'he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter', while the origins of the story lie in the Old Testament narrative of God's turning of the angel, Satan, into a serpent for rejecting God's plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. Satan gave Eve 'the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil', which it was death to taste, saying 'You shall be as gods.' (Gen: 3. 5) God, the creator, expelled Eve, and the first man, Adam, for rejecting 'the fruit of the tree of life', which was immortality, for slavery and death, although he told Eve her 'seed' would prevail, 'You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.' (Gen: 3. 15) Jesus' mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot in Christian iconography, as Jesus is her foot, because he represents women's seed.

 As the race of futanarian women are capable of sexually reproducing as a hermaphroditic species with their own penis' semen, they're the brainpower, which God tells Eve will be stronger than that of the serpent's seed. In other words, medicine will provide immortality, whereas homosexual supermen want simian slaves. The reason pornography is evil is because it depicts the meat for their barbecue being prepared on the spit of the homosexual supermen, who raise it together. When Putin invaded the Ukraine, it was for a barbecue. Having pulled out in 1991, leaving those nations that had been satellite slave states of communist Russia's Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (CCCP) since 1945, independent, Putin's revamped Russian Federation was a farmer looking to slaughter its animals and reap what it'd sown. Pornography is a depiction of supermen economics; the meal doesn't know. Moreover, the supermen don't care if the meal does know; it's funnier. Lesbian pornography is the perception that they like it smooth, which means that their meals are castrated, whereas homosexual pornography is similar in that their meals are castrated, or at least submissively sterile, that is, a dumb ass isn't going to produce any brainpower from there, which means that the human race is brain dead; or, in more graphic terms, brain food. Bred for produce, it's consumed by the fires of hell, which is what the virus of the homosexual supermen is.

 Those who've studied pornography can't help but be surprised by the almost total absence of human sex. Even in futanarian depictions of women's seed, the absence of smooth women, who're necessary for the representing of human sexual intercourse between women, rather than the castration of their species by the butcher, evidences the success of alien consumption, which is the human race's cancer. What passes for human activity is a description of how the homosexual supermen devour it. If the human species of futanarian women's seed were able to breed their own brainpower, the vampire's penis would no longer be a stake in their hearts, and it'd be decapitated. However, in Central, Southeastern, and Eastern Europe, draco voivode has meant 'dragon warlord' since the early Medieval (5th-10th century) period. That Romania was a socialist republic, and member of the Warsaw Pact (1955-91), a military agreement between nations in support of Russia,1 after their occupation by the Soviet Union in 1945, along with Albania (until the Sino-Albanian alliance of 1968), Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, and Bulgaria, while Africa's DR Congo was a socialist republic from 1969-1992, that is, until after Soviet Russia became the Russian Federation in 1991, and China was a communist nation from 1949, suggests Putin's draco voivode was a long time coming, for example, Hungary’s Dragoș was Moldavia’s (1345-61), before it became Romania, after uniting with Wallachia in 1859, to prevent Jesus' seed from being anything other than bred and mead, despite Hungary’s king, St. Stephen I (1000-38), ordering the Hungarians to accept Christianity, 'The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.' (Rev: 12. 17)  Jesus was given over to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, by his treacherous homosexual disciple, Judas, because Jesus had been with a woman, and had responded to Judas' spy canard that the expensive perfume the woman was using on Jesus, spikenard, should be sold to raise money for the disciples, 'Leave her alone.' (Mk: 14. 6) Judas' perception was that of a host womb slaver of women, that is, as he'll eat members, women were a musk farm for his perfumer. Taken by the Romans, who were then occupying Jewish Palestine, during the reign of the reputedly well-perfumed Emperor, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood, where he died, but his subsequent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, as a prefiguration of that of women's seed, was deemed a sign that he would come again, while Putin's fire-breathing 'red dragon' in the Ukraine is a most definite indication that communist atheism is God's enemy.

 Although it might seem startling, when God drowned the Earth in flood for wickedness, it was the animals that went into Noah's ark to escape, 'two by two' (Gen: 7. 9), not the humans, who aren't paired, because women's seed are a single species, as Jesus' teaching recognizes, which doesn't need ring slavery, 'At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.' (Matt: 22. 30) That humans do pair is a sign and symptom of bestiality, while schools are the skulls of animals in the sense that there aren't any humans there. Only business ghouls, who're for managing after harvest, until it's again time for the stubble to be burned, once the younger mouths have been fed. The Earth is where pedophiles prevent humans from living long, fulfilled lives, because scientifically rejuvenating immortals, as the wisdom of the ancients is that children aren’t what humans should be, whereas war is how Moloch, god of infantilism, prolongs ignorance.


1 ISH News,  ‘Warsaw Pact - Main Reason Behind Russia’s Invasion In Ukraine’,  India Signing Hands, March 16th, 2022, .

Saturday, 15 October 2022

Business Ghouls

Business Ghouls


Although President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin’s ordering of the Red Army to invade the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, looked unprofessional to western observers steeped in the capitalist ethos of returns on investment, that’s what businesslike communism is, and it doesn’t differ substantially from the west’s approach. Putin’s main field weapon was the Heavy Flamethrower System (TOS 1 and 2), which put him firmly in the tradition of the draco, as the ‘war dragon’ is called in Eastern Europe, for example, Prince Vlad Dracul III of 15th century Wallachia, now modern Romania, neighbor to the Ukraine, whose enemies were impaled on stakes of wood, while in communist China, where the dragon is a legend, rather than a myth, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) emerging from a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, in December 2019, was the ‘dragon breath’ weakening the Ukraine before Putin’s invasion. That Africa’s DR Congo, where the ‘incurable killer disease’, HIV, was discovered in 1983, was then also a communist bastion assumes some significance when it’s remembered that Putin was a lieutenant colonel with the KGB (Committee for State Security) before his election as leader of Russia in 1999. The human immune deficiency virus, producing acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapsing the organs of the body, resulting in brain death, was deemed by science to have contributed to the human system’s inability to resist SARS, as upwards of 6, 000, 000 people succumbed to the disease, suggesting the success of the KGB’s research into biological and biochemical weaponry in support of Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine.

 That SARS victims showed symptoms of flatulence and brain damage was attributable to the human system’s being weakened the mutated simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), which, transmitted by homosexuals impaling each other’s anus on their penis, suggested that Vladimir Putin was following in the footsteps of his namesake, Vlad, ‘the impaler’, Dracul, who was the model for Irish writer Bram Stoker’s novel of a creature that was immortal through the drinking of human blood, which it obtained by sinking its incisor teeth into the neck of its victims, Dracula (1897), suggesting that the virus is most felt there by sufferers on its way to the brain. Although thoracic outlet syndrome, also known by the acronym TOS, is more common, evincing symptoms of breathing difficulties arising from anxiety and hypertension, resulting in painful neurogenic, venous, and arterial compression,1 the coincidence of Putin’s use of TOS in the Ukraine and the prevalence of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) suggests that the virus of the vampire’s presence in the human system is endemic.

 TOS is cured by transaxillary first rib resection; a surgical procedure at the neck, which restores the passage of oxygen to the brain through the blood, that is, the sufferer gains release from the vampire’s grippe. That SARS is identifiable as the dragon breath of Chinese communism evidences Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine as a symptom of the TOS medical problem insofar as it represents a release of tension. That the first vapor laying stage of the missile launched heavy flamethrower system (TOS) resembles the flatulence of SARS sufferers suggests that the second stage ignition of the flammable gas is similarly symptomatic of the brain damage experienced by SARS victims, as the resultant vacuum sucks all of the oxygen from the air, causing expiration of the inhabitants of the targeted area.  In simple terms, TOS is symptomatic of the vampire at the neck, which lives from the neck by diverting oxygen away from the brain. That AIDS is a virus mutated from simians suggests that it’s a simian alter ego that’s drinking the life blood of the human to remain immortal as a viral parasite, and that homosexuality is its medium.

 That’s borne out by reference to history, for example, the ancient Greeks institutionalized host womb slavery of women in favor of homosexuality in pederasty for war (499-449 B.C.) against the Persian empire of Darius. That the means of gaining entrance to the city of Troy in Asia Minor, a huge hollow wooden horse, left outside the gates, and taken in by the Trojans, where the Greek soldiery hidden inside emerged to rape and host womb enslave the women to further homosexuality in pederasty, was viewed as a virus paradigm by the 21st century, is illustrative of the role of homosexuality in biological warfare, that is, they’re draco living on the neck of the human species.

 Whereas decapitation is what it means to live on a race’s neck, it’s the method advocated in legend for killing the otherwise immortal vampire, although the surgical procedure of transaxillary first rib resection might suffice in the modern age to deal with the fears contributing to TOS and the other aspects of AIDS, the terrorist virus promulgated by homosexuality’s draco. However, as decapitation and/or a stake through the heart are recommended in the eradication of the vampire, it’s necessary to look at the Bible for clues, for example, in the apocalyptic vision of the future of Jesus’ disciple John, the woman with ‘twelve stars’ corresponds to the European Union with its blue flag of twelve stars, as the Ukraine’s application for membership was a reason given by Putin for invading, ‘The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’(Rev: 12. 4) The woman is believed by Christianity to be the mother of Jesus Çhrist’, ‘the chosen’, in his ‘Second Coming’ to the Earth, as ‘he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter, which is prefigured in the New Testament of Jesus’ teaching that supersedes, according to Christianity, the Old Testament of the Judaism, which is the history, and ‘eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth’ (Ex: 21. 24) law of the Jews, that is, their Torah and Talmud, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’(Mk: 12. 31)

 Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus’ role was prefigured in the Old Testament description of the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent by the creator, God, for rejecting God’s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic. Giving the woman, Eve, ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, Satan said, ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Expelling eve and the first man, Adam, from the paradise of Eden, God told eve her ‘seed’ would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’(Gen: 3. 15) Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted in Christian iconography crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because he’s her foot.

 As women are a self-reproducing hermaphroditic species, called futanarian, and Jesus’ subsequent execution by the Roman Empire, during the reign of Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), and its occupation of Jewish Palestine, followed by his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, prefigures that of women’s seed of Eve. Found with a woman, Jesus was betrayed by his disciple, Judas, who gave him over to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, and he was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem where, nailed to a cross of wood, he died. That Satan is associated with the draco of homosexuality is evident, while the absence of women’s mode of reproduction from the 21st century’s mass media news and entertainment is industry is evidence of the absence of humans, that is, the draco is living on the neck of the race. Consequently, the women’s penis is not only the stake in the heart of the vampire, but her self-reproducing mode is the decapitation of the vampire, as the human head replacing that of the draco, crushed beneath the heel of the seed of Eve.

 That the aim of the draco is to toss heads seems self-evident, where ‘toss’is a term used for disposal, for example, God killed Onan for refusing to impregnate Tamar, that is, for preferring to toss her species, which is why masturbation is called onanism and toss. The objective correlative is headfucking, which required the insertion of a sharp wooden tool into the back of the decapitated so that the primitive masturbator could fuck the head before tossing it aside for another, which is why draco were tossers. If the human race is decapitated it won’t escape from slavery to business people, who want to remain above it all.

 The mass media entertainment corollary is Star Trek: The Original Series, known as Star Trek: TOS (1966-69), a science fiction television series about the adventures of a crew aboard a starship, USS Enterprise, captained by actor William Shatner as James T. Kirk, who behave like gods. When the crew of the ship fires on its enemies, it isn’t immediate clear that they’re virally, that is, fierily, active. However, the phaser fires is indicative of the virus being transmitted across the universe by the guards upon the women and the imagination of the TV audience to prevent the women’s mode of human sexual reproduction from spreading . Instead, the great dragons of Starfleet Federation make sure that everyone at home has TOS, chests aching to be a death camp guard upon the human species of women directing their phaser virus at imaginary targets to divert attention away from the host womb enslavement of the human species by a draco.

 Manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes in TV transvestism for the spread of TOS is what Star Trek: TOS, and its movie and TV prequels and sequels, was for.As Putin’s Federation invaded the Ukraine with his TOS, the aim was to divert attention away from the host womb slaving of the human species of futanarian women’s seed to prevent the people from understanding that there weren’t any business schools, as all of the candidates in all of the schools weren’t of human seed, that is, the skulls were empty of educable material, filled only with the monstrous images of a devouring TV, looking to consume its audience globally, which was the aim of the rich above it all; as the bombs rain down in a business-like manner emphasizing the unimportance of skull education when it comes to ensuring the successful ventures of practical businessmen;  west or east. Representing the future of the human futanarian species of women’s schoolgirls, the skull ghouls above it all await the next invasion.

 Putin’s Russia allowed the Ukraine independence from its status as a satellite slave state in 1991 along with other nations such as Poland and Hungary, which had been under the communist sway of Russia’s Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (CCCP) since the close of World War Two (1939-45) with Germany’s ambitions to enslave the Earth, after the first attempt (1914-18), which saw the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II in the October 1917 communist revolution  led by Vladimir Lenin and the introduction of the economic philosophy of German Karl Marx from his book, Das Kapital (1868), from each according to his abilities; to each according to his needs’. It was a somewhat pyrrhic defeat for Russia, as the Stalin led era from 1924 mirrored that of Germany’s leader from 1933 onwards, Adolf Hitler, whose democratically National Socialist (Nazi) Party built labor camps throughout German invaded Europe, as Joseph Stalin also did in the USSR, where the principle of the ghoul was institutionalized in the Russian gulag system of concentration camps where slave labor was de rigeur for political dissent. The ‘Cold War’(1945-191), a period of aloof disdain towards a USSR that wouldn’t withdraw from territories occupied during its defeat of Nazism, prefigured Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine’s human system, weakened by AIDS, with its symptoms of influenza, accompanied by SARS and TOS, while the KGB presumably congratulated itself on having developed biological and biochemical weaponry in a timely manner.

 Although there seems no discernible connection between the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) nuclear warhead delivery system and international business machines (IBM), there is. The role of a weapons’ system is to function robotically, that is, as a reliable slave, while business people want their workers to function equally robotically, that is, as reliable slaves, which means that workers are the equivalent of an IBM delivery system in which business objectives are achieved robotically. As there aren’t any humans discernibly, because of the absence of mass media news and entertainment devoted to the dissemination of the point of view of women’s seed, the objective of the skulls’ education system is to produce robotic workers for the rich above it all.

 The origins of the robot can be found in ancient Egypt, where the boat of their god Ra, for example, was a row boat, that is, a robot, like the USS enterprise TV starship in Star Trek: TOS, depicted as taking the Egyptian ruler, the Pharaoh, to heaven. Peculiarly to western thought, the Pharaohs of Egypt were entombed after life from the 16th to the 11th century B.C. in their pyramids in what’s known as the ‘Valley of the Kings’ opposite the site of the ruins of ancient Thebes, modern Luxor, along with all of their retinue who were killed for the purpose of accompanying them in their journey to heaven in whatever approximation to the Ra boat existed, that is, a starship. Whether the ship was real or imagined is conjecture, but the Egyptian practice of head fucking to ensure the return of the dead to life is a metaphor for the activity of the robot, which reassembles the machinery of business in a manner timely enough for those rich seeking to remain above it all to invade and ensure that the skulled people don’t escape from their education system, built as it is on vampire draining of humanity’s life blood, so as to keep their death centers open for re-draining after the return of the Ra boat. To what extent Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine is a prelude to head fucking after a TOS is conjecture, and if the news and entertainment mass media industry continues to ignore the human race it will remain conjecture also.

 Beside the Valley of the Kings is the Valley of the Monkeys at the Theban necropolis, where paleontologists discovered the bodies of simians that exhibited signs of sun deprivation and scoliosis, that is, curvature of the spine, which suggests that simians are tropic; in other words, sunlight is required for them to walk erect. That the Egyptians were interested in monkeys is evident from an avatar of the god, Thoth, who had the head of a baboon, although he was the god of knowledge, which suggests he represented the Egyptians’ understanding of TOS, that is, invasion economics. As the global TOS problem of the 21st century originated with the mutated simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) , it’s logical to suppose that the vampire within the human system is the result of triggering an early humanoid form, which lives as an alter ego from the neck; corresponding to hat ‘the father of psychoanalysis’, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), called monsters from the repressed íd’ of the unconscious mind, which contains taboo memories of how the simian culled the species of women’s seed almost to the point of extinction in order to slave the human host womb for the entrepreneurial spirit of its draco business Empire: a shadow economy mirroring the Potemkin illusion much favored after 1787, when Russian Empress Catherine II, en route to Crimea, was shown a false image of a village, along the banks of the Dnipro river, designed to fool the visitor, or dweller within its confines,2 into believing it real; until an invasion in a manner timely enough to assure the rich that they’d remain above it all.


1 Bassett, Ashley MD, and Ranjan Gupta MD ‘Thoracic Outlet Syndrome’, Ortho Bullets, April 6th, 2021, .

2 Augustyn, Adam ‘Grigory Potemkin’, Britannica, , October 12th, 2022.

Sunday, 9 October 2022

The Business of Burning with Devils and Demons

 The Business of Burning with Devils and Demons


Western capitalism was taught that economics is about supply and demand, that is, demand determines supply; insofar as if an item is wanted, it’s supplied by the spirit of the entrepreneur who’s prepared to manufacture and/or engage in trade, etc., in order to sell and receive profit as a reward for satisfying the desire. However, if there aren’t any humans there’s no demand to satisfy, which means that economics becomes a matter for business to determine, that is, what’s demanded and supplied isn’t decided by humans, but aliens rather.  Those who were impressed by Russian, for example, which gave up its Soviet Union of satellite slave states in 1991, after holding onto such nations as Poland, since the end of world war II (1939-45), when the defeat of Germany’s second effort to enslave the Earth, subsequent to its first effort in World War One (1914-18), were rudely awakened as the leader of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, elected in 1991, ordered the ‘Red Army’ to invade the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, deploying as its main field weapon, in fulfillment of the biblical prophecy of the ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 3), its Heavy Flamethrower System (TOS), designed to cremate human survivors of the recent severe acute respiratory disorder (SARS) that had decimated the populations of the planet, leaving upwards of 6, 000, 000 dead, before a vaccine was available to prevent the virus from continuing its devastation.

 Emerging in December 2019 at a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, China, where the dragon motif is a mythical creature accepted as legendary and totemic, the SARS virus was ‘dragon breath’ for the Russian invasion of the Ukraine with its heavy flamethrower system. Weakened by AIDS, according to science, the human system was more susceptible to SARS, while the discovery of the mutant simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) by Africa’s communist DR Congo in 1983 being spread as the human variant (HIV) by homosexuals impaling each other’s anuses on their penises, causing acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), organ collapse and brain death, suggested that Putin, former lieutenant colonel with Russia’s Committee for State Security (KGB), had done his research into the launching of biological and biochemical weapons thoroughly. The fact that his namesake, Prince Vlad Dracul III of 15th century Wallachia, now modern Romania, and a neighbor of the Ukraine, suggests as flatulence iand brain damage are symptoms of SARS, that impaling of the anus on the penis by homosexuals was a necessary preamble to an invasion of the Ukraine already stricken by SARS. The choice of TOS was also revealing in that the weapon, SARS-like, missile launched from the chassis of a T-72 tank, lays a vapor, like flatulence, before the fires of hell take hold fierily, after the fashion of the virus that takes hold virally, causing the humans to expire, while evincing the Russians as brain damaged victims of their own TOS.

 In medical terminology, TOS is thoracic outlet syndrome, which means that there’s no outlet for the breather, ho experiences painful suffocating symptoms. Although most sufferers experience TOS normatively, that is, they’re unaware of the problem, military trainers use TOS as a means of encouraging uninhibited release of rage and anger directed at their targets, that is, TOS, though a recognized medical problem, is useful when it’s necessary to direct soldiers to fight against a target, as inner feelings of frustration are more easily projected onto the ‘other’. In other words, men are made that way, which isn’t how they’re designed by God to be. That the Ukraine received independence in 1991 from President Boris Yeltsin, and applied for membership of the European Union, as Russia invaded in 2022, suggests that Putin’s business plan was to burn humans. However, although that isn’t economics, it’s economics from a western perspective, which isn’t significantly different in its business approach. If there aren’t any humans to demand, then supply isn’t required. Or, in other words, the supply of humans isn’t required by business, so the demands of humans have to be eradicated.

 In order to comprehend that it’s important to understand what humans are. In the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the Torah and Talmud of the Jews, that is, their history and law, the angel, Satan, is turned into a serpent for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. Satan gives the woman, Eve, ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it is death to taste, saying ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Expelling eve, and the first man created by God, Adam, from the paradise of Eden for rejecting the ‘fruit of the tree of life’, that is, immortality, God told Eve her ‘seed’ would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15)  The reference is to the brainpower of the seed of Eve which will be stronger than the serpent’s seed. When Jesus, ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, she was depicted in Christian iconography crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, as Jesus was God’s foot. Although Jesus’ New Testament teaching was believed by Christians to supersede that of Judaism’s Old Testament, he was executed for teaching, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31)For Jesus, who was women’s seed, women were desirable, whereas for his disciple, Judas, who suggested that the ‘perfume’ be sold, when Jesus was with a woman, women were host womb slaves to men’s parasitism of the serpent’s seed, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem in Roman occupied Palestine, during the reign of the Emperor, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood, where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed; called futanarian: the human foot race.

 In simple terms, women are the human species, so the aim of business, devils and demons is to incinerate them, which is what Putin’s Red Army practices. Jesus observation on the subject is relatively plain in that he met a man near Gadarene who was possessed by demons, ‘My name is legion.’ (Mk: 5. 9) As the Roman legions of their armies were then dominating the Earth as the Empire of Rome, it’s significant that Jesus allowed the demons to enter a herd of pigs that promptly ran off a cliff and into the sea and drowned, because that’s Jesus’ opinion of guards and armies; that’s their direction. It’s necessary to put out the fire: otherwise the virus of hell will burn the human race. Although the television was believed to have been invented by Scot John Logie Baird in 1926, the manufacturing of men and women as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes in transvestism is a millennia old practice; designed to prevent positive image  reinforcement of the human  species of women’s futanarian seed being disseminated as normative, rather than as the host womb of an alien parasite, which only wants to remain rich enough to remain unconcerned about supply and demand, where the absence of human demand necessarily presupposes the alien supplier, who doesn’t supply what humans want, but what the alien conceives as being essential to keep it aloof from having to supply anyone other than itself.

 Although that’s the ideal for those seeking independence financially, the absence of humans from the scene suggests that there’s something amiss. Moreover, as most people living in the modern age have probably guessed, the objective of those who run modernity isn’t to foster ease of use, which such tools as the internet with its high speed information superhighway for the transferring of data would suppose, but rather a ‘log in’ jam of frustrated ambition that can last an entire lifetime, despite the user of the computer, for example, being proficient in a wide range of objectively mastered activities; such as informatics, economics, and business. The reason is that business, properly understood, is burning, that is, although people are often described as having been ‘burned’1 metaphorically in their business dealings, because taken advantage of, burning humans is what businesses are for. Men and women’s TV world is one of decapitation, that is, without women’s seed, the human race is beheaded, and without positive images of women’s social and sexual activity as a species it’s castrated also. The conceit is that, without testicles, like on TV, for example, which is primarily the equivalent of a ‘walkie talkie’ for the rich alien to say nothing, the human system’s brain will function better, whereas there’s no brain and no testicles for the producing of one, because the humans are burned.

1 BP Editors, ‘10 Business Ideas that Immediately Crashed and Burned’, Business Pundit, January 23rd, 2012, 11:19 AM, .

Saturday, 8 October 2022

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) and Vladimir 'Coffin' Putin

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) and Vladimir ‘Coffin’ Putin


In the United States of America the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the centralized version of whatever local law enforcement agencies are available to people in their individual states, which means that fear of ‘Feds’ is analogous to fear of AIDS so far as criminal activity is concerned, which is enlightening when looking at the invasion of the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, by the Russian Federation’s Red Army on the orders of President Vlad ‘Coffin’ Putin, that is, fear of Feds there. Although AIDS is a physical ‘incurable killer disease’ discovered by communist Africa’s DR Congo in 1983 being transmitted by homosexuals engaging in impaling each other’s anuses on their penises, which resulted in the transmission of a mutant simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) to humans (HIV) and the spread of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), causing organ collapse, and brain death, it also has terroristic psychosomatic consequences.

 Science had conjectured that the emergence of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) at a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, China, in December 2019, was AIDS related insofar as the human system had been weakened by the spreading of AIDS, through the impaling of anuses upon infected penises, and that fear of AIDS had produced anxiety and hypertension resulting in breathing difficulties, for example, thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS), where trauma produces neurogenic, venous, and arterial compression,1 corresponding to sexual repression, exacerbated by feelings of guilt associated with masturbation, as a common response to fear of AIDS, but a method of releasing sexual tension frowned upon by society’s promulgating the myth of blindness, and deafness, for example, as God’s punishment for ejaculation without sexual intercourse.

 As animals don’t get AIDS, the connection between SARS and civets,2 for example, is significant in that sexual desire is sublimated in relationships with pets, but close proximity to pets results in respiratory problems, for example, allergic reactions, which increase susceptibility to SARS transmissions. In simple terms, AIDS frightens people, so they turn to animals, that is, AIDS turns people into animals, which means bestiality, ‘Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.’ (Rev: 13. 8) Sicks, that is, as the human ‘cigs’ are smoked down to their butts by those who want animal sex, as beasts don’t transmit AIDS, ‘Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.’ (Rev; 16. 11) What they’d done was prefer animal behavior for humans; for example, homosexuality, which in transmitting the mutant simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) to humans (HIV) turns people into animals, as if the transformers were black magicians practicing black magic against humans. In Russia fellatio, that is, penis sucking, is a euphemism for smoking cigarettes, while ‘smoking’ is a euphemism for killing a human with a gun, as the cylinder, from which the lethal projectile emerges, smokes after discharging its bullet.

 That SARS emerged in communist China is interesting for biblical scholars as the totem mythical animal there is the fire-breathing dragon, and it’s a ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 3), where red is traditionally associated with communism, depicted as threatening the European Union, which blue flag has ‘twelve stars’, like the woman of the Christian Bible, ‘The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) Although it was Vlad ‘Coffin’ Putin’s communist Russia that invaded the Ukraine, the deployment of the Heavy Flamethrower System (тяжёлая огнемётная система), as a fire-breathing red dragon, known as TOS (TOC), is indicative.

 The Ukraine had applied for membership of the EU, which suggests that HIV/AIDS, SARS and TOS are biological and biochemical weapons devised by communism. Elected to lead Russia in 1999, Vlad ‘Coffin’ Putin was a former lieutenant colonel of the Committee for State Security (KGB), while the deposing of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II in October 1917, during the 1914-18 First World War with the German Empire, ambitious to enslave the Earth, resulting in the implementation of the communism envisaged by German philosopher Karl Marx in Das Kapital (1868), signified fear of hemophilia, that is, the hereditary bloodlessness of the Romanov’s, then leading Russia to disastrous defeat, had early focused red Russian communist’s KGB cell research into anemia.

 Vlad ‘Coffin’ Putin’s namesake, 15th century Prince Vlad ‘the impaler’ Dracul III of Wallachia, part of the modern state of Romania, bordering the Ukraine, was known for impaling his enemies on stakes of wood, and became the model for Irish writer Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula (1897), a legendary creature that was immortal through the drinking of blood from the jugular veins of human victims whose necks it sank its incisor teeth into. Dracul is a symbol of the immortality of the AIDS virus, which spreads through penetration of the anus, while SARS, with its symptoms of flatulence and brain damage, represents an AIDS related weakening of the human system, manifesting normatively as TOS, which appears as the naked aggressiveness of the heavy flamethrower system (TOS 1 and 2) when inhibitors are removed from the ‘red dragon’ of the Red Army, for example. As an animal, Dracula isn’t susceptible to AIDS, so blood drinking is a sign of his immunity, that is, immortality, because he is the virus, who legendarily can only be killed by a stake through the heart.

 The Red Army’s TOS heavy flamethrower system is a two stage missile launcher, which launches a vapor, like SARS flatulence, followed by igniting, so creating a vacuum that sucks all of the air from the lungs, like the SARS virus of hell, resulting in brain death. More than a metaphor for thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS), the dragon breath of the heavy flamethrower system deployed by the Red Army is symptomatic of the human system’s AIDS/SARS damaged brain, which TOS symptoms are manifested as the fires of hell when uninhibited. Although it might be thought simplistic to attribute Vlad ‘Coffin’ Putin’s TOS to masturbation, that’s what it is; taunting abusively with cremation  those who’re dying of plague.

 The stake through the heart of the vampire is more complex in terms of the explanation of the solution. The Christian Bible is based on the Old Testament of the Torah and Talmud of the Jews, which is their law and history, whereas the New Testament of the Christians, who believe that the teaching of Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, supersedes Judaism, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) As Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, his mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing a serpent with her foot, as women are a hermaphroditic species, called futanarian, so the solution to men’s parasitism upon the womb of women’s seed is a change to the human system, wherein promulgation of positive images of women’s race, through the mass media and entertainment industry, facilitates recognition of the fact that the human system is enslaved and waged war upon by an alien, as Jesus’ disciple, John, in his apocalyptic vision of the future, saw ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war upon the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) unless the human race of women is positively reinforced imaginatively, the alien will continue to invade and decimate the populations of the Earth in ‘heroic’ guise. As the vampire hasn’t any stake in the future of the human race of women’s seed, women’s penis is the stake in its heart. Breeding their own species’ brainpower to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven, women are the death of Vlad Dracula.


1 Bassett, Ashley MD, and Ranjan Gupta MD ‘Thoracic Outlet Syndrome’, Ortho Bullets, April 6th, 2021, .

2 Fenster, Jordan ‘Analysis: 6 animal species dying because of COVID’, ctpost, October 9th, 2020, .

Bank Robbers Who Only Want to Crack the Saved

Bank Robbers Who Only Want to Crack the Saved


Christian interdenominational worship presupposes that all churches are the same insofar as God is there. However, in these days of ethnic cleansing, where nationalist feelings go hand in hand with religious fervor, Christian worship is the equivalent of bank robbers taking along a safe cracker to crack the saved. With Vlad ‘’im pay later’ Putin ordering the Russian Federation’s Red Army to invade the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, after leaving the good farming land there fallow since 1991’s fake land grant of independence from Russia’s former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), it seems likely that the churches of Eastern Europe were similarly set up to persuade savers and safe to believe in their safety.

 Irrespective of Christianity’s ostensible concern with Salvation, based on Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, after his execution by the Romans during their occupation of Palestine in the reign of the Emperor Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), communism’s perception of Christian congregations as flocks of sheep to be fleeced isn’t that much different from western systems. In other words, communism learned capitalism, where churches were called ‘dark Satanic mills’ (l. 8) by William Blake in his poem ‘Jerusalem’, an anthem to the upper strata of English society, as long ago as 1804, because it was already recognizable that those brave cheap who worshiped God were there to sacrifice their lives as ‘cannon fodder’, for the sake of the landed aristocracy, who sought property overseas through slavery and war.

 Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, was represented as sacrificing his life, whereas he didn’t, he was executed, for his teaching, when the Empire of Rome occupied Jewish Palestine, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) Moreover, it was the Jews that had him executed, as he was interfering with business. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was the seed of Eve, who was told by God in the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the Torah and Talmud, that is, the history and law of the Jews, that her ‘seed’ would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography, the Virgin Mary is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because Jesus is her foot. As women are a species of their own, called futanarian, with their own penis’ semen as a hermaphroditic race, men are their parasite.

 Jesus said, when a woman was brought to him allegedly caught in adultery, ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7) As men are the race of women’s parasite, women aren’t guilty. It was Jesus’ disciple, Judas, who gave Jesus over to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, for execution, as Judas found Jesus with a woman, and Jesus refused to countenance selling the ‘perfume’, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) In other words, Jesus was flat killed by homosexuals for interfering with the business of slaving the human species. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood, and flat died there, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of women’s seed, who’d be able to breed their own brains’ powers to take them to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven; if they were free of their parasite, which practiced the brotherliness of aliens seizing a womb to flat use as a seed bag, and homosexuality, as ‘a sign amongst them’, who didn’t espouse women as anything other than slave rings.

 Although Christianity believes that Jesus’ New Testament supersedes the Old Testament of the Jews, the Jews don’t, that is, women are perfume, while Jesus is ‘the Lamb’ who was sacrificed, as that’s what Christians were for. Whereas pastors are characterized by their clerical ‘dog’ collar, as a symbol of their role as shepherd dogs, bones are what they’re for; after the flock are sacrificed on the altar of the fleecer’s business, which is what Vlad ‘foot’ Putin showed capitalism when invading the Ukraine; breeding sheep for slaughter to fleece is what business and Christianity is.

 Moreover, the principle is found in Islam also, for example, the financing of Janjaweed militia in Sudan’s Darfur region from 2003 onwards by the mainly Moslem Arab government to pogrom native black East African Moslems was an illustration of what ethnic cleansing was for; dispossession. When Christian Serb militia incarcerated 70, 000 Moslem women in rape camps to ‘Christianize’, during the Bosnian war (1992-95) in Eastern Europe, it was to breed more cheap brain to slaughter and fleece, as that’s business.

 Although vilified by Judeo-Christianity for being illegitimate, Islam is a more legitimate business. Judaism was founded by Abraham’s son, Isaac, by wife Sara, while Islam was founded by the Prophet Mohamed, descendant of Abraham’s son by the concubine, Hajer, an Egyptian woman, who with Ishmael built the shrine of Abraham, the Ka’ Ba, in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, focus of the annual pilgrimage by Moslems, the Haj, named for her, while the Koran (610-30 C.E.) of Mohamed, dictated by the angels of God, according to tradition, allows four wives to Moslem families; an attempt to retroactively legitimize the birth of Ishmael, and by association Islam, according to Judeo-Christianity, whereas in providing the possibility for futanarian women to breed within the Islamic family, it’s easier to distinguish the beef burkas from the ‘mutton dressed as lamb’,1 while abiyah chicken is, financially, a pre-burka outlay.

 As Ka in the ancient Egyptian religion means ‘spirit’, so Ba means ‘soul’, that is, women’s seed and women’s seed bag is what the Ka’ Ba signifies, which suggests that the Egyptians had invented the hamburger long before US’ President John F. Kennedy said, at the height of what was known as the ‘Cold War’ (1947-91) with the Soviet Union, when Germany, and peculiarly also the capital city, Berlin, was divided into the East, controlled by communist Russia, and the West, controlled by the US and its western allies, that is, France and Britain, ‘Ich bin ein Berliner.’2 The German objection was that he wasn’t, and they were those who’d be cooked, which is why the US’ name for Asians, during their Indo-China wars was ‘gook’, after the US had signaled its own form of glasnost with the cooking of the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima at the close of World War Two (1939-45) by flat dropping the A-bomb on them from the B-29  aircraft, Enola Gay and Bockscar, on 6th and 9th August, 1945, respectively.

 It was British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, who said of Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev to then US’ President, Ronald Reagan, after Gorbachev’s initiating of glasnost (openness) at the 27th Congress of the Communist Party in Moscow, ‘We can do business with this man.’4 The apparent flat  relinquishing of satellite slave states by Russia, as the USSR (CCCP) reformed to become a Federation of states in 1991, seemed to prove this. However, the election of KGB (Committee for State Security) lieutenant colonel Vlad ‘food’ Putin in 1999, and the subsequent February 24th, 2022, invasion of the Ukraine, ultimately led to accusations of betrayal, as the Red Army flatly deployed its main field weapon, the TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system, to do some cooking of their own, as flat Putin punishment for the Ukraine’s application to join the European Union, symbolized by its blue flag with ‘twelve stars’, as described by Jesus’ disciple, Jon, in his apocalyptic vision of the future, ‘The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) Having allowed the brain of the sheep, the Ukraine was ready to be cooked by the ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 3) of communism, which is what business glasnost is, as Vlad ‘’im pay later’ Putin had prepared to open a takeaway.


1 ‘A disparaging term for an older woman who tries unsuccessfully to look much younger or finds herself attractive in the style of younger women’, .

2 Kennedy, John F. ‘I am a Berliner’, President of the United States of America, Rathaus Schöneberg, borough of Tempelhof-Schöneberg city hall, West Berlin, June 26th, 1963.

3 Gorbachev, Mikhail, ‘Political Report of the CPSU Central Committee to the 27th Party Congress’, Moscow, Russia, February 1986.

4 Kretschmer, Anna ‘Revealed: How Margaret Thatcher found a 'Soulmate' in Ronald Reagan’, Tuesday, 16:00 PM, November 13th, 2018, .

Thursday, 6 October 2022

Wasting your Time on some Cunt while Her Asshole Rules the Universe

Wasting your Time on some Cunt while Her Asshole Rules the Universe


Those who fought in the First World War (1914-18); the Second (1939-45), and the ongoing undeclared Third, which began as the Indo-China war (1946-1991) of the United States of America against ‘gook’ communism, and continued with the emergence of ‘ethnic cleansing’ and the Independent State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), after the collapse of Russian communism, which had held sway since 1945, with the anti-Islamic terrorist invasion by Iraq of Kuwait in 1990, will easily recollect how the stay-at-homes attempt to steal away their wives, mothers, and girlfriends, etc., as sex slaves, which is what war consists of for most nations raped by the experience of ‘rape camps’ for women on their tits being made pure ethnically by rapists who want to incorporate them into their tribe.

 Although the invasion by President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation of the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, wasn’t thought of as a communist revival of the socio-economic theory, adopted by Russia in its Vladimir ‘Lenin’ led October Revolution of 1917, from the philosophy outlined by the German Karl Marx in his book, Das Kapital (1868), where ‘‘from each according to his abilities, and to each according to his needs’ was the basic principle, Vlad on their tits was what it represented for women. Despite sharing a border, Romania didn’t seem involved in the Ukraine invasion, but Vlad Putin’s namesake, 15th century Prince Vlad Dracul III of Wallachia, now a part of modern Romania, and celebrated in Irish writer Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula (1897), as the vampire creature drinking human blood from the jugular vein, where it sank in its hollow teeth incisively to drink, was the model for Vlad Putin’s teeth of the Russian Red Army, which wanted the tits of the Ukrainians to be Vlad, that is, communist. Despite the perception of there being no difference between the ‘death camps’ of the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party, built during WWII to exterminate ethnic minorities, and the ‘labor camps’ instituted by dictator Josef Stalin throughout Russia, and those nations of Europe and Asia subject to communist control after Germany’s defeat, the gulag system differed from the fascism of the Axis powers; Germany, Italy, Japan, and Iraq.

 Whereas fascism was perceived as an aberration, communism was perceived as a system, that is, women in labor camps run by ghouls was what they were for, for example, in the apocalyptic vision of the future written by John, the disciple of Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, the blue flag of the European Union is envisioned as a woman with twelve stars about her head, ‘The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4)The Ukraine was invaded by Vlad ‘‘im pay later’ Putin to prevent it from joining the EU, after being given independence from Russia’s slave satellite system of East European nations in 1990 by then President Boris Yeltsin. With the main field weapon of the Russian invasion being its heavy flamethrower system, Vlad Putin was the ‘red dragon’, so Vlad on their tits was what Putin meant for the New Testament vision of Jesus in the Bible that Christians believe supersedes the Old Testament of the Jews, which is their Torah and Talmud, that is, their law and history, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) The problem with fascism was genocide, that is, 6, 000, 000 Jews were killed in concentration camps, for example, originally conceived as ‘labor camps’, while ethic cleansing was based on women’s labor, that is, communism’s socialism was women’s labor after rape. During the Bosnian war (1992-95), after the break-up of the former super state of Yugoslavia, due to the Russians withdrawal from Eastern Europe in 1990, Christian Serb militia raped upwards of 70, 000 Moslem women in camps built for that purpose, while in Sudan’s Darfur region from 2003 the mainly Moslem Arab government financed Janjaweed militia to ethnically cleanse the area of native black East African Moslems, which meant that the problem had become tribal, rather than socio-economic and political.

 Before 1917 Russia was ruled by an oligarchy led by a hereditary Tsar, Nicholas II, who was replaced by communism, after a series of disastrous defeats to Germany in WWI. The family of the Russian Tsars were hemophiliac, which meant that the Russians were more interested in blood lines than other European powers. Before Vlad Putin became President in 1999, he was lieutenant colonel of the Committee for State Security (KGB), while his namesake Vlad ‘the impaler’ Dracul was known for impaling his prisoners on stakes trough the anus. When the ‘incurable killer disease’, the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), was discovered by Africa’s DR Congo in 1983 to have been transmitted by homosexuals impaling each other’s anuses on their penises, it was a flattening of the impaled.

 When it was discovered that HIV was a mutated variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), the problem had been traced to tribes of apes. The HIV virus resulted in acquired immune deficiency syndrome, collapse of the organs of the body, and brain death. The ‘organs of state security’ were what the KGB was for Russia’s Vlad Putin. When the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus emerged from another communist nation, China, which reveres the myth of the ‘dragon lord’, at a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, in December 2019, to kill upwards of 6, 000, 000 people globally, it was a KGB heavy flamethrower system. Symptomatic of brain damage, SARS was the virus of hell characterized by flatulence, and after the vapor launched by the missile, like  the impaling of the homosexual’s ass, the release of the flammable gas, SARS-like accompanied by symptoms of brain damage, that is, the Russian Red Army, as the fires of hell, caused the expiration of those living inside their independent new craniums. In simple terms, the communist tribal system had developed a biochemical weapon to deploy against capitalism’s wage slavery, where demand determines supply, so without demand there’s no supply.

 However, what this means for capitalism is people are taught what to want, whereas tribal consciousness knows what it wants. Consequently, societies built on Christian morality have a problem with social conditioning that doesn’t correspond to the needs of the tribe. The late 20th century was characterized by fear of AIDS, that is, death from sexual intercourse, while science believed that SARS was the consequence of a human system weakened by AIDS. That the human system had a problem with sexuality was obvious, and the solution was in the Old Testament of the Bible where God turned the angel, Satan, into a serpent for rejecting God’s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic. Satan gave the woman, Eve, ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, saying, ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Expelling Eve, and the first man created by the creator, God, from the paradise of Eden, God told Eve her ‘seed’ would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot but he will ruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15)  As women are hermaphroditic futanarian humans with their own species’ seed, the foot of Eve was Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary, depicted in Christian iconography similarly crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, as Jesus was executed by the Empire of the Romans then occupying Jewish Palestine, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed: ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) By the 21st century the serpent of Eden had become Vlad ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 3) Putin, whose symptoms were ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6), while the failings of Christian morality were demonstrated y the teaching of Jesus, who when a woman was allegedly caught in adultery, said ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8.7) As women are a race slaved by a parasite that won’t let her off her tits, they’re independent labor, which isn’t subject to false moral conditioning that relies on acceptance of their penis as a steak impaling gook.

 It was Jesus’ disciple, Judas, who finding Jesus with a woman, feigned chagrin at the fact that the ‘perfume’ wasn’t being sold to raise money for the disciples, and ‘betrayed’ Jesus to the moral guardians of the law, the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who had Jesus taken by the soldiers of the Emperor of Rome, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, where he was nailed to a cross of wood, and died there. Jesus was killed for being women’s seed, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) As civet, bred for their musk as perfume, were considered an original cat-like source of a less virulent 2002 SARS-1 virus outbreak in Shenzhen city, Sham Chun province, women were perfume to Roman fascism, which ideology of physical and mental fitness owes its name to the fasces, an axe in the middle of a bundle of rods, symbolizing authority, that is, Jesus was killed to prevent the human species of women from spreading, while the alien accused it of being viral, because it was humanly sexual. In other words, the mutant SIV virus is what psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) called the repressed ‘id’ of human sexuality emerging from ‘the primal horde’, that is, ape men, whose tribal aim of slaving can no longer be understood as unconscious, whereas women’s human sexuality can be fully understood as having been that of a repressed race.

 Although Christianity is thought to correspond to morality in fact it’s a slaver of women’s seed, which requires castration in order to be effective, for example, the snaking movements of motor vehicles in their labyrinthine course around cities like the US’ New York, while the driven tread the pedals of the treadmill is the alien slaver getting the eunuchs of the car straight there. In pornography, for example, although women’s being staked by the apes’ penis is perfectly common as a barbecue motif, futanarian women are almost never visibly depicted having sexual intercourse with women normatively, but rather with each other as a ‘freak show’, which isn’t an inapposite analogy as freaks were often depicted eating chickens’ heads; a metaphor for women as a decapitated race deprived of the brainpower of its own species’ seed to turn Jesus’ cross of crucifixion into a plane on which to escape from the mutated simian virus. Unless depictions of women receive positive reinforcement from the mass media entertainment industry headquartered in the Hollywood district of the US’ city of Los Angeles, west coast state of California, for example, humanity will be a footnote in the history of the universe: ‘homosexual’.


1 Des Jarlais, D. C., J. Stuber, M. Tracy, S. Tross, and Galea, S. ‘Social Factors Associated with AIDS and SARS’, Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11 (11), November 2005, 1767-1769, .