New Lamps For Old
In ancient Egyptian mythology, the Ka is the spirit of the
individual and the Ba is the soul, which is described by developmental
psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), as the anima in man, while God tells Eve her soul is different in Eden,
that is, she has `seed` of her own and will, `crush the head of the serpent
with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen:
3. 15). Women with their own penis` semen were killed and culled after Adam and
Eve were expelled from Eden for accepting womb slavery from the serpent, `You
shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) The
parable is of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which
Eve and the first man, Adam, accept instead of God`s `fruit of the tree of
immortality`, and the consequence is the birth of `futanarian` women with their
own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains`
powers to escape from the serpent`s brains, which is why God tells Eve she`ll
crush its head as she goes. Eve and Adam are expelled from Eden into womb
slavery to war and death, which God warns Eve of when he tells her she`ll have
`perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` until Jesus` birth uncontaminated
by male semen redeems her from the labor pains God has told her she`ll
experience while God tells Adam he must work so she and her human species can
live by the `seed` of men`s efforts if men are to have Redemption. Eve`s soul isn`t man`s because,in Egyptian
terms, her futanarian `Ka` is sexually desirous of her `Ba`, as Egyptian
mythology indicates, that is, Ka and Ba
are her spirit and soul, whereas Jungian psychoanalysis describes women as
soulless with a spirit or animus
corresponding to women`s perceptions of themselves as being surrounded by
admiring males.
By the late 20th
century the spirit of the East had penetrated Western culture after the birth
of Jesus uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, who
appears in the Koran (610-30 C.E.) of
the desert Moslem peoples of Arabia as Isa and his mother, Miriam. According to
tradition the Koran was dictated to
the Prophet Mohamed by the angels of God more than six hundred years after Jesus
was nailed to a wooden cross and tortured to death by agents of the Roman
Empire in Palestine. Jesus was betrayed by his disciple, Judas Iscariot, after
the `Last Supper`, as a `dissident` rejecting male braining through the
serpent`s seed` of men`s semen. Judas
sold Jesus for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Messiah`s crucifiers, who
rejected Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` as symbols of the `body and blood` of
the human host, because Judas was a parasite betraying woman`s womb. Although
Jesus` teaching, `love your neighbor`, was accepted by the religion that became
Christianity, men`s perception was that it was a `gay` religion with overtones
of sadism and the basic premise that individuals must die in order to have
heaven, while Catholic dogma in accordance with Pope Pius XII`s doctrine of the
Assumption of the Virgin Mary bodily to heaven without death supports the
Moslem Koran in which Jesus ascends
bodily to heaven without death and crucifixion. Moslems are permitted four
wives in Islam which means that `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen
and host wombs have a vehicle in which to sexually reproduce their own brains`
powers for liberation, while Jesus` death and Resurrection before Ascension to
heaven illustrates God`s plan to give unendurable eternal pain, that is,
perdition, to the evil womb enslavers of the human race for worshipping death as
a means of keeping humans as ephemeral slaves without medical science or labor
saving technologies.
The paradigm of the
late 20th century was fear of HIV/AIDS as an incurable disease
transmitted through having sex with homosexuals who mix blood, shit and semen
in the anus in mockery of human sexual reproduction. HIV/AIDS kept women in
fearful faithfulness to monogamy`s slave rings and the fear was legitimate,
because Western democracies were founded upon ancient Greece`s insitiutionalized
enslavement of women`s host wombs to spread their contagion of war further in
homosexual pederasty. The problem was pandemic, as the Bible indicates, `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and
of the abominations of the Earth. `(Rev:
17. 5) Babylon was an ancient city of modern Iraq described as `a woman` in the
Bible because Eastern men practiced
womb slavery for women in homosexuality`s spreading of war in pederasty too.
By the early 21st
century modern day Greeks, that is, `geeks`, were spreading the `gay plague` by
means of `bad machine code` to infect the brains of the machines devised by the
human as an informational storehouse of memory that their own brains were too
ephemeral to be able to contain. Consequently, the biblical HIV/AIDS` `blood
plague` sent by God to convert men from their sin of enslaving the human race
was the equivalent of the renegade computer software engineers` `bad machine
code` infecting the brains of the human species in order to kill her because
the `geeks` didn`t want her to remember her own penis` semen for the sexual
reproduction of her own brains` powers to escape from her slavery through the
creation of better labor saving devices in the form of robots, for example,
caring for her rather than maintaining her as a domestic animal in womb
The term `geek`
derives from the sideshow freak in the `circus` who eats chickens` heads to
entertain the audience. In the 20th century `circus` was the term
for `spyrings`, because secret agents killed people who wanted to see, just as
the Christians were thrown to the lions in the amphitheatres that the Roman
Empire called `circus`, because they didn`t want Jesus` teachings of `woman`s
seed` to be disseminated. The geeks` infecting of machine brains is the Greek
paradigm of insititutionalized homosexuality in pederasty to kill the brains of
the humans through infecting them with war. According to the Greek poet,
Homer`s Iliad (c. 429 B.C.), at the siege of Troy a huge hollow wooden horse was
left by the Greeks outside the city and the Trojans took it inside where the
Greeks emerged to enslave the wombs of the women for `gay` democracy in which
`futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and capacity for sexually
reproducing human brains would have no votes. The most common term for the `bad
machine code` created by `geeks` is `Trojan horse` because the aim of
homosexual pederasty is to kill the brains of the women while retaining them as
slaves: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their
sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
In Arabia the concept
of the slave of the lamp is commonly understood from tales found in the 8th
century anthology One Thousand And One
Nights which has the framing device of Shah Jehan who accuses his wife of
being unfaithful with his brother and beheads her. Scheherezade marries the
Arabian ruler after telling him stories each night to prevent him from
continuing his practice of marrying a new wife each day before having her
beheaded that same night. The meaning is that men don`t want women to have
brains. Consequently, the discovery of a genie in a lamp is the finding of a
woman who still has brains, which relates to the story of `Aladdin and his
Wonderful Lamp` from One Thousand And One
Nights, because his lamp is stolen by confidence tricksters crying in the
street for his wife to hear, `New lamps for old!` The analogy is of the car as
an oil can, which seems new but hasn`t changed its basic design of a pedaled
oil can since the first mass produced Model T Ford came off the production line
in 1908 in Detroit, Michigan, the United States of America. Although Jesus`
teaching of Redemption from his birth uncontaminated by male semen in
Bethlehem, Palestine, became Western Christianity, men`s `new lamps for old`
philosophy represents the failure of Western democracy by men`s having women
exchange their penis for hers.
In Christianity,
Jesus is the `lamb of God`, while the `statue of Liberty` in New York harbor is
describable as the `lamp of God` insofar as she bears the `torch of freedom`
above her long skirts concealing a woman`s `seed`. Jesus` teaching is of
Resurrection not reincarnation in male braining, which is what generations of
human produced by the `serpent`s seed` of men`s semen excluding women`s semen
produces. Children who`re produced in male braining are reincarnated `lambs for
the slaughter`, irrespective of whether reincarnation is a believable religious
perspective. In the far Eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism
reincarnation of old lives in new bodies is depicted as an anathema to be
escaped through consciousness raising.
When the Arabian
terrorist group, Al Qaeda, hijacked planes on September 11, 20001, to crash
them into the Twin Towers of New York`s `Big Apple` of the World Trade Centre
on Manhattan island, it was an attack on consciousness raising, where the apple
represents the developed brain and Al Qaeda, `the base`, represent the Muladhara
chakra at the base of the spine
closes to the anus where the virus is transmitted to kill the brain. According
to believers in the Hindu and Buddhist chakra
systems of Indian and Tibet, there are seven chakras located along the spine
which represent levels of human consciousness raised as the individual`s brain
develops. At the crown is the Sahasrara chakra
corresponding to the `Big Apple` of New York`s World Trade Centre representing
the socio-economic philosophy of Western democracy which is womb slavery in
pederasty and war`s `brutality and violence` known as `rough trade`. To
maintain the old order, Al Qaeda followed the Hollywood, Babylon `Hays code`
(1930-67) that ruled women in movies should keep their `foot on the floor` in
bedroom scenes as a metaphor for men`s suppression of her `futanarian` species`
sexual capacity for reproducing her own brains` powers from her own host wombs
to escape from her killers. By activating the US` Military Industrial Complex
(MIC) to divert human resources away from healthcare to war, Al Qaeda ensured
that women`s wombs would remain enslaved without memory as `new lambs` in male
brained reincarnation for slaughter in war.
Because male braining
is transvestism so far as men and women are each other wearing different
clothes, Hollywood Babylon`s future program was `TV war` arising out of its
suppression of the human brain of `woman`s seed`. When Al Qaeda crashed planes
into the WTC `live on CNN` and other news networks, it activated a campaign to
remove Saddam Hussein of Iraq, the ancient seat of Babylon in the East, where
his name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, `he shall crush your head
and you shall bruise his heel`, (Gen:
3. 15) that is, war would keep women in brain slavery. Although Saddam Hussein
was executed on 30 December, 2006, and Osama Ben Laden, the AL Qaeda terrorist
leader, was assassinated on 2 May, 2011, Western democracy was maintained.
The oil can men were
the victors. Saddam Hussein`s oil rich nation of Iraq had invaded Kuwait to
possess the Emir`s oil and his army had been forced out in the first Gulf war
(1990-1) which had cost US President George H. Bush a lot of oil and oil cans
in the shape of tanks and planes, while the second Gulf war ordered by son,
George W. Bush Jnr., to depose Saddam Hussein from his seat in Modern Iraq`s
Baghdad, began in March 2003 and cost a lot more in terms of oil and oil cans.
The `new lamps for old` philosophy of East and West had won. Pedaling the oil
cans of their cars to the bars, whether beer or coffee, in an attempt to ignore
God`s law would go on until the Kas of the women could mass produce and the old
lamp in the hand of the statue of `Liberty` was restored: `Our brothers won the victory by the blood of the Lamb, and
by the truth which they proclaimed; and they were willing to give up their
lives and die.` (Rev: 12. 11)
The `Lamb` is Jesus`
crucified whose side was pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus,
`Surely this was the son of God.` (Matt:
27. 54) Jesus always said he was the `son of man` because he disagreed with the
Empire of Rome`s male braining as `woman`s seed` born uncontaminated by male
semen. For the Romans the Emperor was a god and so Longinus was lamenting the
death of an unempowered Emperor, which Jesus was because he rejected Satan`s
offer of the Earth, that is, Satan who was the serpent in Eden grown in size to
a dragon to wait in vain to devour Jesus born a second time after his
Resurrection and Ascension to heaven from the `woman clothed with the sun and
with the moon at her feet` to `rule the nations with an iron scepter` (Rev: 2. 27), because he`s the lawyer at
the bar of God passing judgement on the oil men`s car and `new lamps for old`
confidence trick of sending boys as `lambs to the slaughter` of the `TV war in
the Gulf`, where the low technology of the pedaled oil cans maintain their
mothers Bas in womb enslavement to pederasty in homosexuality`s wars of
vendetta between oil rich men who pay for men and boys to be their lambs while
the fatherers who`re the motherers of the `futanarian` species of `woman`s
seed` wait with their Kas to sexually reproduce in their Bas the genius of
humanity that will ascend to the planets and stars of God`s heaven without
men`s drovers.
The spear of Longinus
was known as the spear of destiny because Jesus was the second Adam and Eve
emerged from his side in Eden according to the Bible, so Jesus` promise of a Holy Spirit that would come to teach
after him would be from his side from Longinus` perspective and so he opened his side with his spear after Jesus` death upon the cross of his crucifixion.
Consequnetly, the Holy Spirit nis the
wisdom of the second Eve gleaned by her spirit and soul, that is, her Ka
and her Ba, since Eden. In Islam, which means `accept`, the temple of Abraham
in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, who was the founder of Judaeo-Christianity through his
son, Israel, as well as Islam through his son, Ishmael, is the Ka` Ba, because
it`s a symbol of woman`s seed`, that is, the `futanarian` woman whose Ka will
sexually reproduce with her Ba to produce her own brains` powers to take her to
heaven above: `I will surely bless you and make your descendants as
numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your
descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies.` (Gen: 22. 17)
God tells Abraham his
`seed` will be numberless and his descendants will possess their enemies`
cities, but he`s already told Eve she`ll have `perpetual enmity` with the
`serpent`s seed` of men, so Abraham`s descendants are `futanarian` women. The
second Eve`s invisible emergence from the side of Jesus Christ the Messiah as
the Holy Spirit of woman`s ancient wisdom emphasizes women`s independence and
future rejection of men because women with their own host wombs and penis`
semen are socio-economically independent while Al Qaeda`s terrorist attack upon
the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, was designed to reduce her to
basics, despite the US Navy Seals of Team Six from their base killing Osama Ben
Laden where he sheltered beneath the shadow of Pakistan`s Military Academy on 2
May, 2011. Although the Great Seal of the authority of the United States`
President bears the emblem of the eagle, US Navy Seal Team Six`s role as the
seals upon the `futanarian` human species of the woman of the wilderness after
she gave birth to Jesus, the name of their US` garrison headquarters, that is, `Dam
Neck Annex` at Naval Air Station, Oceana, Virginia Beach, Virginia, is
indicative of a beheading which, as the Arabian story of Scheherezade tells us,
is the removal of the woman`s brains rather than the enabling of her genius:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that
she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would
be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.`
(Rev: 12. 14)
The US` Navy Seal
Team Six`s emblem is an eagle but removing the woman`s head at the neck isn`t
helping her to protect her hymen for the Christian `rapture` of the
Resurrection of `woman`s seed` as she`s taken to heaven bodily to celebrate the
biblically prophesied `marriage of the lamb` (Rev: 19. 6-10) among her own species of woman with her own penis`
semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers in
heaven above, which is Scheherezade`s lesson to Shah Jehan. Brothers aren`t
marriageable and Redemption is through a woman`s love for a parasite not of her
species that shouldn`t teach her cannibalism in wars against herself or God`s
perdition will ensue for the evil enemies of the host womb of the human race so
that the rich old oil can pedal her as its slave of the lamp.
After victory over
the red suns of the flags of Japan in the second world war (1939-45) subsequent
to the Japanese unannounced attack on 7 December, 1941, at Pearl harbor, symbol
of the `pearl of great price`, which is the moon and heaven above amongst the
planets and starts of God`s heaven, the statue of Liberty in New York harbor`s
defeat of the yellow moon of the flags of Al Qaeda subsequent to the
unannounced attack on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, represented
a further defense of the woman`s `pearl of great price` reflected in her birth
waters in fulfilment of the biblical imagery of the `woman clothed with the sun
and with the moon at her feet`, that is, the flags of her victories over Japan
and Al Qaeda, which herald the birth of Jesus in his second birth after
Resurrection and Ascension and who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter`
until God`s judgement brings perdition to the evil and the `rapture` announces
heaven and the triumph of `woman`s seed` over her enemies.
The slavery of the
lamb and the slave of the lamp are societal equivalents for the women of the
West and East. In the Koran Iblis is
the genie in `The Cave` Sura (18) who refused to bow before Adam while Satan is
the angel in Christianity who preferred to rebel against God rather than accept
that Adam and his descendants would be higher in God`s esteem than the angels.
According to tradition the djinn are created alongside men and women and have
free will, whereas Satan was transformed into a serpent by God, because he was
male. The meaning is that the male isn`t patient enough to await the birth of
`woman`s seed` of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb
for the sexual reproduction of the human host, and `futanarian` women are
genies because they represent women`s brains from her own penis` semen, that
is, God created men, women and the genius that emerges from woman`s own `seed`.
Consequently, although Iblis rejects Adam he doesn`t spurn Eve, whereas Satan doesn`t
distinction between the humans, because he represents a less developed
understanding of men than Iblis in the Koran
of Islam. Iblis represents the rejecting of homosexuality in pederasty and war,
but is perceived as rejecting Eve, whereas he`s a male `futanarian` who`s aware
that Adam represents latent homosexuality, because Adam doesn`t have a womb of
his own.
Because heaven is for women the Earth is a pederast`s
paradise for Satan`s favorite slaves and the lambs of Christianity work to
produce the pedalers oil cans of the cars with the headlamps so they can see
their way to the bars of the One Thousand
And One Nights to drink with the women made for the bars of their prison
before the barmaids, who`ve never birthed a human baby from their own women`s
seed and so remain maids to God, release the pedalers of the oil cans into
another night and another dawn with the promise of `New lamps for old!` The
`new lambs` of the Western democracies are the children born as male brained
reincarnations of an old ram raider who`s producing for war in pederasty unless
Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen inspires Resurrection for woman`s
genius born from her own `seed` and Redemption for the flock. During the
Bosnian war (1992-5) 20-50,000 Moslems were male brained in `rape camps` where
the women were enslaved as the host wombs for the Christian parasites while the
former Yugoslavia was broken up into smaller nations as `ethnic cleansing`
became de rigeur across the globe for
men who wanted women to have male brains. Ethnic cleansing was `ram raiding`,
which is slang for the man who crashes a car through a shop window to steal,
because `new lamps for old` has put the male brained in the position of being
unable to think of anything other than theft, and the pedaler of the oil can,
shouldn`t be able to, because immortality through medical science and labor
saving through freedom giving technology is what genius produces, and male
braining only produces rams.
In computer
terminology RAM is `random access memory`, which isn`t eidetic memory in which
the individual remembers everything and would be useful for women because
they`d remember their own penis. In Egyptian mythology the god Ra incarnates on
Earth as the god Osiris but is dismembered by the evil god Set before Isis
remembers Osiris and refashions a penis for him until he`s reborn as the `sky
god` Horus, who prefigures Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen, because
Isis corresponds to Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, who is `futanarian` woman
with her own penis` semen to have Resurrection and Horus is the man who can be
with her if he accepts woman`s remembering of herself, because he`s RAM memory
and doesn`t know everything.
In `The Cave` of the Koran Moses meets Khidr who says he`ll
guide him but Moses must be patient. Khidr rebuilds a wall so that treasure
isn`t discovered beneath it, kills a child, and makes holes in boats. Moses
can`t accept this and Khidr explains that it`s because Moses is RAM memoried.
Khidr explains the `treasure` wasn`t ready to be found, the child was evil, and
there were slavers behind Khidr`s boat. Khidr`s memory is eidetic, because he
knows from memory what is there, that is, it`s a story of heaven on Earth or
paradise where those with eidetic memory can know what the scene means, whereas
those with RAM memory are dependent on luck. The lucky finder of the `treasure`
beneath the wall, for example, and the unfortunate man who encounters an evil
man fully grown, or who has a boat overtaken by slavers, is RAM. Khidr`s memory
is eidetic, but slavers, who`re the pirates behind Khidr`s boat, don`t want eidetic
memories for humans and so their aim is to kill the woman`s brain in male
braining because she`s humanity`s genius or `genie` as the Arabian folktales
tell. Moses is the `law giver` in Judaism because men with RAM memory need
obedience to law, or they`ll become RAM raiders who steal from the `Aladdin`s
cave` of woman`s genius, because they understand that paradise on Earth belongs
to the eidetic and so they kill each other and the women to prevent others from
being able to remember.
The concept of revenant is of a spirit that
abides in a place, which accords with the Moslem tradition of paradise on
Earth, that is, although the Christian tradition is that heaven on Earth is
possible, heaven is above and requires that an individual die. Unless they`re
very exceptional, like Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, who had Ascension to
heaven bodily, according to Pope Pius XII`s 1950 doctrine of her Assumption
without death, or Jesus` Ascension without death, according to the Koran, heaven is for those who die,
because parasite or heaven on Earth is deemed impossible, although the
principle of de ja vu, in which
individuals are able to perceive that a scene has occurred before, suggests
that repeated scenes of people we`ve seen before doesn`t mean they`re revenants
but that they dwell in paradise on Earth without eidetic knowledge, because
they`re RAM memoried in male braining, and that`s how paradise is kept from
them. The eidetic enslave the RAM memoried so they don`t remember, and the RAM
memoried kill the eidetic because they don`t want to be expelled from paradise.
Consequently, Christianity explains to the RAM memoried that they must die to
have heaven while the eidetic are `lambs` because they aren`t RAMs.
The eidetic `lambs` are the slavers of the
RAMs to produce `New lamps for old!` Because they don`t want new eidetic
`lambs`, they want new RAM raiders who`ll crash their oil pedaled cans into the
`Aladdin`s cave` of shop store fronts when they`re tired of being slaves of the
eidetic and steal from the genius who won`t tell them where paradise on Earth
can be found even though they live there. Because the `Aladdin`s cave` contains
the lamp of the genius of the woman who is `Liberty` of the lamp in the United
States, she`s the woman from after `the fall` of Eve and Adam from paradise.
`Liberty` corresponds to the genius of woman born from the `seed` of Eve whose
creations are known to the eidetic `lambs` as the `futanarian` genies of the
`foot` of Eve`s `seed` born to `crush the head of the serpent` before they leave
for the planets and stars of heaven above, which they don`t want her to.
Consequently, Satan is described in the Bible
as having `horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon` (Rev: 13. 11), because the eidetic aren`t the elect `lambs` of God,
but the enslavers of women`s wombs in the `Aladdin`s cave` of RAM raiding who
crash through the shop frontage in order to die and go to heaven, which
provides at least a rationale for Al Qaeda`s suicidal crashing hijacked planes
into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre as martyrs. RAM raiders want
the eidetic woman`s genius, symbolized by Liberty`s `torch of freedom`, which
is her `Aladdin`s lamp`, but Western technology is kept by Christianity`s
eidetic `lambs`, who help to maintain the oil supply; for her pedlar`s can.
Masons are often accused of being a secret
organization controlling the Earth, whereas traditionally they`re builders of
heaven upon the Earth. The Holy Spirit of Jesus` teaching is often called the
`Holy Ghost` while `revenant` is what people are descried as if the observer in
de ja vu perceives that they`ve been
seen before. Consequently, men are ghost hunters in the tombs that the Masons
have built, that is, the RAM raiders are tomb raiders, because paradise is
everywhere upon the Earth for the eidetic `lambs`, who keep the `lamps`
pedaling their oil cans so they can look for the holy ghosts who can guide
them, as RAM raiders enjoying the Masons` `game` of building tombs for the
eidetic to play `treasure hunt` with the less fortunate who don`t know it`s
buried beneath the wall, or that the child is evil, and that he`ll be with the
RAM raiders who will put a hole in their boat and enslave them before they can
enjoy their good luck at knowing lambs that speak as dragons.
The analogy is of the time-traveler who is
perceived as a ghost by those who`ve seen him before, but he sees them as
ghosts for the same reason. In the popular UK BBC TV science fiction series, Doctor Who (1963-), `the doctor` is a
time traveler who emerges from a police box with a blue lamp on it that he
calls `the tardis`. Although the tardis has other disguises, a police box with
a blue lamp emphasizes the genie metaphor. The doctor emerges from the `lamp`,
as it were, to police time; in accordance with the old English adage
popularized by the comic opera writers of Slave Of Duty (1879), W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan: `If you want to
know the time ask a policeman!` The policeman is the genie in the `Aladdin`s
cave` RAM raided by the male brained tomb raiders in the Masons` game with
their eidetic employers, who`re the lambs that speak as dragons to the police
as well as their victims, although `doctor who` has the authority to arrest
their progress.
According to the Bible the `number of the beast is the number of a man and his
number is six hundred three score and six`, that is, 666, which is the number
of the police (999) reversed in most parts of the world where the former
British Empire held sway, while the number of the police is 911 in the United
States of America and explains why 9/11, 2001, was chosen by the Al Qaeda
terrorists as the day to reverse the US` role as `global policeman` arresting
the progress of the criminals with their victims. Consequently, `doctor who` is
a genius and not a policeman, as Jesus wasn`t. Genius is what`s missing from
the Earth, because women`s sexual reproduction of her own species` brainpower
as `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb was `policed`
out of existence by men who wanted to keep the treasures of her cave secret as
eidetic lambs who speak like dragons and breed RAM raiders in male braining as
entertainment in homosexuality in pederasty`s `TV wars` of `rape camps` and
tomb raiders.
US `Grand Master` of science fiction, Robert
A. Heinlein (1907-88), wrote of a car in his novel The Number Of The Beast (1980), which was bigger on the inside than
on the outside, as the tardis was in `doctor who`, but Heinlein`s `continua
device, `Gay Deciever`, ran on water and not oil, as legend has it a car once
shown to Chrysler automobile manufacturers in the US once did before the
unscrupulous company bought the design and suppressed it in order to maintain
the `game` with the oil can pedlars and their eidetic tormentors who were lambs
that speak as dragons. Heinlein`s ubiquitous `black beast` in The Number Of The Beast is discovered to
have `two horns like a lamb` (Rev:
13. 11), so it`s supposed that their `black hat` is the dragon who looks like a
lamb, because it represents the conflict between the self-proclaimed eidetic
elite, the RAM raiders they torment, and the genius of the woman`s spirit and
soul they`ve enslaved in male braining to maintain their ascendancy over their
oil can pedlars` socio-economy of a world without women`s genius because her
`futanarian` human species of women with their own `seed` for the sexual
reproduction of her own brains` powers for liberation is old and has exchanged
its own penis` semen for that of its parasite: `New lamps for old!`
The human race has only one `foot`, because
the `futanarian` woman`s penis` semen doesn`t sexually reproduce herself, so
she can`t take her place on the world`s stage. Consequently, the car race is
run in which all that can be seen is a single toe of the human species` pygmy,
while the `foot` of the giantess is entirely missing from the picture, as the
demon driven toes of the cars, with their oil can pedlars peering out at the
rear of the drivers in front, continue to progress as one toe, because they
don`t want the woman to know. Heinlein`s The
Number Of The Beast posits at least `six raised to the power of six raised
to the power of six universes`, that is, 666, because his `continua car` can
access worlds created in fiction as well as what we think of as reality based
on quantum physics` theories about alternative realities. According to particle
physicists the quantum world behaves differently when we`re looking while it
behaves in a different way when we`re not looking, because consciousness
determines the world we inhabit. Although the idea is a metaphor for collective
endeavor to make the world we live in a better place, which Heinlein calls
`multiperson pantheistic solipsism` in The
Number Of The Beast, the idea that individuals live in the world their
consciousness deserves, underpins Heinlein`s description of oil can pedlars`
war against the genie of the lamp who is human nature`s genius.
The woman in high heels is a high `foot` woman
in fashion terms, while Satan is a high `foot` man, `he shall crush your head
and you shall bruise his heel,` (Gen:
3. 15) is a biblical description of woman`s enslavement as a host womb to a two
tier system of men with wombs as high `futanarian` men with their own penis`
semen and host wombs, which is why the Douay-Rheims translation of the Bible differs, because God tells Eve her
`seed` will, `… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) The high-heeled woman either
has her own brains, because she`s the product of a high `futanarian` woman with
her own penis` semen and host wombs, which is why she`s high `foot`, or she
doesn`t, which means she`s bred by a man who is the wombless slave of a high
`foot` man`s breeding program and her husbander is able to keep her because the
high `foot` man who has his own wombs, and so corresponds to Satan crushing the
woman`s head until his foot`s bruised, allows her to be kept in Satanism. If a
man in Satanism can`t see that she has a man`s brains and is dominated by a
high `foot` man, he`ll kill her because he can see that she has her own brains
through her own penis` semen`s capacity for sexually reproducing with other
Although `futanarian`
sounds like a `shaggy dog` story, that is, a liars` tale, it`s biologically
truthful. In a movie like Scooby Doo (2002)
where Sarah Michelle Gellar is the high-heeled sexual interest, in the action
adventure based on the Hanna-Barbera cartoon series Scooby Doo Where Are You? (1969-70) Sarah directs all of our
interest upon the characters of `Shaggy` and the dog, Scooby Doo, because it`s
a `shaggy dog` story about Sarah as a high `foot` woman. `Shaggy` and the dog,
Scooby Doo, represent English poet William Blakes` fears about the `Second
Coming`: `And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches
towards Bethlehem to be born?`1
The coming of the high
`foot` man, which high `foot` woman doesn`t want, means a breeders` war for
control of the wombs and the brains of humanity. Often photographed nude or
semi-nude, Sarah isn`t high `foot` visibly, because she hasn`t penis` semen of
her own, although women`s biology in Japan and elsewhere has changed so their
testes are inside rather than visible outside the body. But Sarah might want to
be high `foot`, that is, bred from woman`s penis` semen and host womb, rather
than from the semen of high `foot` men, who`re looking at her eyes to see if
she has brains of her own and don`t want her to have them. Consequently, men`s
story is a `shaggy dog` story to Sarah and the other women, which they direct
away from each other in Gulf wars, for example, because they don`t want their
brains to be crushed by the penis` `foot`.
Satan`s false pride
because he shouldn`t be breeding any women as he`s a high `foot` man, but the
meaning is the higher woman has brains and so it`s a war in which men and women
look at each other to see who`s winning. The tradition amongst breeders is that
the semen is the brains, which means that men hate women`s eyes of they`re not
men`s, because it`s indicative of socio-economic and intellectual independence
which is a threat to men`s enslaving of her host wombs in parasitism.
Consequently, men direct women in cannibalism because men aren`t women`s
species and so she`s taught that self-devouring in war is what she`s produced
for, because warring against her incessantly is how the parasite keeps her as
its host. In Scooby Doo the dog and Shaggy represent woman`s attempt as Sarah`s
character, Daphne, to direct mankind`s `shaggy dog` story, because women know
that men don`t want them as much as they don`t want men, as men are women`s
parasites living from her host wombs as her whoremen. The `Mystery Machine` in
the Scooby Doo series` indicates the
`whodunit` theme for the group of characters who`re solving the mystery:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the
Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) It`s a `murder
mystery` in which the perpetrator of the crime is identifiable as the parasite that,
in a `new lamps for old` scenario, has persuaded her to exchange her penis and
brains for its, so for women who are high `foot` with their own penis` semen
and host womb men`s tale is a `shaggy dog` directing her to kill and eat herself,
while she works for her own Redemption from the sin of accepting it.
Men`s and women`s
eyes aren`t the same, because their semen is different, and so their brains
aren`t the same. Studies of their vestigial eyesight reveals that women`s eyes
look for what`s bright while men`s eyes look to recognize because they`re
hunters. Consequently, men`s mode is brighter when engaged in wooing, because
it`s a parasite seeking to attract a host womb for its larval form. Because the
high `foot` man or woman isn`t sexually reproducing their own brains` powers
upon the Earth, men and women`s vestigial eyesight is the remnant of a war
between Satanists and humans. Humanity wants its own brains and Satanists don`t
want it to be intelligent enough to escape from womb slavery, so the `eye war`
is between women, as the human race that wants her own brains and can sexually
reproduce them with her own penis` semen, and men who don`t want her to: `Women look at each other with men's eyes.`2
This typically
Russian headline from Pravda, the traditional
promulgator of state news, which translates as `Truth`, is a succinct
description of how men`s possession of women is ongoing, that is, in male
braining women can`t look at anything without looking with men`s eyes, which is
the war between the Satanist high `foot` men and the human species from women`s
own host womb and penis` semen. In Satanism all women have men`s eyes, because
that`s how the `serpent`s seed` kill her and the human race. Russian President
or Prime Minister since 2000, Vladimir Putin`s genealogy would be examined by
Russian men before he became leader of the Russian Federation, which means he`d
have an `eye doctor`, as the executive power in `Mother Russia` is the
fathering government itself, which might want the traditional `strong man` as
its leader, but irrespective of whether a woman`s semen is the defining
ingredient, only a Russian `eye doctor` could explain.
The basic human
confusion is over what is edible. If women are attracted to men because they
seem bright, it`s a parasites attraction for a host womb, while the parasite
may be winning because there`s no evidence to suggest that the host womb is
sexually available to her own penis` semen. Consequently, the parasite is
attracting food, whereas the host is being taught cannibalism, that is,
conversion and Redemption from sin requires the individual to be able to
distinguish between food and what looks good. The Twin Towers of the World
Trade Centre in New York looked good before the Al Qaeda terrorists crashed
hijacked planes into them on September 11, 2001, which depicts the problem.
What looks good isn`t food. If they eat the woman`s eyes because she looks
good, it`s because they can`t recognize food. Because her brains are her eyes,
men have already lost the capacity to distinguish between what looks good and
food, which is basic. For men what looks good is to be devoured so that no one
else can see. It`s the English idiom, `the eyes are bigger than the belly`,3
that is, if the beautiful Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were
destroyed, as on 6 and 9 August, 1945, no one will see the Japanese point of
view. Because `circus` is a euphemism for `spyrings`, Al Qaeda was about those
who don`t want vision, because spies kill women`s eyes and brains so they can
continue with their `circus` of homosexuality in pederasty and wars against her
human race. If the Japanese women can`t see, their `foot` is bound, which was
the ancient Japanese men`s practice in making her `beautiful`, whereas it was a
ruse to keep her species Earthbound and unable to escape from what doesn`t look
good at her.
The traditional religion of Japan was Shindo,
which is reverence for what can`t be seen, whereas Japanese foot binding of
women is feigned reverence for the women that men want to prevent from seeing
heaven without them, because `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and
host wombs produce their own brains and eyes. In modernity Shindo was called
Shinto, which suggests `shin, toe`, that is, Japanese `foot` binding was
Westernized. Because men wanted to play `the path of the gods`, which is what `Shindo`
translates as. Those Mitsubishi `zero` fighters that crashed their planes into
the decks of the US carriers on 7 December, 1941, were `kamikaze` suicide
pilots, who were known as `sons of heaven`, because they followed what they
believed was the path of ancient Japan`s Samurai warriors, who were independent
but willing to support a cause. Terrorism from the `red suns` of the flags of
the Japanese `kamikaze` pilots, and the yellow moons of the flags of Al Qaeda
with their slogan, `There is no God but God`, follows `the path of the gods`, while
Christianity requires the perception that the gods are male brained, whereas
women have a choice over which cause to support. Consequently, women are
Samurai, because they want to have their own penis` semen for their own host
wombs and brains` powers, whereas `foot` binders are `kamikaze` suicide pilots
who don`t want the human race to progress:
`A great sign appeared in heaven:
a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of
twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was
about to give birth.` (Rev: 12. 1-2)
Although the United States destroyed Nagasaki
and Hiroshima with atomic bombs named `Little Boy` and `Fat Man` on 6 and 9
August, 1945, the cities were effectively women, who could sexually reproduce
together, while Japanese women are now so frightened by the Americans that
their testes have retreated into their bodies, while their penis` semen remains
threatened, but actively seeking the Resurrection of her beauty. Emperor
Hirohito was the man being accused of cowardice by the United States, although
his army was out fighting in the Pacific theatre of the second world war, so
the bombs were directed at Hirohito`s inability to protect his human species of
`futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs from the male
brained United States` threat. Although `futanari` is a Japanese term for women
with their own penis` semen, `futanar` in Hungarian means species` teacher,
which is what Jesus was. If the United States believes that `Liberty` in New
York harbor is the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`,
Japanese `futanarian` women might feel they have a right to disagree, and the
Korean women of the Christian church of Sun Myung Moon might feel similarly
declined. Moon was the church leader in Korea during the Indo-China war
(1946-89) waged by the United States for Western democracy, which is proven a
sham if women`s `futanarian` capacity for sexually reproducing her own votes is
denied. Moon`s Unification Church was founded in 1954 with the aim of unifying
the region in the name of Jesus, who of course was born uncontaminated by male
semen. Jesus was the `spiritual redeemer` and not the `physical redeemer`,
according to Moon, which is accurate if the daughters of Eve with semen of
their own are. Moon wanted to pair men and women, which denied women the right
to pair with each other, so his defeat was as inevitable as Al Qaeda`s moon
flags, and the birth of Jesus from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the
moon at her feet` as he who `will rule the nations with an iron scepter` on her
behalf wasn`t going to be Sun Moon despite his claims to be fulfilling Jesus`
Carl Jung observed
that sun and moon were archetypal configurations that appeared in dreams, art
and the imagination of humans, because they were natural forces representing
the human psyche he called archetypes that exist within the unconscious mind as
the impulse engines of humanity`s progress. Although Jung perceived that
archetypes were recurring motifs, they weren`t stereotypical. The archetype of
sun and moon is perceivable as the struggle for dominance between men who want
heaven for themselves, whereas the archetype itself represents `futanarian`
woman`s struggle to birth her human race beleaguered by a parasite that wants
to eat itself and her and refuses to accept Jesus` program for Redemption so
her human species can have Resurrection through her own penis` semen and host
womb. For her sun and moon are her own male-femaleness, as sure as night
follows day, which means that, although the `pearl of great price` is the moon,
as the first step to `heaven above` the Earth, the United States` sun god,
Apollo astronaut Neil Armstrong (1930-2012), who put his foot on the moon as
part of the North American Space Administration (NASA) program to dominate
woman`s Earth for the male `futanarian` heel crushing her head, wasn`t a `foot`
for `woman`s seed`: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`4
The Bible is specific that `a woman`,
`clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, which Neil Armstrong
wasn`t, gives birth to the new redeemer, who will `rule the nations with an
iron scepter` as Jesus in his `Second Coming` to the Earth after his first
sojourn as the crucified teacher born uncontaminated by male semen from his
mother, the Virgin Mary, who prefigures the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`
uncontaminated by male semen in the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of her
murdered child. The concept of the new redeemer is an appeal to an archetype, which
might be defined as `hero`, but the appeal for men is power rather than law,
which explains its ambivalence, that is, power crazed lunatics would want to
have been Neil Armstrong if they believe he`s the redeemer born from the woman,
`clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, which is impossible if
he`s `clothed with the sun` but with the moon at his feet, as he was as the
first man on the moon.
It`s arguable
Armstrong was a male `futanarian` with a host womb of his own and so was `woman
clothed with the sun and with the moon at his feet`, but he`s defined as
entirely male in all of the NASA literature about the moon landings. Another
argument is that he could be reincarnated as a woman, and so was the `woman
clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` ipso facto, but the simplest understanding is that the new redeemer
is born from a woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`,
because she represents the woman of the Earth, who doesn`t want to be crushed
by a male `futanarian` heel keeping her a prisoner. President `Ray Gun` Reagan
threatened to do just that with his `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI) of 23
March, 1983, when he unveiled a plan to encircle the globe with a `ground and
space based missile system` that would effectively prevent any woman from
setting foot on the moon without Ron`s permission.
SDI was reduced in
scale to a warship based missile system for dealing with rogue nations
launching intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). President Barack Obama`s
nation of the United States` AEGIS was named for the goddess Pallas Athene`s
protective garment, and emphasizes provocation as an abomination. The symbol of
the city of Troy, besieged by the Greeks, was Pallas Athene`s horse, which was
why the Greeks constructed a huge hollow wooden horse as a false friend to be
taken into the city by the Trojans. When the Greeks emerged from within the
horse to enslave the host wombs of the women in institutionalized homosexuality
in pederasty to spread their contagion of war further, Pallas Athene`s wombs
were effectively contaminated. As Troy was the 21st century name of
a modern city in upstate New York, Obama`s AEGIS represents whatever would
provoke an abomination into contaminating the Earth, because the Obama nations
are what Pallas` Athene`s `aegis`, as the buckler attached to her `chlamys`
garment, provoked.
Those nations that
would attack the United States because they were macho men of the Saddam
Hussein type of dictator, are deluded because they`d be offending `Liberty`,
who is the US` symbol of woman, but `futanarian` women with their own penis`
semen and host wombs aren`t the majority voting block in the United States`
governmental institutions and so the Obama nation of men without host wombs of
their own isn`t defending `Liberty` but parasitism and cannibalism, which is
the parasite`s practice of teaching the woman to devour her own human race in
war. Consequently, AEGIS represents the provocative woman in the ancient Greek
style who is attacked because rape is what men perpetrate upon her Earth. The
Obama nation is of the black man with a history of oppression, who no one wants
to oppress, so he provokes attack in order to have his revenge.
Saddam Hussein`s name
meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, because Hollywood Babylon had created
the male `heel` of the male `futanarian` in the ancient seat of Babylon, Iraq,
through the Hays code`s glamourizing the absence of the penis from the `big
screen` and replacing it with a homosexual monster. Hollywood Babylon`s United
States` Obama nation is that of the black man who provokes war by employing a
woman`s defence, her `aegis`, as an epic `blockbuster` symbol for the film
industry being supportive of an oppressed minority figure. Pallas Athene`s
aegis is infamous for provoking the fall of cities and Greek rape, as Western
democracy in institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and the spread of
war`s contagion prospered. Hollywood Babylon`s plan was to be a great Obama
nation revenging itself upon the Earth irreproachably on behalf of a black
character as a sequel to `crusher ` Hussein, the Arabian `pratfall`,5 who fell
for the moustachioed `gay biker` glamour of Hollywood Babylon`s Easy Rider (1969) movie in which `outlaw`
motorcyclists, enjoying the freedom of the open road, travel from Mexico to the
East Coast of the United States:
`… it's real hard to be free when you are bought and sold in
the marketplace. Of course, don't ever tell anybody that they're not free,
'cause then they're gonna get real busy killin' and maimin' to prove to you
that they are. Oh, yeah, they're gonna talk to you, and talk to you, and talk
to you about individual freedom. But they see a free individual, it's gonna scare
Saddam`s `gays`
travelled from Iraq to Kuwait in `gay biker` columns of armored vehicles and
gazed mustachioed and balefully upon the West until Al Qaeda`s hijackers
crashed planes into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre. Attention
was drawn to the import of Saddam`s eye upon the United States from his seat in
Iraq`s capital, Baghdad. Just as the Dark Lord Sauron`s gaze upon his slave
ring was broken by the `fellowship` in the movie of British fantasy writer
J.R.R. Tolkien`s 1954 novel, The Two
Towers (2001), so the gaze of the false Prophet of Islam, Saddam Hussein`s,
was to be torn away from Moslem women in the marriages with four wives of
Islam`s `hidden` resource of `futanarian` women`s penis` semen for the sexual
reproduction of her own brains` powers for freedom.
After a battle
between US forces and the Iraqi army, Baghdad fell on 14 April, 2003, but
dictator Saddam Hussein wasn`t executed by hanging until 30 December, 2006,
subsequent to a public trial over his support for Al Qaeda. The Obama nation of
`broke` political ideology that was the United States itself in womb
enslavement was preparing Barack, the `black man`, who`d become President in
2009 amid further occasions for leading Hollywood Babylon men to be filmed ironically
as heroes of the Earth`s true minorities, women and humans. Moslem populations
would appear liberated in the ongoing `Arab Spring` revolutions of 2013, which
deposed terrorist dictator Colonel Ghadaffi of Libya amongst others, while factually
humanity would remain thralls in the `war of the eye` to male brain the human
race and win the `war of the ring` for the enslavers of the host womb of the
human species and oil rich homosexual men of the `serpent`s seed` engaged in
what God warned Eve would be the `perpetual enmity` of her enemy in pederasty
and war against her; unless she wins.
1 Blake, William `Second Coming`,
l. 21-2, The Dial, November, 1920.
4 Armstrong, Neil 2: 56 UTC, 21
July, 1969.
6 Nicholson, Jack as George Hanson
Easy Rider, Columbia Pictures, 1969.