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Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Moloch Cock: TOS Tale

Moloch Cock: TOS Tale


The Hungarian term for a woman’s breast is az mell; a hyperphrase enunciated as ‘a smell’, although foreigners often perceive themselves as being guilty of saying arse smell. Oz (1963-69) smelt, according to the censors of the counterculture magazine, first published in Sidney, Australia, as the subject of obscenity trials; for example, over criticism of the police’s dealings with homosexuals in ‘The Stiff Arm of the Law’,1 etc. For US’ science fiction, writer L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900), made into a 1936 movie, The Wizard of Oz, starring, as Dorothy Gale, actress Judy Garland, she was the fragrance of Oz that blew, although the North of England’s city of Newcastle upon Tyne’s Viz (1979-) magazine comic character, Finbarr Saunders and his entendres, would doubtless find himself in double there, ‘Fnaar! Fnaar!’2 Whether az mell is pronounced whores smell, etc., as language unclean, ‘tits’ are offensive to ethnic cleansers. The folklore is that of the English hyperphrase, ‘foul mouth’, which argues that language is legally punishable, although it’s actually an excuse for brain slavery.

 In the English science fiction novel written by George Orwell, 1984 (1948), for example, ‘Big Brother’ is a surveillance system, monitored by the ‘thought police’ to prevent minds from thinking, with the aim of preventing freedom of speech, ‘BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU’.3 As the people aren’t free to think or speak, they’re slaves, which is the aim for ethnic cleansers, who characterize peoples as showing signs of being ‘dirty minded’; as the English are trained to say about almost any form of sexual activity, because it’s suggestive of personal inclinations, which aren’t yet damned.

 Orwell’s novel is animal behavioralism for Britons, and reinforces his earlier vision, Animal Farm: A Fairy Story (1945), in which the pigs rule over the other animals, and is the reason for the police, as the arm of social control, being known universally as ‘the pigs’, ‘The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.’4 French writer, Pierre Boulle, had a similar vision in La Planète des singes (1963), which was translated onto the movie screen as, Planet of the Apes (1972), with its subsequent prequels, sequels, and ‘reboots’, that is, remakes of earlier filmed versions, depicting the gorillas as the army, while the orangutans and chimpanzees, corresponding to scientists and workers, are slaves, ‘Some apes, it seems, are more equal than others.’5

 The encounter between Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, and the man on the road to Gadarene, is further illuminating, as it appears in the New Testament of the Christian Bible teaching of Jesus, which supersedes for Christians the Old Testament of the Jewish Torah and Talmud, that is, their history and law, ‘My name is legion.’ (Mk: 5. 9) Casting the demons out of the man, they went into a herd of pigs, which promptly ran off the edge of a cliff and drowned. Although the pigs are haraam to the Moslems, who’re descendants of Abraham, as well as forbidden to Jews, whose religion was founded by Isaac, son of Abraham, 20th century experience of HIV, that is, the mutated variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), transmitted by homosexuals, injecting infected semen into each other’s anuses from their penises, during sterile mockeries of the human act of sexual reproduction, resulting in organ collapse, and brain death, from the ‘incurable killer disease’, acquired immune deficiency virus (AIDS), suggests that the virus is homosexual behavioralism.

 Preferring pigs and gorillas for other peoples, as its ‘biological weapon’, HIV/AIDS is homosexuality’s ‘terror weapon’, and the virus of hell, SARS, emerging in December 2019 from a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, communist China, to kill millions globally, as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which symptoms were evinced, according to Jesus’ disciple John’s apocalyptic New Testament vision of the future, Revelation, by the fire-breathing ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 4) of communist Russia’s ‘Red Army’, displaying SARS-like symptoms of brain damaged  flammable flatulence, with its heavy flamethrower system, as its main field weapon, in its invasion of the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, illustrating the biochemistry of homosexuality’s alien bearing flying SARS era, which as it doesn’t want ‘bad language’ interfering with its roaring virus, the human brain has to be ethnically cleansed of its desire to heartily complain with expletives, ‘Like Fuck!’6

 Skippy the Bush Kangaroo (1968-70), TV star of the ‘Oz’ series about the ‘outback’, canned in Australia, had ‘tuts’, while the ‘roo was officially described as ‘vermin’, before South Australia gave it a meat stamp in 1980,7 labeling it as food, as audiences preferred that teenage co-star, actress Liza Goddard, be shot instead, as Clancy, because of her tits, which had been tutted at enough to awaken the alien censors concern that humans might be watching. As tuts, according to ‘ethnic cleansing’, a euphemism for the aliens of flying sorcery, indicate brain damage, the nuts of the human, labeled ‘squirrels’, for having the presents of mind to hang onto the baubles under the family tree that thieves want, are on the agenda for cleaners, who practice Orwellian ‘double think’, that is, as the obedient are the doubles of the brain slaver, they’re exterminated as/by unthinking animals, if they impolitely refuse to give up the ‘oak clusters’ they’ve earned to go with their ‘purple heart’ medals,8 with a brevity that doesn’t waste their time, as that’s then used as its excuse to kill by the ethnic cleanser, who wants the fruits of the forest, and the grower off the trees. However, as US’ author, Gillian Flynn observed, thankfully, in her novel, Girl Gone (2012), ‘A lot of people lacked that gift: knowing when to fuck off.‘9 That sex is the fatherer of brains earns the hatred of the slaver, who wants the brain and mouth labeled unclean, to be extincted as alive to things other than obedience; that is, for slavers, God is what they are: obedience.

 As the English saying goes, adapted from the Roman poet Ovid’s Heroides (c. 10 B.C.), ‘The end justifies the means.’10 However, that’s a criminal simplification for the programing of children’s ears, which is why the Shaitan djinn, Iblis, that is, ‘ear police’, represent evil for the Moslem believers in the Koran (610-30 C.E.), according to sūrat l-baqarah (2. 34), ‘The Cow’, dictated by the angels of God to Mohamed, descendant of the second son of Abraham, Ishmael, as is traditional with the Moslems of the nations of Islam, which is paradise. The truth is that the means justifies the end product, as if the means can’t justify the product, the means are evil, which is what’s meant. As peoples speak different languages, they’re effectively being ethnically cleansed, that is, killed, for having ‘dirty’ minds, and ‘dirty’ mouths, as freedom of speech threatens brain slavers, who’re Shaitan (Satan) Iblis to the peoples of the Old Testament, that is, Jews and Moslems, whereas the man on the road to Gadarene, during the period when the legions of the Empire of Rome were occupying Jewish Palestine, in the name of the Emperor, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), was trying to speak, ‘My name is legion.’

 Although Barabbas was recognized as the leader of the Jewish freedom fighters (John: 18. 40), Jesus was in fact, ‘Avaunt Satan!’ (Matt: 4. 10) His teaching was that of the individualist, who rebelled against obedience to the creator, God, as created by the Jews, because God preceded the Jews, as the creator, whereas Judaism, that is, the worship of God by the Jews, began only with Isaac, who wasn’t antediluvian Noah (Gen: 7. 9), for example, or the first man created by God, Adam, according to the Jewish Talmud and Torah, who weren’t Jews either, although there’s precious enough in the collective consciousness, created by the Jews, to suggest that they didn’t create God, which was what Jesus’ execution was for; civil disobedience in arguing and refusing to accept what he heard from the Jewish fathers and their Pharisees: the religious police, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) The criticism of Jesus is that he’s civil in the New Testament, but not in the future foreseen by his disciple, John, as Jesus in his ‘Second Coming’ isn’t civil in that he’s mercilessly against evil, whoever they are.

 That its are bad language grammatically has been debated in the British isles for millennia, with the general opinion, constantly vocalized, being that its are anathema, and an abomination amongst polite sociopaths, who want the personal pronoun, ‘theirs’, outlawed, that is, one’s melons aren’t to be considered as one’s own, but to the slaver, for example, in English common law of the Middle Ages, a woman’s existence was considered that of her husband, that is, without independent existence. The doctrine of ‘Coverture’, ‘unity of person’,11 meant women were ‘chattels’; goods to be bought and sold, or disposed of, at the discretion of the husband: indistinguishable from the husbanding farmer, from a legal perspective, which meant women’s seed was a harvest crop.

 The possessive pronoun for an inanimate object describes the problem for fans of British writer, J. R. R. Tolkien, whose major work, The Lord of the Rings (1954), poses the Elvish word, mellon, as meaning ‘friend’, before entrance through the doors to Moria, is permitted, that is, its are required, although it’s as belonging to, rather than as an abbreviation of it is, is what Jesus’ argument was about, as it can’t have God, ‘Speak “friend” and enter.’12 Defining other peoples, as being excluded from the worship of God, for example, elves, is dehumanizing, that is, they’re it, and as its they’re plurally excluded as animalia, which is the basis of what the pogromed Jews were taught was God’s program of ethnic cleansing for them; as well as other peoples. However, in socio-economic terms, it’s just a melon grab for the rich, after defining the poorer as animalia, because they’ve less power.

As Jesus’ teaching showed, God antedated Judaism, ‘This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.’ (Matt: 12. 18) The Jews’ attempt to pogrom God’s son, Jesus, as animalia failed, as God didn’t agree, which suggests they weren’t worshiping God, but ethnicity, which is the basis of racism and genocidal pogroming, as their bloody history demonstrates, following their arrival in Canaan, Palestine, after a period of slavery to the ruler of Egypt, Pharaoh Thutmose III (1485-1431 B.C.), before their leader, Moses, received the law, written on tablets of stone, from God, atop Mt Sinai, which Christians believe is superseded by Jesus’ teaching, as it isn’t bloody ethnicity, but a rather simple rejection of evil; for example, the commandment ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ (Ex: 20. 14) Jesus’ response to a woman accused of adultery, was ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8, 7) As women are a separate species, men are their adulterate, which means women’s seed is ever innocent.

 J. R. R. Tolkien’s work was notable for its knowledge of of Finno-Hungarian, as the basis for some of his language in books, like The Hobbit (1937), a prequel to the later trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, celebrated in the US’ ‘blockbuster’ movies, as The Fellowship of The Ring (2001), The Two Towers (2002), and The Return of the King (2003), about ethnic cleansing and slavery, that is, Sauron (soar on; saw on; Sore Ron, etc.), whose slavering is quenched by its being thrown into the fires of a volcano by the heir, Frodo, of the hobbit star of the prequel, Bilbo, whose nephew, portrayed by actor Elijah Wood in the movies, although he didn’t have the role of Sore Ian, who hijacked ‘civil’ airliners in the US to crash into the Twin Towers of New York city, on September 11th, 2001, according to the movie, World Trade Center (2005), starring Nick Cage, as the acting police there, Tolkien did dramatize, in a scandal known as Expurgate, as Iblo popping out ear ‘oles to Hop It On.

 That its are required refers to possessions, rather than possession, which is a term used by priests to describe the demoniacal desire to seize property, and to make people slaves, for example, put in the boot in on the Kraniums in an excuse to promote internecine warfare amongst the potential denizens of an EU country, who’d been ordered to learn Russian, тяжёлая огнемётная система (heavy flamethrower system), but had lapsed into bad language, after the withdrawal in 1991, and before his election in 1999, and subsequently interminable reelections of former lieutenant colonel with the KGB (secret police), Vladimir Putin, prior to the invasion of the Kraniums by the ‘Red Army’ on February 24th, 2022, who doubtless wouldn’t want to be illiterate vermin on the evil path of obedience to Shaitan Iblis.

 The Kraniums had been apart from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR/CCCP), which had been in control of the slavics of Central East European Asia, since the Second World War (1939-45) with Germany, whose ‘father’, socio-economics philosopher, Karl Marx, had been directly responsible, through his book, Das Kapital (1868), for the collapse of Tsar Nicholas II’s oligarchy, during the First World War (1914-18) with Kaiser Wilhelm II’s slaverings, after the Vladimir ‘Lenin’ Ilyich led October 1917 Revolution’s implementation of the ideology of communism, based on Marx’s philosophy, ‘from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs’,13 a clarion call to WWII’s leader, Joseph Stalin, to set up slave labor camps, that is, gulag (phonetically) in emulation of his nastiness, Germany’s Adolf Hitler, whose ‘concentration camps’ were where millions of ethnic minorities were similarly extincted.

 That the Krania, and the contents thereof, were extincted, because of flying SARS errors, like Smaug, the ‘read dragon’ in Tolkien’s The Hobbit, a symbol of London’s euphemism, ‘the big smoke’, through flatulence producing a smell; or a smell being produced by brain damage, is mass debated. That SARS makes people smell drew attention to smelly people, who’re an otherwise inoffensive minority to the cleaners looking for someone to do on behalf of property thieves, who’re able to assure themselves of a killing by asserting the smelliness of those who use a brand of soap they find disagreeable enough to persuade others that they should move away, suggests SARS as a property thieves’ biological weapon. If Jesus didn’t smell, before he was nailed to a cross of wood, and died there, he did then, is the property thieves’ position; a license to kill, torture, impoverish, ostracize, and evict.

Though dragons were common, historically in China, according to legendary material, having a crafty Smaug is English, whereas Chinese SARS, flying out of the mouth, was a ‘dragon breath’ that killed millions; a demon which Putin’s Red Army harnessed as TOS (TOC): an abbreviation for thoracic outlet syndrome in the West, that is, SARS symptoms. Or the US’ science fiction TV series, Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS), for consumption by alien audiences, as the human crew of the women’s seed slaver, the USS Enterprise starship, were effectively castrated for children, who then were ‘had’, as marks, by ‘the beast’, according to John, `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15). TOS episodes 1 and 2, ‘The Cage’, captained  (1966-69) by actor William Shatner, as James Tiberius (Jesus’ killer) Kirk (church), were also the English acronym for that heavy flamethrower system, symptomatic of brain damage and flammable gas. After Putin’s okay (GB), the Russian Federation embarked on a new phaser of life, with TOS episodes 1 and 2, ably assisted by ads for Ready Brek,14 the UK killer serial, craning its neck, trying to see Europe, and indeed God, and the rest of the ‘Brexit’ universe, as a TV further away, withdrawing from the EU on January 1st, 2022, thereby inviting Putin’s month later invasion.

 That AIDS/SARS is a ‘Molotov cocktail’, which was the term used for the original ‘dirty bomb’, thrown by defenders at the August 7th-September 26th,siege of the then Russian city of Kiev, the Ukraine, as fierily lit rags, stuffed into Vodka bottles, filled with petrol, that then exploded, for example, subsequent to the German invasion of the USSR in 1941, is mass debated. Named for Vyacheslav Molotov, by the Finns, as the Soviet foreign minister declared incendiary bombing missions over Finland in 1939 were, ‘airborne humanitarian food deliveries’,15 which were dubbed by the Finns, ‘Molotov bread baskets’, when the hand-held ‘burn-bottle’, polttopullo in Finnish, was developed to destroy Soviet tanks, the Finns called it ‘a drink to go with his food parcels’, whereas for the Ukrainians, ‘Putin having another meet’, after he’s bottled, might be sufficiently appealing for the hurlers of the burn-bottles to conclude Russia’s T-72 missile launching flamethrower tanks to be, ‘Jesus’ vinegar’, after another meat tin.

Whether its SARS, or its AIDS, Putin, with Russia’s Committee for State Security (KGB), before his election, as President of the new Russian Federation in 1999, after the Soviet Union’s withdrawal from the Eurasia it’d occupied since WWII, was an instrumental force in the use of research fruits, gained from biological and biochemical weapons’ research in communist countries influenced by Russia; for example, Africa’s DR Congo, where AIDS was discovered being transmitted by homosexuals. Believing that Jesus was given the spirit of vinegar, and that the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) was that nigger, HIV/AIDS was a sign to red supremacists; and in communist red China, where the SARS 1 variant was discovered in 2000, developing in a cave of bats in Yunnan province, before reemerging in 2019, as a drag on flying SARS 2 era of grammatically correcting the brain damage, caused by homosexuals smoking the human penis down to its butt, and claiming they’re pc, because they’re BAT’s, was an acronym for British American Tobacco’s unstoppable butt cigarette emergence from the cave mouth, before the human can, SARS, as Jesus’ disciple John foresaw in his apocalyptic vision of the future, ‘Men cursed God for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.’ (Rev: 16. 11) Although his explanation of Jesus was more succinct, ’Out of his mouth came a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations.’ (Rev: 19. 15) It’s difficult to speak with ‘the goat of Mendes’ butting at both ends, which is what Satanism worships,16 and as an atheistic philosophy is what Russia’s communist ideologue, Putin, also symbolized, as the aim of the red dragon, during the age of ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6), is the internecine extinction of non-Russian speakers; for example, Japan’s SONY corporation make earbuds that aren’t necessarily for hearing Russian put in; just as the US’ input, during their war against Indo-Chinese communism (1946-91), is measured popularly by singer-songwriter Bruce Springsteen’s lyrics to the title track of his Born In The U.S.A. (1984) album:


‘Sent me off to a foreign land

To go and kill the yellow man.’17


 Whereas communists are ‘red’, because of their common acceptance of red, as the color of their flag, Asian skins are yellow which, commonly used as a pejorative for cowardice, is what young Americans were told they were; if they fought ‘the draft’, that is, the federal government’s requirement that they serve in some capacity during wartime. However, irrespective of their skin pigmentation, according to racist ideology, that is, that variety of slavery, through ethnic cleansing, which distinguishes between color, rather than ideology, or language, the US’ used napalm,18 during their Indo-China wars in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; a form of flammable petroleum jelly first used against the German capital, Berlin, on March 6th, 1944, that stuck to the skin and burnt, along with ‘Agent Orange’,19 a defoliant spread by US’ aircraft adapted for ‘crop dusting’ to defoliate and starve the populations there into submission. That racism is usually associated with black people, who were sold into slavery, often by their own tribespeople (1580 B.C-1890 C.E.), although slave wars between tribes in Africa were quite common, for example, between the coast of West Africa’s Fon people, Kingdom of Dahomey (Benin) , and neighboring inland Oyo Empire of the Yaruba (1728-1823C.E.), in the popular mind is associated with the 1939 movie of the novel by Margaret Mitchell, Gone With The Wind (1936), detailing the plight of actress Vivienne Leigh as Scarlet O’ Hara, an owner of black slaves at the cotton-picking plantation, Tara, during the American Civil war (1861-65), waged by the North of the Union’s President Abraham Lincoln against the Southern States, resulting in universal manumission.

 That the hyperphrase ‘black economy’ is used to indicate those who don’t want to be wage slaved is a linguistic pyrotechnic designed to vilify those who want independence from slavery as ‘lazy niggers’ by the niggardly, who want slaves, irrespective of color or ideology, which is why the term ‘nigger’ for negro or Nigerian, for example, isn’t necessarily color oriented, as black slaving of blacks in Africa for white plantation owners in the US isn’t what ‘niggered’ means in the 21st century, where it’s a general term for being enslaved. Although as a pejorative it seems specific to non-whites, its offensiveness lies in its being a term meaning ‘enslaved’, rather than as a term of racist abuse, based on color, which means it’s universally inappropriate, and not the specific preserve of people of color who, although sensitive to their history as slaves, don’t have the inalienable right to attack white people on the grounds that the term refers exclusively to people of a different ethnic background. As ethnicity is the grounds for ethnic cleansing, so inflexible adherence to ideology is racist. The ideological belief that niggers means only blacks, ignores the term as denoting slavers, which is what makes it genuinely useful. Hatred, arising from the use of the term nigger, arises from the slaver’s seeking to avoid being thwarted in their slaving, that is, the slaver, who originally was black/white, is ‘the nigger’, who is niggering black/white, etc., slaves, which is the source of the offensiveness of the term, rather than ethnicity; however advocates label ethnic specificity as a fight for freedom.

 Being attacked for use of the term nigger, socially or in print, is a tool of the slaver in the ‘black economy’, that is, a term for those independently minded, who work outside the social welfare system, and those who’re niggered, that is, slaved. Slavers take every opportunity to socially excommunicate, subjugate, and force individuality to submit to their oppression, for the sake of possession. So Putin’s bottle with the Ukraine was his gin trap; leave it fallow: the leader’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy. When the yield was sufficiently rich, Russia’s Putin, as ‘the grim reaper’, was then the ex-KGB genius out of the battle:


‘Come on, baby

(Don't fear the reaper)

Baby, take my hand

(Don't fear the reaper)

We'll be able to fly

(Don't fear the reaper)

Baby, I'm your man.’


 Although the objection seems purely linguistic, it’s an attack on the brain, that is, the result of ‘knee jerk’ reactions to the term nigger is that people become constipated linguistically, because of fear of offending those sensitive to their slave history, amounting to linguistic terrorism, masquerading as political correctness, for example, in the lyrics to ‘(Don’t Fear) The Reaper’ from their album, Agents of Fortune (1976), by US’ rock group, Blue Öyster Cult, ‘Love of two is one.’20 That is, the woman doesn’t exist. Such ‘pc’ restrictions, as being unable to explain that men mean only themselves in marriage, suffocate speech and damn brains in politesse and niceties, carefully designed as palliatives by the sociologically participatory to ward off violence, which results in a weakening of resistance to slavery on capitulation to expediency. Slavers, preferring each other, as homosexual men, by definition, who’re slaving the human host womb, prefer sterile mockery of sex in camaraderie, while the ‘fall out’ from their launching of their biological weapon, AIDS, is humanity’s brain SARS, as what’s inside the cranium eats with sauce; until its got the flat lent Jew, who won’t give it up:


‘Goose-a goose-a gander,

Where shall I wander?

Up stairs and down stairs,

In my lady's chamber;

There you'll find a cup of sack

And a race of ginger.’21


 What’s ‘sauce for the goose’ here isn’t for a ‘gander’,22 as women are the species, threatened by what’s ostensibly a gender, that is, SARS (sauce), although from the English nursery proverb, ‘to have a gander’ means, ‘to look’, as a goose does, with stretched out neck, and unfeigned interest, ‘women’s seed’ are ‘a cup of sack’ and ‘a race of ginger’, as the original inhabitants of Jericho’s city of Canaan, sacked by the Jews upon their arrival, after being the slaves of Pharaoh Thutmose III in Egypt, were the legendarily red-haired Phoenicians,23 whose necks were out too far for the Jews to resist putting their own collars of slavery upon.

 The Judaic story of the beginnings of slavery, where the creator, God, is depicted creating Eve from the hermaphroditic ‘first man’, Adam, although the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, giving her, ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, making the human race ephemeral in slavery to whatever could see how to slave, is the reason for Satan being described as a blinding occlusive, overcome by Eve’s ‘seed’, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) Eve’s seed won’t see the serpent’s seed, as an occluder, until it’s irrelevant to a species with the brainpower to see and escape, although slavery will bruise.

 Jesus, born uncontaminated by male semen, from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was women’s seed, who’re hermaphroditic, which means the wombs of the human host are theirs, whereas for homosexuals, if lesbians are included, as they prefer their species castrated, sexually it’s sterile anus penetrations; neither of which are humanly productive, but are symptomatic of the desire to enslave others, on the understanding that they’re pc, in preferring human sterility, that is, ethnic cleansing, as for lesbians who don’t want the penis, Putin, and for homosexuals who do want it, Putin, sexual humans are an unclean animal disobedient from birth, ‘The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4)

 The Ukraine was about to apply for membership of the European Union, with its blue flag of twelve stars, ‘A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.’ (Rev: 12. 1) Although she’s about to give birth to Jesus, in his ‘Second Coming’ to the Earth, according to Bible commentators, that is, ‘he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter’, the fire-breathing dragon Putin’s promoting of internecine warfare, with ethnic cleansing of non-Russian speakers as the aim, as they haven’t been pc, like those who were taught the 9th century Cyrillic alphabet, invented by Greece’s St. Cyril, from which the Russian language is written, officially, although the future is probably Galactica, based on Spanish, according to science fiction commentators, is a sign against Jesus’ teaching, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6)

 Jesus was executed, after his disciple, Judas, accused him of being with a woman, that is, a member of the species of women’s seed, who aren’t unclean animals to those who aren’t lesbians and homosexuals, who don’t want women’s seed to be born as anything other than a disobedient slave for a pedophile, according to their TV, with a preference either for avoiding Putin, or welcoming Putin, that is, wanting the TV plugged in, or bluetooth, which is what feminists would argue is an improvement on women’s role, although ‘phones only make the disseminated image of the penisless woman more readily available for male vampirism. Taken to the hill of Calvary, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood, outside the city of Jerusalem, where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed, through the sexual reproduction of human brainpower, for the making of starships to colonize the planets, amongst the stars above, and beyond the Earth, and the conferring of immortality; through the medical science of rejuvenation.

 Although Hungary shares a border with the Ukraine, the specter of Russian invasion hasn’t been in the consciousness of European ‘satellite’ Republics, which the Soviets saw as slave states, since the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) applied enough military pressure to persuade the USSR that it was more economical to spend money on business, than arms to strengthen its grip on its slaves. Having left the former Central Eastern European states fallow since 1991, Russia’s invasion looked to Hungarians like 1956’s reaping of those who believed they were free, before the Russian T-34 and T-54 tanks drove into the capital city, Budapest, to crush what Stalinists labeled an ‘uprising’:


‘I'm a troll fol-de-rol

I'm a troll fol-de-rol

I'm a troll fol-de-rol

And I'll eat you for supper.’24


Although ass smell, ’the bones of an Englishman’, doesn’t make meat trolls of those whose language isn’t magyarul, magyar az mell is a Hungarian woman’s breast, and for Hungary’s Viz equivalent, Kretén,25 (cretin) magazine, bassa meg (fuck) is bassa (shit) meg (yes), that is, tits are also bum cleavage.

Because ‘fol-de-rol’  is meat roll (rol), fart out loud (fol), that is, meat for trolls, humans are exposed when farting. While ‘off message’ humans in internet ‘chat rooms’ are called ‘trolls’,26 they aren’t, whereas farting is a sign of humans cooked by trolls, who’re able to transmit through stone, that is, as osmotic diseases, which fight.

 As Putin’s TOS deployment of flammable gas launchers, ignited fierily, almost exactly mirroring after lunch SARS flatulence, spreading virally, as a gas, before humanity’s afire ass of hell, it was the sign of a disease, causing fires, transmitted by osmosis. The flats, lent to the Pinsk marsh Ukrainians, for example, by ‘Vlad’ Putin, were for extinguishing the flatulent humans, that is, women’s cock, tits and ass, in a brain damaged ass Smell Offensive, reminiscent of Putin’s namesake, Prince Vlad, ‘the impaler’, Dracul III of 15th century Wallachia; later modern Romania: neighbor of the Ukraine.

 Vlad was the model for Irish writer Bram Stoker’s Transylvanian Dracula (1897), a vampire creature, who lived forever by drinking the blood of humans. Moreover, Dracul’s title, draco voivode, ‘dragon administrator’, was regionally distinctive, and as Transylvania was then a province of Hungary, its draco was there; the setting for Dracula. However, Dracul was infamous for impaling his victims on stakes, through the anus, like AIDS, which penetrating their brains, appeared as spikes from the skull, whereas Dracula could only be killed by a stake through the heart, according to vampire legend. However, reminiscent of the legendary thorn in Jesus’ head, it was removed by a robin,27 the ‘Christmas’ bird, whose breast feathers were then red ever after from Jesus’ blood, according to the traditional Christian celebration of Jesus’ nativity on December 25th each year.

 Dracul’s stakes were on preventing the resurrection of women’s seed in order that he live forever; as a parasitical worm on the host womb of women’s seed. Consequently, without any stake in the hearts of women, symbolized by the heartening robin’s removal of the thorn from Jesus’ head, the vampire dies, which is women’s stake in the evil creature’s heart. That Dracul’s bloated bags of impaled human gas exploded was a precursor of AIDS/SARS, which represents an attempt by the evil to prevent the Resurrection, as Jesus’ crucifixion was, and which rock music group, The Rolling Stones, recognized in their lyrics to ‘Jumpin’ Jack Flash’ (1968):


‘I was crowned with a spike right through my head

My, my, yeah


But it’s all right now, in fact it’s a gas

But it’s all right, I’m jumpin’ jack flash

It’s a gas, gas, gas.’28


 In Tolkien’s Fellowship of the Ring, it was necessary to say, in order to enter sealed Moria, where precious ores and jewels had been mined by dwarves, before a nameless horror emerged, after being disturbed. The equivalent of the plague of AIDS/SARS from ‘more rear’, in the case of those interested in ass smell on, which although it shouldn’t be from the perspective of a self-reproductive race, like women’s seed, is a reflection of gender assignment surgery, or GAS, which makes men from hermaphrodites, who couldn’t have been homosexual, as hermaphrodites are a race, but GAS was practiced as mandatory, in the case of hermaphrodite births throughout the world; a callous disregard of humanity, reminiscent of Hitler’s use of the poison cyanide-based gas, Zyklon (Cyclone) B, in his extermination camps, where the minorities, that is, humans, were told they were going to the showers: but it was the gas chambers.

 The species of women’s seed is called futanarian, or God’s ‘foot’, whereas men and women were manufactured, as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes; as a transvestite ‘TV’, that is, through castration, which is GAS, humans became a theater of war for perverts to enjoy watching exterminate itself:


‘I could have built a house on the ocean

I could have placed our love in the sky

But it really doesn't matter at all

No, it really doesn't matter at all

Ah, life's a gas.’29


 British pop group, T. Rex, with necessarily androgynous lyrics, by singer-songwriter, Marc Bolan, composing an educational elegy for a formerly hermaphroditic human species, raised as ‘satellite’ nations by the USSR to function as a ‘TV war’ with itself, ‘Life’s A Gas’ (1971), from the album, Electric Warrior, reflects on women’s seed as a gas, that is, after gender assignment surgery (GAS), it’s meant to be over for women as a ‘foot’ race, which Putin’s use of a flammable gas missile, launched against Europe’s craniums, emphasized as human extinction through divisions along gender lines, that is, borderline cases of male, or non-male, masquerading as Russian/non-Russian ethnic irrelevancies, in the same way as Hitler’s Zyklon B, originally a pesticide, was used in the 1880s, in the West coast state of California, when the cattle herding ‘cowboys’ of the United States of America felt threatened, occasionally, by native North American Plains ‘redskin’ Indians. Imprisoned, gradually on ‘reservations’ (c. 1658-), numbering 326, as the 21st century began, with a US’ land area equivalent to Idaho state (2.3%), after distinguishing non-indigenous males from ingenuous ‘Injun’ inhabitants, originally they were Hitlerian death camps.

Gas is a metaphor for gender assignment surgery (GAS), mandatory in the US, for example. The ostensible girl child, Dorothy Gale, portrayed by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz, in a pastiche of the Christian rapture, where the ‘chosen people’ are described in Revelation by Jesus’ disciple, John, as being taken up into heaven through ‘the clouds’ (1 Thess: 4. 17), is transported bodily inside her farmhouse, from Kansas to the film version of L. Frank Baum’s Oz, by a cyclone, which illustrates the ‘Hays code’ (1930-67), established by Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), ensuring women’s seed would never be seen in the mainstream of the mass media entertainment industry, centered in the district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, California, by the simple expedient of banning God’s human ‘foot’ of Jesus’ teaching until it couldn’t be raised, `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`30

 Despite Judy’s being a woman, and only a child to pedophiles, who’d rather see humans extinct than grow eternally beyond their perverse desire for sex with infants, through the permanent human flesh of rejuvenation sciences, developed by the brainpower of women’s seed, there weren’t filmed any scenes of women’s sexual reproduction in mainstream movies, as humans were depicted, by the aliens of pedophilia, as being immoral babies, who should be guilt ridden, shamed, and indeed executed in Jesus’ case, for having sexual inclinations towards their own race.

 Following hard on the heels of the AIDS/SARS epidemic, Putin’s flammable gas fierily mirroring SARS’ flammable flatulence, as a symptom of humans being made brain damaged, and virally extinct, through the manufacture of a TV running on GAS, is the reason for a tank of petrol being called ‘gas’ in the US. The automobile, first mass produced in 1908, at the Henry Ford plant, Detroit, Michigan, as a wheeled GAS TV, that is, the Model-T Ford, underscored Russia’s own thoroughness in mounting its TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system on T-72 tanks.

 After research into the use of biological, and biochemical weapons, to maintain the enslavement of the human host womb of women’s seed, with petroll tanks fol (fart out loud), Vlad Putin, also known as an impaler, for releasing flammable gas in the Ukraine, during the ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6) AIDS/SARS ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 4) virus of hell, trumped le pétomane of France; Joseph Pujol (1857-1945), the famous flatulist,31 whose entertaining trumpetings at bridge gatherings, even towards the end of WWII, similarly demonstrated the infantile nature of one-upmanship to Trump, Donald, et al.


1 Ellis, Bob, Peter Grose, and Robert Hughes, Oz, Richard Neville, Martin Sharp (Art Director), and Richard Walsh (eds.), ‘The Stiff Arm of the Law’, Oz Publications Ink Limited, 4th floor, 16 Hunter Street, Sydney, # 5, Winter (1), 1963.

2 Thorp, Simon, Finbarr Saunders and his Double Entendres, Viz, Chris Donald (ed.), John Brown Publishing, 1985-, Op. cit.

3 Orwell, George 1984 (1948), Secker and Warburg, 1949, Ch. 1.

4 Orwell, George Animal Farm: A Fairy Story, Secker & Warburg, London, 1945, Ch. 10.

5 Heston, Charlton as George Taylor in Planet of the Apes, APJAC Productions, 1968.

6 ‘Like fuck’, .

7 Collins, Fiona ‘Kangaroo meets booming export demand’, Investor TV, February 22nd, 1. 48 pm, 2008,,1244-17294,32914.html .

8 ‘Oak leaf cluster’, .

9 Flynn, Gillian Girl Gone, Crown Publishing Group, 2012.

10 Ovid Heroides, II. Phyllis to Demophoon, Epistle ii. , l, 85, 10 B.C.

11 Bracton, Henry de De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae (c. 1260) On the laws and customs of England (George E. Woodbine ed., transl. Samuel E. Thorne), Cambridge, Mass.: Selden Society, Vol. 4, 1968, p. 335.

12 Tolkien,  J. R. R. The Lord of the Rings, Part One, The Fellowship of the Ring, Ch. 4, ‘A Journey in the Dark’, Allen & Unwin, 1954.

13 Marx, Karl ‘Critique of the Gotha [Thuringia, Germany] Programme’ (April/May 1875), II, Marx/Engels Selected Works, Vol. 3, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1970, p. 13-30.

14 ‘Ready Brek’, Weetabix Limited, Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire, UK, .

18 Mason, Emma, History Extra, BBC, March 15th, 2022, 1:00 pm, .

16 Springsteen, Bruce ‘Born In The U.S.A.’, Born In The U.S.A., Columbia, 1984.

17 Heroditus Histories, II, Euterpe, section(s) 42, 46, and 166, c. 430 B.C.

18 Holland, Oscar '”Napalm Girl” at 50: The story of the Vietnam War's defining photo’, CNN,  June 9th, 2022, .

19 Aspen Institute ‘What is Agent Orange?’, .

20 Roeser, Donald ‘Buck Dharma’  ‘(Don’t Fear) The Reaper’ Blue Oyster Cult, Agents of Fortune, Columbia, 1976.

21 Opie, I., and P. Opie, ‘Goosey Goosey Gander’, Roud Folk Song Index # 6488, The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, (1784), Oxford University Press (1951), 2nd edn., 1997, pp. 191–2.

22 Cf. Anon ‘The forsaken maids frollick or, A farewell to fond love’, 1666, ‘We'l flatter as well as they, for they that can break a vow, teach women what they shall be. If to play fast and loose be good for the Goose, ‘tis good for the Gander too.’ In ‘Coverture’ the gander is legal ‘sauce’, that is, men allow women, whose sauciness, as a metaphor for conduct, sexual or otherwise, isn’t legal if men don’t allow it.

23 Röllig, W. ‘Phoenician and the Phoenicians in the context of the Ancient Near East’, S. Moscati (ed.) I Fenici ieri oggi domani : ricerche, scoperte, progetti, Roma, 1995, p. 203-214.

24 Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen, and Jørgen Moe, ‘Three Billy Goats Gruff’ (De tre bukkene Bruse), Aarne-Thompson type 122E, Norske Folkeeventyr, 1841.

25 ‘Chat room’, .

26 Ádám, Zoltán (ed.), Kretén, Semic Interprint Kft., Budapest, Hungary, March 1994-.

27 Conte, Mario ‘Robin Redbreast’, Messenger of Saint Anthony, February 15th, 2013, .

28 Jagger, Mick, and Keith Richards, ‘Jumpin’ Jack Flash’, Decca, 1968.

29 Bolan, Marc ‘Life’s A Gas’, Electric Warrior, Fly, 1971.

30 TV Tropes, .

31 McCann, Graham ‘Classical gas: Galton & Simpson's Le Pétomane’, British Comedy Guide, Sunday, February 7th, 2021, .

Saturday, 5 November 2022

The Boy's Owner Was Satan

The Boy's Owner Was Satan


Wondering about the meaning of the Bible narrative of Adam and Eve in the paradise of Eden, where the woman, Eve, and the first man, Adam, placed there by the creator, God, the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, serpent’s are poisonous. As the result of the serpent Satan’s giving to Eve, ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, was Eve and Adam’s expulsion from Eden  by God for rejecting the ‘fruit of the tree of live’, which was immortality, Cain was born, who killed his brother, Abel, as he was more able and had learned to sacrifice animals in fire to God, that is, he’s learned to cook, which was more pleasing to God than Cain’s offering of fruit. In terms of the plot Satan is that boy’s owner, as he has symptoms of having succumbed to the poisoner. The meaning is that Eve and Adam aren’t poisonous, as both Cain and Abel have free will, so Eve and Adam aren’t boys owner, who’re slave owners, which means that they’re edible.

 Obviously, it’s difficult to see how women as labor camps producing children as food for the poisoner are to be immortal, although God told Eve her ‘seed’ would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your food, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) One could be forgive for wondering how it is that the food is going to bruise the serpent’s brainpower given the extent of the brain damage inflicted by the poisoner upon the species to ensure its edibility, although the birth of Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, indicates the distinction between food that’s contaminated and the foot that isn’t. In Christian iconography the Virgin Mary is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, as she’s the legitimate descendant of Eve’s seed, and Jesus is her foot. The explanation is that women are a separate futanarian species, that is, humans are women’s foot race, which is hermaphroditic for the sexual reproduction of brainpower from all of the host wombs.

 Although it was Abel that could cook, it was Cain’s descendants that learned to cook the able, that is, death made slaves of children, who died after they’d been worked to death in slavey, which was what the poisoned fruit was for, and was the reason for Cain’s preferring of fruit for God, as the boy’s owner aimed to slave and eat God, the creator, and be the father. Although Cain could see, he was blinded by the poisoner, which was the reason for his name, as the blind human race limps along lamely with one, and as the ancient Greek dramatist Sophocles described in Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.), Oedipus blinds himself, because he marries his mother, Jocasta, which breaks a powerful taboo laid upon the human species: incest. However, as the serpent’s seed of the poisoner’s isn’t women’s seed, Oedipus’ blindness consists in his inability to understand that he isn’t human and that incest is a prohibition against women having sex with their own species’ family, which means that Oedipus is too close to the truth about human nature for the poisoner who lames and blinds the one whose name means ‘foot’ and who walks with knowledge arcane.

 Although the result of the fall of man isn’t evident to all of those who read the Bible, which is the Old Testament of the Jews, that is, their Torah and Talmud, which is their law and history, superseded by the New Testament of the teaching of Jesus, according to Christianity, it’s clear that Cain’s killing of his Abel brother was as a prelude to eating him, after becoming Satan, the boy’s owner’s, ‘fruit’, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) It was Jesus’ response to his disciple Judas’ objecting to Jesus being with a woman that revealed the truth, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6)  Judas notified the Jewish religious police and Jesus was given to the Romans then occupying Palestine in the reign of the Emperor Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.) Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, and nailed to a cross of wood, Jesus died there, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed, which wasn’t the poisoner’s.

 If the futanarian ‘fooot’ race isn’t the poisoner’s, it can run, especially if the boy’s owner has poisoned itself, so it’s blind and lame. However, if the poisoner’s seed eats the seed of the women, there might be more able, so their market supply and demand is for the food chain and that of the foot. In his apocalyptic vision of the future, Jesus’ disciple, John, described the activity of the supermarket, ‘It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.’ (Rev: 13. 16-17) Amongst the Hindu people of India women receive a mark on their foreheads indicating marriage, whereas in most societies they wear a slave ring, or a signature ring indicating whose they are. Although Hinduism isn’t a religion of the same sort as Judeo-Christianity, it also has something to say about the reptile, which is depicted as lying at the base of the spine in the Muladhara chakra, one of seven energy centers along the spine activated in meditation until the ‘crown’ chakra, Sahasrara, representing full awoken consciousness, is active. However, if the consciousness falls, it’s devoured by the reptile corresponding to what Western medical science identified as the ‘reptile brain’. The 5th century religion of Buddhism, originating with Gautama Buddha, also based on the Hindu sacred Vedas (1500-900 B.C.), is similar, although it’s emphasis on transcendence makes it more easily understandable as being acceptable to Western women, for example, who aren’t taught they’re edible.

 The value of the Vedas and Buddhism is that they describe demons outside humans as well as inside, that is, the serpent’s seed eats humans from without as well as from within, whereas Judeo-Christianity is largely understood by the sheep of the congregations that go to their places of God worship in flocks to be taught by their shepherds that  being eaten by the serpent’s seed is metaphorical. The other major religion is Islam, a derivation of Judaism founded by Isaac, borne by Sara, wife of Abraham, whereas the religion of the Moslems was founded by Mohamed, the descendant of Ishmael, borne by Hajer, a slave, concubine to Abraham, who along with Ishmael dedicated the Ka’ Ba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, as a shrine to the patriarch, where Moslem pilgrimage annually during what’s known as ‘Haj’. The ‘Egyptian woman’ (Gen: 16. 1), as ‘Ka’ means ‘spirit’ and ‘Ba’ means ‘soul’ for the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs, that is, women’s seed has penis’ semen (Ka) and all of the host wombs (Ba). Dictated to Mohamed by the angels, according to Islamic tradition, the Koran (610-30 C.E.) gave permission for Moslem marriages to have four wives, which is viewed by Christianity as a retroactive attempt by Islam to legitimize Ishmael’s birth, and therefore Islam’s, whereas it’s a means to breed women as food within the family, which is why they’re required to publicly wear the one-piece coverall of the burka, as the fast food  burka chain,1 MacDonald’s, is primarily a drive-in take-away for those who aren’t tabled knights.


1 Jeff and JR ‘Saudi women are finally allowed to drive’, Plain English, Lesson # 65, July 11th, 2018, .


Friday, 4 November 2022

Spays: the Final Frontier: These are the Voyages of the Castrated Women: the Human Species

Spays: the Final Frontier: These are the Voyages of the Castrated Women: the Human Species


Although the fans of Star Trek: TOS (1966-69), so labeled because of its being superseded by later variants, for example, Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94), as a television series watched by millions of viewers throughout the world, rather than a reference to the Russian Red Army’s heavy flamethrower system, known as TOS, as the Russians use the Cyrillic alphabet, so TOS is an acronym of the name of the heavy flamethrower system in their Cyrillic language script, тяжёлая огнемётная система (TOC), Star Trek: The Original Series is paradigmatic in the same way as the TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system, deployed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Ukraine invasion of February 24th, 2022, atop the T-72 tank chassis, which showed the world that Russia’s promises of independence and freedom for their former dependent satellite slave states relinquished in 1991, after the communist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, victor in World War II (1939-45) over German ambitions to enslave the Earth, and occupier of Eastern Europe thereafter, had reformed politically as the Russian Federation, hadn’t changed its socio-economic policies subsequent to their war leader, Joseph Stalin, building slave labor camps, gulag, where the captive populations of  the USSR were worked so that the farmer could take what they produced.

 Leaving the workers in the fields to produce what they were able to was Russian socio-economic policy after 1991, and the so-called collapse of the Soviet Union, persuaded to withdraw from Eastern Europe, after a period known as the ‘Cold War’ that had been waged since the Western alliance of the United States and Britain were able to recognize that Russia was a war ally, but not a socio-political ally of capitalism, differing from communism in the sense that entrepreneurialism was the spirit of exploitation in the West, whereas straightforward labor slavery was the spirit of exploitation in the East, where communism, the theory of society outlined by German Karl Marx in Das Kapital (1868), laid the foundations of communist exploitation with phrases like, ‘from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs’, gobbledygook familiar to those incarcerated in the concentration camps of the German Nazis during WWII, where those inmates who could perform miraculously were saved, while the rest were consigned to being burned in the furnaces, as corpse material unable to meet the needs of the kommmandant and his henchmen. The Russian TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system was simply a portable furnace for the incineration of the worthless workforce after the people of the Ukraine had produced enough for Putin’s new ‘master race’, conceived as a model similar to that of the German war leader, Adolf Hitler, whose National Socialist (Nazi) Party, elected in 1933, built the death camps in which upwards of 6, 000, 000 Jews and ethnic minorities were exterminated throughout Europe as the Nazis invaded there.

 Putin’s invasion was based on the principle that there were Russians in the Ukraine, which meant that it was an ‘ethnic cleansing’ of minority peoples who weren’t communists; a principle familiar to the West since the break-up of the former ‘superstate’ of Yugoslavia into socio-economically independent states. Subsequent to Russia’s withdrawal from Eastern Europe in 1991, and before Putin’s election as President in 1999, a former lieutenant colonel of the Russian Committee for State Security (KGB), the Bosnian war (1992-95), for example, was fought between Moslems of the nations of Islam, and Christian Serb militia, who built ‘rape camps’ to ‘Christianize’ the Moslem women’s future generations as ethnically cleansed slaves. Although the Moslems of Islam aren’t strictly Judeo-Christianity, which is based on the Jewish Torah and Talmud, that is, their history and law, which is called the Old Testament of the Bible amongst Christians, who believe the teaching of the New Testament of Jesus ;Christ’, ‘the chosen’, supersedes the law of the Jews, Islam’s Koran (610-30 C.E.), which permits Moslem marriages four wives, is ethnically similar in that Isaac, founder of Judaism, was the brother of Ishmael, founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, to whom the angels of God, according to Moslem tradition, dictated the Koran, and whose mother, Hajer, with Ishmael, dedicated the Ka’ Ba in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, a shrine to Isaac and Ishmael’s father, Abraham, as the patriarch of Judeo-Christianity as well as Islam. That the wars of ethnic cleansing were slave wars supersedes religion, although Jesus’ teaching neatly encapsulates the problem, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) That communism, Judeo-Christianity, and Islam are merely valences of a universal format, which is slavery, is explicable from an examination of the US’ science fiction television series, Star Trek: TOS, which features the starship Enterprise, voyaging throughout the cosmos, patrolled by security guards armed with laser pistols, called phasers, captained by actor WIlliam Shatner as James T. Kirk, encountering aliens corresponding to any alliance that might exist amongst the populations of the Earth contrary to US’ ambition.

 The US was the capital of the mass media entertainment system of the world centered in the city of Los Angeles, West coast of the state of California, district of Hollywood, but it was the ‘Hays code’, established in the 1930s by Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) that implemented what was known as ‘the one foot on the floor rule’, as applied to filmed romantic bedroom scenes featuring, `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 In Judeo-Christianity Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, as Jesus is her foot, which echoes what God told the woman, Eve, after she and the first man created by God, Adam, were expelled for giving credence to the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. Satan had given to Eve ‘the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, and although God had told her to ‘eat only of the fruit of the tree of life’, that is, immortality, saying ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Expelling Eve and Adam, God told Eve her seed would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) The seed of Eve is her futanarian race, which is hermaphroditic, for the host wombs of her human species, which is why Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen. Resurrected and having Ascension to heaven after being executed by the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine for telling his disciple, Judas, to stop bothering a woman, Jesus prefigured the triumph of women’s seed over the animal brain, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Hollywood’s ban on sex scenes featuring women in bed from 1930-67 was a means to damn women’s seed, that is, the human race, and make it a slave.

 Throughout history slaves were often castrated and made into eunuchs, for example, ‘the Sultanate of women’ (1526-56),was a force majeure socio-politically for the Turkish Ottoman Empire, were the Moslem wives (sometimes called ‘mothers’), slaves of the Sultan, Islam’s Süleyman the Magnificent. As women aren’t understood to have penis’ semen of their own, what passes for the human race is that of an alien’s slave system, based on castration, as a means to use another species’ brainpower. Manufactured as a male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes to wage war in the human race for the alien’s (alliance) entertainment, men and women are the alien’s transvestite TV, represented in Star Trek, as well as almost all other fiction, scientific or otherwise, as a species of castrated women patrolled by security guards, while the truly fictional enemy of the human race is projected onto the viewing screen as an bug-eyed monster (BEM) which ‘security’ defend their enslaved human host womb against; a hilarious parody of gallantry directed at the ignorant, with the aliens snickering parasitically behind their handheld phasers.

 Although Western capitalism views its opponent as communism, factually there’s little difference. The US’ plan is to continue slaving women’s seed without permitting their futanarian foot to rise from the floor of the cutting room, and Putin’s Russia is the same. While Judeo-Christianity views Islam as illegitimate, because Isaac, the founder of Judaism, was legitimately born from Abraham’s wife, Sara, whereas Ishmael was born from ‘’the Egyptian woman’ (Gen: 16. 1), the slave, Hajer, a concubine, so the four wives of the Moslem marriages was merely a retroactive attempt to legitimize Islam, it affords the possibility of sexual reproduction with women’s seed within the family system, that is, it’s more Godly than Judeo-Christianity, although as a slave system it’s less Godly, which is the basis of a true criticism that the West is unable to employ, as it’s a slaver itself.


1 TV Tropes,,php/Main/FootPopping/ .

Thursday, 3 November 2022

The Human Species is a Shag Your Dog Story

The Human Species is a Shag Your Dog Story


Although bestiality is a taboo subject  for most areas of human society, the Bible has much to say about it. The disciple of Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, John, for example, described ‘the beast’ in his apocalyptic vision of the future, ‘The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.’ (Rev: 13. 15) Although it sounds like science fiction, which is a form of literature based on science, what John is describing is the television set, which was invented by Scot, John Logie Baird, in 1926. However, as women are a separate human species, called futanarian, as many of their race are hermaphroditic, as well as having all of the host wombs, ‘the beast’ corresponds to the manufacture of men and women as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes in TV transvestism, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) The ‘red dragon’, apart from its correlation with the Russian ‘Red Army’ and its heavy flamethrower system (TOS 1 and 2), breathing fire upon the invaded Ukraine after its February 24th, 2022, invasion, of a country but recently applied to join the European Union, with its blue flag of twelve stars corresponding to the ‘crown’ of the woman of John’s apocalypse, is a symbol of men and women as a TV beast manufactured by the alien for its entertainment, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) The child, according to John’s prophetic revelation of the future, is Jesus, come again to the Earth, after his first sojourning, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, whose foot is depicted crushing a serpent in Christian iconography, as Jesus is woman’s seed, that is, futanarian, ‘he who will rule the nations with an iron rod’, because men and women are a TV beast.

 The distinction between omen as the human race, and the rest, is important, for the simple reason that fire-breathing dragons aren’t, which means that invasions are an alien attack upon the human race, for example, the Allies fire-bombing of the German city of Dresden, capital of the state of Saxony, in four raids  from February 13th-15th, 1944, by a combined heavy bomber force of aircraft of the United States (527) and Britain (772), dropping incendiaries designed to burn the buildings of the urban conurbation to the ground, mightn’t have occurred if the humans had been in command, rather than the aliens, that is, the Alliance, to prevent a firestorm destroying 6.5 km2 of the city centre, and killing 25, 000 people. Although the Allies defeated Germany, which National Socialist (Nazi) Party leader, Adolf Hitler, democratically elected in 1933, waged the Second World War (1939-45) to enslave the Earth, the principle that invasion is alien to humans is evident from the correlations to be drawn between John’s revelatory vision of the future and the identification of the Russian Red Army with the ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 3)

 Moreover, as the ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6) is associated with the dragon it’s also clear that the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was a flying source of aliens. Vladimir Putin was a former lieutenant colonel with the Russian Committee for State Security (KGB), who became President of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1999, after the USSR (CCCP) was officially abandoned in favor of the reformed Russian Federation in 1992, which withdrew from those satellite slave states it’d occupied throughout Eastern Europe, including the Ukraine, after WWII. That the KGB researched biological and biochemical weapons through its Republics and satellites under the sway of the socio-economic system of communism first disseminated by the German, Karl Marx in Das Kapital (1868), and adopted by Russia in 1917 after the revolution, led by Vladimir ‘Lenin’ Ilyich, deposed the oligarchy of Tsar Nicholas II, at the height of the First World War (1914-18) to defeat German slave ambitions then. Dr Congo, where the mutated simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) was discovered as an ‘incurable killer disease’, spread by homosexuals, impaling each other’s penis on their anuses, as the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), collapsing the organs of the body, and resulting in brain death, was a communist Republic, while China, where the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), that is, the ‘dragon breath’ of the flying source of aliens that killed millions globally, after its emergence at a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, was similarly a part of the communist alliance, weakening the human system, according to science, so that the dragon could be Putin, ‘It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.’ (Rev: 13. 16-17) That Karl Marx’s communism are the beast’s marks is evident, but that the mark of the beast is that of the castrated human species of women’s seed, made into a beast by the alien TV manufacturer, isn’t.

 That bestiality is the theme of the alien exterminator of the human species means that the human race is a ‘shaggy dog story’, a literary variant in which there’s a spellbinding narrative holding the audience’s aghast attention before the one-line ending reveals it’s a joke. Humanity is a shag your dog story, as it endeavors to holds the attention permanently, for example, in the ancient religion of the Egyptian Pharaohs, Anubis is the dog-headed god of the afterlife, although that isn’t so strange when it’s recalled that a cleric wears a ‘dog collar’, as the burying of bones are their business. Although Anubis is depicted as black with a dog’s head, a statue of Anubis as a man at Abydos city, Upper Egypt, suggests that the god is a symbol of a black man, which is supported by the presence of Nubians in the Egyptian army, originally as mercenaries, but later as the mainstay of Egypt’s defense forces, which is why a title of Anubis is ‘Ruler of the Nine Bows’, that is, slavery, as well as ‘The Dog Who Swallows Millions’, and ‘Foremost of the Divine Booth’, which relate to obedience, resurrection, and rejuvenation.

 As much of ancient Egyptian mythology and religion centers upon the flooding of the river Nile that heralds the growing season, it’s significant that the heliacal, that is, annual, rising of the ‘Dog Star’, Sirius, coincides with the flood, which in psychological terms denotes the dreams of sleep, while the mind is at peace unconsciously renewing, before reawakening. Moreover, as Anubis is the dog god it’s logical to suppose that the planet orbiting around Sirius is the home of black men, who’re associated with canines. A possible solution is that the Earth is where they left their animals, which if women’s seed is the human race, is cogent. The dog headed canine who is the black man is then the link between Earth and Sirius, although the complication of bestiality remains.

 Understanding the mythic contribution of Anubis to Egypt is dependent on knowledge of the role of Ra, the sun god, who incarnates as Osiris, who is dismembered by the evil, Set, before being remembered by the goddess Isis, who even gives him a new penis, explicable in the fact that women have them too, and ushered into the afterlife by Anubis, who kills Set with an ‘iron rod’, like that in Jesus in his ‘Second Coming’ (Rev: 2. 27), Osiris is restored as Horus, ‘the sky god’, a metaphor for a TV set,  which having exterminated the women’s penis, takes it from her, and uses it to broadcast war against women’s seed by satellite. However, the implication that black men in the region of the star, Sirius, are the women’s guard dogs is inescapable.

 That there was a bee goddess and that Ra’s tears became bees as messengers from heaven suggests Anubis, that is, new communications came from Sirius, relating to what Christianity perceived as the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of Jesus, who was vouchsafed his role as redeemer, as he was able to cry, which attracted Sirius B’’s, as Sirius is a binary star system, according to astronomers, although the Dogon people of West Africa’s Mali, near the city of Bandiagra, ‘large eating bowl’,1 and Burkina Faso, assert it’s a trinary star with a satellite orbiting there, which could be where the serious bee messages originate as Anubis communications received on Earth’s animal farm, where the experiments in the laboratory pray to escape from those who prey on them, as the aliens do, where a shag’s a pipe off a dog’s bowl.


1 Anomalien, ‘The Dogon People: Primitive Tribe With Knowledge Of The Universe’, October 21st, 2019, .

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

The Bowls of his Pipe the Pipe of his Balls

The Bowls of his Pipe the Pipe of his Balls


Although the connection between snuff movies, which are recorded entertainments of real people being tortured and killed, and snuff tobacco is explicable, the connection with pipe smoking isn’t so evident. The tobacco in cigarettes, which are a euphemism for the penis, is ground to make what’s called snuff tobacco, which is ingested nasally, or by inserting into the mouth and having it absorbed by the gums. Consequently, the original snuff was cocaine, which the leader of the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party, Adolf Hitler, elected in 1933, used during the Second World War (1939-45), and a substitute was also developed by chemists at Berlin-based Temmler-Werke pharmaceutical co., methamphetamine, which was similarly ingested through the nostrils and gums, as cocaine had been, a narcotic substance made from the leaves of the predominantly South American red berried coca plant, used by the native populations of the Andes mountains, Peru, etc., to maximize the function of lungs and heart through brain stimulation, and so live at higher altitudes, which is why cocaine users felt like supermen and it was favored by the self-perceived German übermenschen of the Nazi military in the period of their occupation of Europe in the course of WWII, before eventual defeat to the red berets of the Western powers, that is, Britain and the United States, and Russia from the East, which is perhaps why some Bundeswehr have worn red berets since then; symbolic of the coca plant’s red berries: the snuff police of the high Germans.

 That the German Nazis exterminated millions of ethnic minorities, especially Jews, in death camps purposely built for the purpose of working slave labor to extinction, and after burning them in coke-fueled ovens, is a sign of the activity of ‘coke’ users, that is, cocaine addicts, who feel like supermen in their work of killing, which is why cocaine is the earliest form of snuff tobacco, as smoking cigarettes is a metaphor for penis extinction, for example, in Russia fellatio is called ‘smoking’, while ‘smoke’ in the United States of America is a slang term amongst gangsters for their killings, as it makes them feel like supermen. The growth of the phenomenon of ‘ethnic cleansing’ since the last quarter of the 20th century, notably in the former Yugoslavian ‘superstate’ in the Balkans, for example, the setting up of ‘rape camps’, during the Bosnian  war (1992-5), fought by Christian Serb militia against Moslems in the forging of a national identity, after the withdrawal of Russia from Eastern Europe in 1992, and the Darfur region of East Africa’s Sudan, where the Arabian Moslem administrators from 2003 paid Janjaweed militia to perpetrate genocidal pogroms on black Moslems, is penis smoking, that is, the extinguishing of the families of progenitors, who’re by extension the penis’ smoke, although the filming of the exterminations as entertainments isn’t held to be a widespread phenomenon, as the perpetrators of the genocide don’t need to film it in order to experience the exaltation of feeling superhuman when killing their victims.

 Although the 15th century Empire of the Inca peoples of South America undoubtedly inspired the use cocaine to ascend the Andes mountains and live there, it’s likely that cocaine was used only to ascend. Once there the Incas were able to breathe quite easily, but the feeling of exaltation caused them to engage inhuman sacrifice, that is, the killing of humans, as their transcendental experience of the heights of creation suggested the existence of another more rarefied realm that could be accessed by sending humans through to that ‘heaven’, as the various religions of the world have described it, so pyramids were constructed by the Incas with sacrificial altars in order to transfer humans to the alternative reality perceived as existing by their exalted minds.

 That Cain, the son of Eve and Adam, humanity’s progenitors, according to the Judeo-Christian Bible, which is the history and law of the Jews, that is, their Torah and Talmud, before the teaching of Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, superseding the Old Testament as the New Testament, according to Christianity, and that Cain killed Abel, his brother, as he was able enough to please the creator, God, by sacrificing an animal as cooked meat upon the altar, whereas Cain offered fruit only, suggests that human sacrifice fueled by cocaine, that is, the desire of one cock to feels superior to another’s, is what snuff entertainments are for self-perceived supermen, who kill the able in the perception that the able might supersede them, which is why Jesus was executed by the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who gave him over to the Roman Empire in the reign of Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), and he was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, where he was nailed to a cross of wood and died there, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, according to the New Testament of the Bible, which is the criminal rationale for humans being sacrificed in snuff entertainments.

 Although pipe tobacco, or ‘shag’ as it’s known, also a euphemism for sexual intercourse with women, doesn’t immediately seem connected with the snuff entertainment industry, although cigarette smoking is linked in the common imagination at least with cancer, that is, the consumption of the human by a smoking related disease, the cock and balls of the human is the pipe and bowls of the shag smoker, who is then a symptom and a metaphor for ethnic cleansing, which is penis smoking, as humans shag in order to extend their penis as the progenitors of new life, whereas killers smoke in order to extinguish the unclean, as it were, who’re ethnic minorities and so not supermen, who’re pure nationhood, as perceived by themselves, for example, However, as God explained to Eve, the woman, in the paradise of Eden, according to the Old Testament of the Bible, her seed will prevail, despite her accepting from the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent for rejecting God’s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, rather than  ‘the fruit of the tree of life’, which was immortality, saying ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Expelling Eve, and the first man created by God, Adam, from Eden, God told her, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) As women are a species separate from men, that is, some are hermaphroditic in a race called futanarian, men are the serpent’s seed, because of their snuff entertainments.

 Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was her foot, as she’s depicted crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, in Christian iconography, beneath her foot, that is, woman’s seed. Consequently, Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigures that of women’s seed, whereas men’s snuff entertainments in the guise of supermen is a sign that human extinction is what they represent, for example, in Jesus’ disciple John’s apocalyptic vision of the future, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour the child as soon as it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) Satan’s a smoker, with his pipes, and his bowls representing the skulls of a castrated race that’s forever going to be some good shag:


‘Old King Cole was a merry old soul,

And a merry old soul was he;

He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl,

And he called for his fiddlers three.

Every fiddler he had a fiddle,

And a very fine fiddle had he;

Oh there's none so rare, as can compare,

With King Cole and his fiddlers three.’1


 As testified by the English nursery rhyme, ‘Old King Cole’, about a smoking ember, polyorchids are humans with three testes for the manufacture of snuff, that is, men and women as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes in TV transvestism for war against women’s seed, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rec: 12. 17) The meaning is that, once the kids are set up, the killer can exterminate them and have their property, which is what the Russians, for example, did with the Ukraine, which was invaded by the Red Army on February 24th, 2022, by order of President Vladimir Putin, with their heavy flamethrower system as the main field weapon of the Russian Federation, that is, the ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 3), after the Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had applied for his country’s membership of the European Union, with its blue flag of twelve stars corresponding to the ‘crown’ of the woman giving birth, according to John’s apocalypse, to ‘he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter’. However, as the ruler is the redeemer, Jesus, in his ‘Second Coming’ to the Earth, according to Christianity, the fear for the evil is that they’ll be punished with that eternal unendurable pain, which is perdition, promised to them by God for their snuff entertainments.


1 King, William Useful Transactions in Philosophy, 1708-9.

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Nihil Satan

Nihil Satan


Satanists are not Thee Creator, but for Christians Satan is what creatives are, as they don’t, won’t, or can’t create what God has. However, the desire to abominate what creators produce is nihilism, which approximates to Christianity, but isn’t Satanism. The Christian paradigm, for example, used to be that girls are beautiful, and who wouldn’t want them? However, in the sense that the movie industry, centered upon the district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, west coast state of California, United States of America, makes films with beautiful girls that aren’t Christian to their audience, they don’t want them; for example, in the Hammer House of Horror movie studios’ production, Twins of Evil (1971), twin teenage girls are lesbian vampires, that is, actresses Madeleine and Mary Collinson, sometime nude Playboy models, who’re in the role of Maria and Frieda Gellhorn, the evil twins of the title, who become so, after being bitten by the vampire, male lead actor, Damien Thomas, in his role as Count Karnstein, because then they’ll also drink human blood.

 As this isn’t Christian, but Satanism, according to the moviemakers, from a Christian perspective it’s evil, which means that it should be anathematized and, withdrawn from the public gaze, quietly destroyed. However, that’s a nihilist point of view, rather than a Christian weltanschauung, which is that the actresses are beautiful girls, as can be seen from the Collinson’s appearance as the first identical twins for Playboy, Playmates of the month, nude model poses from the October 1970 issue. Christianity is at war with itself as a nihilist, rather than with Satanism, which holds the position that the movie is the work of a creator, who isn’t God, although the creation is godlike. Moreover, as the Satanist is largely vilified as being evil, he/she is prey to accepting the label, whereas the Christian nihilist is under no such compunction, and is perceived as being more Godly, as they simply don’t accept that beautiful girls should appear naked in movies, which therefore shouldn’t exist, that is, neither the girls, nor the movies.

 The conventional received wisdom is that Satanism is at war with the Creator and creation, whereas that’s true of nihilism, which seeks to destroy the creator and creation, as the nihilist believes in nothing, and that nothing should exist. However, the Satanist believes in God, and their creations, which aren’t wanted by Christians or nihilists, as they’re deemed unacceptable; a belief untenable in the modern age as the mass media of cinema and television audiences for outré film entertainments indicates. In simple terms, Hammer productions are thematically Satanical, as the Christian perspective is that the Gellhorn twins are evil, because they’re naked and beautiful, whereas the Satanist position is that they’re naked and beautiful. For Christians, the fiction, which is presented as fact by the conventions of cinematic veracity, that is, that the girls are lesbians and vampires, justifies the nihilist philosophy of destruction: lesbian vampires must be destroyed. However, as screen nudity is what the thematic device of lesbian vampires is for, the destruction of the creation, on the understanding that beautiful naked girls are evil, is a spuriously moral campaign, based on the principle of adultery.

 The mistake of Christianity is to assume that nudity is immoral, as the theme of lesbian vampires is evil, whereas that’s the plot device designed to drive in the truth, like the stake in the heart of the vampire that kills it, which is that girls are beautiful naked. Obsessed with the idea that the naked are evil, the Christian is programed by the filmmaker to destroy girls for being beautiful, when naked, succumbing to nihilism’s embrace, which isn’t moral. The Satanist is, in the sense that their creators aren’t God, which is why movies like Twins of Evil exist, as Count Karnstein tacitly suggests to actor Peter Cushing in his role as Gustav Weil, the Puritan uncle of the Gellhorn sisters, ‘What's the meaning of this, Weil? Out witch-hunting again?’1 That Christianity would nihilistically destroy such creations  is the basis for Satanism’s rejection of Christian morality, but not of God, Who is definable as the Creator, but not a creator of movies, which paradoxically is the basis for logically supposing that God isn’t disapproving of beautiful naked girls.

 Film creators are under pressure to make girls appear evil, as nudity isn’t a sufficient reason for Christian moralists to vicariously experience the Satanical joys of anticipating the nihilistic destruction of the immoral. The fiction espoused by Christian moralists is that nudity inspires adultery, and is applied to magazines such as Playboy. Moreover, it’s adultery that’s the basis of Christian morality, as a form of demonic possession producing ‘Armageddon’, that is, the end of the world battle, scheduled to take place on the plain of Megiddo (Rev: 16. 16), geographically situated, according to the Bible, near the northern port of the city, Haifa, on the coast of Jewish Palestine. The Bible is, partly, the history and law of the Jews, that is, the Torah and Talmud, written before the transcription of Jesus’ teaching, known as the New Testament, who’s believed by Christians to supersede in authority the Jews’ Old Testament, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) Adultery is the awareness that beautiful naked girls are available for sexual activity, without reference to a particular gene pool’s indicating faithfulness to God. However, as a consequence of nations fearful of being adulterated, ‘ethnic cleansing’ is the nihilistic extinction, by means of extermination, peoples who’re perceived as unfaithful representations of nationhood, which isn’t neighborly.

 That ethnic cleansing is nihilism, based on belief in adultery, as the impetus for the extermination of populations, to protect the faithful nation of unadulterated genes, isn’t Satanism, which is the knowledge that beautiful naked girls aren’t adulterous. God told Eve that her seed would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) If Satan, the angel turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, is understood to be an evil brain, then Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, represented in Christian iconography crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, is God’s ‘foot’. As women’s seed is futanarian, that is, some women are hermaphroditic, they’re the human species, with all of the host wombs, and therefore all of the human brainpower adulterated by men as the serpent’s seed; for example, when a woman accused of adultery was brought before Jesus, he said, ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7) As women’s seed is a separate human race from men’s, women are the adulterated human species, not the adulterer, which is why Satanism’s is a greater moral perspective; laboring under Christianity’s nihilistic misapprehension of a truth it won’t, or can’t, disseminate.


1 Thomas, Damien as Count Karnstein Twins of Evil, Hammer Film Productions, 1970.