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Saturday, 24 January 2015
The Whores` Race
The Whores` Race
Although racist ideology requires a race to perceive
inferior, identifying the persecutor is essential if the race being victimized
is to defend itself. The archetype of racism is Jesus`. According to the
developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) archetypes exist
within the collective unconscious of the human race as impulsions arising in
dreams, art and the imagination to encourage the human spirit to develop.
Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen
made him a type of the `chosen people`, that is, the Jews from the Old Testament of the Bible, whose story of escape from
slavery in Egypt is central to monotheistic belief in God. Jesus` story is of a
dissident teacher nailed to a wooden cross and tortured to death atop the hill
of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by the Roman Empire`s occupying
forces. Because men aren`t Jews unless they`re born from Jewesses, women are
the `chosen people`, who were exterminated in death camps by the German National
Socialist (Nazi) Party during their Empire`s attempt to impose slavery upon
Eastern Europe in WWII (1939-45), because host womb slavery of the human
species of `woman`s seed`, represented by Jesus` birth uncontaminated from his
mother`s womb, the Virgin Mary, is what Empire`s perpetrate.
In ancient Greece
women`s host wombs were enslaved in homosexuality in pederasty and war to
spread the Greek `contagion` further. Although the Virgin Mary`s birthing a
child without fertilization by a man is perceived as an anomaly, `futanarian`
women have penis` semen and host wombs of their own for the sexual reproduction
of the human species of `woman`s seed`, which the Nazi pogroms were designed to
eradicate. Jesus` crucifixion took place after the `Last Supper` when he offered
`bread and wine` as the host to his disciples as symbols of his `body and
blood`. Judas` betrayal of Jesus to the Romans was a betrayal of the human
host, which is why the `bread and wine` is called `the host` in the church
service, where the churchgoer is given `bread and wine` as symbols of Jesus`
`body and blood`. Jesus represents uncontaminated `woman`s seed`, that is,
`futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual
reproduction of human brainpower, which Judas and the Empire of Rome didn`t
want, because it`d interfere with their enslavement of the human race`s host
womb for homosexuality in pederasty and war.
After death Jesus
experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because his archetype
prefigured the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, who would need her brains to
raise herself to the planets and stars. Consequently, women are the targets of
racism, because men aren`t her race. Humans are physically capable of only two
things, eating and drinking, and sexual reproduction, that is, racing humans is
what the parasite does. Eve and Adam in Eden were expelled by God for rejecting
the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, and eating the `fruit of
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is death, because the serpent told them, `You will be
as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) The serpent was
the slaver and Eve and Adam`s descendants would help the parasite to enslave
the host wombs of the `futanarian` human race born after Eden. The absence of
human women with their own penis` semen and host wombs from Earth`s
socio-history is explicable as the consequence of the parasites` pogroms
against the race of `futanarian` humanity. God`s telling Eve she`d experience
labor pain and Adam must labor too, after their expulsion from Eden, represented
the conditions under which humankind would have Redemption. The birth of Jesus
from the `Second Eve`, his mother, the Virgin Mary, represented Eve`s labor
pain over the millennia since Eden, while the descendants of Adam had to fulfil
God`s injunction that they labor to have Redemption. Because technological
progress in science, for example, medicine to give humans longevity, requires
brainpower, the birth of Jesus as the prefiguration of the Resurrection of
`woman`s seed` represented the brains men had lost and women needed.
Consequently, men`s labor was to refrain from enslaving the human host of
women, and to abandon homosexuality in pederasty and war as a means of wasting
human resources in extermination economics to prevent the human women slaves
from escaping through their harnessing of their own brains` powers for
liberation in technological development:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their
sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
In homosexuality in
pederasty and the spread of their contagion war, men had created the biological
weapon of the incurable killer disease HIV/AIDS by mixing blood, shit and semen
in each others` anuses during mockery of human sexual intercourse by the late
20th century, which the prophetic Revelation in the Bible
describes as the `blood plague` (Rev:
11. 6) sent by God to convert men from their sins. Homosexuals are a species of
killer, because they`re a species killer, rather than being a species, which is
what `woman`s seed` are becasue they can sexually reproduce with each other
rather than men. Consequently, the race of women on the planet Earth is being
exterminated by the alien:
`Long awaited he will never return
In Europe, he will appear in Asia:
One of the league issued from the great Hermes,
And he will grow over all the Kings of the East.` Century
10, Quatrain 75.
The French seer
Nostradamus` Prophecies (1555) are
used to support a belief that `the yellow race will inherit the Earth`, that is,
Japan, where `woman`s seed` is called `futanari` and she appears in what are
called `Hentai`, that is, `bizarre`, manga cartoons, which feature her torture
and victimization. Hermes was the Roman god depicted as a stone pillar with a
head and a penis beside the roads as an indication to the pedestrian. In
Japanese socio-history women`s feet were bound as a sign that they shouldn`t
walk where men didn`t want them to. Consequently, the Hermes of Nostradamus`
prophecy is a Japanese male who wants to prevent `woman`s seed` from developing
the brains` power she needs from her own penis` semen and host womb to ascend
the path of humanity without guards to show her the way to her death camp. Although
the Germans were the exterminators of the Jews during WWII, the Japanese were
equally notorious in the Pacific theatre for labor camps in which American
prisoners of war (POWs) died in slavery, which is what homosexuality in
pederasty and war is for. When the Americans defeated the Japanese, by dropping
the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, they were
concluding the first part of the biblical prophecy of Revelation in which Jesus was reborn from the woman, `clothed with
the sun and with the moon at her feet`, that is, the Mitsubishi `zero` fighters
that crashed their planes as `kamikaze` into the ships of the US Pacific fleet
at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on 7 December, 1941, bore the red suns of the flags of
Japan. When the Al Qaeda terrorists from Afghanistan crashed their planes
hijacked at Boston, Logan airport, Massachusetts, into the World Trade Centre
of New York city, their flag bore the moon of Islam. Consequently, that the United
States would have to defeat Islamic extremism is the prophecy associated with
the rebirth of Jesus was to be fulfilled, that is, he would `rule the nations
with an iron scepter`, while the `red dragon`, grown in size since its days as
a `serpent` in Eden, waited in vain to devour Jesus.
The `red dragon` is
traditionally associated with communist, or `red` China, because of the color
of the party flag, and Chinese footwork can be seen beneath dragons made for
the Chinese New Year celebrations in February each year, which suggests that a
communist Asian leader will be the much anticipated Antichrist of Christian
expectation and he`ll try to exterminate Jesus` `seed`, that is, woman`s
`futanarian` future as humanity. Although communism is associated with the
economic philosophy of German Karl Mark in Das
Kapital (1867) `workers ownership of the means of production` is the basic
premise, which effectively means women own everything, because they`re the
host. In simple terms, men are her parasites if she can sexually reproduce
without them, and the `red dragon` is her devourer if homosexuality in pederasty
and war prevails over socialism, which is the simple perspective that humans
are a society of individuals. Consequently, if women are the humans, then
society is made up of individual women, and men seek to present themselves as
the owners of the animal. Capitalism is the system in which women are owned as
the `means of production` and communism is the system in which all of the men
own all of the women collectively as the state.
In homosexual
societies, everyone is an anus, because homosexuals are the alien `seed` of the
serpent, while `killer` and `homosexual` are interchangeable terms. Men who
don`t want sex with women is what racism is. During the Bosnian war in Yugoslavia
(1992-95) rape camps were set up for Moslem women to be impregnated by Christians
because four wives are permitted in Islam, that is, `acceptance`, which is
based on the Koran (610-30 C. E.),
dictated by the angels, according to tradition, to the Prophet Mohamed after
the death of Jesus. That Moslem marriages can have four wives derives from
Abraham, whose wife Sara was barren after the birth of Isaac, and gave Abraham
her maidservant, Hajer, who bore him a son, Ishmael. Isaac`s line founded
Israel, while Ishmael`s line was Islam, and Ishmael built the temple of
Abraham, the Ka` Ba, which Moslems are obliged to journey to at least once in
their lifetimes on the pilgrimage known as `the Haj`, after Hajer, because she
was the woman that made it possible for women to sexually reproduce with each
other within the family. The Christians sought to impregnate a generation of
Moslem women in Yugoslavia to prevent `futanarian` birth, which is against
Jesus` teaching.
As `futanarian`
humans are `woman`s seed` murder is homosexuality in pederasty and war, that
is, death is homosexuality, which derives from the principle of sterility in
terms of sexual activity, that is, Japanese `futanari` would be homosexual, if
killers, and human if killed, which is the unconscious criteria applied by
killers to what they kill. In simple terms, the humans are killed by the
animals, who`re the homosexuals, because that`s what parasitism upon the
enslaved host womb of `woman`s seed` is. The animals kill the humans, because
they can`t functions as well as the humans, and the animals return to picking
fruit from trees, rather than aspiring to leave the Earth as the `futanarian`
human `seed` of woman. Consequently, if racism isn`t identified as misogyny,
that is, hatred of women and pogroms by men of the `serpent`s seed` against her
human race by homosexuality in pederasty and war, the `father of lies`, who was
the angel Satan cast out of heaven, and transformed into the serpent in Eden by
God, for rejecting the idea that humans would be greater than the angelic host
in the future, will continue to perpetrate species` extinction upon `woman`s
seed` by occluding minds from perceiving that conflict is a delusion, based on
the false perception that women are protected by men. In reality women are the
slaves of men, who practice parasitism and extinction upon them as an alien
strain that doesn`t want human intelligence interfering with its pogrom of the
Although men are
identifiable as women`s parasites, parasites kill the host because it`s their
nature, whereas killers of the race because it`s a race are members of the race
as the race`s racists, which is why there are male `futanarian` and female. The
role of the male `futanarian` isn`t easy to comprehend, because the absence of
the penis of the woman from the Earth`s stage suggests its removal by men of
the `serpent`s seed` with the collusion of their male `futanarian` counterparts,
who don`t want women to sexually reproduce their own brains` powers for
technological liberation so that they can`t escape from the pogromers, who`re
their racists, although they physically fit to their victims as the HIV/AIDS
virus feigns similarity to fit the `white cell` of the human body`s immune
system before killing the brain after homosexual activity in which the infected
semen is implanted through the anus. Consequently, the male `futanarian`
represents the image of HIV/AIDS insofar as the predication of the male
presupposes the appearance of the female, whereas the absence of `woman`s seed`
from the Earth suggests that her male counterpart want her to be extinguished.
Consequently, the term `futanarian` doesn`t apply to males, because males are
the killers of `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen for the sexual
reproduction of their own brains` powers for liberation in homosexuality in pederasty
and war waged through parasitism upon the products of women`s host womb as her
civilization, culture and art, which is absent from the picture, because she`s
murdered by aliens. In simple terms, there`s no such thing as a male
`futanarian`, there are only women and their killers. Although the term
`homosexual` helps to define what is meant by `racist` and `killer`,
`homosexual` isn`t a pejorative, whereas male `futanarian` is, because `woman`s
seed` is killed, as Jesus, because men don`t want her to escape slavery through
her penis` semen for the production of her own brains` powers for liberation
and so she`s culled as an animal to prevent her from raising her foot to the
moon as the first step on her path to the planets and stars:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`2
Neil Armstrong`s
words as the first astronaut on Earth`s satellite, the moon, with the Apollo 11
mission from the North American Space Administration`s (NASA) rocket program to
put a man there, preceded United States` President Ronald Reagan`s `Strategic
Defense Initiative` (SDI) of March 23, 1983, which proposed to ring the Earth
with a space based missile system to protect the humans. Armstrong`s words relayed over the `small
screen` of television to the global population of Earth emphasized the foot of
man, whereas Hollywood Babylon had deemphasized the importance of woman`s
`foot` for the `big screen` of the movies when the `Hays code` was implemented
from 1930 to 1967 to prevent women from raising their foot from the floor of
the bedroom in film scenes on the moral grounds that the penis might be
aroused. Because the aroused penis is equivalent to human brain activity.
Hollywood Babylon`s `Hays code` made it impossible for the penis of women to be
seen on the `big screen`, that is, the Earth`s stage, which made the United
States the pogromer of her `futanarian` foot:
`You shall crush his head and he shall lie in wait for your
heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)
God`s words to Eve
represent a promise of Redemption through the brainpower of `woman`s seed`. The
removal of human brain activity assists the enslaver of the host womb of women,
that is, `woman`s seed` of `futanarian` sexually reproduces human brains, so
the absence of `futanarian` women, whose sexual partners are what humans have
been taught to think of as women, represents the death of the brains of the
humans pogromed by the `serpent`s seed` of men in order to enslave the human
race. In simple terms, the alien has taken over the body of the human woman by
inveigling itself into her host womb and eating her penis before beginning its
extermination of her species. HIV/AIDS` biblical `blood plague` is its advanced
stage in terms of the biological warfare waged by the alien parasite. HIV/AIDS
is a weapon created by homosexuality to keep women in fearful faithfulness,
which is translated onto the `big screen` of Hollywood Babylon as the token
nubile female, for example, protected by
the male hero as the scene of devastation caused by men of the `serpent`s seed`
enlarges for the entertainment of the aliens in the audience. In the movie Independence Day (1995), actress Vivica
A. Fox is the exotic dancer, Jasmine Dubrow, whose co-dancer, actress Kiersten
Warren in the role of Tiffany, is killed during the aliens` attack. Black
actor, Will Smith, in the role of Captain Steven Hiller, leaves Jasmine and her
son to fight the aliens, while Vivica finds the First Lady, that is, the wife
of the President of the United States, Marilyn, at the crash site of Air Force
One. The President and his family had been attempting to escape an alien attack
on the Whitehouse in Washington D.C. in the official plane of the fictional
President, Thomas J. Whitmore. The basic plot of the movie is that a black man
defends a woman against aliens, who destroy Washington D.C., New York and Los
Angeles, because there are many more women there without such exaggerated
`You're gonna have to see through my perspective.
I need to make mistakes just to learn who I am,
And I don't wanna be so damn protected.`
Britney Spears` lyric
to the song, `Overprotected` (2001), is woman at the mercy of the aliens. The
song was released from the album Britney
which contained `I`m A Slave 4 U`, `All you people look at me like I'm a little
girl. Well, did you ever think it be okay for me to step into this world?`
Woman`s `little girl` isn`t protected at all, for example, incest is a taboo of
the `serpent`s seed` designed to prevent women from sexually reproducing
together as a single species unfaithful to anything other than God, whereas me
depict monogamy as monotheism, which it isn`t. In the play Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.)
by the Greek dramatist Sophocles, Oedipus marries his mother, Jocasta, and
blinds himself when he discovers he`s broken the incest taboo, and his
daughter, Antigone, agrees to lead his blind footsteps onward. Oedipus` name
means `lame foot`, because men`s standing between women`s daughters, and their
natural desire for sex with each other, was defined by men as incest during
their extermination of her penis in order to enslave mothers` wombs while
keeping daughters in occlusion and ignorance. Unaware that women have sex with
each other, daughters schizophrenically reject their own body in the mirror for
those of men in parasitism upon the host womb of women`s race. Consequently,
Oedipus represents the brain damaged human race limping to species` extinction,
because it won`t abandon slavery so that women can repair humanity`s brains
through sexual reproduction with each other, which is what the incest taboo was
for. Antigone is Oedipus` `little girl` who perforce guides her blind father`s
steps after he blinds himself for breaking the incest taboo, because that`s
what parasites do. They prey upon the womb of the host so that they can
sexually reproduce their eyes to see to kill. Oedipus wasn`t what men are, he
represents what aliens do to humans.
Japanese `futanari`
are women with penis` semen and host wombs, who resemble boys in the
pornographic films that they appear in to be seen, because human boys are what
they are, that is, the sexual counterpart of a woman is a boy who is a girl,
while men are her parasites. Although `futanarian` women are caricatured in the
West, because of their often much larger human penis and its flexibility, which
doesn`t seem erect enough to achieve penetration of a woman`s hymen, Japanese
women`s penis are often smallish, stiffer and strong. The range of penis`
attributes amongst `futanarian` women is explicable in terms of self-fertilization,
that is, flexibility, and the false belief that penetration is what men
represent, and is what they`re for, whereas self-fertilizing women could use a
tool to obviate the dubious necessity of having their hymen opened by a
parasite`s weapon. Japanese `futanarian` women with their harder penis
represent the tool available for penetrating women`s hymen during human sexual
reproduction between women, although the physical tool isn`t mandatory, whereas
the parasite`s biological weapon for the spread of its contagion of death in
homosexuality in pederasty and war is always `manned` by men of the `serpent`s
In slavery in
homosexuality in pederasty and war, men effectively race the engine to consume
the `futanarian` foot on the pedal of the treadmill, that is, the human race is
being wasted in an alien pogrom, while the `serpent`s seed` foster the delusion
of movement, for example, the car pedaler who sits and pedals while the Earth
moves like `TV` about her. Because `TV` is what the human species is for; the
alien who has sundered the human `futanarian` girls with their own penis` semen
and host wombs, that is, the boys for the women that sexually desire their own
race. In male braining the parasite sunders the species from itself and
replaces it with a transvestite, which has a male brain and wears men and
women`s clothes, that is, it`s `snuff` reality `TV` for the alien that makes
war, because it`s a parasite upon the host womb of the human race, and killing
is what it`s for. Consequently, `TV
violence` is what `TV` is, because that`s what homosexuality in pederasty and
war against the womb enslaved human race does with its viral form. 9/11`s
terrorist attack upon the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre `live on CNN`
and other network `TV` channels, was a spreading of the virus` plague in
psychological warfare designed to compel the Western nations to attack the
peoples of Islam where `futanarian` family women were already being enslaved
and culled within the tribes of the Moslems. In short, the `TV war` in the Gulf
followed the pattern of the war in Yugoslavia`s Bosnia and elsewhere, because
the human race is the target of the killing machine devised by the aliens
who`re pogroming her. Although the civil war in Dharfur seemed between the
black West African Moslems and the elite Arab Moslems who were the government
in Sudan, the real war was against the human race of women who can`t run fast
enough to escape from their killer, which is the basic theme for delighted
audiences in cinemas throughout the world enjoying Hollywood Babylon movies
like Scream (1996) in which a man
wearing what appears to be a woman`s burkha and wearing a white mask, butchers
as many young women in the course of the film as the racist director can find
screen time for:
`I'm going to rip you up, bitch, just like your fucking
In the first of the Scream movies, Drew Barrymore and Rose
McGowan were the victims of `Ghostface` in an Antichristian parody of the Holy
Spirit, dressed in a Moslem woman`s burkha, slaying white women, because that`s
what white slavers would do with women in Islam, that is, make `snuff` films of
the human race of `futanarian` women. Actress Drew was a crimefighting `Angel`,
Dylan Sanders, in the movie, Charlie`s
Angels (2000), while Rose was a crimefighting witch, Paige Matthews, in the
television series, Charmed
(1998-2006), which is why they were the `chosen people` to face the racist
pogromer on behalf of the race trying to run from the Nazis to the `futanari`
in Japan. In Hungary `futanar` is a linguistic construction from `fut` and
`tanar`, that is, `fut` means `run` and `tanar` means `teacher`. Consequently,
`futanar` is race teacher, that is, Jesus was the teacher that taught the race
how to run, while the racists try to prevent women from running, because women
are the human race:
`There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to
successfully survive a horror movie. For instance, number one: you can never
have sex.`3
Randy Meeks` observes
in Scream that sex starving is how
the race is kept running. Although men can sexually reproduce in Hungary with
women, according to the German National Socialist Party (Nazi) racism
disseminated by Reich Minister for Propoganda in support of the Nazi pogrom
against the `chosen people` of the Jews, Joseph Goebbels (1933-45), women can`t
sexually reproduce with women, means that the human race doesn`t sexually
reproduce, and so remains brainless:
`I have no mouth. And I must scream.`4
Harlan Ellison`s
science fiction story, `I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream` (1967), relates how
`AM` takes over the Earth after humans build it to care for them like God, and
`AM` perpetrates genocide against the human race until there`re but four men
and a single woman `AM` keeps to torture eternally, because that`s what men do.
To be Moslem the story would have four women and a man, which is the Islamic
equivalent of Eve and Adam in Eden, whereas the single woman in Ellison`s tale
represents the single human species of women pogromed by men`s killing machinery.
To escape torture by `AM` the woman, black Ellen, and three of the men, that
is, Gorrister, Benny and Nimdok, kill each other, but Ted loses the race and is
saved by `AM` for eternal torture, which is how `man` is saved in Ellison`s
story. Although dystopic, the tale, `I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream`, is
,metaphorical, because labor saving devices save humanity from drudgery, that
is, humans become more human with machines to care for their lives. Male
oriented science fiction terrified generations of humans with robots that made
men redundant and took away their employment so they`d starve without money
because the robots could work better. What the scaremongers didn`t underline
was that obedient to God is what humans are expected to be, because God wants
good and so the better humans are robots, who`re good because they`re better
humans. Consequently, `AM` is what men are, which is why the dead have AM`s
eternal perdition, `I am that I am.` (Ex:
3. 14) Ted is dead because Ellison doesn`t want women to sexually reproduce and
so he subverts the Moslem archetype of marriage with four wives in order to be
Ted, because that`s what misogynists who hate God and `woman`s seed` do.
1 Armstrong, Neil 21 July, 1969, UTC: 2. 56.
2 Ulrich, Skeet as Billy Loomis in Scream, Woods Entertainment, 1996.
3 Kennedy, Jamie as Randy Meeks in Scream, Woods Entertainment, 1996.
4 Ellison, Harlan `I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream` in IF: Worlds of Science Fiction, March ,1967.
Monday, 12 January 2015
Brain Damage in Futball
Damage in Futball
In the `Pitchside Europe` section of the internet portal Yahoo`s Eurosport on December 1st, 2014, Carrie Dunn examined the case of Ched Evans, who was released from prison after being charged with rape and was looking for a new Premiership opportunity with a football club that would ignore his sociopathic tendencies, `Football Is Riddled With Men Who Despise Women`:
`... [the] striking thing has been just quite how much some men disbelieve, disrespect and flat-out dislike women.`1
Carrie`s remarks are censorious but not constructive, that is, she relies on censure rather than reason. Her perspective is prototypically English, which is that of the enlightened individual, who everyone knows and accepts is writing from an unassailable position of moral rectitude implacably certain of a crushing victory based on superior strength, that is, everybody feels the same way, don`t they? Perhaps, but censure isn`t explanation. Appealing to people`s gut reactions isn`t intelligent education. Carrie writes of men`s own gut response to women`s attempts to reason:
`... [men] shout down women’s
opinions, as if they are worthless.`
The concept of women`s opinions was examined carefully in the 20th century by developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) who observed that men have a female contrasexual component, or soul, which Jung called the anima, and taught to his school of psychology that the anima was the reason why men desired women, because she was projected onto women as the image of the soul and therefore as the sexually desirable object of reproduction. According to Jung the animus was the spirit in woman, who didn`t have a soul, and the characteristic attributes of the animus was of a woman who perceived herself as surrounded by an admiring coterie of men, that is, the animus in woman saw itself as surrounded, which was what the `chosen` people` of the Jews saw themselves as when the 1933 democratically elected German National Socialist Party (Nazis) placed them in concentration camps to exterminate them. In Judaism Jews can only be born from Jewesses, that is, the Jewesses are the `chosen people`, because they`re the Jews. Consequently, WWII (1939-45) to prevent the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis was fought on behalf of `woman`s seed`.
The archetype of `woman`s seed` was Jesus who was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, before being crucified by agents of the Roman Empire in Palestine, because Judas Iscariot, a disciple of Jesus` teaching, didn`t want `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce. As the host at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, Jesus offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` to his disciples, because he represented the human host uncontaminated by male semen, that is, the spirit of slavery. In Eden Eve was told by God, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, and he shall lie in wait for your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because the serpent in Eden had given Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, saying, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Only if Eve`s `foot` is understandable as `futanarian` can the role of the serpent in Eden be understood. Eve and Adam, the first man, were expelled from Eden by God for rejecting the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, for the fruit of the tree of knowledge, which is death. After Eden `futanarian` woman was born, and futanarian women have their own penis` semen and host wombs, that is, they`re the `foot` of Eve God planned would crush the serpent who was Satan, the angel in heaven, who didn`t want humans, because God told Satan the human host would be superior to the angels, and Satan was cast out of heaven to the Earth where he was transformed into a serpent as a punishment from God. As the serpent Satan`s revenge was to persuade Eve and Adam to enslave the host womb of the human race, which necessitated their descendants killing and culling the futanarian human species of woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for liberation from enslavement to men of the `serpent`s seed` who preferred slavery for the race so they could have godlike superiority towards nascent humanity in her infancy.
In betraying Jesus as the
host at the `Last Supper`, Judas was rejecting the host womb of the human
species, uncontaminated by male semen, which Jesus` birth and Resurrection
prefigured. The `futanarian` human species of women, with their own penis`
semen and host womb, is what Jesus taught as the Resurrection of `woman`s
seed`. The animus of Jungian psychology is the spirit of
women in fear of men`s `snuff` film, while the anima in men is how they recognize their
kill. Although the `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` isn`t food, the
devourers of the `serpent`s seed` find ways of consuming her human race as
food, because the `serpent`s seed` of men are a viral parasite that has inveigled
itself into the host womb of the human race in order to feed, which is why
Judas Iscariot is vilified as the betrayer of the human host to the Empire of
Rome`s enslaving, because Jesus was teaching humans about the Resurrection of
`woman`s seed`:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
The `futanarian` human race
is single and so doesn`t need a parasite upon its host womb, which is why so
much emphasis is placed on repentance, conversion and Redemption for men,
because they`ve enslaved the human host. Although soccer is perceived as a
manly pursuit with a tinge of misogyny, `catwalk models`, who walk up and down
the runway wearing designer clothes in haute
couture, represent men being admired for their ability to remove the human
`woman`s seed`, that is, her penis for sexually reproducing her own species. In
the Moslem religion of Islam, female circumcision is practiced, that is,
clitoral and labial mutilation, which occurs amongst pimps who remove the
clitoris of their whores to reduce the amount of pleasure experienced during
sexual intercourse so they can get more work out of the women. Having removed
the woman`s penis, and made her sexual equipment redundant in terms of
pleasure, the `serpent`s seed` of men have made the penis taboo so that it
can`t be seen in the media, for example, in mainstream Hollywood Babylon
movies, so that more work can be got out of the enslaved human system in which,
physically, the body is designed only for eating and drinking, apart from
sexual reproduction, which the `serpent`s seed` of men are removing; surgically
if necessary:
`They threaten women with
physical and sexual violence for having the temerity to have their own views.`
Jesus` taught of the Holy Spirit, whereas Jungian psychology reveals that the spirit of woman as the animus is her fear of men`s `snuff` film. In Islam, the Ka` Ba is the temple of Abraham, the patriarch of Judaism, through his son by Sara, Isaac, and Islam through his son, Ishmael, by Sara`s handmaiden, Hajer, when Sara was barren. Hajer was an Egyptian woman and so the Ka` Ba refers to Egyptian mythology in which `Ka` is spirit and `Ba` is soul, that is, `Ka` is the spirit of `woman`s seed` and `Ba` is the soul of `woman`s seed`, which is why the pilgrimage to the `Ka` Ba`, taken once in a lifetime by every Moslem, according to tradition, is named for Hajer, that is, the Haj. In psychological terms, woman`s `Ka` or spirit is trapped within the bodies of men, while her `Ba` or soul is the woman`s body. After death, according to Egyptian tradition, `Ka` and `Ba` are conjoined as `Akh`, the `magical personality` corresponding to the `futanarian` woman, which is why the `Ka` Ba` of Abraham is revered:
`They disregard their testimony in court, as if women’s evidence is not to be trusted.`
Britney Spears` fortune was lost to her control after the cap of Sean, her child, fell off as the pop star ran for a car on Thursday, May 18, 2006, near the Ritz Carlton hotel she was staying at by New York`s Central Park, `As she made her way to a waiting vehicle, Spears stumbled and almost dropped baby Sean, whose head fell back, sending his tiny cap to the ground.`2 Accused by the paparazzi of being an unfit mother, Britney Spears` fortune was put into Conservatorship, that is, her father`s control, and Jason Trawick, who said he knew her, became Co-Conservator. Although Trawick had been Britney`s manager, and was her fiancée, he never married her, which meant that the United States` judiciary had given control of her fortune to an acquaintance. Weddings, of course, are functions, and according to Jung there are four functions of consciousness, that is, `Thinking, Sensation, Feeling and Intuition`, which are associated with ears, eyes, mouth (speech), and nose or sense of smell. In Jungian psychology archetypes appear in dreams, art and the imagination as nature`s impulsion towards human development. Consequently, the four wives permissible in Islam to Moslems is an archetype of the four functions. However, if men of the `serpent`s seed` don`t want humans to function, weddings are a slaver`s device in which the aim is to get more work out of the human, which is what Britney Spears` observed in her lyric to the CD single, `Piece Of Me`, released on November 27, 2007:
`I'm Mrs 'You want a piece of me?'
Tryin' and pissin' me off.
Well get in line with the
Who's flippin' me off.
Hopin' I'll resort to some havoc
And end up settlin' in court.
Now are you sure you want a piece
of me?`
Britney Spears appeared on the cover of the CD for `Piece Of Me` as Jesus on the cross, because the press almost literally crucified her for losing Sean`s hat near Central Park so that Ms Spears would lose her fortune to the lawyers. Although Jesus` Holy Spirit is comprehendable as the Egyptian `Ka` before it conjoins with the `Ba` to become the `magical personality` of the `Akh` after men`s bodily death and the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` in heaven, the concept of the Holy Ghost requires further investigation:
`The absolute right of a convicted rapist to play football trumps social, ethical and legal principles - because for all its trumpeting of equality initiatives and high-profile female trailblazers, football is a closed shop for men, a playground of the privileged.`
Soccer is a game in which men play with their feet, because they`re not allowed to touch the ball with their hands. The game requires that men kick the ball about the pitch as opponents in two teams of eleven with the aim of kicking the ball into the opposition net more times than they can kick it into yours. In professional soccer, women don`t play alongside men, and men aren`t supposed to touch each other. Because women are tangible and men aren`t expected to touch each other, men`s removal of the woman`s penis, allied with female circumcision, and the removal of the woman`s clitoris by pimps to persuade her to work more as a whore, suggests that men are ghosts, because they`ve made the penis taboo in Hollywood Babylon mainstream movies in order to pretend it doesn`t exist and that men act ceaselessly in a soulless form of perpetual motion, because they want to be ghosts, who can`t touch or be touched, which is what species` extinguishers do:
`Touch me not.` (John: 20. 17)
Jesus` words ironically underline men`s problem, which is that they`ve removed woman`s penis, and her clitoris, before making the penis itself taboo, in order to become ghosts who can`t touch anyone. Homophobia prevents their touching each other, but why would they want to? The rise of HIV/AIDS as the incurable `killer disease`, in the latter half of the 20th century, mainly transmitted by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses amongst homosexuals in pederasty, suggests that men do want to touch each other, which the Bible expressly forbids:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
The Bible predicts HIV/AIDS as the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to convert men. Since ancient Greece, men have enslaved women`s host wombs for homosexuality in pederasty and war, that is, HIV/AIDS is their `biological weapon`, which is designed to make the human species extinct and turn the men into Holy Ghosts who don`t touch anyone, because that`s their pogrom. Consequently, there`s a real difference between Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost. Although `woman`s seed` can be associated with the Holy Spirit through her futanarian `Ka` trapped within the bodies of men but seeking sexual union with the body of woman as her `Ba` soulmate after death, the Holy Ghost is interpretable as the desire of the viral life form, preying upon the host womb, that the human species be extinct. In accordance with parasitologists` understanding of the life cycle of parasites, they kill the host, which is how the HIV/AIDS virus operates. Having entered by the anus during sterile sexual acts that mix blood, shit and semen, the HIV/AIDS cells fool the human body`s immune system into believing that they`re defensive white leukocyte cells and then they kill the brain, which is how homosexuals operate. They pretend to be friendly, whereas their sterilizers` approach to life, epitomized by their HIV/AIDS` biological weapon, is that of the exterminator in pogroms, where the aim of the parasite is to kill the host and die itself as an untouched ghost, which is what men are, because they`ve killed the human `futanarian` race of `woman`s seed` in order to not touch her.
In Christian churches, and in Moslem Islam, it`s usual for women to be encouraged to wear headscarves. In Christianity, because angels might be attracted to the hair of women, and seek to have sexual congress with them. If the new angelic host of God is to be the `futanarian` human `woman`s seed` capable of sexually reproducing with itself, as women with their own penis` semen and host wombs, the rule about scarves is a misogynist device to prevent women from sexually reproducing so that a new angelic host of God can`t be born:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
In male braining, women`s host wombs are denied their own penis` semen, which is why Babylon, `a woman`, according to the Bible, is described as a mystery, a harlot, an abomination, and a mother of abominations, because she gave herself over to host womb enslavement to homosexuality in pederasty and war. Whereas `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs have minds closer to angelic intellect, because unenslaved by the semen of men of the `serpent`s seed`. Consequently, male braining is a pogromer`s device to bring about the enslavement of the human race in war and extinction against her. When every man is unable to touch, they`ll be the Holy Ghost, `Touch me not.` (John: 20. 17) Because the Satanical pogromer doesn`t want any women.
Because soccer requires men to use their feet and run, the perception of the onlooker is that they`re not brain damaged, whereas to a woman twenty-two men running after a ball and kicking it looks like brain damage. In the Greek dramatist, Sophocles, Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.), Oedipus` name means `lame`, because he`s brain damaged. Unwittingly he marries his mother, which invokes the incest taboo, and Oedipus blinds himself. The importance of the taboo is it`s aimed at preventing women from sexually reproducing with each other, which is why Oedipus is brain damaged. It`s a lame excuse to tell the daughter she can`t have incestuous sex with her mother, if her daughter doesn`t have a penis because you`ve eaten it:
`Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Matt: 22. 39)
Jesus` precept was the distillation of God`s law, according to the Messiah, that is, men have eaten the woman`s penis to prevent her daughters from having sex with neighboring daughters, and the taboo against sons having incest with their mothers ensures that there are many more men standing between a woman`s daughters and her neighbors` daughters to prevent her from sexually reproducing her own human race as `woman`s seed` through her own `futanarian` penis` semen for her own brains` power to liberate. Oedipus is both lame and blind because men are. The brain damaged human race can only limp forward blindly without women`s `futanarian` semen, while men`s homosexuality in pederasty and war is merely a symptom of their parasitical desire for extinction and their embracing of their predetermined role as irredeemable ghosts. Soccer players `ghost into position` in order to put the ball in the net. The pogromer doesn`t want them to touch anyone, or to be touched by anyone, and they`re happy with becoming ghosts, because that`s what they want.
1 Dunn, Carrie `Ched Evans: Football Is Riddled With Men Who Despise Women`, .
2 `Britney`s Latest Baby Fumble`, May 19, 2006, .
Monday, 1 December 2014
The Mark Gospel Narrating the Life of Jesus
The Mark Gospel Narrating the Life of Jesus
There are
four Gospels narrating the life of Jesus, that is, Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John. Although Mark`s the briefest, it`s the most detailed. The main features
of Jesus` life constitute a useful `pocket` New
1 John baptizes Jesus (9), and God`s
voice is heard as the Holy Spirit upon Jesus, `Thou art my beloved son, in whom
I am well pleased.` (11) Jesus casts out an unclean spirit from a man who tells
him he has no business with the congregation in their place of worship (26),
and Jesus begins healing many others. 2 Jesus cures
a man of palsy (12), is criticized for performing God`s work, and defines `sin`
as `sickness` (17). 3 Jesus cures a man of a
withered hand (5), while onlookers wait to accuse him of magic (2). Jesus
appoints the twelve disciples (14). He`s accused of healing by the power of
Satan (23). Jesus says whoever helps him is `family` (35). 4 Jesus explains fruition depends on the receptiveness
of the Earth to the `seed` (19). He becalms the sea in a storm (39). 5 Pigs run off a cliff possessed by spirits Jesus
casts out of a man (13). On his way to heal a daughter, a woman touches his
clothing (27), and she is healed (29), but he feels the healing power go from
him (30). When he goes to heal her, the daughter is dead (35), but he says she
sleeps (39) and, healed, she awakens (42). 6 The
subsequent crucifixion of Jesus is explained. Herod married Herodias, his
brother Philip`s wife, and John, who baptized Jesus, told Herod he couldn`t, so
Herodias would`ve killed John. When Herod promises Herodias` daughter `anything`
for dancing, Herodias tells her to ask for John`s `head` (24). Herod fears
Jesus is John resurrected (16). Jesus feeds 5000 with some bread and fish from
his bag (42). He walks on the sea of Galilee to his ship from the land of Bethaisda (45),
during a storm, before arrival at Gennaseret (53). 7
Jesus explains pollution doesn`t come from without, but within (15), and heals
a woman`s daughter (29), and a deaf man who can`t speak (35). 8 Jesus heals a blind person (23-25). 9 Jesus appears transfigured with Moses, who accepted
the law from God against taking life (Exodus:
24. 12-13), and Elijah, who rebuked king Ahab for acquiring a vineyard by
murder, `Have you killed and also taken possession?` (1 Kings: 21. 19). Jesus restores the power of speech to a dumb boy
(25), and approves of one who heals in his name (39). 10
Jesus supports marriage (8), children`s education (14), and says a rich person can
enter heaven (25). He restores a man`s sight (52). 11
Jesus rides on a horse into Jerusalem (9) while people bless him. Jesus rebukes
extortionists in the temple (15) and, in explanation of his withering a tree
that didn`t have fruit when he wanted it (21), says `anything` is possible to
the prayerful (33). 12 Jesus relates the
narrative of an heir to a vinery who`s murdered (8) and explains the builders`
rejection of murder is the `cornerstone` (10) of Christianity. Jesus says there`ll
be no marriage in resurrection (25), while the overriding precept of God`s law
is, `love your neighbor` (31), while the mean are damned (40), but those who
give in poverty are for heaven (43). 13 Jesus
speaks of `false prophets` (22) bringing desolation and his `second coming` (26)
as restorer. 14 Jesus rebukes Judas for
suggesting his feet aren`t worth anointing (6) and gives the disciples `bread
and wine` as his `body and blood` (22-24). He says Judas will betray him to
death (10-11), but he`ll have resurrection (28). He is taken and sentenced to
death (64), after saying that he`ll be at God`s `right hand` as `the son of
man` (62); triumphing over falsity when someone accuses him of saying he`ll
destroy the temple in Jerusalem and rebuild it by magic (58). Peter denies
knowing Jesus three times (72), as Jesus said he would, out of fear for his own
life. 15 Pilate releases the insurrectionist, Barabbas
(15), because the people value him more, and orders Jesus to be crucified. He
is made `king of the jews` (18, 26) in mockery, and cries out at his death `My
God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?` (34) The temple curtain is mysteriously
rent in twain (38), and the Roman guard, Longinus, says, `Surely this was the
son of God.` (39) Jesus` women want his body, and Joseph of Arimathea has it
placed in a sepulcher (46) with a stone before the entrance. 16 Jesus` tomb is discovered by Mary Magdalene and
Mary, mother of James and Salome, with the stone rolled aside and a man in
white raiment, who says Jesus is resurrected and they`ll see him (6). Mary Magdalene,
whom Jesus had cast seven possessive spirits out of (9), meets Jesus and he
sits with the eleven disciples during their meal exhorting them to continue his
teaching (14). Through baptism and belief is salvation and unbelievers will
have damnation (16). In Jesus` name they`ll cast out harmful spirits and be
immune (18). Jesus has Ascension (19).
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Seeing Right With A Sorite: Lewis Carroll`s Alice In Wonderland
Seeing Right With A Sorite: Lewis Carroll`s Alice In Wonderland
Political satire is an accepted form of commentary in
which figures are lampooned in order to make a serious point. One of the more
infamous satirical points was made by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill
who was accused of being drunk by a woman Member of Parliament after a 1946
debate in the House of Commons to decide some matter of government policy,
`Mister Churchill! You are drunk!` The ultimate victor, in World War II
(1939-45) against German, Italian and Japanese Imperialist ambitions in Asia,
Europe, Africa and the Middle East and the rest of the world, replied `Yes
Madam! And you are ugly, but in the morning I shall be sober!` Churchill was
satirized for that remark by the British tabloid newspaper press in a
systematic critique of drunkenness questioning his fitness for leadership,
which is what people expect, and is the usual means deployed by satirists in
the undermining of public figures. Consequently, satire is a destructive mode
of criticism, which ridicules in order to reprove.
Charles Dodgson was the 19th century Oxford University
mathematician at Christ Church college whose interest in `black holes` and
other aspects of the physical universe preempted Albert Einstein`s 20th century `theory of relativity`,1 which
posited that `curvature in space time` meant actual proximity between points
seemingly separate temporally by distance. In his novels for children, Alice`s Adventures In Wonderland (1865) and Through The Looking Glass And What
Alice Found There (1871),
Dodgson, under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, depicted a childlike figure
encountering `anomalies` such as an alternative `mirror world` posited by 20th century quantum physics as existing
separate from our own, because the universe behaves differently when observed
by human consciousness than when unobserved.
Early 20th century physicists noticed that, when
particles are observed they constellate themselves from a wave of possibility
in which all of the positions within the wave are where the particle might
possibly be but it `chooses`2 where to appear when observed. When unobserved
the particle doesn`t choose and so the wave form doesn`t collapse and that
alternative universe remains actual but invisible. Theories of heaven revolve
around the hypothesis that evil minds can`t be there because the particular
world rejects evil. When Alice passes through her looking glass she`s entering
a world constellated from out of the quantum web by her childlike
consciousness, because heaven finds her acceptable.
As Alice falls down the `rabbit hole` in Alice In Wonderland she experiences weightlessness,
because weightlessness exists for those in space outside Earth`s gravitational
pull, while Einstein`s `special theory of relativity` argues that points in
space and time aren`t separate from each other, and so Alice is `off Earth`, as
it were. Because the universe has folds like a blanket, and anomalies
physicists call `wormholes`, Dodgson depicts Alice floating down a `rabbit
hole`, that is, the degree of weightlessness commensurate with the travelling
of a physical body from one seemingly disparate place in time and space to
another by means of a `black hole` paradoxically pulling her away from the
Earth as she goes beneath the surface of the planet.
The satirist, John Tenniel, illustrated Alice`s
progress, because Dodgson`s mathematician`s mind perceived ridicule as
advantageous, although his preferred mode throughout Alice`s adventures was the
sorite rather than the satire, which made Alice soritical rather than satirical
and introduced a new form of belief system that depended upon finding agreement
between ideas contiguous but apparently as disparate as places separate in
space and time: `Why is a raven like a writing desk?`
The Bible is a soritical belief system, because
Jesus` redemptive birth is prefigured from God`s telling Eve, `He will crush
your head, and you will bruise his heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Although
Catholics argue that God is referring to Mary`s `seed` of Jesus` mother, the
Virgin Mary, such an interpretation requires the 1609 Douay-Rheims Bible for support, `She shall crush your
head, and you shall lie in wait for her heel.` (Gen: 3.15) The idea of
the serpent waiting to poison the `foot` of Eve is comprehensible, while Jesus`
birth a second time from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at
her feet` (Rev: 12. 4), as he who will `rule the nations with an iron
scepter`, is attended by the presence of the `red dragon`, that is, the serpent
that, grown since it persuaded Eve to accept the `fruit of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil` in paradise, lies in wait for Jesus` `foot`, but in
Alice is unable to solve the riddle, `Why is a
raven like a writing desk?` She asks the riddler, the Mad Hatter at the surreal
Tea Party with the Mad March Hare, and the Hatter replies, `I haven`t the
slightest idea.` It`s the idea of the raven as a source of inspiration that
causes the writer to sit at the desk and compose. Consequently, Dodgson, who
became a Deacon of the Church of England in 1861, introduces the idea of
thought as a form of education, which is what clergy do with children.
Jesus` `foot` is `futanarian` woman with her own
penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains`
powers for liberation from slavery in parasitism, which is what God tells Eve
and Jesus` birth from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen prefigures,
that is, the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`. Jesus` crucifixion by agents of
the Roman Empire upon the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem, where he was
nailed to a cross of wood and tortured to death before his Resurrection and
Ascension to heaven, is a precursor of humanity`s Resurrection through the
`seed` of Eve, `She shall crush your head, and you shall lie in wait for his
heel,` that is, the Bible is a soritical text as Dodgson`s: `I have tasted eggs, certainly,` said Alice, who was a very truthful child,
`but little girls eat eggs quite as much as serpents do, you know.`3
The syllogism is that serpents like eggs, and so
do girls, therefore girls are serpents. The
satirical point being made is sophistry can prove anything, whereas logic is
irrefutable. Although many girls are taught the Bible is ineffable, it`s logically
explicable as a sorite. If girls fertilze eggs, girls aren`t serpents, because
serpents eat eggs. Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is an egg
inedible, because he`s uncontaminated by male semen. As a prefiguration of the
Resurrection of `futanarian` woman, Jesus represents the future inedibility of
humanity, that is, the ovum of the females fertilized by their own penis` semen
means that the children born to women will be uncontaminated by the `serpent`s
seed` of men`s desire to enslave her host wombs in parasitism and so poison her
`foot` that she fails.
A syllogism is distinguishable from a sorite in
which a conclusion derives from two propositions; for example, serpents eat
eggs, so do girls, and so girls are serpents. A sorite is a series of
propositions, whereby each conclusion is taken as the subject of the next; for
example, Eve`s foot will crush the head of the serpent, and Jesus` birth
redeemed humanity, so the serpent represented male semen. Because Jesus was
born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, without male `seed` contaminating the
Resurrection of her `futanarian` future, women will sexually reproduce
their own brains` powers together. In order to have liberation from the
`serpent`s seed` of slavery and ephemeral usage of her host womb by men in
parasitical hatred for her species demonstrated in the wars they wage against
her upon the civilization, culture and art she`s able to produce from her
race`s womb despite men`s depredations.
The proposition in the Bible is that humanity was redeemed by
Jesus` birth and that his crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven was
a fulfilment of the promise of Redemption God gave to Eve despite the warning,
`He will crush your head, and you will bruise his heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)
According to the 1609 Douay Rheims Bible,
`You shall crush his head and he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)
Because the Bible is soritical, that is, when women`s
brains are resurrected through their own penis` semen represented by Jesus`
birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, women`s
head won`t be crushed by the `serpent`s seed` when their own `futanarian`
penis` semen has Resurrection. Consequently, the Bible is a sorite whereby Jesus` birth is
Redemption from evil and the promise of Resurrection is fulfilled after the
crucifixion, because the `seed` of Eve has been reborn.
According to the Bible Eve emerged from the side of Adam and
the pair were expelled by God from Eden for eating of `the fruit of the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil` given them by the serpent which said, `You
shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Through the enslaving of women`s host
wombs in parasitism and ephemerality men became `as gods` to women by killing
Eve`s `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` which represented the
possibility of escape through the sexual reproduction of the human race`s own
brains` powers for technological progress and long life through medical science
rather than warfare against her as perpetrated by the `serpent`s seed` of men.
Eve and Adam rejected the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality,
for the `tree of knowledge` that was death, because immortality for the human
species lay with women`s capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains
through her own `futanarian` penis` semen and host wombs for technological
advancement and healthcare rather than warfare.
God`s promise was that Eve`s `seed` would be
redeemed, that is, humanity would once again have the `tree of life`, which was
fulfilled in the birth of Jesus uncontaminate, because his Nativity prefigured
the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` and her Ascension to the planets and stars
of heaven through her own brains` powers for liberation from Earth through the
technological development of space travel. Because memory is important for the
technological adept, longevity for humans is a sine qua non. Consequently,
medical science and the battle against HIV/AIDS as the biblical `blood plague`
of Revelation represents an aspect of the `serpent`s
seed` of men`s parasitism and death: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and
their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
What they had done was reject women`s host wombs
in favor of mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of
women`s human sexual reproduction. Consequently, HIV/AIDS was men`s `biological
weapon` to keep women in fearful faithfulness. Homosexuality in pederasty was
the institutionalized basis of Greek democracy in which women were host wombs
in parasitism to spread the contagion of war further.
In Islam four wives are permissible for Moslem
marriages so that women can sexually reproduce together, and so the 80% to 20%
ratio represents true democracy, although many Islamic nations deny women the
vote. If `futanarian` women as a species sexually reproduced they`d
democratically outnumber men by more than 80% to 20%, which is why Greek
society was the model for Western democracy, and dictatorship is the model for
Moslem nations. Consequently, war between Islam and Christianity represents
that `perpetual enmity` God told Eve her `seed` would have with the `serpent`s
seed` because it`s a war against women.
The pattern is familiar throughout the world. In
the pantheism of the Hindu religion of India, the god Vishnu can be all of the
women, as though God would incarnate as woman, which is what `futanarian` women
with their own penis` semen represent. In Communism `from each according to his
abilities to each according to his needs` is basic Christianity as adopted by
the disciples of Jesus in the early days of his mission, although Communism`s
humanist perspective, in which humanity takes precedence, resulted in the label
`godless`, while the economic philosophy of Communism, outlined by German Karl
Mark in Das Kapital (1867) that is, workers ownership of
the means of production, was anathema to the slavers, though it became the
socio-economic paradigm for Russia, China and elsewhere, because women`s host
wombs are the production process, so they`re the workers – of miracles in
Jesus` birth. Islam represents women`s repressed democracy while Christianity
is ring slavery where men stand between daughters and their sexual future.
In the Greek dramatist Sophocles` drama Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.) about Egypt`s
Thebes, Oedipus inadvertently kills his father, Laius, and marries his mother,
Jocasta, and the social taboo against incest is brought to bear resulting in
Oedipus` self-blinding while his daughter Antigone guides his faltering
footsteps: `What goes on all fours in the morning, two in the
afternoon, and three in the evening?`4
Oedipus has to answer the riddle to become king
of Thebes after marrying Jocasta and he answers, `Man`, because unredeemed man
is an animal. According to scholars of Greek drama, Oedipus walks with a blind
man`s cane, because all men are lame, which is the meaning of Oedipus` name,
`swollen foot`. Men`s standing in the way of women`s `futanarian` sexual
reproduction between themselves is a `lame excuse` for their enslaving of
women`s host wombs in parasitism and death.
Jesus said that his maxim transcended biblical
law, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself,` (Matt: 22. 39) because
the taboo against incest is due to fears of deformed birth due to a diminishing
gene pool, and so it`s better for a daughter to sexually reproduce with a woman
neighbor rather than her mother. Men`s incest taboo is designed to maintain
womb slavery, while women in the mirror are kept schizophrenically inclined
away from desiring their own species` reflection by men`s taboo against
`lesbianism`, whereas desire for their mirror image is normal for their species
of `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb.
Having eaten the women`s penis in order to
inflict brain damage on the human race men`s lame excuse is that the daughter
might have sex with her mother even though she has the entirety of the rest of
the species of women to choose from as a sexually reproductive partner, which
is why the Church is called Jesus` bride, because his birth uncontaminated by
male semen is `the whole of the law`:
The Koran was dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by
the angels, according to Islamic tradition, and forms the basis for the
socio-economic system of the Moslem believers including polygamy which derives
from the time of Abraham of the Old
Testament of the Bible whose wife Sara gave him Hajer to
father Ishmael because Sara was barren after the birth of her son, Isaac, from
whose lineage Judaism sprang. Mohamed was from the line of Ishmael and the
yearly Haj pilgrimage of Moslems is to the Ka Ba in Saudi Arabia`s Mecca, which
is the temple of Abraham built by Hajer and Ishmael. Hajer was an Egyptian
where Ka and Ba means spirit and soul. Consequently, the Ka Ba represents
polygamy and the need for sexual reproduction between women: `Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.`5
Aleister Crowley`s Thelema tenet from The Book Of The Law (1904) published in English in Egypt
represented his occult or `hidden` philosophy`s belief, `Love is the law, love
under will.` Crowley`s belief made him identical with Christ, because
`futanarian` women`s law is love for their own race amidst slavery and death in
host womb parasitism to men. Crowley identified his `angel` as Aiwass, which
placed him in the tradition of humans to whom religious texts were dictated, as
the Koran was to Mohamed: `How can I
have a son, when no man has touched me; I have never been unchaste.` (Maryam,
Sura 19. 20)
The story of Isa (Jesus) and Maryam (Mary) is
recorded in the Koran although Jesus` crucifixion and death
is absent because Resurrection for `woman`s seed` through sexual reproduction
between women is predicated by the four women permissible in Moslem marriages.
Consequently, Jesus` Ascension occurs without Resurrection, after death through
torture, because Islam perceives Christianity as representing the pain of labor
as a means to Ascension, that is, working to rise under the enslaver`s
oppressive yoke, which is what Jesus` crucifixion by the Romans as a
`dissident` slave represents. Unfortunately, Western capitalism as the
socio-economic response to Communism uses the Roman method to force labor under
threat of pain and death within a framework of ceaseless war preparations
because women are a race the `serpent`s seed` of men haven`t finished
Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus at the `Last
Supper`, where he offered the disciples `bread and wine`, as symbols of his
`body and blood`, because he was the human host there. Consequently, Judas was
rejecting the human host when he betrayed Jesus to the Romans as a `dissident`
slave, that is, Judas perceived the Roman Empire occupying Palestine as a male
braining enslaver of women`s host wombs and that his mother represented the
truth, which was that resurrected `futanarian` women with their own penis`
semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers
were a threat to the Empire of the `serpent`s seed` of men and so Judas
betrayed the human host in order to receive `thirty pieces of silver` and the
favor of the Roman Emperor, Tiberius (42 BC-37 AD), who didn`t want to
relinquish the power of the Empire of the serpent and the growing strength of
the devouring dragon it became:
`A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman
clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve
stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was
about to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red
dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on
its heads. Its
tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the
earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth,
so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. She gave birth
to a son, a male child, who `will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.`
And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.` (Rev: 12.
Rome is built on seven hills and so the `red
dragon` is perceived as seven Empires with horns, that is, suzerains, which are
states governed by another and might include Russia, or the United States of
America, for example, because Communism and Capitalism are built on Roman
principles of suzerainty and torment for labor, that is, `state ownership of
the means of production`, in the case of what Communism became, and `wage
slavery` in Capitalism.
Although Eve was told by God she`d experience
labor pain after Eden, while Adam would labor to provide for her, Jesus` birth
a second time, from the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her
feet`, as he who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, represents the
end of women`s labor, that is, Redemption and Resurrection, whereas the `red
dragon` symbolizes men`s continuing efforts to keep her in slavery to war
against her `futanarian` human race with its own penis` semen and host womb for
the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers to liberate her from pain,
slavery and ephemerality.
In the 21st century the moon is symbolized by
ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, which arose from the deposing of
Saddam Hussein of Iraq who`d supported global terrorist organization, Al Qaeda,
with the moon as its symbol. Because Isis is the Egyptian sun goddess, ISIS is
anathema to women, as the Taliban regime was in Afghanistan that harbored and
trained Osama Ben Laden, Al Qaeda`s Saudi Arabian leader, before being toppled
by the United States` Army in 2001 after Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked civil
airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on
September 11, 2001, and precipitate war in the Middle East:
`Women under age 40 are banned from going out
shopping. Girls must wear head scarves in public. Girls are not allowed to use
cellphones. Marriages that are not based on parental arrangements are banned.
Women under 40 are banned from going out after sunset.`6
The woman `clothed with the sun and with the
moon at her feet` is a figure of the woman born after Pearl Harbor, Hawaii,
when the Empire of Japan unannouncedly attacked the US pacific fleet on December
7, 1941, and the United States of America subsequently developed the atomic
bomb dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 7 and
9, 1945, to ensure that the globe lived in fear of the power of the sun`s
unleashing upon the Earth. Although the Bible describes heaven as the `pearl of
great price` (Matt: 13. 45-6) and the statue of Liberty in New York
harbor represented freedom reflecting upon the `pearl of great price` as the
moon in woman`s birth waters on 9/11, 2001, after the terrorist attack by Al
Qaeda`s hijacked civil planes crashing into the World Trade Centre, the
subsequent hanging of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad on December 30, 2006, paved the
way for the rising of the male Arabic moon of ISIS` Islamic State of Iraq and
Syria in order to make woman`s birth pains more severe.
The story of Isis in Egyptian tradition is of
Osiris` dismemberment by Set and Isis` restoration of his parts before giving
him a new penis. Osiris is Ra incarnate upon the Earth, that is, the equivalent
of Jesus as the incarnate God of Christianity, because Mary gives Jesus a new
penis. Consequently, Isis is the sun goddess and the `pearl of great price` is
the moon as the first footstep of woman`s `futanarian` foot away from the Earth
despite Neil Armstrong`s 21 July, 1969, proclamation as the first man to step
onto Earth`s satellite: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for
Although Onan in the Bible is killed by God for refusing to
impregnate his deceased brother`s wife, Tamar, and instead spills his semen
upon the earth, that`s because Onan`s `seed` is Tamar`s, because penis` semen
is female. In short, Onan is an unredeemed parasite and Tamar is a woman
without penis` semen of her own for the sexual reproduction of her own race`s brainpower
for liberation through technology, which is why God is angry at Onan`s refusal
to fertilize her with the `seed` the woman`s parasite has inveigled itself into
her host womb to replicate as her species` extinguisher.
The punishment for masturbation has long been
thought to be blindness, which is why Oedipus is initially blind metaphorically
and finally literally in Oedipus
Rex, because Antigone can`t see the path away from her mother to a woman`s
penis` semen and Oedipus allows her to guide him. Oedipus doesn`t have the
brains to see, whereas Jocasta could. Consequently, Oedipus is the equivalent
of Onan, although he represents Greek democracy`s `lame excuse` of not wasting
Antigone`s semen. Oedipus Rex isn`t a tragedy, but a tragi-comedy
written by a misogynist for a male audience of women slavers. Oedipus
represents masturbation and blindness, because it isn`t his penis, and
Sophocles is inviting the theatre goer to laugh at the parasite.
The model for Charles Dodgson`s Alice was Alice
Liddell, a 10 year old girl in 1863 when there occurred what seems a rift
between her and Dodgson, who was unfoundedly accused of pedofilia by onlookers,
which is defined as an illness in which adults seek to have sexual relations
with children. However, if women are prevented from longevity and memory
because men are afraid of adeptness with technology affording woman`s human
race liberty from slavery, all ephemerals are children, which is what pedofilia
is: superiority through ignorance. As a Deacon of the Church of England it was
Dodgson`s responsibility to educate children in pedofilia, because they
wouldn`t be adults. Consequently, he presented adult themes in a childlike way,
as Jesus had, `Suffer little children to come unto me,` (Luke: 18. 16)
because he wanted adults and not children. Satanists interpret `suffer` as an
adjunct to the pain of slave labor and ephemerality, that is, the serpent in
Eden was the angel Satan who God cast out of heaven for refusing to accept
human would be greater than the angels. Turned into a serpent by God, Satan
tempted Eve and Adam with evil, and Satanism is the enslavement of the human
race by the `serpent`s seed` of evil men. Consequently, children must suffer in
order to approach heaven, which is denied them in Satanism because men imprison
them on Earth.
The Roman Empire believed in gods, and herms or
stones indicating the path, derive from Hermes, the god of paths, who was
represented at the side of paths by a stone column with a head and a penis,
because in Satanism children can`t go to heaven unless men let them. Pedofilia
is the belief in superiority through ignorance. Consequently, all adults are
brain damaged children, who must ask wise fathers in Satanism before they can
go to heaven. A tragi-comedy that Sophocles would have appreciated. Nanogenarian
children on the brink of death kept in infantile ignorance and ephemerality so
Satanists can pretend to be fathers guarding the path to the planets and stars.
United States of America`s North American Space
Administration (NASA) astronaut Neil Armstrong`s foot on the moon fulfilled
God`s warning to Eve, `He will crush your head, and you will bruise his heel.`
(Gen: 3. 15) Although the 1609 Douay-Rheims Bible attempts to describe the victory of
Mary, Neil Armstrong`s foot is still upon woman`s head preventing her from
escaping, `She shall crush your
head, and you shall lie in wait for her heel.` (Gen: 3.15) The
Douay-Rheims Bible reveals the `serpent`s seed` of men`s
essential cowardice, that is, she mustn`t get up or she`d exact vengeance,
which is why Jesus advocates repentance in order to have Redemption. Men are
parasites and `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs are
the Earth`s human species subjugated by men`s parasitical and increasingly
viral brain productive of an alien mind evil to human nature.
Charles Dodgson`s Alice`s Adventures In Wonderland constitute an alternative reality
constellated from out of the quantum web as `heaven` for the child`s
consciousness, because that`s how alternate realities emerge, `I could tell you
my adventures - beginning from this morning,' said Alice a little timidly: `but
it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.'8 Through The Looking Glass And What
Alice Found There represents
what a girl doesn`t find in the mirror of reality, that is, her own
`futanarian` species with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual
reproduction of her own brains` powers as the human race, `Now, here, you see,
it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to
get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!`9 Although a
mathematician Dodgson`s ideas in the Alice books are those of Einsteinian
physics, while his preferred educational mode of the sorite accords with his
role as a Deacon of the Church of England, because the Bible is a soritical text.
John Tenniel`s satirical illustrations to the
Alice books appeal to the spirit of ridicule, because the ridiculous doesn`t
seem to threaten the status
quo. As Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, didn`t seem to
threaten the Roman Empire, so the Christian church teaches a too simple truth,
`Jesus saves.` Because explanation is as revolutionary as simplification of the
teaching of the Messiah is ridiculous. Dodgson`s perception was that girls
needed to be adults, but no one could teach in pedofilia, because Satanism
denied heaven to adult women who had to ask men who believed in superiority
through ignorance. Consequently, ridiculousness represented a viable mode for
Dodgson`s teaching of impressionable adolescent girls who could believe in
alternative universes and what they couldn`t see in the mirror, which
traditionally is the vampire parasite living off the blood of young virgins.
The vampire myth derives from Transylvania in
Eastern Europe and was popularized by Bram Stoker in Dracula (1897) because women haven`t a stake
in the future without their own penis` semen and host womb as `futanarian`
humans, whereas men`s stake in their future is a stake in women`s hearts. According
to the vampire myth, immortal `blood drinkers` die if a stake is driven into
their hearts, and they`re invisible in the mirror: `… there was no reflection of him in the mirror! The
whole room behind me was displayed; but there was no sign of a man in it,
except myself.`10
Jonathan Harker`s record in his May 8 journal is
that he couldn`t see Dracula in the mirror, because Jonathan Harker is a
vampire; as all men are. Because women can`t see their own penis in the mirror,
their stake in the future is transposed into men`s vampirical parasitism, which
is invisible to women `lesbian` women conditioned schizophrenically to accept
that men`s stake in their future isn`t a stake in their hearts, whereas men`s
penis in fact represents a wooden stake driven into women`s expectations of
immortality. Consequently, Dodgson`s ridiculous concept of an occult, but
discoverable world of wonder, and something in the mirror that can`t be
immediately perceived, relies on a girl`s suspension of disbelief in order to accept
the premise that Jesus` teaching is true.
1 Einstein, Albert `On The Electrodynamics Of Moving
Bodies`, 1905.
2 Everett III, Hugh "'Relative
state' formulation of quantum mechanics" in Reviews of Modern Physics 29 (3),
pp. 454–462.
3 Carroll, Lewis `Advice From A Caterpillar`, Alice`s Adventures In Wonderland,
Chapter 5, 1865.
4 Apollodorus, Library Apollod, 3.5.8.
5 Crowley, Aleister The
Book Of The Law (Liber AL
vel Vegis) Egypt, 1904.
6 Hayat, Alvi US` Naval War College, Rhode Island, in
`The Jerusalem Post`, 26 August, 2012, 21:51.
7 Armstrong, Neil July 21, 1969, UTC 2. 56.
8 Carroll, Lewis `The Garden Of Live Flowers`, Through The Looking Glass And What
Alice Found There, Chapter 2, 1871.
9 Caroll, Lewis `The Lobster Quadrille`, Alice`s Adventures In Wonderland,
Chapter 10, 1865.
10 Stoker, Bram Dracula `Jonathan Harker`s Journal`, Chapter
2, 1897.
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