Death And Axes
The symbol of ancient Rome, adopted by Italian dictator
Benito Mussolini, who was elected in 1922, was the fasces, which is a bundle of wood with an ax in the center.
Mussolini`s Italy became a part of the fascist triumvirate of nations, which
also included Germany and Japan, during the 1930s, as a political movement that
promised its adherents they`d live through enslaving other peoples; for
example, the Jews, and/or killing them for their money and possessions. The
fascist principle had already been applied in the 1800s by the European
settlers in North America, where the food resource of the native inhabitants,
who were called `red Indians` because of their skin color, were the buffalo
that were killed to starve the `reds`, and force them into areas built by the
United States of America`s government that were the equivalent of the `death
camps` built by the German National Socialist (Nazi) government to exterminate
the Jews after Germany`s fascist dictator, Adolf Hitler, was elected in 1933.
The Nazis had adopted the fasces
symbol of the bundle of wood and ax as a symbol of their `death camp`
construction while the US government`s employing killers to exterminate the 60,
000, 000 buffalo in 1800 until about 100 remained in 1880 was the principle
applied to enslaving the indigenous population of America in the death camps
reserved specially for them. The Germans adopted the ideology of specially
reserved places when telling the Jews that the death camps were holiday centers
and that, when they were being taken to the gas chambers to die with inhaling
the poison gas, Zyklon B, which was originally made in the US, it was a visit
to the showers. Consequently, the idea of holiday reservations for honored
guests was borrowed from the US` reservations for the Indians who were starved
into accepting their death camps, whereas the Jews were starved inside them
after being told that a place had been especially reserved for them at the
local holiday camp.
In Japan labor camps
for prisoners of war (POWs) were the norm during the war that ensued with the
fascist Axis powers to prevent Europe and Asia being enslaved by the Germans, Italians
and Japanese Empires. Although the USA and Britain were allied against the
fascist powers, the fasces symbol of
the bundle of wood with an ax in the center is the visible sign of US`
Imperialism in the supposed heart of Western democracy in the House of
Representatives (1879-) on Capitol Hill in the state of Washington, D.C., while
the British are credited as being the builders of the first `concentration
camps` in which opponents were incarcerated and died during their Empire`s Boer
war (1880-1, 1899-02) against the Dutch settlers in South Africa. Consequently,
when the Japanese established death camps for the POWs captured in the Pacific
theater during World War Two (1939-45), which was the second war to defeat
German Imperialism after the first (1914-18), it was typical of nation
government. Local populations were enslaved and/or killed to make them work for
money and possessions so that the killers could steal from them. In the case of
the Nazis the Jews` gold teeth fillings were extracted for their value before
the dead bodies were burned in the communal `ovens` after a visit to the
`showers` where they were first poisoned by the gas. Consequently, fascism was
a food system in which gas, oven and cooked meat were stages in preparation.
Germany was a Christian nation during the period of its pogroms against the
Jews, and Christ was the Jewish teacher, whose teachings were accepted by the
Christians: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Born with the name, Jesus, from his mother, the Virgin
Mary, the appellation `Christ` was added to Jesus` name, because it`s a term
for Messiah, which is `Meshiah` in the Hebrew language of the Jews, that is,
Jesus`s birth augured the machine or `Meshiahn` age in which gas ovens were yet
to be invented along with `TV` and cinema theater.
Jesus` mother, the
Virgin Mary, was depicted in Christian iconography as crushing the head of the
serpent with her foot, because Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen was a
symbol of human futanarian women`s capacity to sexually reproduce with women
from their species own penis` semen, whereas men aren`t their race, which is
why the Germans in particular defined themselves as the `Master Race` during
the period of the pogroms against the Jewish `chosen people` of the Bible whose futanarian tradition it is
that Jews are born from women, because women are the Jews. According to the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the Torah and Talmud of
the Jews, that is, their history and law, the serpent was the angel, Satan,
turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host would
be greater than the angelic, and the serpent proffered the `fruit of the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, to the first woman Eve,
saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen:
3. 5) Eve and the first man, Adam, were expelled from Eden, the paradise of
heaven on Earth, for rejecting God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, which was
immortality, with the injunction that Adam must labor, while Eve would
experience labor pain in childbirth, before Redemption would occur despite the
`enmity` Satan had for Eve`s `seed`: `You shall crush the head of the serpent
with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because Eve`s human species was futanarian, she was humanity`s
`foot`, although from the perspective of Satan, that is, the race`s host womb
slaver in parasitism, she was `food`, because in the later stages of parasitism
the parasite becomes parasitoid and devours the host, lest it become great
enough in terms of brainpower to escape. Consequently, God`s words to Eve about
crushing the head of Satanism refer to human futanarian women`s capacity to
sexually reproduce brainpower, while Nazism`s gas ovens for the Jews represent
cooked food, because Satanism doesn`t want human brainpower to develop an
escape from ephemerality in blind ignorant unconscious acceptance of slavery to
parasitism, so the parasitoid devourer killed as much of the human futanarian
species of `woman`s seed` as it could in order to ensure brain death: `And the
dragon was wroth with the woman, and went off to make war with the remnant of
her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) From the
parasitoid devourer`s point of view futanarian humanity is brained food, rather
than `food for thought`, which is what Douglas Adam`s science fiction novel, The Hitchiker`s Guide To The Galaxy
(1979), attempts to represent Nazism as:
`We`ll meet the meat.`1
Adams` Zaphod
Beeblebrox is a character with two heads, that is, in two minds about
everything he`s a symbol of schizophrenia, which is a mental condition
described by psychologists as debilitating individuals, who`re paralyzed by an
inability to make choices without internally debating with a personality that
has been `split off` from the ego as its counselor. Consequently, although Zaphod
represents the people who choose, rather than the Jews, who`re the `chosen
people`, his choosing is determined by the choices available, which induces the
schizophrenia he experiences, because it`s the nature of the parasitoid to
devour the human host that bore it. Consequently, the debate between Zaphod`s
two heads and the food is schizophrenia, because the food that wants to be
eaten is a symbol of futanarian humanity`s conditioning to accept being
consumed by the alien. The `Dish of the Day` at Milliways restaurant is an
Ameglian Major Cow, a ruminant specifically bred to not only have the desire to
be eaten, but to be capable of saying so quite clearly and distinctly. It`s vocal
and emphatic about its desire to be consumed, and can`t understand why ordering
a green salad is humanitarian. Saying it knows `many vegetables that `don`t
want to be eaten`, it goes to shoot itself: `I'll be very humane.` As a
`ruminant`, the `Dish Of The Day` is a metaphor for the `remnant` of `woman`s
seed` that the `dragon` of Revelation
is represented as waging war against, that is, it`s careful in its consumption
of the human species, lest it be discovered that it keeps humanity in blind
unconscious ignorance and ephemerality despite adequate resources to provide
immortality through medical science. Zaphod chooses to eat the food, because
the food chooses to be eaten, whereas the vegetables don`t want to be eaten but
are a chosen food, which is what the futanarian Jews, that is, the `chosen
people` of the Bible, represented for
the parasitoid Nazis; vegetable food that they could choose to eat if they were
brainless. Consequently, the futanarian Jewish race would have to be
exterminated to prevent it from developing human brainpower from `woman`s
seed`, lest it escape to the stars to colonize the planets in starship
technology of the human futanarian species of women`s own devising, which is
why the fascist death camps were built. If the futanarian human race couldn`t
choose not to be eaten the Nazis could choose to eat it whether the `chosen`
futanarian species liked it or not.
Scientists` belief
that life on Earth could have developed from a space borne virus suggests that
the Bible story of Eden refers to the
Jurassic period (240 M.a.) of the history of the planet, when saurians were the
dominant life form before hominids appeared (20 M.a.), that is, God`s angels
were saurian evolution, which was contaminated by a space borne virus that
interfered with woman`s futanarian evolution. In short, men were a virus, which
is why Jesus` teaching is of the need to accept `woman`s seed`, rather than
men`s: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but
refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev:
16. 11) What they do is prefer each other to women, because women aren`t their
species. Consequently, HIV/AIDS` `incurable killer disease`, that is, the
`blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) spread by
men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of
human futanarian `woman`s seed`, is men`s `biological weapon` keeping women in
fearful faithfulness to their parasitoid devourer`s slave ring. Although
Western democracy is deemed fair it`s built on the Greek model of
institutionalized host womb slavery for homosexuality in pederasty for war and
plague, that is, 50/50 although men can`t sexually reproduce while women can.
So the fasces symbol in the US` House
Of Representatives isn`t a symbol of democracy, but of death and axes, that is,
it`s a stockades` virus, which corresponds to the cell walls of the organs of
the livestock infected with AIDS, where the humans are identified by the aliens
as animals.
In The House Of
Representatives the state of California has 53 representatives while the other
49 states have the rest of the 435 representatives between them, which means
that the US isn`t a democracy but an algorithm, that is, `a computation that,
when executed, proceeds through a finite number of well-defined successive
states, eventually producing `output`.2 Because of the algorithm the `output`
is determined, that is, events are dictated by the algorithm, which is 1/9
weighted in favor of Hollywood, Babylon, in the state of California`s city of
Los Angeles on the west coast: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots
and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev:
17. 5) The movie industry capital was labeled `Babylon` after `a woman` of the Bible, who gave her name to the capital
city of the Persian Empire, Babylon (c.
4000 B.C.), because host womb slavery for parasitoid devourment of the human
race in war is the `abomination` promulgated as entertainment by Hollywood
Babylon`s movie industry. So war is the output determined by the US` political
algorithm. D. W. Griffith directed the first Hollywood movie, Old California (1910) and by 1930
President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA),
Will Hays, established the `Hays code` forbidding `woman`s seed` from raising
her futanarian `foot` on the screens of the movie theaters: `... women, in love
scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no
love scenes in bed).`3 Because the state of California has 1/9 of the
representatives in the House Of Representatives, the political algorithm
determined by Will Hays` Presidency of the MPPDA ensured war would be the US`
output. The presence in the US` House Of Representatives of the fasces symbol of the Roman Empire, which
built huge amphitheaters to watch people being killed as entertainment
throughout the Earth, reflects upon the manufacture of the human race as a
single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism
by the Romans, before `TV` was officially invented by John Logie Baird in 1926
as a `home entertainment` medium for watching Hollywood Babylon`s output of war
propaganda movies as a supplement to the fare provided by cinema theaters built
to satisfy the craving for human death for which the Roman Empire built amphitheaters.
The story of food
preparation is linked to human sacrifice in the Bible through the story of Cain who killed his brother, Abel,
because God preferred Abel`s sacrificing an animal in fire to Cain`s fruit,
that is, Abel was able to cook, which caused Cain to kill him in a jealous
rage. God`s later injunction upon Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, atop a
mountain is curious because of God`s disapproval of Cain`s killing of Abel.
When God tells Abraham his sacrifice is unnecessary and he can sacrifice a ram
instead, it`s about food. Isaac, who was born from Sara, Abraham`s wife, became
the founder of Judaism. After Isaac`s birth, Sara was barren and gave Hajer,
her maid, to Abraham and Hajer bore Ishmael, who founded Islam through his
descendant Mohamed, who received the Koran
(610-30 C.E.) from God`s angels, according to Islamic tradition, because God
wanted the human host to be greater than the angelic. In Islam Abraham`s
sacrifice of a ram instead of Isaac is celebrated as a feast, Eid Al Adha,
which seems unusual to Jews, because Isaac isn`t Moslem. However, in Islam four
wives are permitted to legitimize Ishmael`s birth from Hajer, who wasn`t
Abraham`s wife, but Sara`s maid. Consequently, Islam`s marriage system is a
continuation of the Judeo-Christian futanarian tradition of `woman`s seed`,
that is, sexual reproduction between women within the family, because humans
don`t want to be food and so need brainpower to escape the killer.
Jesus` story is
illustrative of the dragon of the Roman Empire`s male braining for war. When
Jesus was being anointed by a woman with the expensive perfume `spikenard`, his
disciple, Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after a
sermon, suggested the perfume be sold for money, but Jesus rebuked him: `Leave
her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Giving Jesus
over to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, for `thirty pieces of
silver`, Judas betrayed the futanarian future host of `woman`s seed`
represented by Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, because the Pharisees gave
Jesus over to agents of the Roman Empire, who took Jesus to the hill of Calvary
outside Jerusalem and nailed him to a cross of wood where he died. However,
Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured that of `woman`s seed`
through the sexual reproduction of human brainpower to take her to colonize the
planets and stars of heaven above. Otherwise Jesus` `chosen people`, the Jews,
wouldn`t be the futanarian `foot` that crushed the head of the serpent, Satan,
that is, parasitism for parasitoid devourment of the human species, but food
for the gas ovens of the Nazis, etc., because they`d be conditioned to believe
so. Like the Ameglian Major Cow in Douglas Adams` novel, The Hitchiker`s Guide To The Galaxy, who is bred to insist on being
eaten. Men`s unredeemed viral form of parasitical host womb enslaver of the
human race for parasitoid devouring in war wants its food to accept that,
rather than Jesus` teaching of the need for brain transformation, that is, metanoia, through repentance and
conversion from the sinful nature of the parasite to acceptance of `woman`s
seed`. In Satanist terms, the German `ovens`, where the bodies of the `chosen
people` were consumed after killing the futanarian Jews with poison gas, was an
initial attempt at manufacturing a self-preparing food that was categorizable
as a production failure.
Because the fasces symbol of the Roman Empire is a
bundle of wood with an ax in its center, the death camps built by the male
brained Empires were beheadings of `woman`s seed`, lest she develop brainpower
to escape her killer. The book of stories, 1001
Nights, collected during the 8th century, has the story of Shah
Jehan as its framing device. Jehan beheaded his wife for unfounded
unfaithfulness, and proceeded to wed a new bride each day before beheading her
each evening, but Scheherezade told him stories that delayed her death, and
Jehan married her; so she saved the women from being beheaded, which is the
story of `woman`s seed`. Men`s fasces
symbol is an image of their beheading of the human race to prevent `woman`s
seed` from escaping death and axes. Independent individuals represent the dream
of human escape from their slaver and killer in blind unconscious ignorance as
an ephemeral creature without brains enough to develop permanence. Consequently,
attacks on humanity are a tax imposed by an alien, because it doesn`t want
humans to escape from slavery. Logically that means a tax of any sort is an
alien`s, because it`s based on the principle that the individual can`t escape
from death and axes. Or, to put it another way, the alien beheads the human
race with its ax until the species accepts death, which is what men`s
unredeemed parasitoid nature is for.
Although the wit and
wisdom of the United States is that death and taxes can`t be escaped, death and
taxis are inescapably linked also. People who can afford taxis can afford
airplane travel, which means that taxis need airports, but the demoniacally
driven are possessed, and so don`t see the spaceports from whence the
spaceships leave Earth, because they pay the taxis to get them to and from the
airport, which is death and axes to `woman`s seed`, who can`t leave if she pays
the taxis, and she can`t see the spaceport if she`s demon driven by mad axmen,
who`re beheading her race to keep her in blind ignorant unconscious
ephemerality without permanent knowledge of the future that she may even have
built, but can`t any longer see, because of the head tax. After the X-15
spaceplane program to fly to the moon was abandoned, because the planes crashed,
when pilots experienced blackouts at higher altitudes at which they could see
the moon and stars outside the Earth`s atmosphere, the North American Space
Administration (NASA) developed the Saturn V rocket to deliver a lunar module
from an orbiter around the moon and on July 21, 1969, astronaut Neil Armstrong
of the Apollo space program became the first man to set foot on Earth`s
satellite from Apollo 11`s lunar module: `One small step for a man, one giant
leap for mankind.`4 Expense was used as an excuse for curtailing the space
program, although NASA was able to obtain funding for a `space shuttle`
launched by rocket from a spaceport, and able to land and be reused after each
successful mission to the Earth space station its astronauts built. There were
a number of such `taxis`; Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour.
Columbia and Challenger exploded in 1986 and 2003, and so were lost along with the
lives of fourteen astronauts, so Endeavour`s introduction in 1991 was as a
replacement, but the `space shuttle` program illustrated the problem in terms
of human brainpower, that is, the X-15 spaceplane pilots may have `blacked out`
at high altitudes, because they weren`t futanarian `woman`s seed`, and the loss
of Columbia and Challenger may have been attributable to the same flawed human
reasoning that preferred death and taxis, whereby the possessed, demoniacally
driven by taxis, arrive at the airport to board a plane, rather than arriving
at the spaceport to fly their individual spaceplanes, because `woman`s seed`
has been beheaded by death and axes by men of the `serpent`s seed` who wanted
her to `blackout` as they did:
`I'm Mrs 'Most likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the
When getting the groceries, no, for real ...
Are you kidding me?
No wonder there's panic in this industry
I mean please ...
Do you want a piece of me?`5
Pop star Britney
Spears` lyric to the video single, `Piece Of Me`, which has a CD cover of
herself on the cross in place of Jesus, suggests that the music industry has a
problem, and the title of the album from which the single, `Piece Of Me`, was
released, that is, Blackout (2007),
suggests that it`s the absence of `woman`s seed`, because of death and axes,
which is symbolized by Jesus` crucifixion by the Roman Empire, symbolized by
its fasces bundle of wood and ax used
kill `woman`s seed` to manufacture a single male brained creature wearing each
others clothes in `TV` transvestism while media `blackout` is maintained to
prevent humans from receiving the sex education they need to restore brain
functioning censored by men`s alien parasitoid nature, which ensures blind
unconscious ignorance in species` ephemerality for humanity as slaves to the
parasitism of their host womb parasites. Whether women`s futanarian race`s host
womb has a single parasitoid, or the parasite is a collective, that is,
definable as a parasitical consciousness made up of individual males, is moot.
Jesus` teaching was
that a Holy Spirit would teach after him, which suggests a consciousness
transcending the individual as a collective `tutelary spirit`, and Eve`s
creation from the rib of Adam, the first man, by God, suggests that men are
women`s shells. In Judaism the `spirit of God` is the Shekinah, who is
`tranquility` in Islam, while Jesus` role is as the `Second Adam`, because his side
is pierced upon his death by the Roman guard, Longinus` spear in a gynecological
surgical procedure, that is, a `caesarian`, designed to birth the `Second Eve`:
`Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt:
27. 54) As a shell Jesus may have been `the son of God`, but he always said he
was `the son of Man`, because born from his mother, the Virgin Mary,
uncontaminated by male semen, that is, futanarian `woman`s seed` was `Man` to
Jesus. The Holy Spirit that would teach after Jesus was the `spirit of God`,
who was Eve in Eden emergent from the shell of Adam, that is, a collective
individuality teaching futanarian humanity of its true nature and the need to
convert from a former parasitoid sinful nature to acceptance of `woman`s seed`,
which Jesus operating as a `dissident` within the male brained Empire of Rome
couldn`t express to his adherents or listeners, because they were a single male
brained `TV` transvestite creature wearing each others` clothes periodically
reconditioned or manufactured by every successive Empire to be killed in the
parasitoid alien`s wars against `woman`s seed` on Earth. Consequently, Jesus`
teaching had to rely on the Holy Spirit of Eve`s futanarian `woman`s seed`
emerging from its shell to teach successive generations of the species of
Although being `born
in the spirit` is a description sometimes used by Christians to describe their `conversion`
from a sinful nature, it`d be essential if human futanarian women`s species of
`woman`s seed` lived outside the shell of `TV` transvestism. The single male
brained creature wearing each others` clothes is the shell of the `TV`, whereas
humans, who`re `born in the spirit`, might live with women in a better quality
visual medium corresponding to the `new heaven on Earth` promised by God to redeemed
human nature, that is, if Satanism didn`t control what was seen, in censorship
terms, through its media `blackout` on how humans sexually reproduce in the
paradise on Earth, that is, heaven, after Eve and Adam`s expulsion from Eden by
God to become a `TV` shell before Redemption. According to the Bible `sheol` is the place of broken shards,
which is hell for those whose sinful nature isn`t redeemable, that is, they`re
broken `TVs` without any possibility of restoring their capacity to screen,
because what`s inside isn`t human. If broken into by the alien viral life form,
paradise would be contaminated by the parasitoid devourer, within and without
the shell of the `TV`. Consequently, the `remnant` of `woman`s seed` is safer,
as a `TV` shell, than she would be out of it, because the alien is now out
there, after breaking the screening afforded by the `TV` to persuade the
external women to accept its viral life form there as well, whatever it might
really look like when finally detached and set apart from the human futanarian
host womb of `woman`s seed`.
1 Wing-Davey, Mark as Zaphod Beeblebrox in The Hitchiker`s Guide To The Galaxy,
British Broadcasting Corporation TV,
4 Armstrong, Neil July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56.
5 Ã…hlund , Klas, Christian Karlsson, and Pontus Winnberg, Britney
Spears `Piece Of Me`, Blackout, Jive,