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Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies


William Golding wrote the novel, Lord of the Flies (1954), about children stranded on an island, during WWII (1939-45), who imagine a ’beast’ there. When a pilot ejects from an aircraft, after an aerial battle, they find the corpse in a tree and decide it’s the beast. Making a palliative offering to it, and depicted graphically in the 1990 movie version, they take a pig’s head, swarming with scavenging flies, and mount it on a sharp stick, ’Lord of the Flies’. Although the focus is the children, the pilot, found upon a tree, is a type of Jesus crucified. The Jewish Messiah, ’Christ’, ’the chosen’, was nailed to a wooden cross and died, upon the hill of Calvary, outside the city of Jerusalem, during the Roman occupation of Palestine, in the reign of the Emperor of Rome, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), after a disciple of Jesus, Judas, notified the Jewish Pharisees, that is, the religious police, that Jesus, whose New Testament teaching was believed by Christians, to supersede that of the Jewish Old Testament of the Bible, which is the Jews’ Torah (history) and Talmud (law), had been with a woman, ’Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) As the children descend into primitivism and insanity, Simon interrogates the pig’s head, which tells him there is no beast, apart from the other boys, who fulfil the prophecy by beating him to death.

 Although it’s a case of mistaken identity, that is, the boys believe Simon to be the beast, it’s clear that Simon is ritually killed in the same way Jesus was, as Dror Ben Ami suggests, in a 2015 Jerusalem Post, ‘... the blood sacrifice of Jesus was a more effective way to remove sins, because it was only needed once ...’1 In other words, Jesus was a special human sacrifice designed to make people feel better, which is why the group of boys, led by Jack, becoming his ’tribe’, steal Piggy’s glasses, who is part of another group, led by Ralph. Directing sunlight through their lenses is the only means of making fire to give light, and provide heat for warmth and cooking food, so when Ralph, Piggy, Sam, and Eric, seek the return of his glasses, gang member, Roger, kills Piggy, and while Ralph escapes, Sam and Eric, tortured by Roger, are forced to join Jack’s tribe, who start a fire to drive Ralph out of hiding. Sam and Eric secretly reveal to Ralph that Jack plans to hunt him like a pig; before beheading him. Exhausted from the chase, Ralph finally collapses at the feet of a British naval officer, who then has the role of Jesus, because he represents civilization; proven to be a veneer by the boys’ reversion to primitivism.

 What Golding explains is that the group kills individuals in order to feel better about itself, which is why the novel is set during an aerial battle of WWII; a series of confrontations where individuals were killed by groups, that is, the dead were unique, and the group weren’t, so suggesting to developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), for example, that there was some peculiarity in the collective mind: the shadow. Jung associated the collective shadow with instinct, and the spirit with intellect, that is, the boys’ descent into primitivism was characterized by their becoming possessed by a collective shadow; the beast. According to Jung, the beast was what had possessed Germany before WWII, when the National Socialist (Nazi) Party was elected to govern in 1933, and their Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, used it as an opportunity to declare himself dictator and begin a war to enslave the Earth, constructing ’concentration camps’ to intern millions of Jews who died there, and were consumed by the fires of the ’ovens’; specially built for that purpose in ’death camps’, like Bergen-Belsen, in lower-Saxony, northern Germany, south west of the town of Bergen, near Celle.

 For Golding, it’s evident that the pilot and the naval officer are the guards, that is, the ’gods’, who the Jews, for example, were expected to revere in camps such as Germany’s Bergen-Belsen; as well as in occupied territories, for example, Poland’s Treblinka, located in a forest north-east of the capital city, Warsaw. The gods belonged to the group, whereas the dead were individuals, who remained dead because they didn’t belong. However, Jesus experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, which suggested the group were gods, but they weren’t God. In the Bible, the angel turned into a serpent for rejecting the creator God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, gives Eve, the woman, ’the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it’s death to taste, saying ’You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Despite expelling Eve, and the first man, created by God, Adam, from the paradise of Eden, for rejecting the ’fruit of the tree of life’, that is, immortality, God tells Eve her ’seed’ will prevail, ’You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) Jesus, born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was a type of human born only from women, who’re called futanarian, because they’re a species that can self-fertilize with their own penis’ semen, so Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured that of women’s seed, whereas the pagan gods of war want to exterminate such individuality.

 Although the focus for anathema during WWII was Nazism, Russia’s dictator, Joseph Stalin, agreed to divide Poland with Germany on September 29th, 1939, taking everything east of the Bug river, while the network of labor camps, known from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s 1968 novel of Russia’s ’gulag’ system, The Gulag Archipelago, revealed that intellectualism, that is, the independent thought of individuals, were what Russia’s death camps targeted. Later, after the withdrawal of Russia in 1991 from those nations it’d ’liberated’ during the defeat of Nazism, the specter of ’ethnic cleansing’ arose throughout the world, where those who thought differently about religion, for example, were exterminated by the larger group mind. When Vladimir Putin, who’d been leader of Russia since 1999, on February 24th, 2022, ordered the Red Army to invade the Ukraine, a former member of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), known after WWII by the western North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance, including those with nuclear weapons, that is, the United States of America, France, and the United Kingdom, as the Soviet Empire of slave states, to challenge its independence, it was a further development in the attack of the group mind upon individuality, characterized by the Ukraine’s unique creativity, with regard to its socio-economy, as well as its application to become a democratic member of the European Union of states, rather than as a part of the self-styled Russian Federation, so called after the USSR’s own perceptions of its untenable role as a modern slave state owner.

 Interestingly, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was the commander of a sound raging battery during WWII, who was awarded the Order of the Red Star on July 8th, 1944, for directing counterbattery artillery onto two German targets, but was sent to a gulag for private comments made in a letter that were critical of Stalin. Artillery sound ranging is the equivalent of coughing to see if anyone reacts: then killing them if they do. It’s peculiarly Russian, because intellectual individualism and thought are the enemy of the group; so far as the mind of the collective is concerned. Stalin’s gulags were full of intellectuals, who were there because they’d responded to such ‘sound ranging artillery’. After listening to the coughing of the guns, signaling that the coffin awaited, before thinking, and speaking, they didn’t realize they were being sounded out as enemies of atheistic communism. In secularism public life is the visible signs of the working of a machine. Communist machinery runs, because it’s shot to hell if it doesn’t, that is, signs of thought and the capacity to speak are foreshadowed by an individual’s listening. For communists that means the intellect interferes with the smooth running of the state’s automata, so listening merits a death sentence, because it’s a prelude to thought and speech.

 Although atheistic secularism is communist, communism isn’t quite Satanist, because it’s only the perception that the group kills the individual, as the Roman Empire and the Jewish religious police killed Jesus for being sensible in his approach, for example, when the woman was caught in adultery, Jesus’ response was, ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7) As women’s seed was largely invisible, or extinct because castrated, Jesus’ observation was that the species of women had been adulterated enough without accusing it of being unfaithful to its castrator too. Although some have observed that Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, is Satanical, it’s not possible, because of censorship and taboo, for the author to make it clear that the penis is a maggot for Satanists, that is, women don’t have a zipper, called a fly, because the spider’s already devoured all of those human maggots, while the collective of men are the remaining maggots, who constitute all of the flies that the dead corpse of the pilot symbolizes, ‘It growled and it came out at me and its mouth, it was wet.’1 In short, Satan is ‘Lord of the Flies’, because all of the flies were maggots.

 In symbolic terms the aerial battle is between flies, although the cruciform shape of aircraft lends substance to the perception that the corpse of the airman in the tree is a Jesus figure, who prefigures the Resurrection and Ascension of the human futanarian species of women’s seed, whereas the naval officer’s appearance is that of a known god, who the children instantly make obeisance to, that is, after the veneer of civilization has given way to a maggot ridden corpse and the buzzing of flies, the relationship between men is reasserted as that of boys and policemen, which was that of the homosexual with Jesus. Representing the host womb enslaving of women’s seed, that is, Satanism, Judas Iscariot’s spy canard, upon observing that the woman with Jesus was anointing him with the expensive perfume spikenard, was that the ‘perfume’ should have been sold to feed him and the other disciples, although Jesus disagreed, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) From a homosexual point of view women are commodities, so the role of a child becomes that of a spy monitored by policemen, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) A common description of a woman pregnant is ‘caught’ with child, that is, it’s a spy dare. As Jesus’ disciple, John, foresaw in his apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, without women’s seed to save their race, women will be policed to meat death.


1 MacDonald, Braden as Larry in Lord of the Flies, Castle Rock and Nelson Entertainment, 1990.

Saturday, 9 July 2022




What is AIDS but a demon living on the spine? First detected in 1981 by the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, Georgia, the mutated simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), arising from apes in Africa, was deemed to have been spreading silently since the 1970s. The ’incurable killer disease’ pandemic had its origins in the emergence of HIV-1, subgroup M strain of the mutant, that is, the human immune deficiency virus, in Léopoldville, Belgian Congo (now Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo), in the 1920s. The more virulent, and easily transmittable, HIV-1 is believed to originate in Central African chimpanzees; subspecies Pan troglodytes troglodytes, and lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla): Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, the Republic of the Congo, and the Central African Republic. West Africa’s HIV-2 is less transmittable, a virus of the sooty mangabey monkey (Cercocebus atys atys); southern Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and western Ivory Coast.

 According to science’s application of a ’molecular clock’, the initial date of zoonosis transmission from animal to human is thought to have occurred sometime between 1915 and 1931, that is, after the First World War (1914-18), waged by the German Empire of Kaiser Wilhelm I, and before the Second World War (1939-45), following the conceit that Kaiser Wilhelm’s was the Second Reich, after the Roman Empire (800-1806), and that the Kaiser’s successor was the Third Reich of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party’s leader, Adolf Hitler, who assumed the mantle of Chancellor, after the Nazis were democratically elected in 1933, and who also unsuccessfully attempted to enslave the world militarily.

 That HIV/AIDS, discovered by DR Congo in 1983 to be transmitted from homosexuals injecting infected penis’ semen into each other’s anuses, was a secret Nazi ’biological weapon’ development can’t be ruled out, although DR Congo was a communist Republic at that time, together with the fact that AIDS, that is, HIV’s resultant acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), arising at the base of the spine, collapsing the organs of the body and killing the brain, weakened the human system to the extent that it became vulnerable to a virus emerging from communist China in December 2019, which killed millions of people globally, as the second stage of the slaver’s biological war, with a third stage manifest in the invasion of the Ukraine by communist Russia in February 2022.

 Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was known as ‘dragon breath’, because it was the virus of hell, and it came out of China, which has an affinity with the supposed mythological creature that appears in the New Testament of the Christian Bible in Revelation; the apocalyptic vision of Jesus’ disciple, John: ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) That the dragon is ‘red’, according to the Bible, and that the Red Army invaded the Ukraine, while the color of the communist flag is red also, is significant, as the dragon is associated with the ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6), ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) That it was homosexuality warring against her seed is evident, although the fact that war is due to the homogeneity of males isn’t so obvious.

 In the animal kingdom, the anus is a convenient receptacle for releasing sexual tension, which is why Jesus was killed by the Roman Empire occupying Jewish Palestine, during the reign of the Emperor Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), although his teaching, believed to supersede the Old Testament of the Jews, that is, their history (Torah) and law (Talmud), was ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) In The Jerusalem Post in 2015 Dror Ben Ami wrote, ‘Paul of Tarsus never said that the animal sacrifices of the Jews didn’t remove sins. To the contrary: he agreed they removed sins. The point Paul of Tarsus was trying to make was that the blood sacrifice of Jesus was a more effective way to remove sins, because it was only needed once, whereas Jewish blood sacrifices needed to be repeated year after year.’1 For the Jewish Pharisees, that is, the Jewish religious police, notified by Jesus’ disciple, Judas, of his being found with a woman, he was a human species of asshole, like his mother, the Virgin Mary, who gave him birth, legendarily without the introduction of male semen to fertilize the ovum in her vagina, whereas Mary was in fact the epitome of human women’s futanarian race, who can sexually reproduce from their own penis’ semen, because they’re hermaphrodites, so God told Eve her seed would win, after she and the first man created by God, Adam, were expelled from the paradise of Eden, for accepting the ‘fruit of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil’, which is death, from the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) Jesus was Eve’s foot, that is, he represented the human futa race, so was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by the Romans and nailed to a cross of wood where he died. However, he experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed. For God the human race isn’t an asshole upon which homosexuals relieve their tension, as the ancient Greeks did upon the enemy slain, by cutting holes in their bodies, so that they could stick their penises in, which is a type of the killer with a machine pistol; making as many holes in the human body as it cans.

 In fact Greek homosexuality was the paradigm for modernity, as host womb enslavement of women in pederasty was institutionalized in Greece for the waging of war (499-449 BCE) against the Empire of the Persian Darius, while the capital city of Persia was Babylon, founded c. 4000 BCE, and described as ‘a woman’ in Revelation, ‘Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.’ (Rev: 17. 5) Just what the Babylonians bred is the mystery, although it’s more than likely that human soldiers were genetically modified through animal semen, that is, the gods were guards. Saddam Hussein, whose Iraq was the subject of scrutiny from United Nations (UN) inspectors, looking for illegal weapons of mass destruction, could see the ruins of Babylon from his palace at Hillah, Babil province, 50 miles south of the capital city, Baghdad, during the US’ March invasion of 2003, which occurred after the UN was appealed to by the Kurdish population there, who informed that organization, representing the human family of nations, since its initial incarnation as the League of Nations in 1920, that the Iraqi dictator was implementing genocidal pogroms against the Kurds, using the chemical weapon, Sarin, as a poison gas, so defining his Persian Empire as abominations too.

 SARS is described by Jesus’ disciple, John, in Revelation, ‘And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.’ (Rev: 16. 13) It’s evident that ‘the beast’ is the homosexual; ape-like progenitor of the sterilizer of the human fearful of sexual contact, and ‘the dragon’ is the many armed demon of its homogeneity; antithetical to the differentiation of the human race represented by women’s seed, while the prophet is undoubtedly an economist, ‘Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.’ (Rev: 13. 18) As women sexually reproduce exponentially, that is, a single woman can sexually fertilize her entire species, including herself, if she has time, the false profit is the butcher, and the snuff movie maker, which is an illegal form of entertainment, where people are recorded being killed. Manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes in TV transvestism, that’s the human race, and Chaseus is its profit.

 It’s the female frog that carries the male on her back, which is how the AIDS virus is transmitted between homosexuals, that is, from behind, like a stab in the back with a knife. Weakened, the human system is vulnerable to the homosexual’s SARS virus, that is, the frog in the throat. According to the Bible, God’s first creatures were reptiles, which is why Satan, the winged angel, was turned into a serpent, as evolutionary theory suggests that mammals, for example, apes, evolved in the early Jurassic period (220 m.a.), after the reptiles of the Mesozoic era (248 m.a.), some of whom were winged and became birds, so ‘bird flu’ and SARS, found to have originated in a cave of bats in Yunnan province, China, in 2002, were frog-like, that is, reptiles attack humans from behind. Although that’s a common practice amongst animals generally, as it’s how the killer drags down its prey, whereas apes, for example, practice anal penile penetration, animal homogeneity doesn’t want women, who’re the human race, because they aren’t homogeneous, but rather monogamous; in that they only marry their own species, which was Jesus’ role: to explain that.

 Jesus also cast out demons from a man he met on the road near Gadarene, ‘My name is legion.’ (Mk: 5. 9) As the Roman legions were then occupying Jewish Palestine, the story is political as well as psycho-social, that is, the man was beset by spiners, who’re demons that live on the spine, for example, female frogs carry their fertilized eggs on their backs, as well as the male frogs, so a horde of frogs can be found on the back of the female, which is why AIDS and SARS are animal fertilization, and the virus of hell is anal, because homosexual spiners use men as their women. Vampires, for example, can’t be seen in the mirror, because they’re spiners watching from the leeched off’s own eyes, which is what they do with women, who’re taught that they’re for men only, while men are encouraged to believe the spiner is the ‘feminine spirit of God’, who is the ‘Shekinah’ in Judaism, dwelling in the tent of the tabernacle, that is, their makeshift temple, during the Jews’ exodus from slavery to the Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III (1479-1425 BCE), and was invoked by Jesus as ‘the Holy Spirit’, whereas the spiner’s a leech, watching women’s seed to make sure its TV won’t reproduce, or it’ll be recognized as an animal’s evil preying consciousness, so it possesses the brain to enthuse it with demonic influences; such as ‘ethnic cleansing’, where humans are the genocidal pogrom of its ‘blood-drinker’.

 The modern form of human slavery is the sim card for the fun, that is, the internet, provided by the telecommunications companies; such as Vodafone and T-Mobile. In many countries, it’s necessary to register the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) using the sim, which means that a simian slave has been registered by the equipment, who isn’t the user, for example, the user of a Samsung Galaxy ‘phone is registered as a company slave through the IMEI code, that is, the user has a spiner ‘twerk’, which is a dance form on social media platforms, , like YouTube and TikTok, almost exclusively lesbian, because it’s aimed at despising women’s cocks, that is, human cocks per se, as opposed to those of animalia, which are demonic, because they’re a ‘spy network’, hiding the fact that women’s futa race is bred for slavery by ‘game’ animals, who’re ‘game men’ hunting humans to extinction: gaily. Those who are ‘game’ are awful, because their genitals function, so they’re offal people, who’re targeted by the hunter, after a butcher’s hook, that is, the homosexual wants a see, like an Emperor, watching TV for the best cuts of meat, and women aren’t its choice.

 The invasion of the Ukraine by Russia on February 24th, 2022, was greeted by the demons of misanthropy as ‘ball snorting’ excitement, with Russian President Vladimir Putin presented as a Hollywood movie star, like Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, invader of Kuwait in 1990, with the subsequent Gulf wars presented as a Hollywood script by the media, whereas the symptoms were brain damage, resulting from exposure to the virus from the homosexuals’ SARS, ‘Russian troops are making very incremental, limited, hard-fought, highly-costly progress in certain, select, small spaces in the Donbas, they're way behind on their timelines and far behind on their objectives.’2 Given the fact that ball snorting isn’t a euphemism, but that human testicles are farmed by homosexuals for that purpose, it’s hardly surprising that the Russian TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system, introduced as the main battlefield weapon, initially sprays a vapor, like the fart gas symptomatic of brain damage emitted by SARS victims, before ignition of the flammable gas, resulting in the air being sucked from the lungs of the incinerated victims, as the virus of hell in a conventional heavy farting role; under development by communism since the launch of HIV/AIDS, as the preliminary steak BBQ SARS weapon of Vlad, ‘the impaler’, II.


1 Ami, Dror Ben ‘Metaphors in the Torah: The Roles of Blood and the Liver in Removing Sin’, The Jerusalem Post, February 10th, 2015, 18:57 pm, .

2 Gerasimova, Tanya ‘Invaders In Donbas Are Way Behind On Their Timelines, Far Behind On Their Objectives’, Ukrainian News, Saturday, July 9th, 2022, 14:24 pm, .

Thursday, 7 July 2022




The Universal Life Church, an American Christian organization, with many of California state’s media industry stars from its Hollywood, city of Los Angeles district, as both members and ministers; for example, pop music's Lady Gaga, movie legend, Doris Day, Playboy magazine's Hugh Hefner, pop music's Adele, and rap music’s Cardi B, ran an article in its July 6th newsletter, delivered by e-mail to many subscribers, The Visionary: Epistle of the Universal Life Church Ministries, ’Is Gay Marriage Next?’ A little further down the scroll was an article on the banning of the burkini by the people of the city, Grenoble; prefecture of the Isère department in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region of southeastern France; lying where the Drac river merges into the Isère river at the foot of the Alps, near Echirolles. The one-piece coverall swimwear modeled on the burka, and apparently originally modeled in the promotional video for ’True Faith’ (1987) by Gillian Gilbert of the English post-punk rock music band, New Order,1 is worn in public by Moslem women in the nations of Islam, whose Prophet Mohamed received the Koran (610-30 C.E) from the angels of God, according to tradition, because they don’t want men’s eyes upon them, which supposedly religious point of view is viewed by the French as challenging their separation of the life of the public from religion, which is secularism. However, separation of the individual from their inner mind, that is, their spiritual self which, apart from religion’s dictates, has its own volitional decision making will, is to create society as a collection of automata: people as machines, who’re a part of the soulless machinery of the state’s dictatorial totalitarianism; as evidenced in the rise of France as Napoléon Bonaparte’s first Empire, after a 1799 coup d'état; the first French people’s Republic subverted by its military leader. Although Moslems are often accused of having a religious dictatorship, which is anathema to those concerned with liberty, rather than libertarian excess, in France and the United States, for example, the burkini symbolizes for women the spirit of the freedom of their species’ body from host womb enslavement by a parasite.

 The statue of ‘Liberty’ (1886) stands at the mouth of New York city’s harbor, as a gift from the French in celebration of both their revolution in 1792 against the oligarchy of their own aristocracy, with Louis XVI as its king, before the founding of the first French Republic, and the success of the US’ revolution against the British Empire of George III, celebrated on July 4th as Independence Day, that is, the founding of the US’ Republic in 1776. A broken shackle and chain lie at Liberty’s feet, commemorating the US’ abolition of its slaving of black people, subsequent to the American Civil war (1861-5). However, as a type of the Roman goddess, Libertas, despite the fact that she bears aloft a torch meant to symbolize light and knowledge, Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, was a most notable victim of Roman paganism, so Liberty’s penis isn’t visible beneath her burkini, as she prepares to step into the waters from her island to swim, because pagans were for sacrificing humans.

 Although Ishmael, whose descendant, Mohamed, was the second son of Abraham, by ’the Egyptian woman’ (Gen: 16. 1), Hajer, a concubine, and Abraham’s first son, Isaac, by his wife, Sara, founded Judaism, perceptions of Islam as being illegitimate are false. According to Judeo-Christianity, the four wives permitted to Moslem marriages by the Koran were an attempt to legitimize Islam, because Ishmael was illegitimate. However, the four wives of the Moslems are afforded as an opportunity for women with penis of their own to sexually reproduce within the Islamic family, while the women wear the burka to conceal their gender, because of male misogyny. The burkina is a form of burka designed to afford the human futanarian species of women’s seed the opportunity to swim with other members of their race. In short, denying women the choice to wear the burkini is a form of ethnic cleansing, which the French with their innate regard for tolerance wouldn’t countenance if they hadn’t been made to live in ignorance.

 Although Christianity believes itself moral, a glance at the Old Testament story of the fall of Eve and Adam is salutary. The Christian Bible is the history and law of the Jews, which is their Torah and Talmud, together with the teaching of Jesus, the New Testament Christ, ’the chosen’, who is believed to have superseded the Old Testament with the words, ’Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) God, the creator, placed Satan, the angel, in the paradise of Eden, turned into a serpent for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. Giving Eve ’the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, Satan said ’You will be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Expelling Eve and Adam from Eden for rejecting ’the fruit of the tree of life’, that is, immortality, for death and slavery, God promised Eve, ’You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography, Jesus’ mother, Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because Jesus is the representative of women’s futanarian seed, born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, to underline the fact that women can produce without men. Moreover, when Jesus’ disciple, Judas, found Jesus with a woman, he notified the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who had him arrested and executed by administrators of the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood where he died, for being with a woman. However, he experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed. Upon the planets amongst the stars, free of ring slavery, awaits the destiny of the human race’s genius.

 Or men can marry their own butthole, so they can put a cork in there, while they’re preventing the women’s genius from escaping. Manufacturing people as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes as a TV is what ’gay’ marriage is. Or, rather, it’s what homosexual marriage is. Lesbians are different, because they prefer it smooth, that is, women’s seed have been castrated by lesbianism and homosexuality to prevent the human race from interfering with their alien TV; broadcasting the fall of man as death and slavery. The French might say to lesbians, bisexuals, and homosexuals, that is, the ’gay’ community, ’Ooh la la! C’est la vie!’ However, if there aren’t any babies coming out of the women’s wombs from women’s seed, for the humans it’s genocide, that is, babes are baby food for the alien devourer, as Jesus’ disciple, John, foresaw in his apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, ’The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) To what extent women are bred as food by the farm is open to revelation, although there are indications in the fact that Jesus is depicted as a shepherd of sheep in Christianity, while the Koran, which was written approximately six centuries after Jesus, is described by the Moslems as Islam, that is, just as Jesus is described as ’the lamb of God’ in Christianity, because he was slaughtered by the Romans and the Jewish Pharisees, who were the local religious bleeds concerned to facilitate the activities of the butcher, the Moslems are his lamb, whose meat production and slaughter is monitored by their bleeds for what’s called halal practice, whereby the meat is drained.

Just as the Christian bleeds prey, so the flock is drained by those who’re expert in the Bible, and the Moslem bleeds similarly drain ’the faithful’, that is, the women. The pastor in the Christian church traditionally wears what is euphemistically known as a ’dog collar’, because the flock need to be conned into believing that the wolves will be kept at bay by the sheep dog. Amongst Moslems the mutt, as distinct from the mutton, is called a Mutawah, because there are five hours in every day when the local bleeds dogs attack the faithful, if they aren’t able to prey; Fajr before sunrise; Dhuhr at noon; 'Asr in the afternoon; Maghrib at sunset; and 'Isha before sleep at night. Drained by the bleeds, they prey upon the Earth.


1 Gilbert, Gillian, Stephen Hague, Peter Hook, Stephen Morris, and Bernard Sumner, ’True Faith’, New Order, Substance, Factory, 1987.

Saturday, 2 July 2022

Vampire Draining For Life

Vampire Draining For Life


Training is offered everywhere there are humans, because for the vampire it’s all about training its resources. Vampirism necessarily means infantilism, that is, the humans mustn’t know they’re being drained. Brain damned, they remain intellectually and emotionally infants. In the Hindu religion, based on the Vedas (c. 1500-900 B.C.), religious texts mainly concerning animal sacrifice, the human is encouraged to meditate in order to raise their consciousness from the lower regions of the spine, along the energy points of the spinal column, to activate the supra-conscious ‘Self’, represented by the topmost energy at the crown of the head, called the Sahasrara chakra, while the lowest chakra, Muladhara, at the base of the spine, is where a monster waits to devour the nascent consciousness of the infant; if the child doesn’t develop along lines acceptable to the requirements of the master. What that means is that the individual who doesn’t raise his consciousness to a higher level is homogeneous, which is the characteristic of homosexuals, whose practice of sterility in the pursuit of homogeneity led to the spread of the ‘incurable killer disease’, AIDS, after its discovery in 1983 by DR Congo being transmitted between homosexuals, whose mockery of human sexual reproduction, led them to inject infected semen into each other’s anuses through their penises inserted there. The human immune deficiency virus (HIV) was the mutated SIV, a simian virus which, as the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) developed, the organs of the human body collapsed, before the brain was extinguished in excruciating agony. The homogeneous simian monster, waiting at the base of the spine in Hinduism, was reified as men.

 When the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was discovered in Yunnan province, China, scientists observed that HIV had so weakened the human system that it was susceptible. When the virulent strain of SARS emerged from a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, China, in December 2019, it was evident that being impaled on the penis of the homosexual resulted in the human species being blown out of it, SARS, as flatulence was a major symptom of brain damage caused by the virus. As China is associated with dragons, the image that comes to mind is Irish writer Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897) novel, based on the historical figure of 15th century Vlad Dracul III of Wallachia (now modern Romania), a draco voivode, that is, a dragon warlord, who impaled his victims on stakes of wood. When Russian President Vladimir ‘the steak’ Putin ordered the Red Army to invade the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, with the TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system (HFS), that is, Satan’s ‘hooves’, which spread a vapor that it then ignited, sucking all of the air out of the lungs, before the incineration of the guests at the barbecue to which he hadn’t yet been invited, it was evident that Putin was a draco, that is, the fire-breathing ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 3), prophesied by John, a disciple of Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, in his apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, as his SARS functioned in the same way as his TOS, insofar as collapsing lungs and the production of flammable vapor was a concomitant of the brain virally dying, which suggested the development by communist DR Congo, China and Russia, of a ‘biological weapon’ to make conquest easier: ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) If the human race can be prevented from developing, it’s monster food, which was God’s lesson to Onan, who in the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the Torah and Talmud of the Jews, that is, their history and law, ‘spilled his seed’ (Gen: 38. 9), rather than impregnate his dead brother Er’s wife, so God killed Onan for that ‘toss’, which economically is what Russia was guilty of; refusing to help fertilize the Ukraine, that is, build its commerce and industry, as well as restore its civilization and culture, but rather leaving the country to its independence in 1991 to return as that nation’s sterilizer in 2022.

 Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary, epitomized the desire of women to give birth without infection, although the stake at which witches were burned in Medieval times suggests that Vlad, ‘the impaler’, was similar to Putin in that he wanted the human species of futanarian women’s seed to be bred as barbecue steak, which is what Jesus had probably guessed from the mysterious circumstances of his birth. Onan wasn’t killed for masturbation, he was killed for failing to recognize that it was his duty to impregnate a member of God’s human species without semen of her own race, because men had killed, or castrated, futanarian women. Although Mary isn’t depicted in Christian iconography riding her broomstick, the fact that women’s futa race can individually fertilize themselves is the reason for men’s hunting women as witches, before they were impaled, that is, skewered like shish-kebab at a barbecue roast: ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) Of course, in the nations of Islam amongst the Moslems, it’s seed buns, as the women wear the one-piece coverall of the burka, before they go to MacDonald’s, where the burkas are served, as long as they’re with a ‘Big Mac’ family, who aren’t wearing their dirty macs:


‘Sweat drippin' over my body

Dancin' gettin' just a little naughty

Wanna get dirty

It's about time for my arrival.’1


 Although Christina Aguilera’s song ‘Dirrty’ from the album Stripped (2002) does appeal to the dirty macs, if she was in Islam amongst Moslems she’d be inside a burka at MacDonald’s as elsewhere; advertising. Born uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus’ teaching was, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) As a representative of the race of women’s ability to sexually reproduce individually from her own womb, that is, as a woman with penis’ semen of her own, Mary signified the fear of being eaten, for example, Herod, the ruler by proxy of Judea, on behalf of the Empire of the Romans, had all of the male children of the Jews, under the age of two (Matt: 2. 16), killed after the birth of the prophesied Messiah, Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, that is, Herod was the TOS (TOC, тяжёлая огнемётная система) 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system (TOS-1) of his time, who didn’t want humans. When Jesus was found by a disciple of his, Judas, with a woman, Judas reported it as a serious breach of beach barbecue etiquette to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who promptly handed Jesus over to the local Roman butchers, who had him nailed to a cross of wood atop the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, Palestine, where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension in prefiguration of that of women’s seed, so escaping the planned barbecue, which homosexuality, sticking its penis up on some spit, is the organizer of. As women are the human race, the rest are alien barbecue developers, which means that the people of the Earth succumbed to extraterrestrial occupation long before Jesus’ crucifixion.

 As the vampire’s draining the blood of the human species, in order to live forever, it’s a parasite that farms, which suggests that the pharmaceutical corporations have a role to play, that is, the farmers in their suits. While the assumption of patients in hospitals is that they receive treatment as a cure, prophylaxis is more efficacious. Assisting the body’s immune system defenses to prevent sickness is more essential to life’s continuance, rather than the prolongation of suffering, which is treating illness, in the sense of rewarding a tumor, and is how ghoul’s torture. A simple prophylaxis is a condom, the wearing of which prevents the possibility of AIDS spreading from penis’ semen, whereas a face mask was the prophylactic against SARS, because medical science had assured people that AIDS couldn’t be spread by saliva, that is, kissing, so kissing its SARS was homosexuality’s way of ensuring that their slaver did damage the human brain sufficiently to make it infant enough not to be able to direct its complaint at the source of its sickness.

 Although dismissed by advocates of political correctness as offensive, the evidence associating homosexuality with schizophrenic psychopathological behavioralism is evident. Manufactured as a single male creature wearing each other’s clothes in TV transvestism for the transmission of its virus, men’s insistence on punishing a species not its own for adultery is a psychotic attack on what they’re concerned to present as improper behavior from a race that’s an animal food resource. When TV actresses are acting for the script, they’re responding positively to the prohibition against their species’ sexuality, which is logically directable towards each other, as a taboo against lesbianism, transmitted virally to the viewing audience, who’re already predisposed by their own social conditioning to accept being ring slaves to men’s reality ‘snuff’ movie. An illegal mode of recording the slaying of victims for retail as entertainment video; taking its generic title from the cap placed upon a candle flame to douse its life. As pianist songwriter Elton John’s ‘Candle In The Wind’ (1973), homage to actress Marilyn Monroe, dead in mysterious circumstances in early August 1962, perhaps because a misogynist was complaining her mother hadn’t worn a ‘Dutch cap’ when he thought she should, laments:


‘Your candle burned out long before

Your legend ever did.’2


 For men the can opener goes only in one direction, which means it’s a woman they’re meat in. The deployment of the Russian TOS in the Ukraine, with its first stage flammable vapor, followed by ignition and incineration, suggests that homosexuality’s AIDS follow-up, that is, its SARS, is designed to indicate to the human race that its flatulent symptoms are a prelude to its cremation, where the human species sprays, after the aliens spayed it, so ensuring that the costs defray wholly upon the wedding celebrants at the three-in-one crematorium barbecue.

 Should there be any issue, the company firers will be there to ensure that, when he’s sacked, the wage slave is spayed, while the writer of the then gone viral 120 Days Of Sodom (1785), the Marquis de Sade’s AIDS virus, getting enough penetration to make clear the slaves’ beef with the company’s SARS, made sure that the virus of hell increases the slaves’ sprayers along with the brain damage indicative of all the beauties of God’s cremation, which is what the brain was drained by the company for; the drain.


1 Aguilera, Christina, Balewa Muhammad, Reginald Noble, and Dana Stinson ‘Dirrty’, Christina Aguilera, Stripped, RCA, 2002.

2 John, Elton, and Bernie Taupin ‘Candle In The Wind’, Elton John, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, MCA, 1973.

Monday, 7 March 2022

Jews Eat What Chews?

Jews Eat What Chews?


Jesus Christ was the one amongst the Jews to choose, as ‘Christ’ means ‘the chosen’, which refers specifically to his role as a victim. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, during Palestine’s period of occupation by the Roman Empire, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and died there. Ostensibly killed for his teaching patience for Rome’s invaders: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) However, Jesus’ ability to heal the blind at a touch (Mk: 8. 23), and walk on water (Matt: 14. 25), etc., suggests he was sacrificed because the Jews believed that the killing of animals on the altar of God was a magical procedure. As Jesus claimed to be more than ordinary humanity, he was killed by the Jews as an animal sacrifice: ‘Surely, this was the son of God.’ (Matt: 27. 54) That he experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven suggests God wasn’t that choosy, that is, special attributes weren’t a barrier to acceptance.

 Judaism’s injunction to eat only animals that chew cud, that is, partially digested food, regurgitated from the stomach for that purpose, is instructive. While animal sacrifices are to be eaten by the sacrificers, Jesus was human; a leader amongst those who choose to be good: ‘I have food to eat that you do not know about.’(John: 4. 32) The Jews, according to the Old Testament of the Bible, that is, the Torah and Talmud, which is their history and law, during their exodus from Egypt in the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III (1485-1431 B.C.), lived by eating ‘manna’ from heaven, but for Jesus the spirit sustained while fasting. However, a writer on religion, Mamatha, has this to say: ‘While in the wilderness without food, Jesus had food that we do not know about. He had the cud, the food that he had partially digested, that he could continue to chew on for further nourishment.’1 Just who Mamatha is, begs the question: how is it that aliens are able to define humans as animals? The argument seems to be that humans can be eaten; if it can be proven that they’re cud chewers, that is, basic Christian values are under attack. In the Old Testament, which Christianity believes is superseded by Jesus’ teachings of the New Testament of the Bible, kids are animal sacrifices approved by God, while Jesus said: ‘Suffer the little children.’ (Matt: 19. 14) The logic of Mamatha is similar. Kids should suffer and be sacrificed as animals, which accords with Mamatha’s perception that Jesus was a cud chew.

 Amongst the Moslems of the nations of Islam, who believe in the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels, according to Islamic tradition, there was a man who died called Jesus, but it wasn’t him, which allows of the interpretation that Jesus’ animal body died, while a spiritual body continued, which wasn’t the man who’d lived. This belief justifies humans being killed as animal bodies; so the spirit of the alien that has taken over the body persists. The argument that Jesus wasn’t the man who died is an argument for demonic possession, whereas for Christianity Jesus died and experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven because he was human, although he was killed by the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, and the roman Empire, as a special animal sacrifice to the god Emperor of Rome, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), who nevertheless died aged 77, while the Roman guard, Longinus, at Jesus’ crucifixion was recorded as saying: ‘Surely, this was the son of God.’ (Matt: 27. 54) Jesus’ Ascension and Resurrection was viewed as a successful animal sacrifice and magical procedure by those who practice possessing another’s physical body through the ‘astral plane’; a means of travel invisible to ordinary senses, but which dreams give an inkling of; in their apparent disregard for boundaries of time and space.

 If Jesus was attacked on the astral plane, it could have been another’s spirit that experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, which is what human sacrifice by the practitioners of ‘black magic’ is designed to effect. However, killing a billionaire and stealing his money amounts to the same thing, because the Emperor Tiberius was the equivalent of someone with a larger tent, rather than a Samsung Galaxy smart ‘phone for communicating with the universe. Breeding humans as animals in order for astral travelers to possess in transcendent meditation (TM) to use the body as a launcher when sacrificed, is what back magicians do with homosexuality, that is, they invade through the anus by means of their sexual instrument, the penis, which results in incurable killer diseases. Sacrificing the body for an alien spirit’s curse of transcendent pain, before the alien leaps over the original unaware inhabitant and into heaven, is what AIDS and SARS are for.

 That women are capable of sexually reproducing as a species, because they have penis’ semen in the futanarian branch of their human family’s tree, doesn’t explain the race’s absence from the picture, as presented by the Christian mass media, for example, which features a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes in (TV) transvestism, although the prevalence of homosexuality does. The Bible episode, Genesis, describes how the first man, Adam, and the woman Eve are tempted by the serpent, who is the angel, Satan, transformed by God for refusing to accept that the human host would be greater than the angelic. Told they can only eat of the fruit of the tree of life, which is immortality, the serpent tempts Eve to eat of ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, that is, death, saying: ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Eve succumbs to the temptation, that is, she agrees to accept the snake into her anus, which is the ‘original sin’ because, in accepting the fruit from Eve, Adam accepts the principle of being a snake in the ass.

 If Eve and Adam were women to begin with, which accords with Jewish perceptions of the first man as a hermaphrodite, while the first woman created by God, Lilith, left Adam, because she refused to be beneath, the serpent Satan is the male principle seeking agreement from women’s species to live on the spine of humanity’s behind. When male children were born, they were parasites from the womb of the species of women’s seed, that is, Satanical, so Cain killed Abel, for example, when the more able man’s offering to God of an animal sacrifice in fire was more acceptable to the creator than Abel’s fruit offering. Although Abel had invented cooked food, he couldn’t purify himself of his brother’s parasitical nature in fire, because human sacrifice was prohibited by God, which is Cain’s crime; preference for the evil spirit of the male snake on his spine. However, God tells Eve her ‘seed’ shall have Redemption: ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) As Eve’s ‘foot’ is her futanarian race of women’s seed, God’s promise is that her species will run and escape from the spirit of evil to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven, while Jesus, born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is the seed of a woman, depicted in Christian iconography as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because he represents the triumph of women’s ‘foot’ race, so has Ascension and Resurrection to heaven, after his crucifixion, in prefiguration of futanarian humanity’s.

 The problem is that of the spirit of evil, which abides within the human race, because it seeks to possess the body demoniacally in perpetuity. If the human species is led to believe in a transvestite, that is, its TV, there’ll be no new human births, while the spirit of homosexuality smokes the brain down to its butt in its wars against the remains of her seed, as Jesus’ disciple John foresaw in his New Testament apocalyptic Revelation of the future: ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) Although God condemns the evil to perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, if there aren’t any humans, there’ll be none in heaven, which is what Satanism is for. Although all of the Satanists will be in perdition for their evil, the human species will be extinct; which is Satanism’s planned triumph. God would have to accept Satanism, or there’d be nothing to play with.

 By making the human race into a homosexual’s TV, Satanism seeks to exterminate women’s futanarian seed, and by living at the back of the TV, humans are the slaves of the parasite that has attached itself there to have heaven, as the soul of the serpent-created animal body is replaced with its evil spirit, which is contrary to the teaching of the Bible where the spirit of God is feminine.2 Moreover, the Shekinah, described as dwelling within the tent of the tabernacle (Ex: 40. 34), during the Jews’ exodus from slavery in Egypt, corresponds to Jesus’ teaching of the Holy Spirit, who is developmental psychologist Carl Jung’s (1875-1961) spiritualized anima archetype appearing in dreams, art (mass media), and the imagination. As a guide to gnosis, that is, the science of obtaining knowledge from the Bible, rather than accepting it as literal truth, because women’s seed is only alluded to in Genesis, so the Gnostic scholar needs must be an unemployed detective, the anima, usually described by Jung as the soul, is the spirit of God, whereas what Jung calls the contrasexual component, animus, in women, defined as a ‘crowd’ of men, is the evil spirits of Satanism, looking to replace the anima-figure representing woman’s seed, by killing her in homosexuality and TV mass media propaganda for war against humanity machines.


1 Mamatha  ‘Eat Only Animals that Part the Hoof and Chew the Cud - Why?’, , November 11, 2018.

2 Scholem, Gershom Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism (1941, 1961), pp. 199–200, 226–227.

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Wood Dove

Wood Dove

Jesus would’ve married Mary, the woman anointing him with perfume, if he’d been able to ask if she would? The ‘chosen’, ‘Christ’, was ass skewered to the false disciple, Judas; an aspect of the carpentry motif that subsumes much of the archetypal material found in the New Testament, because Jesus’ putative father, Joseph, was a carpenter, while Jesus rejected that trade for God when he went into the temple courts in Jerusalem, saying ‘I must be about my father’s business.’ (Luke: 2. 49) Throughout the Old Testament, that is, the Talmud and the Torah, which is the history and law of the Jews that, together with the New Testament of Jesus’ teaching, constitutes the Christian Bible, the wicked are described as ‘dead wood’ (Luke: 3. 9) for the fire of hell, that is faggots, a generic term for homosexuals, who in the late 20th century were responsible for the spread of the ‘incurable killer disease’, the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), originally discovered transmitted from homosexual monkey fuckers, as a variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), by DR Congo in 1983, and specifically warned about as the virus of hell in Jesus’ disciple John’s apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, ‘Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.’ (Rev: 16.11) What they’d done was prefer each other to the human, and their punishment is eternal unendurable pain, which is God’s perdition.

 As the spirit of God is feminine, and she’s depicted as dwelling in the tent of the tabernacle (Ex: 40. 34) during the Jews’ exodus from slavery in Egypt during the reign of Thutmose III (1479-1425 B.C.), that is, ‘the Shekinah’, she corresponds to the Holy Spirit, often symbolized by a dove. Forced to carry a cross of wood to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, where he was nailed to it and died, Jesus was ass skewered dove. The false disciple Judas, finding Jesus alone with Mary, arguing that the perfume be sold, because he needed money, understood that she was preparing to be asked: 'You would?’ In short, the perfume was a euphemism for slavery, that is, Mary and Jesus wouldn’t be Judas’ slaves, so he betrayed the Jewish Messiah for ‘thirty pieces of silver’ to the religious police, the Pharisees, who gave Jesus over to agents of the Roman Empire, then occupying Palestine, for crucifixion as a ‘dissident’, who preached tactfully, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) Although Judas saw Jesus as a wood dove, that is, a reluctant homosexual, who might've, Jesus experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death, so demonstrating that he was possessed of the Holy Spirit, the feminine spirit of God, the Shekinah, rather than possessed by the dead wood of the wickedness of his crucifiers in homosexuality and slavery.

 Just why homosexuality is evil has many antecedents, for example, in Revelation, ‘Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.’ (Rev: 17. 5) Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) was the capital city of the Persian Empire, which is in modern Iraq, while the Bible describes her as ‘a woman', because Empires are built on womb slavery. In ancient Greece homosexuality was institutionalized, so when the Greek ships arrived in Asia Minor to besiege the city of Troy, according to the poet Homer in his Iliad (c. 760-10 B.C.), invasion was facilitated by means of the construction of a huge wooden horse, left outside the walls of the city, containing soldiery, and when the Trojans took the horse inside, the Greeks emerged to enslave the wombs of the Trojan women to spread the contagion of homosexuality in pederasty for war further.

 In fact the term ‘Trojan horse’ was used by latter day Greeks, geeks, as a term for ‘bad machine code’ (BMC), which they devised to infect computer systems, a metaphor for the homosexual HIV/AIDS virus, which prevents the human race from functioning. Moreover, as the futanarian human race of women’s seed has penis’ semen of its own to sexually reproduce as women, men are its enslaving virus, while airplanes dropping their bombs are an abomination for which homosexuals dropping their bums is the metaphor, that is, they want each other, they don’t want women. Men’s is a homosexual Empire for slavery and war, manufactured as a transvestite ‘TV’. What passes for men and women, male brained by their parasitical virus, after men’s adulteration of the human species of futanarian women’s seed, is a single abominable TV creature, wearing each other’s clothes; acting out its extinction in Satan’s snuff box: ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5)

 The mass media Empire of the United States of America, centered on the Los Angeles' city district of Hollywood, west coast state of California, was labeled ‘Babylon’, because of its repressing of women’s seed in the 1934 ‘Hays code’, introduced by Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA); for example, women, in love scenes, at all times were required to have, ‘”at least one foot on the floor” (in other words, no love scenes in bed)',2 a metaphor for men’s abominating the human species of futa, that is women’s seed, who couldn’t get off the Earth's floor to colonize space; if their race was raped, bombed, and enslaved.

 Jesus was a diplomat working to save his people from enslavement, while the wooden cross of the Empire of Rome can be construed as the archetype of the sword, which has to be pulled out and up, as in the story of Arthur, who became king of Britain, according to the 12th century Welsh book of folktales, Mabinogion, by virtue of a sword, Excalibur, or as the archetype of the airplane; used either to transport passengers, or drop the bombs of Babylon's Empire. Called ‘Logos’, Jesus symbolized the two-edged sword of technology, which the modern era, in adapting his teaching to emphasize the importance of transforming instinct into spirit and intellect, that is, logic, would experience as a ‘sword of Damocles’,1 the A-bomb in nations hanging over their every thought and act.

 After Jesus’ death, Christian tradition has it that the bowl Jesus ate and drank from, at what came to be known as ‘the Last Supper' with his disciples, was used by Joseph of Arimathea to catch the blood of Jesus, his side pierced by the Roman guard, Longinus, as his body hung upon the cross, ‘Surely, this was the son of God?' (Matt: 27. 54) Joseph, taking the bowl to Britain, it came to be sought as their Holy Grail by the knights of the legendary British king, Arthur, because Jesus had said to the disciples at the Last Supper, breaking bread before his death, ‘Take and eat; this is my body.’ (Matt: 26. 26) Of the wine, he said, ‘This is my blood.’ (Matt: 26. 29) Subsequently, Christian churchgoers partook of the Eucharist, that is, bread and wine, symbolizing Jesus’ body and blood, given by the priest in the form of a wafer and a sip from a chalice, because of Jesus’ bodily Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. The meaning is that they expected to experience what is known in the Christian church as transubstantiation, that is, a transformation, whereby they became transfigured, until they had the body of women’s seed, as Jesus and his mother, the Virgin Mary, had, so guaranteeing their entry into heaven.

 For Judas, the betrayer of Jesus, the bowl was a beggar’s, and the disciples were bums, because he was a homosexual slaver. Christianity, later developed as a religion for slaves and bums, was preyed on. The congregations of slaves went to worship God for the strength to continue in their endeavors, and were their slavers’ preying. If there was a marriage in the church, it was a slave ring for homosexuals to prey on, as an aspect of their usual husbandry. If there was any sign that the husbanded humans weren’t being preyed on, the airplane crucifixes would bomb the remains of women’s seed; until the beggars got their bowls out again as the bummed: ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.' (Rev: 12. 17) Christianity became a Satanist religion; hijacked by homosexual slavers.

 Although Islam was founded by a descendant of Abraham, whose wife Sara first gave birth to Isaac, founder of Judaism, while her maid, Hajer, as Sara was barren after the birth, bore Ishmael of the lineage of Mohamed, it doesn’t represent freedom. The shrine of Abraham, the Ka’Ba in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, is the focus of annual pilgrimage, the Haj, named for Hajer, because Ishmael’s illegitimacy was used as the reason for the Moslems legitimizing their having four wives in polygamy, which although it affords the possibility of women’s seed within marriage, the names for the garments worn by the women to hide themselves publicly are more revealing. Young girls generally take the abiyah, a black robe without a face mask, and married women wear the black burka, so abiyah-burka is the progression from young flesh to McDonald’s, where the prepared burgers are bought as a meal in seed buns. While women’s seed are ‘Ka’, according to Egyptian mythology, that is, the spirit of women, the fertilized are ‘Ba’ souls, so the Ka’Ba and the Haj celebrate Egyptian slavery and the McDonald’s burka box designed especially for the Middle East’s consumption, while Hajer, ‘the Egyptian woman’ of the Bible, remains the archetypal women's freedom fighter.

 As the first airplanes, for example, the Wright Flyer, built and flown 6 km south of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, USA, by brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright on December 17, 1903, were designed to carry passengers, they were wood doves, that is they would’ve borne humanity in the name of the Holy Spirit, before bombs, like those of the German Luftwaffe’s World War I (1914-18) Jagdstaffel 11, for example, air ace ‘the Red Baron’ von Richtofen's ‘Flying Circus', commemorated by English rockers, Led Zeppelin, on the cover of their 1970 album, Led Zeppelin II, and in the lyrics to ‘The Lemon Song’, 'I'm gonna leave my children down on this killing floor.'3 Whereas Jesus, born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, prefigured the colonization of the universe by women, men represented what God told Eve about her 'seed', ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15)

 In Revelation, ‘three evil spirits’, ‘like frogs’, which croak, come out of a ‘dragon’, a ‘beast’, and a ‘false prophet'. (Rev: 16. 13) As the frog is a reptile, it’s a type of Satan. Turned into a serpent and placed in the paradise of Eden, Satan was an angel, who refused to accept that the human host would be greater than the angelic. In order to understand, it’s necessary to study the Koran (610-35 C.E.) of the Moslem peoples of the nations of Islam, which describes alaqah, that is, Satan as a ‘gamer’. In sura 23 (12-14), Al-Mu’minun, ‘The Believers’, man is described as something akin to a tadpole, that is, a tad, with its seat at the epiglottis, or ‘Adam’s apple', where communications are formed as language, ‘We created man … an alaqah (leech …) … a mudghah (chewed substance).’ The ‘tad’ is commonly translated in the west as ‘dad’, while the serpent into which the tad grows at the Adam’s apple is known as draco, that is, vampire, which drinks the blood of its victims at the throat, according to East European legend, where the Hungarians, who restored the bloodthirsty Vlad Dracul, ‘the impaler’ and historical model for Irish writer Bram Stoker’s vampire novel, Dracula (1897), as ruler of Wallachia in 1456, call themselves Magyar, ‘the chewed’, because they don’t want to be possessed. However, as Transylvania contained many ethnic Hungarians, during the period of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, before the Trianon Treaty of June 4th, 1920, at Versailles, Paris, gave independence to Transylvania and other countries, because Hungary had sided with Germany, who lost World War I, so had territories taken away, and taran in Romanian means ‘folk’, while the word for church in magyarul, that is, the language of the Magyar, is gyülekezet, so for Hungarian Transylvanians it's taran gyülekezet, the hypothesis is that Dracula is a tarantula, which chews up that ape as its vampire.

 Perhaps the most influential church in Hungary, after the collapse of the Soviet Empire, that is, centralized control of those nations liberated from the east by Russia towards the close of World War II (1939-45), which the Russians refused to leave until the late 1980s, when the Russian Federation of mutual benefit for member states was formed, and countries like Hungary regained independence, was the H
ít Gyülekezet, that is, the Faith church, which relied on an evangelical stance towards the promoting of its charismatic, Pentecostal message, that is, the inviting of the Holy Spirit, as Jesus did during Shavuoth, a Jewish celebration of the giving of the Torah, or book of the law, to Moses by God, and celebrated later in Christianity as the descent of the Holy Spirit. 


 As the spirit of God is feminine, the Shekinah, Jesus’ distillation of God’s law was love. However, as women’s seed was repressed upon the Earth, a single male brained creature was manufactured; a transvestite TV, wearing each other’s clothes. Sundered, the human race was made to war against itself. Military invasions and bombings from the air, which ought to have been seen as an attack on the human species of women’s seed, were presented by the mass media as normative, and churches, like the Hít, pronounced ‘heat’, were perceived as warming up the TV in preparation for banging it in World War III, which is what draco do. At the Hít, the congregation pray with arms raised, as tarantulas do, bearing their fangs before falling on their prey.

 Although abhorred primarily for AIDS, ass-fucking is how the tad, or sperm of the demon, possesses the epiglottis, or Adam’s apple at the voice box, or pharynx, to control the speech, mind, and thoughts of the human host to its anal parasitism. In short, homosexuals possess humans as a lark, that is, for a larker (alaqah), who is Satan, pretending to be the voice of God, while they plot the human species’ ‘croaking’, a euphemism for extinction; the pharynx an aspect of the TV's snuff box: coercing (cursing) the possessed into war-making, acts of violence and other evils.

 Arabic, which was the language of the Prophet Mohamed, who wrote the Koran, dictated by the angels of God, according to the tradition of its speakers, that is, the Moslem believers amongst the nations of Islam, has voiced and unvoiced fricative pharyngeal sounds unpronounced in English, because they’re ‘for angels’. To comprehend, it’s necessary to know a little physics. Sound produces wave forms, and it was proven in experiments with electrons that particles move differently when unobserved by consciousness, that is, wave forms collapse in ways dependent on consciousness,4 which was posited by science as the basis for alternative universes. As Moslems speak differently, their paradisal alternatives are different to western Christianity, therefore, which means that Islam is a separate reality; even in England, where the importance of differences in speech have long been recognized. In lead singer Robert Plant’s lyrics to rock band Led Zeppelin’s song, ‘Stairway to Heaven’ (1971), for example: 'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.’5 Moreover, as the A-bomb indicates that Lucifer, ‘the most beautiful of all the angels’, truly fell when he became Satan, the pharyngeal prounciative faculty of Moslems is indicative of at least that iota of resistance after the fall.

 In Eden, Satan tempted Eve with 'the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil', which it was death to taste, saying 'You shall be as gods.' (Gen: 3. 5) The archetype of homosexuality, Satan was effectively Babylon's snuff movie mogul. As women's species, who sexually reproduce from their own penis' semen and host wombs, are futanarian, Jesus is woman's 'foot', that is, as Plant's lyrics tacitly recognize, after the airship comes space travel: 'Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run there's still time to change the road you're on.' On the cover of the retrospective, Early Days, The Best of Led  Zeppelin, Volume One (1968-71), featuring photos of a young Led Zeppelin, that is, Plant, guitarist Jimmy Page, bassist John Paul Jones, and drummer John Bonham, as with Richtofen's 'Flying circus' for Led Zeppelin II, but with their heads superimposed this time on a crew shot of Apollo 14, is the logo of the science fiction research flagship of Canada in Montreal, at Quebec's McGill University, Science Fiction Studies; the moon with a face and a bullet in an eye.

 The cover of Latter Days, The Best of Led Zeppelin, Volume Two (1973-79), features older Led Zeppelin astronauts, and with the ringed planet of the Earth's solar system in the background, suggesting the Saturn Award from the Academy for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. As Plant's lyrics to the song 'Houses of the Holy' (1975) acknowledge, Satanism's bombs horrifically prevent women's futa race from developing enough technologically to leave Earth and seed the planets amongst the stars of the universe: 'From the door comes Satan's daughter.'6 So the 'fallen' angel, Satan, is abominate, that is, A-bomb in hate, because all other roads are blocked.
1 Dionysus II of Syracuse, Sicily, was a king of the 4th century B.C., according to Tusculanae Disputationes by Roman orator Cicero (106-43 B.C.), who offering to exchange places for a day with his courtier, Damocles, left a sword suspended by a single horsehair above the throne, so emphasizing the fear of having power violently wrested away, and which is the ever-present attendant of every undisputed ruler.
2 Hays code,,position%20if%20they%20were%20kissing.
3 Burnett, Chester (Howlin’ Wolf), John Bonham, John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page, and Robert Plant ‘The Lemon Song’, Led Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin II, Atlantic, 1970.
4 Stapp, H. ‘Quantum Theory and the Role of Mind in Nature' in Foundations of Physics, 31 (10), 2001, pp. 1465–1499.
5 Page, Jimmy, and Robert Plant ‘Stairway to Heaven’, Led Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin IV, Atlantic, 1971.
6 Page, Jimmy, and Robert Plant ‘Houses of the Holy’, Led Zeppelin, Physical Graffiti, Swan Song, 1975.

Friday, 2 December 2016

How The Beast Worships Itself

How The Beast Worships Itself

The draco of vampire legend has often been associated with the `red dragon` of Jesus` disciple John`s Revelation: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The literary interpretation derives mainly from the 1897 novel by Bram Stoker, Dracula, which was based on the history of the figure of Prince Vlad Dracul of Wallachia (1431-76/7), who was known for impaling his victims upon wooden stakes. Although Vlad`s story differs from that of the vampires of legend, who gain immortality through drinking the blood of their victims, and who are killed by the driving of wooden stakes through their hearts, or by decapitation, the biblical association between the vampire and warfare is clear. Decapitation is a method employed as a punishment most notably in Saudi Arabia, for example, where Princess Misha`al bint Fahd was shot and her alleged lover, Khaled, beheaded in 1977,1 after she refused to marry a man chosen for her by her family. The British Broadcasting Corporation`s (BBC`s) drama documentary on the subject, The Death Of A Princess (1980), is noteworthy for the princess` beheading, which isn`t historically accurate, but corresponds more to the traditional picture of Arabia from the 8th century collection of stories, 1001 Nights, in which the Indian Mogul ruler, Shah Jehan, beheads his wife for unfaithfulness with his brother, which is proven to have been untrue, before he goes on to marry a new bride each day, and behead her each evening.

 The woman, Scheherezade, tells Jehan stories, which is the framing device for the story collection, 1001 Nights, and Jehan marries her to continue hearing the narrative, so Scheherezade saves the women. Although Jehan is clearly the  `blood drinker`, like Vlad of Wallachia, in the vampire legend it`s the monster that`s decapitated, whereas Jehan beheaded his wife and, as with Vlad, it`s confusing, that is, Jehan decapitated his wife, and Vlad impaled his victims on stakes, while according to the legend of the vampire, decapitation and impaling is indicated as the solution to the problem of the monster; not as a valence of the draco. As a consequence, there was some irony in the Saudi`s protesting to the BBC over the making of the drama documentary, because the film presented the executed princess as a type of Jehan`s wife, whereas it was Khaled that was beheaded. In other words, the beheading of Khaled further obfuscated the meaning of the legend, which derives from the biblical Genesis where Eve, the first woman, is given the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, by the serpent, who`d been the angel, Satan, transformed by the creator God, for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. Thereafter humanity is doomed to memoryless ephemerality in slavery to the death of the serpent, which is the rationale for his beheading as a draco breeding humans to be killed in warfare for its pleasure in seeing God`s plan thwarted.

In its fullness, God`s plan is extraordinary. Eve is told her `seed` will have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Although Genesis is where the Old Testament of the Bible begins, that is, the history and law of the Jews, which is the Torah and Talmud, the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, whose teaching gave rise to Christianity, is perceived as the foot of his mother, the Virgin Mary, who in religious iconography is often depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because futanarian `woman`s seed` is capable of sexually reproducing with women as a species separate and distinct from men, which was God`s plan: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus` teaching recognized that `woman`s seed` and women were sexually repressed, and that God`s plan couldn`t be fulfilled without universal love, which is termed `agape` in the Bible. Jesus` alleged dissidency against the male brained Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine resulted in his being taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem where he was nailed to a cross of wood and left to die there but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed` destined to rise from the Earth to colonize the planets amongst the stars through technologies of her own species` brains` devising.

If she can`t rise from the Earth it`s because the draco won`t allow her to leave. Consequently, if there are signs of the dragon, it`s discerned. Because starships require propellants other than oil, cars are the teeth in the mouth of the dragon preventing `woman`s seed` from escaping her host womb enslavement to the devourer, war. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men`s wars are. Khaled was beheaded by a draco for preferring a woman. Jesus` story was similar. Judas, the disciple known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon, discovered Jesus having his feet anointed by a woman with perfume, and suggested it be sold to raise money, whereupon Jesus rebuked him: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Judas gave Jesus over to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who gave him over to the Romans for execution because Judas didn`t want `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce together, as it would have posed a threat to the Roman draco.

 That Saudi Arabia is amongst the richest oil producers contributes to the story. The BBC documentary title, `Death Of A Princess`,2 resurfaced in 1997, when the UK`s Princess Diana was killed in a car crash in the Pont D`Alma tunnel in Paris, France, after a pursuit by paparazzi on motorcycles trying to get a `shot`. If a car is a tooth in the mouth of the draco, Diana was a beheaded Princess, whose Egyptian lover, Dodi Fayed, corresponded to Jehan and Khaled. Diana had been married to the son of England`s queen Elizabeth II, future king Charles, whose divorce abounded with allegations of alleged unfaithfulness. From a biblical perspective, adultery with a man is impossible for a woman, because men aren`t her species, that is, she`s adulterated, rather than a committer of adultery, which is the criteria on which accusations of unfaithfulness are based. In simple terms, Diana couldn`t escape the devourer, because the oil industry wouldn`t allow `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce the brainpower she needs to build starships to escape her slavery.

 Because the draco is a devourer, it`s necessarily a meat producer, that is, in exchange for a spurious immortality in male braining, and the consequent brain damning of `woman`s seed`, the parasite produces meat without brains. Or, in other words, as the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` is male brained, and brain damned, it becomes brain dead, and the sinful evil nature of the irredeemable parasitoid eats her, which is Satanism. The `game` metaphor of the late 20th century was that of the hunter and the animal, because of the personal computer `PC game`, which ostensibly was monitored by `political correctness`, that is, `pc`, as well as the police, that is, the regulation of the `shoot-em-up` games were based on good and bad `taste`. In simple terms, a game featuring a car chase in which the aim was to kill DIana would be banned as `bad taste`, whereas a game devised to save her, and  prevent the paparazzi from getting her shot, would be acceptable. Of course, `taste` is relative to the palate of the parasitoid, that is, it`s the `game` metaphor that`s distasteful, where humanoids are depicted as animals to be hunted and killed by the `gamer`, who is godlike in fulfilment of Satan`s promise to Eve: `You will be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) The phenomenon was evident in the Gulf war of 1990-91 to remove Iraq`s dictator Saddam Hussein`s army from oil rich Kuwait, which was labeled `TV war` when cameras placed in the cockpits of aircraft like the US` A10 gave the viewer at home the vicarious thrill of seeing the pilot `shoot-em-up` on the roads leading away from Kuwait city as the Iraqi`s tried to flee. The tiny column of refugees distanced the audience from the death and horror, and inured the watchers to a future in which distant populations in Yugoslavia, the Middle East and North Africa were hunted like `game` animals, while the entertained at home thought they were `pc`.

 Judeo-Christianity percieves itself as moral, whereas `adultery` is the basis for its `moral superiority`, and the adulteration of futanarian `woman`s seed` in male brained brain damning is what God`s prohibition against adultery is actually against. In ancient Greece, which is held to be the model of democracy, women`s host wombs were enslaved for homosexuality in pederasty and warfare. Consequently, the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of women`s futanarian mode of sexual reproduction of her species` brainpower is an aspect of the `biological warfare` waged by the parasitoid to ensure women`s faithfulness to their ring slaver through fear. Although the Moslems in Islam are polygamous, that is, permitted four wives, Judeo-Christianity interprets that as the desire to retroactively legitimize the birth of Ishmael, the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God who`d been told that the human host was to be greater than the angelic. Although Isaac was the founder of Judaism, which is a futanarian religion based on the idea that a Jew can`t be born unless from a Jewess, that is, women are Jews, and Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, birthed a futanarian Jew, Isaac`s mother, Sara, was barren after his birth, so gave her Egyptian maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael. The common argument is that Ishmael is the illegitimate child of immoral adultery, so the Moslem people of Islam are reprobate, which is the basis for Judeo-Christianity`s war rationale.

  Upwards of 70, 000 Moslem women during the Bosnian war (1992-5) were incarcerated in `rape camps` by Christian Serb militia to male brain, and so brain damn there, the futanarian `remnant` of `woman`s seed` in Islam, because the slaver prefers the ubiquitous penisless babe nudity of democracy, which isn`t: `Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) Men and women constitute the hypothetical 66.6% of the human race in the absence of futanarian `woman`s seed`. In short, men and women have been manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes as a transvestite `TV` for millennia before John Logie Baird invented the television machine for the broadcasting of the `beasts` in 1926: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) Birthing itself in male braining and brain damning, men and women are the beast`s made brainless.

 Making penisless `babes` of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, the parasitoid devourer emerges from the human species` host to kill it, and thereby worship itself. Although `meat market` is a euphemism for the choosing of sex partners between men and women, with or without the aim of sexual reproduction, it`s the meat that`s marketed, which lives ephemerally in progressively inherited brainlessness. Consequently, the slaver is the torturer too, because the meat has to find a way of living within the socio-economies of the nations of the Earth without sufficient brainpower. Although pornography is a societal taboo, it presents a simple picture of the problem, which is that the human has been degraded into a brainless meat product. Although war is deemed technologically advanced human activity, it`s a fight promoter`s meat and drink, that is, the parasitoid promotes human consumption, which is the `blood drinking` activity of the draco, Vlad or Shah Jehan, etc. The absence of images of human futanarian `woman`s seed` from the mass edutainment media promotes the meat, rather than the brain, and the brainless babes are the meat product consumed by the real pornographer, who is the enemy of genuine human sexual reproduction as the parasitoid devourer of the human species. Jesus` giving of `bread and wine`, as symbols of his `body and blood` at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, is the basis for the transubstantiation ritual of the Christian church whereby the congregation accept the need to convert from the evil sinful nature of the parasitoid creature that possesses the human race and prepare for the Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed` in heaven.

 As the host at the `Last Supper`, Jesus represents the human host from which `woman`s seed` doesn`t want the parasitoid to emerge and devour her, so his giving of `bread and wine`, that is, `the host` in the transubstantiation ritual, demands recognition that the parasitoid devours the `body and blood` of humans, whereas `woman`s seed` is the human host and isn`t to be devoured. Paradoxically, Judeo-Christianity promotes the dead as successful, that is, Jesus died, and so was successful in Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, although Jesus` fate is in large part a prefiguration of the destiny of `woman`s seed` in life. Producing a meat product for a fight promotion, those who live are accounted cowards for not being brave, while the brave fight and are killed, which isn`t Jesus` teaching. He was killed by the Roman Empire as a parasitoid draco cornering a single man, who wasn`t a coward, and had absolutely no chance whatsoever against his killer. Modern religion presupposes that the alive are cowards, because they aren`t bravely fighting to die for the draco, which is the fight promoter. In simple terms, Jesus` death is represented by the major religions as desirable. Consequently, death is presented as desirable, and heroically brave per se, which is what the serpent, Satan, told Eve, before it became the `red dragon` of parasitoid warfare in John`s prophetic Revelation of the future.

 If the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` is extinguished, there`ll be no humans in heaven, which is Jesus` truth. The draco wants humans to fight and die as brainless ephemerals to maintain its sex slave and `snuff` entertainment systems. Though written by Bernie Taupin about movie legend, Marilyn Monroe, found dead in the nude in 1962, the lyrics to singer Elton John`s `Candle In The Wind` (1973), were used to lament the death of Princess Diana, because `snuff`, that is, illegal killing for recorded entertainment, is what humans have become: `Your candle burned out long before your legend ever did.`3 Knowing that the enemy is identifiable, and real, is useful for humans. Although the vampire is depicted as being decapitated, it decapitates, and although a stake through the heart is depicted as being another means of bringing about its death, the historical Vlad Dracul, was `the impaler`, whereas the penis of the woman, which would confer immortality upon her human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, through technological progress in medical science derived from her own race`s brainpower, is the stake in the heart of the vampire transposed - and exposed. By denying women`s human futanarian `woman`s seed` the capacity to sexually reproduce her own brains` powers, men are her decapitators seeking to live forever in male braining, and so human brain damning, as a `blood drinking` draco, is their history. Science fiction fantasies of alien invasions, written by men as the parasitoid`s proxy serving, as it were, aim to conceal its invasion and possession of the body of the human host. By presenting itself as an extraterrestrial intelligence, that is, God, who frowns on human sexual activity, the demon parasitoid makes war upon the Earth as a means of feigning a defense of women`s species that allows it to continue to pogrom the race to extinction.

1 Doyle, John The Globe And Mail, `Saudi Princess's Death Still A Mystery, 25 Years Later`, Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 12: 00 AM EDT, .
2 Chua-Eoan, Howard, Steve Wulf, Jeffrey Kluger, Christopher Redman, and David Van Biema `Diana 1961-1997: Death of a Princess`, Time, Monday, September 8, 1997,,9171,986949,00.html .
3 John, Elton (music), and Bernie Taupin (lyrics), `Candle In The Wind`, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, MCA, 1973.